Karl's Italian Adventure

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Karl's Italian Adventure Page 2

by Terry O'Reilly

  Karl, despite the unreality of what was happening, felt he should comfort the youth in some way, but he had no clue as to what to do. He had never been in a situation like this before. "What'd you do?" was the best he could offer.

  "For a few days I stayed with him, but we never were lovers again."

  "Myrna was right! Michelangelo's model was his lover as well," said Karl, thinking out loud.

  "Yes, I was," Antonio said simply, then continued with his tale. "I left his dwelling and went to the Palazzo. I walked around the statue. I stopped in front of it and made a wish. I wished that I would find a man who would love me as I had loved my Micho. That man I would love in return with all my heart."

  Antonio's words echoed in Karl's mind as his own came back to him. Well, goodbye David. I wish you were real. I've never had a boyfriend or a friend of any kind I could love. I'd love to meet a guy like you.

  The absolute absurdity of the situation descended on him. Here he was, calmly talking to a naked young man, who claimed to be the lover of Michelangelo, the model for the David. The young man, in the meantime, seemed to be taken more by the electronic device before him, than by fact that he was now a living being five hundred years removed from his former life.

  "How does this work? How do the pictures get inside? They look to be alive."

  Speaking as if he were in a trance, Karl began to explain about cameras and satellites, when the phone rang. Before he could answer it, Antonio leapt gracefully over the bed, picked up the receiver and said, "Hello?" in imitation of what Karl had done earlier.

  Karl held his breath.

  "Yes, it is Antonio." He paused. "Excuse me a minute." He held the phone out to Karl. "There is someone in the...the...phone?"

  Karl nodded.

  "I cannot understand the language she is speaking. But, she knows my name."

  Karl, more puzzled now than ever, took the handset.


  Myrna's voice came through loud and clear. "That Antonio. I just love it when he talks Eyetalian. Ya'll have to teach him American while we're here."

  Now completely befuddled, Karl asked, "How'd you know Antonio was here?"

  "Well, he's yer roommate ain't he?"

  "My roommate?"

  "Yeah, ya dummy, yer roommate. Yer're the one who said ya wouldn't mind sharin' a room with 'im when the tour guys said they'd booked one too many. Don'cha remember?"

  Karl was trying to process this astounding piece of information. Antonio now stood with his back to him, watching the TV. The sight of his gorgeous ass once again added to Karl's confusion.

  "Err...yeah...I remember," he lied.

  "Well, good fer you. Ya ain't senile after all. Now, I called to invite ya two to have dinner with me. My treat." Myrna laughed heartily. She knew very well dinner was included in the tour fee. For her, of course, it was free, as she had won the trip.

  His mind still reeling, Karl tried to think of an excuse for not accepting her invitation. He started to say that Antonio had no clothes, but then realized he couldn't say that.

  "I'll meet ya in the restaurant at seven. I sure hope they got pizza here. See y'all."

  She hung up.

  Stunned, Karl replaced the receiver.

  Antonio turned to him from the TV. "Who was that?"

  "Myrna. She ah, she wants us to go to dinner with her."

  "That is wonderful. I am starving."

  "Antonio?" Karl asked.


  "When Myrna called, what language were you speaking?"

  "Italian, of course."


  "Yes, Italian."

  "But I heard you. You were speaking English."

  "No," replied Antonio. "I do not speak English."

  "Are you speaking Italian now?"

  "Yes," Antonio said, looking puzzled.

  "What language am I speaking?" Karl pressed on.

  "Italian. Why are you asking me these silly questions?"

  "I don't speak Italian, Antonio."

  They stared at each other.

  * * * *

  "Well, that wraps up the six o'clock report," the TV anchor said. "Stay tuned for our seven PM world financial summary in just a few minutes."

  "Dinner!" Karl realized if he didn't meet Myrna in the hotel dining room, she would come up to the room, but Antonio was naked. "Antonio, we need to get you some clothes so we can go to dinner."

