Return to Hell Texas

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Return to Hell Texas Page 4

by Tim Miller

  “Oh God no! Please! What are you doing to do? Please put it away! Please!”

  “Oh come on now, I think he likes you.”

  The snake was about a foot long as he set it on her leg. She was trembling uncontrollably but tried to hold as still as she could so as not to startle the creature. It crawled along her thigh and then across her stomach. She shivered as it turned and slid in between her legs, right across her labia. To her shock and terror, the tingling in her vagina scared her even more as her juices began flowing. The snake stopped and flicked its tongue at her wetness, lapping up her juice and teasing her pussy, causing more juices to flow.

  Tears ran down her face at the complete betrayal of her body. She was completely terrified, yet her body was reacting to sexual arousal from a snake. There was nothing she could do but lay there, close her eyes, and hope it would end soon. Unfortunately, it was nowhere near over. Her trembling grew worse each time the snake moved across her skin or licked her vagina. At one point, it began slithering right up in between her labia when she twitched so hard her hips came off the mattress.

  The snake snapped and bit her labia as she howled in pain. Rufus reached down and grabbed the snake by the head and lifted it away, but the damage was done. With that single bite, her whole vagina throbbed with pain as the toxins made their way through her sensitive skin. She could feel the swelling begin as droplets of blood trickled down her groin.

  “Damn, never seen him bite a pussy like that before. Does it hurt?”

  “No shit it fuckin’ hurts! I need to get to a hospital! Fuck! I can feel the poison!” she screamed as her labia throbbed and swelled. She couldn’t see it but it already felt like it was the size of a baseball. Instead of getting any help, Rufus began removing his clothing, revealing his fiery red pubes and thin but stiff boner.

  “Nah, I’m a gonna fuck it. I’ll bet its super tight now!”

  Chapter 10

  Stacey woke up in the bed of a truck bouncing up and down. There was a heavy tarp fastened over her. She struggled against it and managed to pull the tarp away enough to sit up. A trail of dust was kicking up into the air as the truck bounced along rocks and dips in the dirt road up the hill, winding around the ridge. From the back of the truck, she couldn’t even see the highway. What she could see was someone driving her car some ways behind the truck.

  It took her a second to remember what had happened. This girl Livia that Alan had insisted on stopping for had pulled a gun on her. The rest was a bit foggy, but there was also some guy who had punched out Alan. What the fuck was happening to them? Soon the truck skidded to a halt and the man jumped out of the cab and walked around back. As soon as they were at a complete stop, Stacey decided not to wait around to see what they had planned.

  She leaped from the truck bed on the opposite side and began running.

  “Hey! Get back here, you cunt!” the man yelled as he took off after her. She had no idea where she was going and her head was already throbbing. She didn’t get far as the man was way faster. He ran up behind her, grabbed a handful of her hair and flung her to the ground while still holding a fistful of her locks. Rocks skinned her knees as he dragged her across the ground.

  She sat on her knees as he pulled her head back by the hair, stretching her neck back as far as he could. Her eyes were pulled wide open as she tried to scream.

  “Please! Just let me go!”

  The man. Oz, she just remembered his name was Oz. Oz pulled out a large knife and pressed it against her throat.

  “You know, I could just cut your throat right here if I wanted.”

  “Please don’t!”

  “Oh, don’t worry. You’re not getting off that easy.” He put the knife away and dragged her along the dirt and gravel by her hair. She struggled against his grip, kicking and screaming as he dragged her back to the truck. She could feel rocks tearing at her clothing and flesh as he pulled her back. Once to the truck, he flung her face first into the ground. Livia was standing there with her arms crossed.

  “You having fun?” Livia asked.

  “She tried to run off. She ain’t runnin’ no more.”

