Cadet Bear (Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (Bear Patrol Book 3)

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Cadet Bear (Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (Bear Patrol Book 3) Page 4

by Scarlett Grove

  They both breathed heavily, coming down from the rush. Rosa rested her head against his chest. His arms wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close. Sliding a finger along his impeccable chest, her mind began to unravel as she came down from her high.

  For a split second, she couldn’t believe what she had just let happen. But then she felt the love and connection between her and her mate. He was her everything. She could feel his love rolling off of him and radiating inside her.

  Her own love was pulsing in return. It was as if they spoke a language that was beyond words. A language of pure energy. Something that was perfect and only between them. It was beautiful.


  Heath woke several hours later as the evening sun was dipping toward the western horizon. He slid away from Rosa, her long brown hair falling over her pretty face like a curtain. He brushed it aside and kissed her cheek. She stirred, her eyes slowly opening.

  “Hello beautiful,” he said, smiling down at her as she blinked away her sleep.

  “What time is it?” she asked groggily.

  “It’s after six. We have to get down to the station, but I’ll make us something to eat before we go.”

  They had postponed long enough. It was time to get to the station and find out what Rollo and Damien had been able to come up with.

  He slid his boxers on and turned to watch Rosa pick her clothes up off the floor. The evening sunlight glowed through the window blinds and cast an ethereal light over Rosa’s golden skin. His bear purred, sated at the back of his mind. The beast could feel his mate. Heath had claimed her and now he and Rosa were eternally connected.

  Heath pulled on jeans and a t-shirt. He and Rosa walked down the hall and into the kitchen. She sat at one of the stools that was pushed up against the kitchen island and watched him as he began pulling things out of the fridge.

  “How do you like your steak?” he asked.

  “Medium. I guess,” she said, yawning.

  He prepared two plates with baby greens for a salad and poured a dollop of oil into his frying pan on the stove. A moment later, he had two juicy steaks frying over the gas burner. Heath scooped the steaks up and onto plates. He slid one across the counter to Rosa. He watched her take a bite of the food he had prepared for her and smiled as she chewed her first bite of the steak.

  “How is it?” he asked, walking around the counter to sit on the stool beside her.

  “It's delicious. It’s one of the best meals I've had in weeks.”

  “That can't possibly be true,” he chuckled.

  “I've been on the road eating cheap food since Maria went missing.”

  “Well we’re going to remedy that very soon.”

  “Heath,” Rosa started, looking up at him with glistening eyes. “I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me.”

  “Rosa, you are my mate. I have claimed you as my own, we will forever be connected as one. I would do anything for you. You have to remember that. You don't have to thank me for it.”

  “I will still thank you for it, every day for the rest of my life. I've been lost since the death of my parents. Maria's disappearance has eaten away at my spirit even more. Now that we’re together, I finally feel like there's something more for me.”

  He reached across the counter and grasped her hand, feeling the smooth skin under his palm as he threaded his fingers through hers.

  “And I will be forever grateful for you, Rosa.”

  She sighed heavily and smiled up at him, a single tear falling from the corner of her eye. She was so magnificently beautiful that he didn't know how he had deserved to be matched with such an astounding woman. Not only had Rosa believed so strongly in her sister that she wouldn't take the word of the Police Department in Los Angeles, but she was so connected to her sister that she had followed her kidnappers all the way to Northern Oregon.

  Rosa's intuition was profound and stunning. It was something not typically seen in the average human, or even shifter for that matter. Shifters who were mated would often feel each other deep within. But Rosa had somehow formed a similar bond with her sister. It humbled him to the very core to think about how loving and powerful his mate really was. He would spend the rest of his life protecting and nurturing her gentle, loving spirit with the last breath in his body.

  When they were done eating, he went upstairs to put on his uniform. When he was done dressing and preparing himself, he came back downstairs and found Rosa staring out the window with a worried expression on her face.

  “What's wrong?”

  “I feel like we're too late,” she said, looking out the window at the darkness on the street outside.

  “We will find her. I promise you.”

  They went outside and climbed into Heath's patrol car. When they made it to the police station, Heath parked and they made their way inside. Rollo and the rest of the Bear Patrol were already gathered in Rollo's office. Rosa looked up at Heath nervously. He held her hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze. They went into Rollo's office and the crew all turned to look at them.

  “Okay,” Rollo said. “We're all here now. Rosa, why don't you began by telling us a little bit about your story.”

  Heath could feel her nervous energy, and he put his arm around her shoulders. Damien stood from the chair where he'd been sitting and offered it to Rosa. She sat down and folded her hands in her lap, clearing her throat.

  “Well, I don't know what Heath’s told you, but I'll just start at the beginning. Two weeks ago, my sister Maria disappeared on the way home from school. Maria is fifteen years old and she is about five foot three with long brown hair. She looks very similar to me in most respects. When she didn't arrive home, I immediately filed a missing persons’ report.

  “After 48 hours, the Los Angeles Police Department declared Maria's case closed on the assumption that she had run away. They offered no further assistance.

