Loving Her (Mitchell Family Series BK9)

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Loving Her (Mitchell Family Series BK9) Page 22

by Foor, Jennifer

  She cried harder and fell into my arms. “I was so scared. I just kept runnin’. I wanted to go home.” I picked her up and carried her into the house, where I continued holding her even after I’d sat down.

  Miranda sat down beside me and Izzy finally realized that she was there with us. She smiled at her mother, while keeping her head against my chest. Honestly, I felt like if I let go of her, for even a second, I’d lose her again. “I love you so much, Iz.”

  “I love you, too Daddy.”

  That was it, the moment of impact where everything else that had gone on was simply forgotten about. Izzy may have been lost, confused and wanting to know the truth, but what she learned only proved to her that I was the only father she’d ever want or need. “Can you say that again?”

  She laughed and looked up at me. “I said I love you, too.”

  “The other part.”


  I finally exhaled, hearing that beautiful word coming out of her mouth. “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” Miranda was in full-blown tears next to me.

  “I’m eleven, not a baby. I know you’re my dad and I know I’m a Mitchell.”

  “You always will be, Iz.”

  We cuddled up together on the couch until Colt came barging in. He saw the three of us there and left without saying anything. I think he knew that whatever had happened had brought us back to where we needed to be.

  Life got back to normal after that. After we finally got Izzy tucked into bed, we retreated to the master bedroom and plopped down on the mattress. I couldn’t remember the last time where my heart felt full.

  Miranda climbed on top of my back and started massaging it. “It’s been a long day.”

  “It’s been a long two months.”

  She kept rubbing on my shoulders. “I bet your glad it’s over.”

  “I’m speechless. For a while there, I thought she’d disowned me. You don’t know what it meant to find her in that truck, waiting for me. I still can’t believe it.”

  “I still don’t know how you knew. That’s the thing with the two of you. You share somethin’ that nobody could ever explain. Even when you both are at your worst, it’s always been there.”

  “Maybe.” There was something there between me and Iz. I didn’t know if it was fate, God, or just the fact that I’d raised her, but it was something.

  I turned over and flipped Miranda on my lap. “I’m glad I came. Being here and seein’ the two of you reconnect like that was beautiful. It’s all I ever wanted.”

  “Me too.”

  “I guess Van really messed with her head.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “I was in the room with them. It was ugly. Izzy called her liar and walked out. I really thought it made things worse.”

  A voice in the doorway scared us both. We turned to find Izzy there, in her nightgown. “When Aunt Van said that stuff I went upstairs and looked it up. I know you told me not to, but it was all there, on the front page of a paper and everything. It talked about him bein’ in jail and what he did to her and her unborn child. All I had to do was search both of their names.”

  We motioned for her to join us on the bed and Miranda scooted her body to the other side of me. We shuffled until Iz was between us. “You know you weren’t supposed to do that anymore.”

  She shrugged again. “I had to know the truth. Then when I read it, I felt embarrassed.” She looked really sad for a second. “Then I got sad because I knew I made dad leave. I made everybody hate me.”

  “Nobody hates you,” I reminded her.

  “It felt like they did. That’s why I ran. I wanted to go where I couldn’t hurt anyone else. I just wanted to be alone.”

  “Then you found me,” I added.

  She smiled. “When I saw your truck, I knew you couldn’t leave me if I was in there waitin’.”

  We both hugged our daughter. “We never wanted you to come here. We just wanted you to be at home where you belong.”

  She held both of our hands, and as much as I enjoyed cuddling with my wife, I think neither of us would have traded her sleeping between us.

  The three of us drove home the next morning, after Izzy apologized to her aunt and uncle for scaring them. I think Noah was the only one upset that she wasn’t coming to stay with them.

  I didn’t know about Miranda, but I couldn’t stop smiling. She cuddled next to me the whole way home, letting me sing the wrong words to all of her favorite songs.

  Maybe we should have just given her space. Maybe she needed to hear everything.

  We may not ever know exactly what brought her back to me, but she was there and I wasn’t going to ever let her go again.

  Everything got back to normal once we arrived in North Carolina. Izzy went to school as if nothing had ever happened. Her brothers welcomed her home by leaving fecal matter on their shared toilet seat and hitting her with a flying video game paddle.

  After a black-eye and a huge welcome home dinner from her Mimi, we could tell that things were finally going to settle down. It had been so long since I was able to tuck her in at night. I almost hesitated before walking into her room.

  She was sitting there waiting for me in her bed when I walked in. I tucked the covers around her and kissed her on the cheek. “You know, if you think you’re too old for this, I’ll be okay.”

  She laughed. “As long as you don’t tell my friends, you can still do it.”

  We pinky promised.

  When I turned off her light and started walking out, I heard one last thing that warmed my heart. “Dad, I love you.”

  I leaned against the doorframe, smiling. “Love you, too Iz.

  Miranda was on the couch, waiting for a blow by blow of how it had went. I told her about our pinky promise and what Iz had said to me. She was so happy to hear it, after so much drama that kept us apart. She stood up and took my hand. “I know what you need, Mr. Mitchell.”