  Oz was a strange man. As Stacey looked up at him, the guy, under normal conditions, would look quite handsome. His chiseled features and square jaw would get any girl’s attention. Stacey thought he looked like a young Henry Cavill. Except he was a raging psychopath. Odds are, his looks were part of how he disarmed his victims before taking them out. Livia was the same. She was a beautiful girl, stunning even. She had long brownish red hair and bright green eyes with curves that literally did stop traffic. Fucking Alan about jizzed on himself when he saw her.

  These two were like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Except they didn’t seem too interested in robbing anyone.

  “When you’re done fucking around with her, you can get this one out of the truck.”

  Oz lowered the tailgate and dragged Alan out of the truck, pulling him to his feet. Alan was still dazed, but Oz slapped him around. As he shook Alan around, a tiny older man came walking up.

  “Oh, you got some nice ones here,” the man said. He was short with a thick head of hair that was actually a wig, on crooked. He had on a wife beater and a pair of thick, horn-rimmed glasses. He reached up and began touching Alan’s chest.

  “Oh, he’s nice. I like this one here. He’s a handsome fella!”

  “Get the fuck away, Buzz!” Livia yelled. “These one’s ours! I lured them in myself with my sexy ass. Oz rounded ‘em up.”

  “Oh come on, honey. I’m too old to do what you do. You gotta bring me something. Nash said you guys would take care of me.”

  Oz rolled his eyes and walked away.

  “Fucking Nash,” he said under his breath.

  “Why the fuck is he in charge again?” Livia asked.

  “Because he’s our forefather!” Buzz said.

  “Forefather? You’re older than he is, you old fart,” Oz said.

  “Well yeah, but he was here before me. I’d be sitting on death row right now, or been executed years ago had he not taken me in.”

  “So you should be happy with that.”

  “I am. But I still have needs!”

  “Jesus Christ,” Oz rolled his eyes. “Fine, you take the guy.”

  Alan had been barely alert during this entire exchange. Stacey jumped to her knees.


  Livia blasted her in the face with a knee, knocking her onto her back.

  “Shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch!”

  Stacey felt her nose burst open and blood squirted down her face and chin, all over her shirt. She put her hands over her face as the blood seeped through her fingers while Oz and the old man dragged Alan away.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, bitch.” She grabbed Stacey’s hair and tugged at her as she pulled the gun out of her shorts. “Get up, let’s go.”

  Stacey walked as Livia directed her. Her mind raced as to what they were going to do to her. Robbery was clearly out. They could have done that by the road. This town, this old man saying Alan was “his”. The guy was rubbing Alan all over like he was a side of beef. If they were going to kill them, Stacey hoped it would be quickly, but that wasn’t likely. Oz could have killed her when she tried to run away. Instead, he dragged her painfully back to the truck.

  No, whatever they had in store for Stacey was going to be something horrible. She tried not to think about it as they reached a small shack.

  “Go on inside!” Livia ordered. “Go!”

  Stacey pulled the door open and stepped inside. There was a set of pipes at the end of the shack welded together in the shape of a cross. Hanging from the cross beams were two sets of steel shackles.

  “Oh my God,” Stacey said. “Please, no.”

  “Shut up, cunt. Take your clothes off.”


  “Take them off!”

  “Are you going to rape me? Is Oz?”

  “Bitch, you make me tell you to take your clothes off on
e more time, I’m gonna shove this gun up your snatch and pull the trigger until your ovaries are in your mouth. You fucking understand?”

  Stacey slowly removed her shirt, then her jeans.

  “Come on. Undies too. Get naked bitch.”

  Stacey did as she was told as Livia ordered her to the steel cross. Keeping the gun trained on her, she made Stacey shackle her left hand. Once it was secure, Livia reached up and locked Stacey’s other hand in place. She put the gun in the back of her shorts and knelt down and fastened the leg shackles in place around her ankles. Stacey had an inch or so of play in the chains but that was it. Her naked back pressed against the steel which was hot against her skin.

  The whole shack was hot and stuffy as there was no air conditioning. She tried to arch her back to find a comfortable spot but that wasn’t happening. Once again, she had to push thoughts into the back of her mind as to what they were about to do to her. How bad would it hurt? How long would it last? Was there a way for her to just kill herself now? Moments later, Oz came strolling in.