  Karl went to the dresser and pulled out some boxers and socks. He handed them to the young man, who looked at them curiously. Karl then went to the closet. He pulled out a shirt and pants.

  He held the pants out in front of him. Antonio was a good five inches taller than Karl. He threw the pants on the bed, gave the shirt to Antonio and opened another drawer.

  Taking out a pair of shorts and a belt, he turned and said, "Get dressed."

  The shorts had to be cinched tight, and the shirt was too big, but it would have to do.

  Now for shoes.

  Karl went back to the closet and pulled out a pair of tennis shoes. Too small.

  "Take off the socks."

  Antonio obeyed.

  Back to the closet and out came some sandals. With a bit of jimmying of the straps, they would make do.

  "We'll see about getting you some clothes tomorrow...if you are still here..."

  Karl's voice trailed off.

  The two men looked at each other.

  "I hope I will be here tomorrow," said Antonio. "I want to get to know you better."

  "I hope so, too. I still don't know what's going on, but I don't want it to end just yet."

  There was a loud knocking on the door. Both men jumped. Karl went to the door and opened it. It was Myrna with hands on hips.

  "Y'all gonna keep a lady waitin' all night? I got tired a waitin' at the restaurant."

  Karl stepped back, and Myrna entered the room.

  "Myrna, this is Antonio."

  "What's wrong with ya?" she scowled. "I was with 'im all afternoon."

  Karl looked at Antonio, who looked puzzled and shrugged.

  "Come on," Myrna said. "Let's get that pizza! Youngster, y'all really need some clothes that fit. I sure will be glad when this here baggy fad's over with. Them kids back at school come through that lunch line and ya kin just about see their ass cracks." She laughed.

  "What did she say?" Antonio asked.

  Karl just rolled his eyes and sighed.

  * * * *

  While they stood in the carpeted hallway, waiting for the elevator, Karl tried to put things together.

  Myrna prattled on while Antonio smiled and nodded. He looked at Karl from time to time; clearly indicating he didn't have a clue as to what she was saying.

  Antonio was, apparently, the David statue come to life. He spoke Italian. Karl, who spoke no Italian, could understand him. He spoke back to Antonio in English, and the young man could understand him, although he spoke no English. On top of this, Myrna had the impression Antonio had been on the tour from the beginning. Karl shook his head. It was too much to comprehend.

  The elevator door opened.

  "What is this?" Antonio asked, peering into the carpeted, mirror-lined box.

  "It's an elevator," Karl said.

  "When'd ya learn to speak Eyetalian?" Myrna queried, looking at Karl suspiciously.

  Evidently when Karl spoke to Antonio, others heard him in Italian.

  "I pick up things quickly," he said with a shrug, trying to cover his amazement.

  They walked inside. Antonio looked around apprehensively.

  Before Karl could answer the young man's question about the elevator, Myrna pressed the lobby button, the door closed and the elevator started its descent. Antonio let out a small gasp and threw his arms around Karl.

  "Hey, ain't cha never been on an elevator?" Myrna asked.

  Karl felt Antonio's body against his. Antonio's thigh was against his penis. He felt a flush of warmth course through his body and he immediately began to harden.
  Recovering from the shock of his first ever full body hug, he said, "It's okay. The elevator takes you up and down between floors. It's okay."

  Antonio relaxed his hold on Karl, much to the older man's disappointment, and said, with a shy smile, "Sorry."

  "Ain't polite for ya two to carry on in Eyetalian when y'all know I cain't understand a word of it."

  The door opened, and the trio walked out into the lobby. Antonio gazed around, looking amazed. He looked from the scene around him to Karl and back again. Karl smiled at him reassuringly and led the way to the restaurant. He couldn't help but notice how many heads turned and appraised Antonio admiringly. The man was stunning, even in his oversized clothes. Karl smiled. As they approached the doorway to the restaurant, Karl realized that more formal attire was required.

  "I don't think we can be seated here," he said.

  "Why the hell not?" came Myrna's reply.

  "I think we have to be wearing a tie."

