Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Page 2

by Huffert, Barbara

  “Me? Better?” Kiley felt the cloud of his voice surround her and lost her ability to think.

  “Yes, you.” Again, Jordan ignored her lack of response. “Here, let me give you my number. I’d like you to call me after you make arrangements for the tickets. I’m sure you’ll be treated properly but I’d still like to know on the off chance that he doesn’t have any for that game and I need to give you another source.”

  “Call you?” Kiley was stunned. Imagine, talking to Jordan on the phone. She couldn’t decide if it would be easier than it was in person because she wouldn’t be distracted by his incredible smile or if having his voice concentrated solely on her would make it even harder.

  “I’d appreciate it tremendously.” Jordan’s hand touched her cheek again. “Besides, I’ll worry about you all night if you don’t.”

  “Worry?” Kiley felt herself sway toward him. “About me?”

  “Mm, Dee told me you live alone,” Jordan said smoothly. “I always worry if you’ve gotten home safely, even though I can tell that you’re perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. Promise you’ll call me tonight about the tickets. It’ll give us a chance to chat again.”

  She couldn’t believe she agreed although with him standing that close, holding her hand, talking like he was, she’d probably agree to anything he suggested. And yes, she had some suggestions of her own to add!

  The moment ended when another customer came in but before Kiley could pull away, Jordan leaned closer and brushed her cheek with a light kiss. “Thank you, Kiley. And happy birthday again. Now I think I better go get Brett and Dee out of that plant they’re hiding in before they fall through it.”

  Kiley stared, stunned when she realized that he meant they’d been spying the whole time. As she turned to greet the new arrival, she felt the flush creep up her neck and knew her face was bright red.

  * * * * *

  During the afternoon lull, Kiley closed herself in her boss’s office to call the scalper. As she stared at the number Jordan had given her, she replayed their conversation. She could almost feel his hand on hers as it had been. He had wanted to celebrate her birthday with her. He thought she was pretty. He was attracted to her and was interested in getting to know her better. He said he worried about her safety at night, which meant he thought about her away from the restaurant. He’d been so quick to offer to help her. And he hadn’t been offended when she implied that he was a criminal. What a ninny she was to think such a thing! Jordan McKade was a decent man. Just because people said he made money hand over fist it didn’t mean he did it illegally as some assumed. Not when so many others firmly believed he was so successful because he was a true financial genius. Still, he was able to produce a scalper’s number instantly. Then again, Brett had once commented that Jordan always remembered anything having to do with numbers. And it was Will who suggested she go to him for help. With the way he and Dee always fussed over her, he certainly wouldn’t have her do that if he didn’t trust Jordan.

  With a deep breath, Kiley dialed.

  “Yo,” a gruff voice answered.

  “Uh, hello?” she began tentatively.

  “Speak up, cupcake,” the voice growled.

  “Um, hi, I, uh, need some tickets,” she continued.

  “Wrong number,” he snapped impatiently.

  “Wait. Please. I…um, Jordan gave me this number.” Kiley feared he’d hang up before she could explain.


  “Yes. Jordan McKade.”

  “Why didn’t ya say so?” He sounded slightly less annoyed. “Whatcha need, cupcake?”

  “Hockey tickets.” She quickly told him which game it was.

  “No problem. Ya want ’em dropped?”

  “Um, yes. Please. Jordan said I should ask you to do that.” She told him where she worked. “When do I pay you?”


  “Uh, yes. I need to pay you. For the tickets, that is.” Kiley was flustered because the man was laughing so hard.

  “You sure McKade gave you this number?”

  “Yes. Is something wrong?”

  “Not a thing, cupcake.” He was still chuckling. “You must be damn special.”

  “What? Why?”

  “No reason.” He paused. “Been trying to express my thanks to McKade for his help in a family matter for ’bout a year now. He said he’d give me a shout when he needed something but you call instead. And now you say you’re paying.”

  “I have to. They’re a present for my cousin.” Why was she telling a perfect stranger something so stupid? “If you won’t let me pay, then I’m not going to need the tickets after all.”

