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OnlyatTheCavern Page 15

by Anna Alexander

  This time Marco went with the need to comfort her and laid his hand on her arm. “They won’t find you, Jenny. I promise. I just have one more question for you. Does the name Smithwick sound familiar?”

  “Yeah. I think he’s the boss.”

  “Fuck yeah,” Coulter bit out before he caught himself. “Sorry.”

  Marco shot his lieutenant a scowl and a wink. Hell, he wanted to react the same way. He turned back to Jenny. “What Coulter so eloquently means is we know who you’re dealing with. And you’re right, he is dangerous. That’s why we’re getting you out of here pronto.”

  “Excuse me, Captain,” Jasmine piped up. “Are you crazy? You’re forgetting that she’s injured and still requires medical attention.”

  “I know, but the longer she stays here, the more she’s in danger. And I’ve got a plan.” He leaned forward in his seat. “Believe me, Jenny. Smithwick will have to get to me before he gets to you. I’ll keep you safe. Dr. Jovanovich, is there a private place we can talk?”

  She crossed her arms and for several seconds regarded him with that deep stare with a slight tilt of her head. She wanted to argue with him about the girl’s care, he saw the words in her eyes, but she nodded and gestured with her hand to the door. “I know a place.”

  “Good.” He stood and reached for the call button by the bed and pressed it into Jenny’s hand. “Hang tight, little girl. If anyone comes in here you don’t recognize, you press this button and scream as loud as you can. I don’t care if they say they work here or not. Understand?”

  She nodded, staring up at him with wide eyes. She hugged the call button to her chest and for the first time in his presence, relaxed into the bed.

  “Show us the way, Doc.”

  Jasmine led them down the hall to a small room furnished with a loveseat, coffee table and two chairs. There was a sliding door in the wall that she slid shut for more privacy. By the copious amounts of tissue boxes and leaflets on grief lining the countertop, he realized this was the room the doctors used to deliver bad news to family members.

  She turned toward them with the princess look on her face. “How much danger is she in, really?”

  “A lot. Do you remember about a year ago, when the police were in a shootout with a drug dealer and the girl he had kidnapped and had a bomb strapped to her neck?”

  Her brow furrowed. “Yes.”

  “Same guy. His name’s Smithwick. He’s moving into human trafficking and we’ve been on his trail for years. Jenny may be our only witness to the inner workings of his organization. If he knows she’s alive, he will have her killed.”

  Jasmine drew in a breath and nodded. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Yes. That’s my girl.” Before he realized he moved, he swept her up in a hug and dropped a kiss to her cheek. “First thing is we need protection. Coulter, call Santiago and tell him to drop everything and get here, but don’t make it look too obvious. Until he gets here, I want you to stand guard. I only want our team around her from now on.”

  “Right, Cap,” he said with a bemused smirk on his face.

  “Oh, sorry,” Marco murmured to a shocked Jasmine as he realized he still held her in his arms and stepped back. “Anyway, Coulter, gather all of the photos of Smithwick’s associates the Chameleon compiled. Once Jenny’s settled, we’ll see if she recognizes anyone. Now go.”

  “I’m on it.” Coulter turned to leave but there were still questions in his eyes as he left them alone.

  “Where are you planning on taking her?” Jasmine asked.

  Marco chuckled, already anticipating her reaction. “The Cavern.”

  She didn’t disappoint. “Excuse me?” she exclaimed and looked at him as if he were crazy.

  Crazy like a fox maybe. “Think about it. You’ll have access to medical supplies, the Kilsgaards have plenty of space, no one will think to look for her there, and with Lucian and Bale nearby, no one will get to her. Those two have mad skills when it comes to protecting people. In a situation like this, I’d trust no one else.”

  “Why do you think Lucian will agree?”

  “He’s a smart man with powerful friends and a familial grudge against Smithwick. He’ll agree. And another thing, Jenny reminds me a bit of Bale’s girlfriend, Ari. New to town with nothing but the clothes on her back and a hope and a prayer. Besides, can you think of a better person to mother Jenny than Amaryllis?”

  The idea elicited a small grin. “I concede it’s a sound plan, if he agrees.”

  “He will.”

  Her raised eyebrow said that remained to be seen. “I’ll prepare her for transport with as much discretion as possible. It won’t be easy, but I’ll do my best.”

  “I have the utmost confidence in your skills.” He reached out and drew her back into the circle of his arms. This was it. Smithwick’s capture was so close, he could practically smell the man’s expensive cologne. “I wish I could share more with you, but this is good. This is great. Soon, we’ll have an asshole behind bars and protect more girls like Jenny. Once she’s settled, we should celebrate, just a little. Nothing fancy. How about dinner? When are you free?”

  “Dinner?” She stiffened in his arms. “You want to have dinner? Together?”

