Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Page 4

by Huffert, Barbara

  Kiley felt herself tremble at his touch. How could one finger generate so much heat? And his voice! Oh my God, his voice. “Oh,” she gasped, her pulse accelerated, her breathing shallow.

  Brett chose that moment to appear next to them. “Hi, kids. I hope I’m interrupting something.”

  “Hey, Brett,” Jordan greeted his friend without breaking eye contact with Kiley.

  When she didn’t seem to realize he was there, Brett let out a low chuckle. “Finally, there is something to interrupt! Ease up, Jordan. Let go of the pretty lady. She’s working, remember?”

  “She started it. Offered me a challenge.”

  “Yeah, right.” He rolled his eyes as confusion crossed Kiley’s face. “Hello, Kiley. It’s nice to have you back with us.”

  “Brett? Oh my God!” She spun away from them.

  “Take it easy, honey. My pal here has been holding in that look for months. It was bound to be a little potent when he let it loose.”

  “Shut up, Brett,” Jordan warned with no real threat in his voice. “Go sit down, why don’t you?” His laughter drifted back to them as he walked away. “I’m sorry, Kiley,” Jordan said softly. “I promised to be patient and I will be.”

  “Why am I such a mess around you?” she asked.

  “Hopefully because the attraction is mutual,” he responded. “Just so you know, I didn’t sleep much either.”

  Kiley didn’t know what to say so she took the easy way out. “You’d better go on and join Brett now. Please?”

  Jordan squeezed her hand before he went to his friend. “Damn, I love that woman,” he said, sitting down.

  “Ah, Jordan, I still think it’s just a little soon to tell her that,” Brett commented. “Even if she did actually converse on the phone.”

  “I know, Brett. I’m willing to wait as long as it takes. Kiley’s the only woman I’ve ever met who’s worth every second.”

  Before Brett could respond, Dee appeared with two glasses of wine. “Here you go, guys.”

  “What’s up, Dee?” Brett asked as Jordan grinned toward Kiley. Briefly, she met his eyes and returned his grin.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” Dee replied. “Trust me, Brett. I’m sure you’ll be happy with today’s special.”

  “Whatever you say. Any idea what’s going on, Jordan?”

  “Yeah,” Jordan wouldn’t say more.

  In a few minutes, Dee brought them each a salad, loaded with cheese. “Is this what I think it is?” Brett asked.

  “Yeah,” Jordan repeated.


  Kiley approached and stood next to Jordan. When she rested her hand on his shoulder, it was his heart’s turn to expand. “I wanted to say thanks again for helping me yesterday, Jordan. I hope you don’t mind being included, Brett.”

  “Kiley, honey, sweetie, darling, you have just secured my eternal devotion.” He took a bite of the garlic bread that Dee added to the table.

  “This wasn’t necessary, Kiley,” Jordan said.

  “Shut up, Jordan. When a gorgeous woman is thanking you, don’t you know you’re supposed to just smile and accept?”

  “Brett,” Kiley laughed.

  “I don’t want to seem ungrateful,” Jordan said sincerely. “It’s just that you spending time talking to me last night was more than thanks enough.”

  “Oh please,” Brett teased while Kiley blushed. “Ignore that since talking to him is something you should do anyway. If it has to be on the phone, then so be it. Can I recommend that you do it often?” Dee interrupted with their meals. “Now this,” he gestured to his plate, “this is the perfect thank-you.”

  “Glad you approve, Brett. And to think I almost didn’t include you.” Kiley’s eyes were twinkling.

  “What? After I take time out of my busy schedule to come and see you every day like I do?” When Jordan raised an eyebrow, Brett grinned. “Well, I have to show up to see if you two are progressing.”

  “You’re incorrigible,” Kiley declared as Jordan sighed.

  “You do know that I only bring him along for comic relief?” He shifted and caught her hand to place a kiss on the inside of her wrist. “This really is a wonderful surprise. Maybe we can go to Bruno’s together sometime?”