  “Hold on, cupcake.” Brett was having trouble maintaining the voice he was using while he fought to contain his laughter. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. We’ll compromise. You pay me for your cousin’s ticket and I give you yours.”


  “Hey now, come on. I’m willing to give McKade a hell of a lot more than your one ticket but it’s up to you. You can take it or leave it but I tell ya you’d be doing me a big favor if you do it even though it rubs me the wrong way to take a cent from you.”

  “Well, okay, um, thanks,” Kiley accepted as she wondered about the family matter he mentioned.

  “Good. Someone’ll be there soon.” Brett was gruff again.” McKade’s a good one, cupcake. Make sure you don’t forget it.”

  The line clicked before she could respond.

  * * * * *

  Dee snagged Kiley after she seated an elderly couple. “I know you’re pleased with yourself today and I’m sure you’re looking forward to chatting with Jordan tonight but Kiley, honey you have got to tone down that smile. It’s causing lots of speculation and there’ll be too many questions if you don’t.”

  Kiley impulsively hugged her. “I can’t help it, Dee.” She knew she had had a dreamy look on her face all afternoon. “You must think I’m such a ninny. I know I’m acting like a schoolgirl with a crush on the class hottie. I know Jordan only asked me to call to make sure I got the tickets…”

  “No, Kiley,” Dee said firmly. “Jordan used those tickets as an excuse. I was there, remember? I saw the way he managed to hold your hand and the way he was looking at you. I heard him say he was attracted to you. He’s eaten here every day for months. The food’s good but we both know it’s not that good. Face it. That man keeps coming in here for you and you alone. I heard Will and Brett talking Saturday. He said that before they used to get together for lunch once or twice a week. And they took turns picking the restaurant and had the deal that whoever chose, paid.”

  “Dee! Brett must be so sick of coming here.”

  “No, I think he’s so entertained that he doesn’t mind,” Dee paused, deciding how much of Brett’s conversation to repeat. “As we suspected, Brett is a bit of a playboy. For ages, he’s the one who nagged Jordan into going out on the town. He told Will that Jordan has gotten a bit reclusive over the years. That, since he went out on his own, he’s become very involved with his work and that he’d be content never leaving his office. Meeting you has actually helped. According to Brett, you give Jordan something else to concentrate on.

  “But that’s not the point I’m trying to make. What I was going to say is that when Brett and Jordan went out they were never at a loss for female companionship but Jordan wasn’t ever overly interested in any one in particular. Brett said he’s usually bored a few hours into an evening and rarely sees the same woman more than a handful of times. Now that Jordan’s met you, Brett can’t get him to go out at all anymore except for lunch here. Kiley, that gorgeous man with the incredibly yummy voice obviously wants you. And, from the way you act around him, I’m thinking the feeling’s mutual. So tonight when you’re talking to him, keep that in mind and don’t be in a rush to hang up. You maybe should take him out for a thank you drink since he saved you so much on the tickets.”

  Kiley sighed. “How I wish I could. I can feel my face getting red just
thinking about it. If I actually managed to make enough sense for him to know what I was asking and he actually said yes, I know it would be a complete disaster. I’d do something awful like spill both our drinks all over him and even he wouldn’t be able to ignore that. Let’s face it, Dee. I’m a real klutz when he’s around. He’s too much for me.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Dee scolded. “You need to spend some time with him, is all. Away from here. Who knows? Calling him might do you some good. On the phone, you’ll only hear that spectacular voice. Without the impact of his killer smile, those smoky eyes that keep devouring you and that magnificent body that’s to die for, you might actually be able to have a real conversation for a change. You seemed to be doing almost okay this morning until he held your hand. Uh-oh,” Dee groaned suddenly. “Don’t look now but here comes the weasel.”

  Kiley glanced anyway and saw Malcolm Winslow approaching from the bar, drink in hand and pasted on a polite smile. “Good evening, Mr. Winslow. Are you ready for a table now?”

  Malcolm watched her closely as Dee scurried away. “I told you before, Kiley, several times, to call me Malcolm.”