  “Oh really? I raised my brow and seemed interested. “What are you offering?”

  “How about we get naked and get a nice hot bath, that may or may not lead to something more in the bed tonight.”

  I couldn’t help myself. “Anal sex?”

  She hit me up side the head. “Seriously?” Then she laughed. “I always know things are good with you when you start talkin’ about bangin’ me in the butt. Some things will never change.”

  I followed after her. “Baby, it’s all in fun.”

  She turned and took off her top as we entered into the bathroom. “You let me do it to you first, and then I’ll let you do it to me.”

  I shook my head, after considering it for less than two seconds. “Okay, missionary it is.”



  6 1/2 years later

  I looked around at the crowd of people, letting my eyes coast the audience until I found them. Getting tickets for everyone would have been hard, had I not been the valedictorian of my graduating class.

  There they were, sitting right in the middle, where I should have known they’d be. My mother looked so proud and having all of my aunts and uncles there was pretty amazing too. I gave them a quick wave before adjusting the microphone.

  My hands were shaking as I finally spotted the one person who could calm my heart and make everything disappear. Just before taking the stage, he’d pulled me to the side and told me to picture everyone in the audience, except for him, naked. It was hard to look out and not laugh, because obviously it was all I could think about.

  “Thank you all for coming today. I feel truly blessed to be here, speaking on behalf of this year’s graduating class. I’ve been advised by my peers to keep this short and sweet, so here it goes.” I cleared my throat and then continued.

  “As a child, I always enjoyed school and making new friends. I strived to do my best to make my family and myself proud. For most of my life, I’ve considered myself pretty adventurous. Without faith and family, most of us wouldn’t be here today. After twelve years, maybe m
ore for others, we’ve finally come to the end where some of us will go onto college and some find jobs immediately. From what I’ve been told, when we leave this celebration today, we’re officially adults. I don’t know about all of you, but I’ve been assuming I was an adult since I was a little girl. Just ask my family, who had to deal with me.”

  The crowd began to laugh and I paused, looking over at my dad, who was standing to the side giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and turned my attention back to the crowd.

  “I’ve been thinking about what to say today, contemplating the funny over the serious. The last thing I want to do is stand here and bore you all to death, before you get to experience what’s out there waiting for each and every one of you. I suppose I’m expected to offer advice, but your paths are up to each of you to decide.”

  I looked over at my dad, who put down the camera and wondered what I was stalling for. I folded the piece of paper and decided to wing it.

  “Before I came out here today to give this speech, my dad pulled me to the side and told me to picture all of you naked, so excuse me for the moment of silence.”

  More people began to laugh and my dad winked.

  “Look, whether you leave here today and get knocked up, or knock someone up, whether you go to college, or rob a liquor store, it’s your decisions that will guide you to who you become. Make the right choices the first time and if you don’t, learn from your mistakes. Follow your heart and be true to yourself. You’ve already accomplished something great by receiving your diploma today. Keep up the good work and good luck.”

  Before I could even finish, the crowd of students began flipping their caps into the air, celebrating that high school was officially over.

  I left the stage heading over to the person closest to me. My dad put his camera in his pocket and pulled me into his arms. “That wasn’t the speech you’ve been practicing for the past month.”

  I laughed. “I decided to just wing that shit.”

  He laughed with me. “You did great, Iz.” My dad reached inside of my gown and pulled the chain that was hanging around my neck. He looked so taken back by what he saw. “I didn’t know you still had this.”

  I looked down at the necklace that he’d given me when I was a little girl. I’d had to get a new chain for it to fit my neck, but I’d never gotten rid of something so special to me. “Dad, don’t get all emotional on me today. I don’t want my makeup to run.”

  He hugged me anyway. “I’m the happiest father alive, right now.”

  I smiled and looked up into his tear-filled eyes. “I love you, dad, but if my boyfriend sees you, he’s going to think you’re a softy.”

  My dad wiped his eyes and put on a tough face. I spotted the rest of the clan heading in our direction. He kissed the top of my head. “I’ll still kick that boys ass, crying or not.”

  I gave him a funny look and shoved him gently. “You do know I’m going away to college with him. What are you going to do this fall?”

  “Go to college with you, of course.”


  “Ok, fine. If you break up with him now, I won’t have to break his legs before August. The choice is yours.”

  I put my hands on my hips, knowing there was no reasoning when it came to my dad and my boyfriend. In his eyes, no man would ever be good enough for me. I loved him for that. “I will call you every day and come home on the weekends.”

  My poor dad had the worst time accepting that I was grown up. If he had his choice, he’d lock me in a tower and throw away the key, just so I couldn’t leave the farm. “I’m going to miss you, Iz. You’re always going to be my little girl, no matter how old you are.”

  I hugged him again and whispered in his ear right before the family was upon us. “And you’ll always be my daddy.”

  The End.

  Thank you for being a part of The Mitchell Family Series.

  Colt, Savanna, Ty, Miranda, Conner and Amy thank you so much for being a part of their wonderful family.

  Coming in 2014

  A Mitchell/Healy Series, featuring a book for all of the cousins grown up.











  Thank you again.

  Love- Jennifer Foor

  Enjoy a sample of one of my fav’s books.