  Kiley flushed with his attention. “Oh…”

  “Too much, Jordan,” Brett observed. “Next time you try to ask her out, keep your hands and your lips to yourself. Look toward me and use a less direct approach, like you’re not really talking to her.”

  Jordan managed to refrain from scowling at his friend until Kiley excused herself and scurried away to greet some new arrivals.

  “Don’t give me that look,” Brett cautioned. “She was doing fine until you got too involved.”

  “Too involved? I casually suggested we have dinner sometime at a place we both happen to enjoy.”

  “While you kissed her intimately on the very sensitive inner wrist, gave her a smoldering look and made your voice sound like you were really inviting her to join you in a passionate romp,” Brett countered. “You have to be less intense, pal.”

  “Brett,” Jordan automatically started to protest until he considered his friend’s observations. “Am I really that bad?”

  “Well, maybe I’m exaggerating slightly but you’re damn close to it.” Brett stopped eating. “Listen, just because you’re certain that your lives are destined to be shared doesn’t mean Kiley has even considered the possibility yet. You need to relax. What happened to your ‘play it cool and casually bump into her at the game’ plan?”

  “Something wrong with your lunch, guys?” Dee stopped by their table. “You know Kiley went to lots of trouble to pull this off. She is so pleased with herself over it too. If you don’t start looking like you’re enjoying it, she’s going to think she did something wrong.”

  “It’s great, Dee.” Jordan finally smiled. “How’d she get Henry to let her bring in food from the competition?”

  “Well, she won’t go into details other than that she called Henry after you talked last night. But,” she paused, “Henry did mention how bubbly Kiley sounded and that on top of the way she’s been smiling the past four months…” She winked at Jordan. “Hang in there. She just needs to get over being nervous so she can say and do what she really wants to around you.”

  “And what might that be, oh wise one?” Brett teased.

  “Don’t be such a smartass.” Dee swatted him. “I’m sure Jordan doesn’t need to have it spelled out. I know the wise guy here thinks you should back off but if you want the opinion of a woman who’s been swept off her feet…”

  “Yes, please,” Jordan urged.

  “You’re already under her skin. I’ll bet you take up more than a few of her thoughts and I’m sure plenty of them are far from innocent. When Will first stormed into my life, I’d get tingly and turn to mush every time he was around. Jordan, unless I’ve completely lost my sense of people, I’m pretty sure she’s almost as hot for you as you are for her. I say turn it up and go for it.” Dee saw Kiley leading patrons their way so she winked again and moved on.

  After Kiley showed the couple to their table, she stopped by Jordan again. “I’m sorry. I just…”

  Jordan snagged her hand again and waited until she met his gaze. “Sweet Kiley, there’s no need. I’m patient, remember? I admit I’d love to go out with you sometime, anytime actually, frequently if you want the truth. But for now, why don’t you take that as a spontaneous suggestion meant to reinforce that my interest in you extends further than these walls?” He encouraged her to lean closer. “As you already know, I like you. A lot. I think, if you’ll give me a chance, you may find that you like me too.”

  Kiley surprised him with a quick kiss on the cheek. She whispered so only he could hear, “I already like you too, Jordan. A lot.” She rushed away quickly. Even though she was scarlet, she managed to meet Jordan’s eyes and smile once she reached her podium.

  On her next pass, Dee, who had noticed the exchange, mu
ttered, “Told you.”

  * * * * *

  “All right, buster. That’s the third question I’ve had to repeat. And you’re still wearing that stupid grin you walked in with.” Sadie Brown finally snapped her fingers to get Jordan’s attention.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Sadie. I’m a little distracted today.”

  “Harrumph,” the elderly woman muttered as Jordan drifted back to his thoughts. “Jordan McKade! If you don’t fess up to what’s in that head of yours today instead of our dealings, I’m going to redirect every penny you earned me and dissolve our agreement.” She waited until her words registered. “Ah, I see that got your attention. Boy, I’ve known you since my husband chose you over that group of spineless ninnies you had the good sense to disengage yourself from four years ago. We’ve worked closely ever since that old coot of mine died, forcing me into understanding all this financial gobbledegook. Until today, you never had a moment’s difficulty focusing on whatever set of numbers was in front of you. Why, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in love.”