  When he smiled thinly, Kiley felt a chill run up her spine. She disliked him intensely and hated whenever he came in but always forced herself to keep her feelings hidden. He was a regular customer and he never specifically did or said anything inappropriate. If he had, she would most definitely have gone straight to Henry to report it since he had always insisted on knowing of anything that was out of line in regard to his employees. More than once, she’d witnessed him requesting that a customer leave with the understanding that they were no longer welcome due to their treatment of his staff. In all fairness though, Malcolm had always acted like a gentleman even though he did give her the creeps. “Will someone be joining you tonight, Malcolm?”

  “No, alas, I’m on my own this evening.” His attempt at a boyish grin failed, ending up as more of a sneer.

  Kiley couldn’t come up with response that wouldn’t offend him so she quickly grabbed a menu and led him to the table she knew he preferred. “All right then. I hope you enjoy your meal,” she said brightly and hurried back to her station.

  Malcolm decided something about her was different. He had been dining here for almost two years and still hated it as much as ever. When he walked in the first time and instantly recognized the restaurant’s better than average potential as a location where he was likely to meet lonely women with money he decided the benefits far outweighed his personal preferences. His initial assumption had proven correct many times over and the women’s generosity never ceased to please him but his interest always returned to Kiley whenever he was between companions. He thought it was her shy smile and coyness that kept drawing his attention since, after all, everyone knew it was the quiet ones who were the hottest fucks. Maybe Kiley would even turn out to be a screamer. He intended to find that out very soon because he was almost due to move on to greener pastures.

  Tonight, Malcolm decided to time his dinner so he’d be getting to desert just about the time she’d be ready to leave. He was sure she’d jump at the chance to join him as soon as he asked. He’d been watching lately and there didn’t seem to be a boyfriend in the picture because, as far as he could tell, she never got any personal phone calls. And no one ever came to pick her up. She’d probably been creaming her panties for him to make a move the whole time he’d been coming there. That had to be why she was all smiles tonight. She must sense that it was finally her turn for his attention.

  The more Malcolm thought about it, the more positive he was. He imagined how it would play out. He’d get her to share dessert and then drive her home. She’d undoubtedly invite him in for a drink or some coffee to keep him with her longer. He’d accept and go so far as to give her a few kisses to get her primed for the good stuff. Then he’d play the real gentleman and go home. He’d leave her hanging, wanting him. She’d go to sleep dreaming about his dick and what he’d do to her with it. Probably even get herself off first, just so she could sleep. He might suggest a picnic next. He’d supply the accessories for their comfort and get her to bring the food so that he wouldn’t have to put out any cash. Yeah, he’d spend the entire day teasing her, getting her ready for him and then, once he got her home, he’d give her what she needed most. She’d be begging for him to fuck her by then. He could practically feel what it would be like, ramming his hard cock into her tight pussy while she screamed for more. He’d take her mouth too. Those sweet lips of hers were meant for sucking him off. Yeah, he’d shove his dick down her throat over and over until she was gagging on his hot cum. Then, just as soon as he was done, he’d take off before she could figure out what he was doing because he despised the way women got all clingy after sex. He was willing to do it if the bitch had money but Kiley was nothing more than a working class piece of ass. She was hot enough that he might give it to her a few times but a slut like that wasn’t really worth his time no matter how sweet her pussy might be. He’d nail her good and move on. She’d be an interesting distraction but that was all. He really did need to find a new place since Mr. Paul’s was pretty much tapped out for his purposes. He’d screw the little bitch as his goodbye and say good riddance to the dump. After all, the peach had been begging to be plucked for months now in every way other than actually coming out and saying the words, so she’d be plenty grateful that he was even willing to lower himself to do her.

  Malcolm’s dinner arrived just as Henry convinced Kiley to head home early. He heard the proprietor saying something about it being a slow night before wishing her luck with her evening’s plans. What was going on here? Kiley never skipped out a second before she was scheduled to any other time. How dare she change her routine? Since he had his meal, the timing was all wrong to ask her to join him. The bitch was toying with him after all, playing hard to get, thinking she was better than she was. Maybe he’d have to reconsider his decision about her. Maybe she was even more of a whore than the rest of them and he wouldn’t bother wasting the time to fuck her.

