Lord Gallant (Lords Of Night Street Book 1)

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Lord Gallant (Lords Of Night Street Book 1) Page 8

by Wendy Vella

  When Nick had opened his eyes and found Grace gone, he'd risen, washed, dressed, and gone to her rooms. He had no idea why he needed to see her, only that he did, and now. She was his wife, he reasoned, and distressed about her cousin, so it should be he, her husband, who comforted her.

  She hadn't been in her room though, and it had been Vidal who told him that Grace was outside walking about in the cool morning air with her dog.

  She hadn't seen him approach, but he'd seen her, and it was then that he realized Grace had begun to crumble the foundations he'd built his life on. Seeing her, walking about lost in thought in that old dress with a blue shawl around her shoulders, and her long golden hair trailing in tangles down her spine, he felt something move in his chest. How was that possible, when just a few days ago he'd felt nothing for her?

  Last night she'd responded to him like no other. Her beautiful body had ignited so much passion inside him that he'd been mindless with need to take her once more.

  And she's my wife, Nick thought, feeling a smile growing on his face. He swallowed it as she looked up and saw him.

  "My Lord." She lowered her head and curtseyed as he approached, and he saw the uncertainty in her eyes. No doubt the color that filled her cheeks was because she too was remembering the intimate acts they had shared last night.

  "Nick," he said as he lifted her chin until their eyes met. "Why did you leave my bed?"

  She was beautiful out here, surrounded by the colors of the garden. Her beauty was not in her clothes or the style of her hair, but in the delicate contours of her face framed by her black curls.

  "I should not have stayed in your bed after… It is not right to do so, my Lord."

  "Who told you it is not right for a wife to share her husband's bed after they have made love, or indeed through the night?"

  She frowned as she thought about the answer to that question once more. "I had to bring Nipper outside also."

  Nick looked over her head, and saw a flash of white before it disappeared under a hedge.

  "He seems happy out here exploring."

  "Yes. My cousin's garden is not as big as this, so he has a lot of grass to inspect."

  Nick watched her face cloud as she mentioned her cousin.

  "Have you any word on Harry, my Lord?"

  "Nick," he said, deciding not to pursue the question about her staying in his bed for now. But he would later, when she lay beneath him, because Grace was a passionate woman and he would be spending a great deal of time in bed with her, exploring that side of her nature. But she was also, like he, a person unused to sharing her feelings.

  "Come, we will eat our morning meal, then see what news there is on your cousin. I shall have someone bring Nipper in when he has finished his business."

  He took her hand in his and led her back inside. She didn't speak, just followed. Once in the breakfast parlor, he sat her in a chair and told Vidal to bring some tea.

  "A letter has arrived, Lord Attwood."

  "Thank you, Vidal." Nick took the missive from his butler.

  "Who is Gallant?"

  Nick looked at Grace as she spoke, but her eyes were on the letter in his hands.

  "Forgive me for reading to whom your letter was addressed, but the word is written in large black letters and caught my eye," she added.

  "Marcus, one of the Lords of Night Street, gave us names when we were children," he said.


  "Nick names that only we would know to call each other. We use them when we are investigating."

  He watched her as she thought about what he'd said. "And he gave you Gallant?"


  "A very handsome name for a young boy."

  "I thought so at the time," Nick said as he opened the note and read the words. "I need to go and meet with the others, Grace, but the place I am to go is not somewhere I wish for you to be seen, will you stay here until I return?"

  "I would rather come with you."

  "No, I do not want you there, so I would ask you to trust me to return to you as soon as I have news on Harry."

  "It will be hard to wait."

  "It will, but I must insist you stay here, Grace. Can you promise me that you will do that? There is obviously danger out there, and I did not speak of it last night, but it is our belief that you will be the next person these people come after, as you are the one who can translate these papers quickly. Criminals do not usually like to wait if there is another option."

  "And you believe Harry was taken to complete the work?"

  "It is one theory," Nick cautioned. But privately he, like his friends, believed it the right one.

  "Then I shall do as you bid, and remain here until you return, but please do not be long."

  "I will send word if I cannot return soon."

  Nick and Grace ate in silence, and then he rose to leave, and Grace did the same. She followed him from the room and down to where Vidal waited with his hat and gloves.

  "Please take care, Nick."

  Pulling on his gloves, he looked into her worried face.

  "I have been doing this kind of investigating for a long time, Grace. I assure you I am safe." He cupped her cheek. "Don't worry."

  "But I will, unlike yesterday when I did not realize I should."

  He kissed her softly. "I think that makes sense, but we will delve into that statement later, for now I must leave."

  The London season was in full swing, but as the hour was still early the streets were not overly busy. Nick rode his horse past vendors setting up for the day and others on their way to a day's employment. Walking into the Night Street premises a short while later, he found his friends seated around the table.

  "This Mr. Zavorski is bad news, Nick," Leo said around a yawn. "His name is actually Boleslav, and he's involved in many underhand dealings with some of the criminal elements of London. One of our informants said he thinks the papers your wife was translating are actually instructions for a series of thefts here in London. Supposedly, Boleslav heard about them and then had his men steal them. He then went to Harrington and Grace for the translation."