  "Well, that's purty stupid," the woman continued. "Come on."

  With that she led the way to the maître d's podium.

  "Y'all gonna let us eat here?" she demanded.

  The tuxedoed gentleman behind the stand looked them up and down.

  "Signora," he began. "I am sorry, but in the formal dining room, more appropriate dress is required."

  "Well, ain't that just too bad," Myrna returned. "I'm an American and ya kin just kiss my patutie."

  Karl stepped in with a stern whisper. "Myrna, there's a coffee shop across the lobby. We can eat there."

  Myrna was about to protest. Just then, Antonio stepped up to the man and began speaking. Karl heard the Italian, but couldn't understand what the young man was saying. It seemed that when Karl wasn't being directly addressed, a language barrier was raised.

  The two men spoke and laughed.

  The maître d' nodded his head in a fatherly way and said. "Your nephew has explained the situation and I understand how difficult it is when your belongings have been stolen. Please, excuse me and enjoy your meal."

  "My nephew! What da ya mean, my nephew?" Myrna began.

  "Shut up," Karl whispered through gritted teeth, steering her forward behind the gentleman as he led them to a table in the back of the restaurant.

  Once seated, Karl looked at Antonio in amazement. "How'd you do that?"

  "When I was with my Micho, we sometimes went out for meals. He did not like to wash or change clothing. I always had to convince the barman he was not a vagrant. I learned all manner of tricks." He smiled his brilliant smile and Karl felt a twitch in his groin area.

  "Y'all gonna let me in on yer little secret?"

  Karl explained to Myrna as best he could without letting on that Antonio's kind old uncle was Michelangelo.

  After dinner, which went very well except for Myrna complaining that 'there weren't no pizza' on the menu, they made their way back to the elevators. Several of the folks on the tour passed and hailed Karl, Myrna, and Antonio as well. Karl was still bewildered, but was beginning to accept the fact that something extraordinary had taken place.

  Leaving the elevator, they bade Myrna goodnight and made their way back to their room. As he opened the door, Karl began wondering what was ahead that night.

  He didn't have long to ponder. Karl closed the door and turned to find the statue come to life standing in front of him with a wonderful, broad smile on his handsome face.

  He opened his arms to Karl. "Muoio dalla voglia di stare con te, mio amore."

  Karl heard the Italian, understood it in English, but couldn't believe what he was hearing. This beautiful young man had just told him he was dying to be with him. He even called him his love. He wanted with all that was in him to walk into those waiting arms and fulfill the desire of a lifetime, but he hesitated.

  Antonio's smile faded. "Have I done something wrong? Have I made a mistake? Do you not desire to be with me?" His arms dropped to his sides.

  "Oh, no. No, I do, I..." Karl fumbled with words. "I...I've never been with a man...or a woman...I..."

  The smile returned to the young man's face. "You are a virgin?"

  "Yes," said Karl in embarrassment.

  "But this is wonderful. Come, let me show you."

  Antonio opened his arms again, and this time didn't wait for Karl to close the gap between them. He walked forward and took the older man in his arms and held him close.

  Karl closed his eyes. He could feel his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He responded immediately to the pressure of Antonio's penis throbbing against his stomach. Karl's head was tucked under Antonio's chin.

  The young Adonis stroked Karl's hair, whispering, "Amore mio, amore mio, my love, my love."

  Karl felt he was going to cry from the sheer joy of the moment.

  Antonio tipped Karl's chin up to his. He smiled into Karl's eyes and lowered his face. Karl realized he was going to be kissed for the first time by someone other than his mother. He shuddered. Soft lips brushed his. He was momentarily alarmed. What if he wasn't any good at this? But he had no time to worry; Antonio's warm kiss pushed aside his anxiety. And, when he asked for entry into Karl's mouth with his tongue, it was readily granted.

  The kiss lasted for a long time. When they finally broke apart, Karl was breathless. He could feel warm, moist pre-cum running down his leg. He looked up into the eyes of his would-be lover, who smiled down on him.

  "Come," Antonio said.

