Force of the Falcon

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Force of the Falcon Page 20

by Rita Herron

  A son she might not be able to give him.

  “He’s beautiful,” she said, sadness welling in her chest. She had to end it now. She couldn’t bear to tell him the truth and see the disappointment in his eyes.

  His smile faded, questions darkening his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “I came to thank you,” she said softly. “And to tell you goodbye.”


  She nodded. “I’m going to take Katie home as soon as the doctor lets me.” She inhaled a deep breath. “Then I’m going to sell the farmhouse and leave Tin City.” Maybe they’d stay with her mother for a while.

  His jaw tightened. “What about your job?”

  “I can always find another one. Besides, I can’t stay at the farmhouse, not with all the bad memories surrounding it.” She shivered. “It turns out Elmsworth grew up there. He was abused in that house.”

  “I know. He shot his father in the woods behind the house.” He explained about Elmsworth’s psychotic break and the medication that he needed to control his delusions. “He really was a sick man, Sonya.”

  Sonya hugged her arms around herself to keep from reaching for him. “Thank you for everything, Brack. Especially for saving Katie.”

  She turned and then ran back toward Katie’s room. Back to the safety of her daughter and her mother, and the fears that held her hostage.

  Chapter Twenty

  Dammit. Brack couldn’t breathe. He didn’t want Sonya’s thanks.

  And he couldn’t have just found her, then almost lost her, then found her again only to have her leave.

  Old insecurities, memories of his former relationship pummeled him, and he wondered where he’d gone wrong. Had he scared her with his brutality toward Elmsworth? Did she think Katie was afraid of him? Because he didn’t believe that was the case.

  He took one more look at Rex standing in the nursery holding his new son, and emotions racked him. Hell. He’d thought he wanted to be alone, but he’d been fooling himself.

  He was in love with Sonya. He wanted her as his wife. Wanted to have babies of his own with her. And she had whispered her love in the night when he’d held her in his arms.

  He’d fought all his life for his birds. Now it was time for him to fight for the woman he wanted as his wife.

  He sucked in a breath, rubbed his hands over his eyes, then strode down the corridor. When he rounded the corner, he spotted Sonya talking to her ex. Anger rallied inside him. They looked cozy, tucked together on a love seat against the back wall.

  He leaned against the door edge, giving them space. If Sonya wanted a reconciliation with her child’s father, how could he justify standing in the way?

  He waited, pain riffling through him at the thought. Stan murmured something in a low voice and put his arms around Sonya, and she hugged him in return. When she pulled away, tears glittered on her cheeks. Then she looked up and spotted him, and her face paled. Regret, wariness—and something else—flickered in her eyes.

  Or had he imagined the momentary second of desire because he wanted her so bad?

  Desperate to regain his composure, he headed past her to the coffee machine. He had to calm down. Let Sonya make the decision. Come to him if she wanted.

  But hell, she doesn’t even know you love her.

  Hadn’t he told her when he’d rescued her? Or on the way to the hospital?

  No…things had been so crazy.

  With sweaty fingers, he stuffed two quarters into the coin slot, but the dispenser rumbled noisily, then locked up. No coffee. He pounded his fist against it, and a cup dropped down into the holder. But no coffee streamed down, not even hot water.

  He clenched his jaw. An empty cup, just like his life would be without Sonya and Katie.


  He froze, dropped his fist down to his side. His left arm throbbed where the bullet had went in, but the pain was nothing compared to the dull ache in his chest.

  He forced himself to face her, although he didn’t think he could stand it if he saw love for Silverstein in her eyes. Not when he wanted her for himself.

  He had to know. Ground the question out between gritted teeth. “You’re moving back to Denver to be with him?”

  “Is that what you think?”

  “You said you were leaving Tin City.” He removed the empty cup from the dispenser and gripped it in his hand. “It looks like you two were getting back together.”

  “Things aren’t always what they seem,” she said quietly.

  No. She was nothing like she’d seemed at first.

  And he was not the tough loner he wanted everyone to think. He’d been ripped apart inside when his family had been shattered as a kid. And now it was happening again—she was being torn from him, too. It wasn’t fair.

  “You think I should reconcile with Stan?” she asked.