  "However, before they could be completed, they were once again stolen," Jacob added.

  "So you think whoever took Harrington is the person who stole the copies, and therefore must be Russian, as they were partially translated," Nick said, taking a chair.

  "That's our conclusion. Now we just need to narrow down the location in Moorgate." Marcus reached for the teapot to refill his cup, before adding sugar.

  "How is the countess, Nick?"

  "She's scared, Jacob. Harrington means a great deal to her, as he took her in after her parents died at a young age."

  "He can't have been that old himself, surely?"

  "No, he was obviously still a young man, therefore it was a pretty selfless act if you think about it," Nick added. He'd thought a lot about this since Grace had told him what her cousin had done. "His life would have changed drastically with a young girl living in his household."

  Leo whistled softly. "I'm starting to think I may have misjudged both your wife and Harrington."

  "How so?" Nick questioned him.

  "I found out yesterday that Harrington has money, he just doesn't flaunt it."

  "You had him investigated, Leo?"

  "You married his cousin, and I wanted to know what you were getting into." Leo was unrepentant.


  "Harrington has money, but both he and his cousin lived a modest life."

  "You have to admit she is hardly an arbiter of fashion, Nick," Marcus added. "It is easy to think they did not have much to fly with."

  "Her charm is that she has no side. Grace is just Grace; she wants nothing from anyone, least of all me," Nick said softly, realizing that what he'd said was true. She was unpretentious.

  "Oh, so she is now charming. You're certainly singing a different tune now."

  "Yes, Jacob." Nick looked at his friends. "I am."

  Marcus sighed.
"And I understand that now she is to hold our secrets, also.”

  "She is," Nick said. "And she will hold them close."

  Grace spent the morning meeting with the servants and discussing meals with Cook, hoping this would distract her from her cousin's plight.

  "Your maid wished me to inform you that your new purchases have arrived, my Lady."

  "Thank you, Vidal, and as we are finished here, I shall go and inspect them." Leaving the housekeeper, Grace hurried to her rooms. At least if she was busy, she could keep the panic inside her at bay; but as soon as she stopped her fears for Harry and Nick compounded.

  Opening the door to her rooms, she found Bessie with a wide smile on her face.

  "Oh, my Lady, these are beautiful!" She held a dress up for Grace to inspect. "Would you like to put one on?"

  Grace looked at the cream muslin dress. The bodice was fitted and the sleeves delicately puffed and pulled in with a cream satin ribbon, which also banded beneath the bodice. Small cream roses were embroidered all over the dress and the hem fell in soft folds to the floor. She had never longed to wear such a dress before, and felt shallow for doing so now, considering that Harry was still out there somewhere waiting to be rescued.

  "Yes, thank you, Bessie."

  Looking in the mirror minutes later, Grace instantly saw the change in herself that the dress had created. She had not believed such a simple thing like a different piece of clothing could make her look… well, almost pretty.

  "I shall brush your hair and put it in a simple style, my Lady."

  Grace let her maid do as she wished while she let her eyes roam around her room. Looking at the bed, she thought about what she and Nick had shared last night in his. Her feelings for him were growing every time she saw him, and that confused her.


  "My Lady?"

  "’Tis nothing." Grace had not realized she'd spoken out loud. But the truth was that she did care about Nick now, she just wasn't sure in what capacity and why, after only one night of harmony with the man. Harmony, it sounded such a pathetic word for what they'd shared. Grace had felt as if Nick touched her soul last night, such was the intensity of what they shared.


  "I am finished, my Lady."

  Her hair was now loosely bundled on top of her head, with a few ringlets teased free to settle on her shoulders, and Bessie had woven cream satin ribbons into a band, which she wore around her head so the ends trailed down her neck.

  "Oh," was all Grace could manage as she studied her reflection.

  "You look very pretty, my Lady."

  She actually did, Grace realized.

  "Thank you, Bessie. My hair looks lovely," she said before leaving the room once more. Restless, Grace made her way to the gardens and found a stick to throw for her dog. She paced along the high stone wall at the bottom of the grass, and smiled at the gardener bent over a bed of flowers.

  "Good day," she said, and he doffed his hat.

  She walked until she found the open gate. Peeking through, she saw a black carriage in the small lane that ran behind the property. It was as she pulled back that she felt someone approach her from behind. She turned to see whom it was and felt an arm band around her waist. Her feet were suddenly lifted off the ground.

  "I have her!"

  Grace fought, but whoever held her was strong. She screamed as loudly as she could, but he kept hurrying toward the carriage. She heard Nipper barking furiously and then she felt the hands around her loosen. Suddenly, she was on her feet.

  "He's biting me!"

  Grace ran as she heard a volley of Russian, screaming for Nipper to follow. She picked up her skirts and hurried up the hill. The man had stopped howling in pain, which told her the dog had released him. She saw a little white streak run past her and was relieved to see her hero was all right.