  He lead Karl to the bed, where they stretched out face to face. Antonio stroked his face, touched his nose and lips, traced his eyebrows. More kisses followed with bodies pressed hard together. A slow undulation began. Karl could feel his hardness against the firm, flat abdomen. He could feel Antonio's erection against his legs, the head pushing into his scrotum as the young man pressed forward.

  "Do you love me?" Antonio asked.

  Karl responded by increasing the pressure of his embrace and saying, "With all my heart."

  Antonio rose from the bed. He removed the overlarge shirt. The light from the nightstand highlighted the contours of his muscular chest and stomach. He loosened the belt and let the baggy shorts fall to the floor. His erect penis strained against the fabric of the boxers. Karl held his breath.

  With agonizing slowness, Antonio hooked his thumbs in the waistband and lowered the underwear. His manhood, freed from its constraints, leapt up and slapped his rock hard abs. The foreskin was pulled back, a whip of glistening pre-cum flew from its tip. Antonio stood for a moment, allowing Karl to feast on the sight of the man who was going to initiate him into loving sex. Then Antonio lowered himself back to the bed and embraced Karl once more.

  Karl needed no encouragement to begin to stroke and explore the magnificent body now offered so willingly to him: the smooth firm skin, the hard erect nipples, the muscles that stood in high relief, the firm, round ass, the dense, soft pubic hair and finally the thick, rigid phallus. New and thoroughly delightful sensations assaulted his body. He felt as if his genitals were going to explode. He longed to climax, but at the same time didn't want the delicious anticipation to end.

  After many minutes had passed, Antonio began to reach for the buttons on Karl's shirt.

  Karl panicked. "No, please I...no. Turn out the light."

  "But why?"

  How could Karl explain that he was ashamed of his body? Even the thought of admitting that to Antonio was more embarrassment than he could stand. He was fifty-one years old. He had never worked out a day in his life...well, not since that college course, Health and Fitness, in which he was forced to do so. He was not exactly overweight, but he had a distinct pear shape. His chest was soft, and his arms and legs thin. He had very little body hair, and his equipment was average at best. How could he think this perfect human specimen wanted him or could enjoy him in any way? He felt the joy of the previous hour fade to nothingness.

  When Karl did not respond to Antonio's question, Antonio took matters into his own hands. He lay down next to the man and enfold
ed him in his arms.

  "You wished for me, and I am here. Is that not what you understand has happened?"

  "Yes," Karl replied, feeling desolate.

  "And I wished I could find a man who would love me as I loved Micho. One I could love in return. I did not wish that he be anything but a man with the capacity to love. Do you understand what I am saying?"

  "Yes, I think so," Karl said again, this time feeling something changing inside him, his hesitancy abating.

  "I believe both our wishes were granted."

  Karl smiled. "Thank you, Antonio."

  "Call me Tonio. That is what I want you to call me. Micho never would, even though I asked him many times. To me, when I am called by that name, it means, I love you. My momma called me that and I know she loved me."

  "Tonio," said Karl tenderly. Tonio leaned forward and kissed him. "Tonio," he said again.

  Tonio began to unbutton Karl's shirt once more. This time Karl didn't protest. He allowed his lover to remove the garment and caress his body with his hands and lips. As the luxurious sensations of his nipples being kissed and suckled thrilled him, he realized his belt was being undone. With only a moment of hesitancy, he raised his hips and allowed his dream lover to complete his disrobing. Lying naked with another man for the first time in his life, Karl let himself go completely.

  Positioning themselves so their erections were pressed against one another, they brought each other to an orgasm that caused Karl to believe he had truly transcended the bounds of earth. Coated in each other's seed, they kissed their way to sleep.

  * * * *

  As the early morning light pierced the sheer curtains, Karl sat propped with pillows against the headboard. Tonio lay with an arm and leg draped over Karl's body, his head snuggled against his chest. Karl played with the soft, black curls on his lover's head with one hand and with his other gently stroked Tonio's forearm. He closed his eyes and let happiness fill his being.


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