  Chapter Two

  Kiley snatched the phone the instant she walked in the door. She had four numbers dialed before she remembered Dee’s words. Maybe she should follow her friend’s advice. Thinking it over, Kiley decided she’d rather not have Jordan know that she’d jumped at Henry’s offer to leave early because the anticipation of the call she’d promised had become so distracting she couldn’t concentrate. She knew her nervous excitement would leave her tongue-tied and thought it would be better if she took a few minutes to calm down before attempting to speak with him. Concluding that she’d already made a fool of herself with Jordan far too many times, she opted to follow her standard nightly routine first, hoping it would help level off her wildly out of control emotions.

  While Kiley sorted her mail, she wondered what she should say after she told Jordan she had the tickets. Would it be prying to ask what the family matter was that he’d helped with? When she stepped into the shower as she did every evening after work, she cautioned herself not to rush. He didn’t know that Henry had sent her home half an hour early. Standing under the hot water, Kiley’s mind drifted to Jordan’s arrival. There was no doubt that the choice had been hers when he’d clasped her hand. She had sensed his strength even though he hadn’t exerted any pressure. She could have pulled away whenever she wanted to but the feel of him holding her hand had been so right she never considered it. It had been clear that he wanted to touch more than just her hand too. The way he looked when he brushed her cheek was so intense. His eyes held so many questions and an equal amount of invitations. If she’d turned her head earlier, she could have met his lips. Would he have turned away?

  It was very easy for Kiley to picture Jordan in the shower with her. She could almost feel how his hands would roam all over her, leaving heat everywhere they touched. Would his kisses be light and teasing? Would he let them turn savage and demanding if she was uninhibited when responding to him? And what would he be saying if he we
re there now? Would he whisper sweet nothings? Would he describe what he wanted to do to her? Would he make her tell him what she liked? Would he tell her?

  Unconsciously, Kiley’s soapy hands drifted to her body. She slid them up her sides to her breasts. She imagined it was Jordan caressing them, squeezing them. If he were there would he lift them to his mouth and fasten his lips on her nipples? Mm, she could picture it so vividly. He would press them together and then alternate between them, sucking, licking, kissing, driving her wild with desire. Just thinking about it had her so wet. If Jordan were with her she’d urge his hand down to her pussy to show him how he affected her. She’d need to hold onto him once he slipped some fingers inside. Kiley gripped the bar on the inside of the shower door to steady herself while she ran her fingers along her slit, teasing them back and forth, closer and closer until she was pressing on her bud. Stroking slowly at first, then faster and faster, Kiley’s mind drifted to how much better it would be with Jordan’s fingers on her clit instead of her own. And of course he’d be talking to her the whole time in that sinfully sexy voice of his. God, that alone could make her come.

  The hot water would be streaming down over them. As much as she loved hearing him speak, she’d still interrupt him with kisses. Her hands would slide up his arms to his broad shoulders. She’d pull him close, pressing her chest to his.

  Mm, that thought sent shivers throughout her body. Her fingers moved faster. She increased the pressure on her clit, working it until she couldn’t hold off any longer. She came with a cry and then smiled. She’d only made it halfway through one of her favorite fantasies. That was okay. She’d save the rest, the part where she ended up with Jordan’s cock thrusting wildly into her clenching pussy, for the next time.

  It wasn’t the first time she’d pleasured herself thinking about him and it likely wouldn’t be the last. Perhaps, relieving the tension like that was just what she needed to keep her mellow so she wouldn’t panic when she spoke to him later. Sighing, she decided that it probably wouldn’t make any difference. The man could quote stock prices at her and she’d be wet. Maybe she should invite him for a drink as Dee had suggested. Maybe, without an audience, she’d be able to relax and be herself instead of fumbling worse than a lovesick teenager like she usually did.


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