  “Well,” Jordan said, blushing because she lectured him like a teenager who had his first crush.

  “Ah.” She smiled knowingly. “Tell me about her.”

  Jordan did as she directed, accepting that it was easier than trying to resist. He knew her well enough to know how relentless she could be when she was determined. He spent the next hour sharing everything about Kiley, concluding with her admission earlier at the restaurant.

  “Four months and this is the first I’m hearing about her,” Sadie scolded with a frown. “With all the opportunities during our frequent conversations and never once did you so much as mention her existence. Why is that?”

  “Until recently there really wasn’t much of anything to tell,” he sighed. “Besides, you don’t call to hear about me.”

  “That would annoy me if it wasn’t true.” She studied him closely. “Two questions, one, where are you hoping this will lead and two, how does it affect our plans?”

  “One’s easy. I’m going to convince her to marry me and then share a wonderful future with the most incredible woman in the universe.” He paused. “Two depends.”

  Sadie smiled smugly. “Good answers to both, boy. I always knew you were a fine man. That’s why the old coot trusted you. You remind me of him sometimes. I ever tell you that? You’re determined to succeed at every undertaking and entirely dedicated to achieving the goals you set for this business of yours, single-minded just like he was. And then along comes this little girl who could very easily throw a monkey wrench into the whole works without even realizing it and you’re ready to rethink everything if that’s what it takes. I am correct in that you haven’t told her anything of our plans?” When he shook his head, she asked, “What about the gigolo?”

  “Miss Sadie, Brett isn’t a gigolo. In fact, he’s almost old-fashioned in his opinions on the finances of dating.”

  “All right, settle down. Perhaps playboy is the term I should have used rather than gigolo.”

  “That’s better although he’d probably object to that too. Brett likes to have fun. Can he help it if he loves women? And I can honestly tell you I’ve never heard one of them complain about spending time in his company. Now, to answer your question no, he hasn’t discussed our plans with anyone either. Even though we never actually spelled it out, I always assumed that the three of us were in agreement and would broach the subject together should it become necessary.”

  “So what about your Kiley?”

  “When the time comes, I’ll ask you and Brett to make an exception and let me tell her privately. She should have all the facts before I ask her to marry me or it won’t be fair.”

  “You don’t think she’d blindly follow you anywhere?”

  “I’d never expect her to and she shouldn’t have to. When she’s ready for the kind of relationship I want, I intend to be open about everything from the start.”

  “What if she’s not like you and doesn’t have the same need to reveal any unknown details of her life? And what about your financial status? Does she have any idea how successful you are? Have you considered the possibility that she’s only after your money and putting on a show in order to get it?”

  “Are you trying to piss me off, Mrs. Brown?” Jordan scowled.

  “Whoopee!” Sadie hooted. “The boy is in love. Sorry to needle you, Jordan. I had to see how serious you are. You’ve always been the most kind-hearted, level-headed, indulgent gentleman with me, old fool that I am. You’ve let me get away with so much more than other people without becoming annoyed as most do. It’s nice to see that you’ll defend this girl from me in spite of your fondness for me.” She sat back and grinned at him. “You’ll make her a good husband, boy, just like the old coot did me. And when you’re ready, you go right ahead and tell her all about our goings-on.”

  “Thank you, Miss Sadie. I appreciate what you said. Also thanks for letting me talk about Kiley. I think I can concentrate now that I got to say all that out loud.”

  They finally settled down to discuss their business. By the end of the afternoon, both were very pleased with the progress.

  Jordan gathered the files and pulled on his coat. As he bent to kiss her cheek, Sadie caught his arm. “Next time we speak, I expect to hear more about your Kiley. Don’t you dare let me get away with being as selfish as I am usually.”

  “All right, I’ll keep you posted. I’ll even interrupt and remind you that you asked if I have to.”