  "Vidal!" Grace started screaming the butler's name as she neared the house, and in seconds two maids, a footman, and Vidal had run out the French doors and were coming toward her.

  "My Lady, what has happened?"

  "A man tried to grab me, Vidal," Grace gasped. "The gate at the bottom of the garden was open and when I looked through he did so from behind."

  "Get George and go and look, Thomas," Vidal told the footman. "Bring tea for Lady Attwood," he then ordered the maids. "Come now, my Lady, we must get you inside."

  Grace realized she was shaking as Vidal held out his arm toward her, asking her permission to assist her.

  "I-I will be all right, Vidal, thank you." She patted the sleeve of his jacket before bending to pick up Nipper and cuddling him close. "He saved me," she added. "The man had me and Nipper bit his leg, I think, which forced him to release me."

  "Then he will receive a large bone from the kitchens for his efforts, my Lady. I will see to this myself."

  Vidal talked to her and patted Nipper's head as they walked, his arm touching her spine gently when she stumbled, until finally they had reached her rooms. Once inside, she sat in one of the chairs and started to shiver. The butler placed a blanket over her knees and lit the fire.

  "I shall take Nipper to the kitchens now and summon your maid, my Lady. I shall return soon with your tea, if you will be all right here alone until then."

  "Of course, and thank you so much, Vidal, for everything."

  He bowed, gave her a gentle smile and then left. It was only as the door closed that Grace allowed herself to put her head in her hands and give way to the terror that still gripped her.

  She didn't weep, that wasn't her way, but she shook and her breathing was labored. Inhaling a deep gulp of air, she attempted to bring it under control before Vidal returned.

  "Grace, dear God, Vidal just told me what happened!" Nick burst into the room and came to her side. "Are you all right? What happened?"

  "Harry?" Grace had to know about her cousin first.

  "He is safe and unhurt. Leo is bringing him here now."

  "Thank God," Grace said as she was being lifted into Nick's arms. He then sat with her on his lap. "Where did you find him?"

  "It is enough that he is safe; now you need to tell me what happened to you." He held her close, her head pressed into his chest, his arms around her. "Everything, from the minute you walked outside to running back to the house."

  She did, talking quickly until she'd told him all she remembered.

  "And they were speaking Russian, Grace, you're sure of this?"

  "Y-yes." She still felt shaky, and remembering the events did not help that.

  "It's all right, I won't let anyone touch you again," he soothed, and Grace felt his lips in her hair.

  "It was them wasn't it, Nick? Those men that took Harry just tried to take me, didn't they?"

  "It's likely."

  She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

  "It has to be, there can't be two lots of Russian-speaking men pursuing translators."

  "Yes." He ran his eyes over her face, before moving down her body. "You look beautiful, by the way."

  "How can you think of my clothes at a time like this?" Grace couldn’t believe he'd said that.

  "You're safe, as is your cousin, and if I let myself give rein to the anger that is inside me it would benefit neither of us, and you do look beautiful," he added.

  She brushed his words aside and tried to rise, but his arms held her still.

  "You're still trembling," he said the words into her hair. "Sit and let me hold you."

  "You want to hold me?" Grace could feel his body around hers, warming her, making her feel safe.

  "Very much."

  Her chin was lifted and then he was kissing her, his lips soft and seeking. It was a gentle kiss, but one that in seconds had her body on fire.

  "I don't understand this," Grace whispered against lips. "Any of it."

  "Don't think too hard about it, Grace, just feel," He ran a finger around the neckline of her dress. "I promise that the Russians will not get near you or your cousin again, so ha
ve no fear there."

  Her head was filled with him and so many thoughts that swirled around and around. So as he kissed her, she did as he said and simply felt. When Vidal knocked on the door they were both breathless.

  "Your cousin has arrived, my Lady."

  "Excellent, we shall come down at once," Nick said through the door, before he lifted Grace off his lap and placed her on her feet.

  She hurried to the door with Nick on her heels and down the stairs.

  "I have placed him in the west parlor, my Lady," Vidal said when she reached the bottom floor.

  "Food, please, Vidal, and have a room readied for Lord Harrington," Nick said from behind her.

  The door was open and she heard male voices as she hurried through.

  "Harry!" He stood as she came toward him and held out his arms.

  "It's all right, cousin." He hugged her hard, and she wrapped her arms around his body and held him close.

  "Lord Attwood," Harry said when he had released Grace. He held out his hand to Nick, who took it immediately. "Thank you for rescuing me."

  "I am glad you are unharmed, Lord Harrington. Do you feel up to telling us what happened?"

  Nick urged Grace into a seat and took the one beside her, while Leo sat in one of the other chairs.

  Grace watched her cousin pace. He was tired, his eyes bloodshot, but he seemed all right otherwise.

  "They realized soon after they had taken me that it was actually Grace they wanted, but decided to hold me until they could capture her.”

  "They tried today." Beside her, Nick growled the words. "But Nipper rescued her."

  Harry smiled. "Brave little dog, that one."


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