  “I have been Maria's primary guardian for five years, ever since our parents passed away. I know my sister almost as well as I know myself. She would never run away from our home. I know someone took her. No matter how much I begged the police department to continue looking for her, they refused to do anything else.

  “Then I began to hear stories of missing girls, one after the other on the way north from Los Angeles. I began to follow those cases and looked into them as I traveled. I took time off of work and got an advance so that I could focus on following the trail. The trail led me to Portland where the last kidnapping occurred several days ago.”

  “I do have a record of a young girl going missing from the Portland area several days ago,” Rollo said. “And we have looked into the other missing girls as well. Your story checks out.”

  “The trail went cold in Portland. I spent two days trying to find the next missing person anywhere that could be quickly reached from the Portland area. Nothing happened. Something told me to travel east and that whoever was taking these girls was resting here in the mountains. I don't know how I know, I just do. If you don't believe me, that's fine. I'm used to the police not believing me.”

  “Heath said we would believe you,” Rollo said. “We're shifters. We believe in things like fate, and many of us have felt deeply connected to the people that we love through our bonds. I have no doubt that you were able to feel your sister's presence here. I take that very seriously.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Several months ago,” Damien started. “I ran a simulation on our random probability generator. It came back to me indicating that it was highly likely that a human trafficking ring was moving through the area. However, even after running the inputs again with the information you gave us, I have not been able to pinpoint any exact locations.” Damien said. “I have been able to establish a general area where the kidnappers most probably have a hideout. The Bear Patrol is currently organizing a search with the Rescue Bears in this area of the mountain. We will be leaving at first light.”

  “I think that first light will be to
o late,” Rosa said.

  “Why do you say that?” Deputy Knox asked.

  “I got the distinct feeling that we were too late right before Heath and I left the house.”

  The Bear Patrol all looked to Rollo, waiting for a response.

  “If we’re running out of time, we should do it now.”

  “I agree,” Heath said. “I'll get you home now, Rosa.”

  “I want to go with you. Maybe I can help.”

  “She has a point,” Detective Gauge said. “She may be able to give us information once we get closer to the hiding place.”

  “I don't want to put Rosa in danger,” Heath said.

  “You have to let me do this. It's my sister.”

  “What do you think, Commander?” Heath asked Rollo.

  “I think that she has found her way so far so we should probably trust her instincts.”

  “Okay then,” Heath said nervously.

  The last thing in the world that he wanted was to put Rosa in danger when there were so many bears going out to find her sister and the kidnappers. She should stay safely at home and out of harm’s way. But he could see her reasoning and Rollo agreed with her. Heath wasn't about to disagree with both his mate and his Alpha.

  Everyone started for their cars after they met with the Rescue Bears at the station. Rosa and Heath rode with Rollo and Gauge in Rollo’s SUV. They took the road out to the same turn off where Rosa had led him earlier that day.

  “Why did you pick this location?” Heath asked Rollo.

  “This is the location that Damien was able to pinpoint with a random probability generator.”

  “I knew she was close to here,” Rosa said.

  “It’s a good thing you didn’t find them on your own,” Rollo said.

  The truth was that if she had tried to confront the kidnappers on her own, she most likely would have been taken herself.

  Everyone climbed out of the car as the rest of the Bear Patrol and Rescue Bears arrived. It was an awesome sight to see; all eleven bears were gathered together for one purpose. The bears were out in full force to bring the girl home. Heath knew that these guys would complete their mission.

  Just like they always did.


  All of the bears were checking their equipment and talking battle plans while Rosa stood back, watching and listening. She knew her sister was close, but at the same time, she didn't feel she had anything else to offer.

  She inspected the guys who were all dressed in high quality outdoor gear with indestructible pants and boots. Rosa then looked down at her own clothes. She was wearing a pair of light sneakers, shorts, and a tank top under a hooded sweatshirt.

  She was not prepared to go hiking in the chill of a mountain night. The sun had already gone down and the temperature was dropping with it. Heath turned to her as she shivered in the cold. He looked into her eyes and frowned.

  “You’ll stay here in the patrol car,” Heath said.

  “Take this walkie-talkie,” Rollo said, handing her the device. “If you have any insights, I want you to immediately contact me over this walkie-talkie. Do you understand?”

  “I understand.”

  “I'll let you back into the patrol car.” Heath said. “I don't want you to leave. You'll be safe here. I promise you.”

  Rosa felt anything but safe, even surrounded by eleven bears, all with outdoor ready equipment and guns. She felt lost and afraid and had the sinking feeling that they were all running out of time.

  “I will contact you if I feel anything,” Rosa said.

  Heath helped her back into the patrol car and wrapped her in his big strong embrace. The heat of his body radiated through hers, warming her up with his love. She let out a deep sigh and sat back on her seat, gripping the walkie-talkie.

  “Try to stay out of sight. If anything happens, I want you to contact us immediately.”

  “I will. You don't have to worry.”

  Rosa could tell that Heath was very worried. And the worry seemed to compound between them.