  “Oh nice, you got her all ready,” he said.

  “Yep. You get that old man squared away?”

  “Yeah. That boy should keep him busy for a while.”

  Stacey tried to hold back her tears as she knew they were talking about Alan.

  “Well, all right! Enough fucking around,” Livia said. “Let’s get started!”

  Chapter 11

  Cole stood in the church trying to get through to Nash, which was near impossible.

  “I’m telling you, it’s the same cop you showed me in the pictures from back then,” Cole explained. “He was at the old town with some younger cop with him. Except he’s a Texas Ranger now.”

  “That’s why we moved the town, Cole. He won’t find us. He’ll probably give up and move on.”

  “That’s not how it works, old man. I wasn’t that young when you brought me here.”

  “You were young enough for me to leave my mark.”

  “Not to mention, unlike you originals, I’ve stayed in touch with the outside world. I go into town, hang out at the bars and eat at their restaurants. You thought they brought Hell back then. If they even think Hell, Texas is back up and running, they will be out here with helicopters, trucks, tanks. Police have entire military arsenals now. Wouldn’t hurt you to watch the news once in a while.”

  Nash laughed as he flicked his hand at Cole

  “Get out of here, kid. I mean it. You don’t know what it takes to run this town. We’ve functioned for years. You going into the city is what will bring us down. I’ve told you repeatedly not to go there.”

  “They were bound to come sooner or later. Your kids, Oz and Livia keep grabbing motorists. They do it right at the bottom of the hill too. It was only a matter of time before someone thought to look up here. Oh, and I’ll forgive you calling me kid. This time. You get this one time.”

  Nash tried to play it cool but Cole could see the fear in his eyes. Cole knew he scared Nash. He scared everyone. He was so calm all the time yet could strangle the life from your body or cut your throat and not even break a sweat.

  “Whatever. That cop destroyed this town and I’d love to have his head on a pike as much as anyone. But he’s not going to come looking for us. We’re too well hidden. That’s why I moved us further into the mesa than before when we were just at the top of the ridge. As long as you don’t keep going into the city and drawing attention.”

  “How will we bring in more youth to cultivate the town if I don’t go to the city?”

  “Oz and Livia been doing just fine.”

  “They’re sloppy and stupid. They are going to get caught and fuck everything up.”

  “We’re done here,” Nash said as he started to turn. Cole grabbed him by the arm and stared him dead in the eye.

  “We’re done when I say we are done. Do you understand?” Cole was fuming, even though he didn’t show it. The only reason he hadn’t killed Nash and his cunt wife Jade was because he didn’t feel like running things himself. That didn’t mean he intended to listen to them in any way, shape or form. He just knew the town could implode if there wasn’t someone at the helm. God knows Livia and Oz were clueless. They’d seen one too many Rob Zombie films.

  Nash just stared at him, trying not to show fear, but Cole could feel him trembling. He slowly let go of the man’s arm and cracked a smile.

  “So to reiterate my point,” Cole said. “I will continue going into the city. I will even keep an eye on this Ranger. See what he’s up to. Maybe seeing the old ghost town will send him in another direction. If so, great. If not then I’ll take care of it.”

  “Take care of it how?”

  “The way I take care of things.” Cole turned and headed back to his trailer. His was a longer fifth wheel trailer he’d taken from a motorist. Though unlike Livia and Oz, he grabbed them about fifty miles down the road from the town. He was so impressed with it, he brought the trailer to the town and kept the truck, which he now drove. He’d since removed all the tags and VIN’s off everything in case it did get located.

  He walked to the back toward his bedroom and pulled the curtain back. The small cage was sitting just inside. The naked girl was curled up, sleeping. She awoke when he stirred the cage. She let out a small yelp but couldn’t say anything else with the ball gag in her mouth. He reached for the bed and picked up her purse and went through it. Normally he burned their personal belongings, but for some reason he felt like hanging on to her stuff for a while.