  He dropped his head forward. Crushed the cup in his hand and tossed it into the wastebasket. “You should do whatever makes you happy.”

  “Sometimes choices aren’t that simple,” she said in a strained voice.

  He heard the underlying meaning. She had Katie to consider. Katie’s real father.

  Her hand brushed his shoulder. “What about you, Brack? What would make you happy?”

  He shook his head. “This isn’t about me.”

  “It’s not?” Her voice took on a note of anger. “All right, then I guess it really is over between us. Like you said, it was just sex.”

  She turned abruptly and started to walk away. Desperation made him lunge forward and grab her arm. She glanced down at his fingers, then up into his eyes.

  “It wasn’t just sex, Sonya.” His voice wavered, thick with emotions. He didn’t care. For once he had to be honest. “I love you.”

  There, he’d put himself on the line. If she walked away, he’d survive. He didn’t know how, but he would.

  She stared at him with tears in her eyes. He ached for her to say she loved him, that she couldn’t live without him in her life. “Oh, Brack.”

  “I…” Anguish darkened her eyes. “I wanted to hear that, but…”

  “But what? You love Silverstein?”


  “Then are you afraid of me?” he asked. It would hurt if she said yes, but he had to know that, too.

  “No. Heavens no, not of you.” She wet her lips, and her face crinkled with sadness.

  He slid his fingers into her hair. “Then what are you afraid of?”

  Her lower lip quivered. “Of telling you the truth.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My flaws….”

  Anger surged through him as he remembered her comment about Stan. “I thought we covered that when we made love. Did Silverstein say something else just then?” He’d hurt the man if he had.

  She shook her head. “No, it’s just…I watched you at the nursery window, saw the look on your face when you looked at your nephew.”

  A smile slid on his face, goofy he knew. Who would have thought one little baby could do that? “Yeah. I’m happy for my brother.”

  “And some day you’ll want a family, too. One of your own.”

  “I adore Katie,” he said in a rush. “I’ll try to be a good stepfather to her.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “And you could love Katie in spite of her handicap?”

  “She’s not handicapped, she’s special, an angel,” he said in a thick voice. “And I’d never hurt her, Sonya. Or you.”

  “But you’ll want children of your own.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe. You don’t want more kids?”

  She bit her lip as a tear trickled down her cheek. “I would love more children.” Her voice cracked. “B-but Katie inherited the gene for her disorder from me, Brack. If I have another child, I might pass it on again—”

  He curled his hands into fists. “That’s the reason Silverstein divorced you and Katie?”

  She nodded miserably. “He couldn’t bear to look at her, at me, any

  “I’m not him.” Brack cupped her face in his hands, forced her to look into his eyes, to see the truth. “Sonya, I love you and Katie, flaws and all. Hell, it’s not like I’m perfect myself.” He cleared his throat, determined she believe him. “And if we decide to have another child, and she or he turns out like Katie, then I’ll love them, too.” He traced a thumb over her cheek, brushed at her tears. “Don’t you get it? Nothing matters except that we’re together.”

  Another tear trickled down her face. “Brack—”

  “Shh.” He pulled her into his arms. “I love you more than life itself, Sonya. I just want you to love me back, the way you said you did last night when we made love.”

  “God, Brack, I do love you. I love you with all my heart. I can’t stand to think about not being with you.” She traced a finger over his cheek, then kissed him tenderly. “And I never wanted or intended to go back with Stan. You’re the only man in my heart.”

  Her words soothed away any lingering doubts. “Please say you’ll marry me, Sonya. Be my wife.”

  She nodded against him, and he wiped the tears from her eyes and melded his mouth over hers, tasting the saltiness of her tears, the sultriness of her desire and the sweet hope of the future they would have together.

  A future filled with love and a happy family that he had never dared dream about before. One that would be all the sweeter because of it.


  It was the happiest day of Brack’s life.

  Easter lilies decorated the patio. Spring had arrived with sunshine and warm weather. The birds were safe again. His parents had flown in.

  And he and Sonya were getting married in the garden at Falcon Ridge.

  His entire family—Rex, Hailey, Wyatt, Elsie, Deke, Allison and his parents—were gathered for the ceremony. His father was the best man.

  Sonya’s mother and Katie were there. Katie, dressed in a shimmering long pink dress, bubbled with excitement about being their flower girl.