  “Good boy.” Sadie showed him out. Her husband certainly knew what he was doing when he signed on to have Jordan invest their finances. The boy was very talented and equally modest in his money dealings. Thanks to him, she could enjoy her remaining years with no worries. As she often had, Sadie wondered if her husband knew he was also ensuring a caring friend who would give her things to occupy her days after he was gone. She couldn’t wait to meet this Kiley Fisher. Jordan was an exceptional man. If this girl captured his heart, she must surely be something special herself.

  Chapter Four

  For the third day in a row, Malcolm Winslow watched from the alley across the street as Kiley greeted Jordan McKade. So, the little tease thought she would have it better with the Golden Boy than with him. Golden Boy, ha! Nothing but a fraud. What a fickle tramp the twit had turned out to be. Malcolm almost convinced himself he was glad he hadn’t wasted his time on her after all. Still, the thought of McKade having her rankled. Why should McKade always have anything he wanted handed to him so easily instead of needing to work at it? Malcolm had already decided he’d be willing to bet the farm that the whore had gone after him, not vice versa. Even if the greedy bimbo was just a little nothing slut, why should McKade have her spreading her thighs for him at the flash of a buck without putting out any effort?

  Malcolm wondered why he hadn’t thought to check out Mr. Paul’s at lunchtime. He’d been surprised by the parade of well-dressed, older women dining there alone the past two days. Maybe he would put in a little more time there instead of moving on as planned. Today, he had his sights set on the bleached blonde he’d noticed while spying on Kiley. Both days, she had been dressed twenty years younger than her age, heavily made up, which didn’t come close to hiding the miles on her and was obviously snockered by the time Kiley and Henry poured her into a cab long after lunch. Malcolm decided on introducing himself at the bar during her second pre-lunch cocktail. He’d ask her to join him and then let her convince him to accompany her home.

  As an added benefit, Malcolm would get to watch McKade and Kiley at closer range. He was still enraged every time he remembered McKade refusing his business. Money was money so how dare he turn Malcolm away? Over the past year, Malcolm had managed to convince himself it had been for the best. No one was as good as McKade seemed to be. All he had was a slick voice and the ability to charm most anyone. Truth be told, he’d probably turned Malcolm away because he realized Malcolm would be able to see through his flimsy charade. McKade had to
be scamming someone, hell revise that to everyone. It was only a matter of time until he got caught out and Malcolm was looking forward to that moment, glad he wouldn’t be involved in the fallout. Then he’d be able to boast how he had always known McKade was crooked to those fool associates of his that he’d tried to warn away from McKade. The Golden Boy, ha! Being connected to him would turn out to be nothing more than chasing fool’s gold at the end of the rainbow. Sooner or later, they’d see how right he’d been all along.

  When the woman in question signaled for her second drink, Malcolm made his move, deciding she’d be well primed to accept his approach. He slipped into the bar while Kiley was away from her post. Malcolm snickered. Wouldn’t she be surprised when she saw him showering another woman with his attention? That would make her regret blowing her chance on that phony.

  Kiley may have missed Malcolm’s entrance but Jordan didn’t. When Dee paused at their table, he nodded toward the bar and asked, “Does he come here often?”

  “Who, Winslow the weasel? Yeah, at least once a week. Why?”

  “No reason, just curious really,” Jordan replied.

  After Dee moved on, Brett said, “Okay, Jordan, what gives?”

  “I don’t like him being here.”

  “He’s not even looking at Kiley. Relax.”

  “No, Brett, I don’t like him being here period. He’s a liar and a con man. I’m sure I told you about him, the thief who was pretending to be someone he’s not and doing a poor job of it. He’s the one who got so pissed when I rejected him.” Jordan watched closely while appearing not to. “See the way he’s sidled up to that woman? He’s probably talking her out of some cash as we speak. He was on his way down when I refused him and I can’t imagine his circumstances have improved.”

  “Yeah, now that you say that I do remember him. Melvin something or other, right?”

  “That’s him.”

  “Why don’t you talk to Henry?” Brett suggested as they observed Malcolm holding his new friend’s chair after moving to a table.


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