  Digging through her purse, he pulled out her I.D. Her name was Mel Heflin from San Antonio. Both her name and face were familiar. She had told him she was an actress. Except he was sure he’d seen her on a book cover at one time. He couldn’t remember the name other than the book sucked and the writer seemed to think he was some extreme horror author. He’d like to get a hold of that asshole. He’d show him what extreme horror was.

  Opening the cage, he pulled the girl out by her hair. She cried and whimpered as he pulled her to the bed.

  “It’s ok. Shhh!” he said, looking into her eyes. Her face had been beautiful at one time. A month’s worth of beatings had taken care of that. Now she was bruised and swollen. Her left cheekbone protruded in an unnatural bulge. He was sure it was broken. She began to quiet down as he held her to his chest, hugging her while stroking her hair. Pulling her back, he gently kissed her forehead before backhanding her to the side of the face.

  She screamed through the gag as she fell backward. He stood and pulled his pants down and grabbed her by the hair. He undid the ball gag and pulled it from her mouth. Mel gasped for air as dried blood crusted around her lips.

  “You know the drill,” he said as he pushed her head forward. She stroked his penis until it was erect. His penis was small and uncircumcised. The size of his cock, or lack thereof wasn’t lost on him. The first time Mel looked at it, she had laughed at him. He had just kidnapped her, so no doubt part of it was her being defiant. It still pissed him off, however. That night he’d held her down and removed each of her teeth with a pair of pliers. She’d never laughed at his dick again.

  Now she sucked and licked it with her tongue as best she could. He felt himself growing harder in her mouth. She had gotten good at doing this, at least. He wondered if she was starting to enjoy it, or just doing better at it so he wouldn’t beat her as severely. Not that it mattered, as long as it was good for him. After another minute of her sucking, his throbbing grew more intense as he grabbed the back of her head, and began thrusting with his hips, fucking her face until he shot his load into her mouth. It wasn’t exactly a deep throat since his dick didn’t go down that far, but whatever worked.

  Once he was done, he pushed her to the floor and pulled his pants back up and walked to a cabinet just next to his bed.

  “Is that it? Do I go back in my cage now?” she asked. He ignored her as she kept talking. “I did what you wanted. Or do you want to fuck me too? You want me to lay down?”

He dug through the items until he found it. He hadn’t used it in a long time but pulled the cheese grater from the cabinet and nodded toward the bed.

  “That’s a good idea. Why don’t you lie down?”

  She slowly moved onto the bed staring at the thing in his hand.

  “What is that for?”

  “I need it,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “Just lie down.”

  She did as she was told as he stood over her, looking her body up and down. He ran his fingertips along her soft skin, taking her right breast into his hand and cupping it gently. He ran his fingertips along her nipple feeling it harden. Looking at her face, she was looking straight up at the ceiling while trying to control her breathing.

  Taking the cheese grater, he placed it over her nipple while grabbing her throat with his free hand and began scraping it back and forth across her breast. She screamed and struggled against him as her flesh ripped from the grater, oozing through the holes onto the other side as blood and tissue soaked through in small clumps.

  She kicked and punched at him, but her strength was no match for him and he couldn’t even feel her punches. He continued grating away as pink flesh from her nipple slid through the grater in chunks. He held it up and looked it over as he examined his handiwork. After a minute, he went back to work, more blood and tissue splattered along his face and walls as he grated away. By the time he was done, almost half of her breast had been filed off, leaving nothing more but a large, bloody mass where her breast used to be. Blood bubbled from the hole in the middle as he leaned over and went to work on her other breast.

  She screamed even louder and fought more frantically as he scraped and grated away as the soft mound of flesh. This one only took him a couple of minutes to work on as he filed away, letting the serrated piece of metal rip away at her body. Once he was done, both breast stumps were about the same size. He looked at them with fascination. Amazed at how something so soft and beautiful could have something so ugly and grotesque just beneath the surface.


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