  He adjusted his duster and stepped to the French doors, but the doorbell rang, and he frowned. Everyone they’d invited was already on the patio.

  Hoping there were no problems that needed the agency’s attention, he hurried to the front door, determined to get rid of the unwanted guest. Sonya walked down the steps, dressed in an ivory tea-length lacy dress that hugged her curves and made him want to rip it off

  As he opened the door, he spotted Stan Silverstein standing on the stoop.

  He knotted his hands. No. Nothing could go wrong today. Silverstein couldn’t come and make a last-ditch effort to win Sonya back. Brack wouldn’t concede. Not without the fight of a lifetime.

  “What are you doing here, Silverstein?”

  “Stan?” Sonya said softly.

  Silverstein had the good graces to look sheepish, but he stepped inside anyway. “I want to talk to Sonya.”

  He stiffened. “Anything you have to say you can say to both of us.”

  Stan glanced at Sonya, but she slid her hand into Brack’s and nodded.

  “All right. I…” Stan hedged, looking down at his polished shoes.

  “You’re not going to stop the wedding,” Brack said.

  Silverstein jerked his head up. “No, that’s not why I’m here.” He reached inside his pocket and removed an envelope. “I wanted to give you this, Sonya. Consider it my wedding present.”

  Brack narrowed his eyes, and Sonya frowned, but accepted the envelope and opened it. Her soft gasp followed. “Stan, I don’t understand.”

  Brack snatched the paper and skimmed it.

  “I’m not proud of what I did, Sonya, that I lied to you. Those tests…when they came back, I couldn’t face the truth. Couldn’t stand the fact that I was the one who carried the genetic disorder that caused our daughter’s handicap.” His voice wavered. “I knew before you got pregnant that I carried the gene. That’s why I was upset over the pregnancy. And then…I hoped things would be normal, but when Katie was born, I couldn’t bear to look at her and know that my baby was crippled because of me.” He hesitated, then forged on, his voice stronger. “I know it’s not much in the way of an apology, but I am sorry.”

  “That’s the reason you switched to plastic surgery?” Sonya asked.

  He nodded. “I understand other people’s needs to fix their flaws.” He looked humble. “Only I couldn’t fix my own and was too much of a coward to admit the truth, so I blamed you.”

  Tears glittered in Sonya’s eyes, but forgiveness softened her voice. “I can’t believe this, Stan. Why are you telling me now?”

  He cleared his throat. “You deserve to know the truth. And I…I’m trying to face it myself.” He extended his hand toward Brack. “You’re a good man, Falcon. I hope you two will be happy. And sometime, maybe if it’s all right with you, I’d like to try to forge a relationship with my daughter.”

  Brack’s throat tightened, but for Katie’s sake they had to make it work. And with Sonya’s love and amazing compassion and understanding, they would. He shook Silverstein’s hand, then they watched him drive away.

  Sonya cuddled against him, and they walked to the garden out back. “You know what this means?” she whispered.

  He pressed a kiss to her lips, loving her so much it hurt. “Yes, but you know the genetics never mattered to me.”

  Sonya kissed him tenderly. “I know. Your acceptance made me love you all that much more. But now, one day…maybe we’ll have a little Falcon boy to carry on your name.”

  Emotions threatened to choke Brack. What better wedding present could they have received today?

  He opened the French doors, and the sound of the wedding music filled the air. He squeezed Sonya’s hand and walked to the front of the garden, surrounded by his friends,

  Then he turned to watch the woman he loved and her daughter walk toward him.

  Katie shocked them all by propping her crutches against a metal folding chair and walking down the aisle without them. As she dropped flowers on the lawn, sniffles floated through the garden. His mother’s. Sonya’s. His sisters-in-law. Katie’s grandmother.

  And he knew without a doubt that Katie’s courage was the greatest gift of all.

  His bride strolled toward him, a beaming smile of joy on her face. A falcon glided above, and love soared in his heart. Today he would become Katie’s stepfather.

  And one day maybe a father himself.

  But most of all, today he would make Sonya his wife. And together they would start a new chapter in the Falcon family’s history.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7853-4


  Copyright © 2006 by Rita B. Herron

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  *Nighthawk Island

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten
  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty





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