  “Just find Maria,” she begged.

  He cupped her chin in his hand and leaned in to kiss her gently on the lips.

  “I will not fail you,” he said.

  He stepped back and shut the door. Rosa locked the car and watched the Rescue Bears and the Bear Patrol march off into the dark forest.

  They were following Damien and his random probability generator. Rosa didn't understand it any more than most people understood intuition. But that didn't mean that it wouldn't work. She felt a shiver go up her spine and a sense of impending dread rained down over her shoulders.

  She crinkled her forehead and bit her lip. They had to make it in time. She didn't know what was going on. Maybe the kidnappers were already moving to a new location. No matter what it was, she felt as if something was terribly wrong and that her sister was in serious danger.

  The Rescue Bears and Bear Patrol had disappeared into the forest and Rosa was now alone in the darkness. All that she had to hang onto was the hope that the strangers would be able to find her sister.

  They had to bring Maria home. They just had to. Rosa trusted Heath more than anything else in the world. She had no rational reason why she should. Just like she had no real rational reason how she could be so in love with Heath.

  She could feel it in the depths of her soul just like she felt the love for her sister. That's how she knew it was true. She knew that Heath would do anything for her and she would do anything for him. Just like Rosa would do anything for her sister Maria. That's what family did.

  The Bear Patrol and the Rescue Bears were now showing her how seriously they took family. These men had all agreed to go off into the night on a wild goose chase led only by a computer and a strange girl.

  She was humbled by their loyalty, strength, and resolve. She would be forever grateful for these men for their help. They were heroes in her estimation. As she waited in the SUV, clutching the walkie-talkie in her hand, she suddenly had the most intense feeling of panic she'd ever felt in her life. Her heart jumped into her throat, pounding furiously. Faster than it had ever pounded before. She could barely breathe and felt her vision going black. There was definitely something wrong.

  Rosa had the distinct feeling she knew exactly where Maria was. She started to scurry out of the patrol car. Her hands were sweaty and shaking. The walkie-talkie fell to the dark ground, the communication suddenly going silent. She scrambled to pick it up, trying to turn the dial on the device until she heard the men again. She couldn’t find their voices. She clicked on the button that would allow her to speak into the walkie-talkie.

  “Rollo,” she said tentatively. “This is Rosa.” She waited for a response but all she heard was static. She tried turning the dial again.

  “Rollo?” she asked, feeling more panicked with every second of silence. “Please come in.” No one answered.

  Something was wrong with Maria. She could feel it, the panic swirled around her like a dark shadow. She shut the door of the car and stood in the darkness, clicking on the flashlight Heath had left her. She could almost feel the tug directing her towards her sister. She tried the walkie-talkie once more.

  “Come in. Anyone?” she said, her voice trembling and shaking with fear.

  All she heard was static and nothing else. She moved away from the car, moving toward the forest and dropped the useless walkie-talkie on the ground. She had to go. She had to find Maria. It was the only option left.

  Rosa continued into the forest, her soft tennis shoes ill-equipped for the rough terrain. Her light hooded sweatshirt was unable to keep back the chill in the air. She shivered and her legs were scratched by whacking underbrush as she moved through the forest.

  But she didn't stop. She didn't relent or slow down. She followed that feeling inside her that told her where to go. It was like an arrow leading her straight to her sister. She focused on it more and more. It seemed like she had walked for miles through the thick forest, moving away from where
the Rescue Bears and the Bear Patrol had been heading.

  She started to climb up a rocky hillside, her soft tennis shoes unable to get adequate footing. She stepped on a rock that slid out from under her, sending her stumbling backwards to fall on her ass in tangled blackberry bushes.

  The thorns sliced into her skin, causing multiple tiny puncture wounds that bled and stung on her palms. She could barely see with only her little flashlight as her guide and the glow of the moon overhead.

  Maybe it had been stupid to leave the patrol car. She wasn't even sure how to get back there now. She was lost in the forest but still determined to find her sister. It was the only way, the only thing she could do. She would find Maria and she would bring her home. She had to trust that Heath really would always be there for her and wouldn't let her come to any harm. She would find Maria and Heath would find her.

  Carefully trotting up the hillside, she came to the top and saw the dim glow of a light off in the distance. She smelled a faint scent of campfire and knew that she’d found the kidnappers.

  She continued down the hill, carefully making her way over the steep edge to the lower elevation. The glowing lights were no longer visible through the dense forest at this level. From above it had seemed like it was at least a mile or two away and she would have to trudge through more to get to it.

  As she went on, panting in the darkness, she felt exhausted from the exertion. She was so close. Any minute now she would find her sister.

  Just as a Rosa saw the light through the tree trunks, she felt a hand reach up and grab her, covering her mouth. As she tried to scream her attacker restrained her body so that she couldn't move. She tried to call out but it was useless. She tried to escape but the man was far too strong.

  Tears streamed down her face as she tried to scream her sister's name. A horrible realization came to her in the haze of her panicked mind.


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