  Michelle Valentine

  Rock the Beat

  It Will Rain

  Two Weeks Prior…

  For some strange reason there are socially acceptable jokes made all the time about women being late for dates, but there aren’t any for guys. Take my boyfriend, Jackson Cruze, for example. He has a face like Channing Tatum, a body that David Beckham would be envious over, and the time management skills of a well-trained baboon. The guy couldn’t be on time if it saves his life.

  I check my watch again and sigh. Surely he wouldn’t forget to pick me up tonight? We’ve had this date planned for our two-year anniversary for some time now. He’s not that big of a jerk, is he?

  I pull out my cell and call my best friend, Max, while I wait. Like clockwork, he answers on the second ring and I ask, “Where are you?”

  Max laughs into the phone while the sounds of a wild party fill in behind him. “I’m at Paulo’s. Why aren’t you here? This is the biggest end of summer bash I’ve ever seen. You’ve got to get your ass over here.”

  Paulo’s has the best Mexican food, drinks and DJs this side of the border. It’s one of my most favorite places to hang out with my friends, and it sounds a whole lot better than waiting on my date who’s already over an hour late.

  I pick at my nails. “I can’t. I’m waiting on Jackson. It’s our anniversary.”

  “Um, Holly, Jackson’s here.”

  My nostrils flare and my brow crinkles. “What?! Why is he there? He’s supposed to be here.” This makes no sense.

  “I’m not sure, baby girl, but by the looks of him, he’s been here for a while.”

  Un-freaking-believable. “Is he drunk?”

  There’s a bit of rustling on Max’s end. “Judging by the number of beer cans piled on the table and slight wobble in his stance, I’d say he’s hammered. Better forget tonight, Blondie, and plan on reaming his ass for it tomorrow. Come over and hang out with me. I miss you.”

  I resist the urge to chuck my cell out into the gravel parking lot in front of my house. Phones are expensive, and I don’t have an extra penny to waste. “I’m not really feeling up to it. I think I’m going to head on to bed.”

  “All right. Love you. Call me tomorrow. I want to know what excuse he feeds you this time,” Max says.

  He’s never been a big fan of Jackson’s, and this little incident certainly won’t help win Jackson win any favor points. I can’t count the number of times Max has encouraged me to break up with my boyfriend over the last two years.

  “Sure thing. Good night and have fun,” I tell him before ending the call.

  I haul my ass out of the old, white, rocking chair on the front porch and trudge up my stairs. I can’t believe he forgot—I even reminded him today. You’d think after two years, being together with me would mean something.

  I close my bedroom door and then fall onto my bed. The yellow sundress I bought special for tonight becomes my blanket as I curl my legs inside it. Tears push their way down my temples before landing in the long, mess of blonde hair spread across my pillow. I can’t believe Jackson did this to me.

  Don’t I mean anything to him? You don’t blow off people you love for a stupid party.

  I know he’s not been the best boyfriend in the world, but I didn’t expect for him to totally blow me off like this. I know things have been rocky between us since I came home from college this summer, but that’s one of the reasons I decided to stay home this fall. To mend what a year away at school had broken.

  I close my eyes, feel
ing stupid for loving someone that obviously doesn’t love me back, and cry myself to sleep.

  The next thing I know my shoulder is gently shaken, stirring me out of a deep sleep. “Holly. Wake up.”

  It’s Jackson, no doubt still drunk off his ass and feeling guilty. I roll over and rub my eyes while trying to make him out in the dark. “What time is it?”

  “It’s nearly five,” he whispers.

  I sit up quickly. “Are you out of your mind coming in here at this time of night? If my dad catches you, he’ll kill you. How’d you get in here anyway?”

  After blinking a few times, my vision adjusts to the moonlit room. Jackson’s sitting on the edge of my bed with his lips pulled into a tight line. I tense. I’ve seen that look before. It’s the expression he wears when he’s nervous.

  His polo shirt hugs his toned body as he bends at the waist, resting his elbows on his knees while he drops his head. “The front door was open, so I let myself in.”

  I sigh heavily. “Really, Jackson, this can’t wait until the morning? I know you’re sorry for standing me up. I forgive you for that. People make mistakes.”

  He turns toward me and grabs my hand. “You don’t know how glad I am to hear you say that. I don’t want you to hate me.”

  I don’t like the way I can sense desperation on him as he’s touching me. There’s something wrong. I’ve known him long enough that I can just feel it. “Why are you here, Jackson? Did something happen?”

  Jackson runs his hand over his shaved head and shoots his gaze down at the floor. “I didn’t mean to do it, Holl. You have to believe me.”

  I lean down trying to catch his gaze, but it doesn’t work. He won’t look at me and this causes my stomach to drop. “Didn’t mean to do what, Jackson? You’re scaring me.”

  He takes a deep breath. He takes a deep breath. “I’ve been sleeping with someone else while you were away at school, and well, I did it again tonight, so I figured it was time you knew.”

  My breath catches at the same time my heart crumbles in my chest. I clutch my throat. There’s no air and I can’t breathe. One word keeps assaulting my mind. “Why?”


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