  “Yeah. And don’t pretend that you don’t have dinner. You eat. We all do. When are you off work?”

  “I, uh—” she cleared her throat and brushed away his hold. “I don’t—can’t have dinner.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it sounds like a date.”

  “It is a date.”

  “Right. Remember? I don’t date.”

  “Then think of it as dinner with a friend. We are friends, right?”


  Frustration burned in his chest and he restrained the urge to pull out his hair. Damn it. The woman was determined to cut him off at the knees. Or the balls. “What are you saying?”

  She closed her eyes for a second and sucked in a hurried breath before she lifted her chin to say, “Look, Captain, I thought I had been perfectly clear when we entered our arrangement. I am your Dom. You are my sub. Out in the real world we do not socialize. Only at The Cavern do we exist as a couple. I’m sorry if you’ve come to believe otherwise, but that’s how things are.”

  “Are they?” He stalked toward her. Whether she realized it or not, she issued a challenge he was more than ready to accept. “And what if I want more? Hell, what am I saying? I do want more.”

  She gasped and stumbled backward as he crept closer. For the first time he saw her look anything but in control. “Well, you can’t have more.”

  “Why not?” He stopped within millimeters of her heaving chest as she hit the wall at her back. “I want you, Jasmine. I like you. You’re smart, sexy, have a wicked sense of humor and can make me hard with a blink of your lashes. I want to spend time with you. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “You can’t have more.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t have more to give,” she shouted and pushed against his chest. “Don’t you understand? I’m at work seventy-plus hours a week. The only time I can spare are the few hours I manage to have at the club. That’s all. And that’s what you agreed to. Damn it.” She squeezed her eyes tight. “I don’t even have time for this conversation. Let me know if Lucian agrees. In the meantime, I’ll get Jenny ready for transport.”

  She stormed out with the ends of her coat flapping behind her like the tail of a kite in a windstorm.

  Yeah, he was pissed she shot him down, but the woman did have a point, much as he hated to admit it. She never agreed to a relationship outside The Cavern. And at the time he signed the contract, he hadn’t thought she’d be so obstinate about the mere idea of seeing him as more than her sub. Added to all of that, they were both busy professionals. Seriously, what was he doing thinking he could try to have a relationship anywhere close to normal when the biggest break in his case fell into his lap? Jasmine was right.

  He hated that she
was right.

  There had to be a way to make it work between them. He was tired of leaving her at the end of the night. Hell, he hated not being able to kiss her when he wanted or even hold her close. Simple things that men and women did to show affection when not tearing it up between the sheets. Was it too much to ask to have a girlfriend?

  From his jacket pocket his phone vibrated. A glance at the screen confirmed that Santiago was on his way. Duty called.

  Apparently he was asking too much.

  With his right hand he pressed the buttons to call Lucian while his left dug into his pocket for his pack of gum. Maybe he should take up smoking.

  Convincing Lucian to offer his facilities to harbor a witness took little effort, just as he suspected. If there was one thing Marco could always count on, it was the Kilsgaard men’s willingness to protect those who need it.

  There was a knock on the door before Coulter entered the room. “Santiago’s here.”

  “Thanks, Cass,” he said, then returned to his conversation with Lucian. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Amaryllis right away. Let’s get Jenny settled before your wife goes all Daddy Warbucks on her.”

  “I’ll do my best, Captain.” Lucian laughed. “Your witness will be in good hands.”

  “See you soon.” He ended the call. “Let’s find the doc and get our girl out of here.”

  Coulter stood in front of the door with his arms crossed. “What’s going on?”

  “Where have you been? An angel has risen from the Dumpster and granted us a boon.”

  “I mean with you and the doctor. There’s this weird energy between you two I don’t remember being there before. Are you—are you two dating?”

  Aye, the rub. He snorted. “Believe me, we’re not dating.”

  “It’s okay if you were. She’s cute in that sexy librarian sort of way. I mean, if she wore her hair down and you thought of her by her first name and not Doc. What is her name again?” He scratched his head. “Jasmine? Yeah. That’s hot. Jasmine…wait a minute.”

  Marco held his breath as he saw Coulter put the pieces together. With his hand to God, he swore he saw sparks fly from Coulter’s hair when the man hit the answer.

  “Holy shit! Dr. Jovanovich is Mistress Jasmina.”

  Suddenly Marco turned into Vinny Barbarino from that old show Welcome Back, Kotter he used to watch on Nick at Night, sputtering and laughing as if Coulter were crazy. “Are you insane? You think Dr. Jo is a dominatrix? Are you high?”

  “No, I’m right because I never said the word dominatrix and you know who Mistress Jasmina is.”


  “And if you know who Mistress Jasmina is, then…oh…” His jaw fell open and eyes boggled. He then emitted a series of ohs, all with varying pitches and lengths, but Marco heard each statement as if Coulter actually said the words.

  Oh, you’re not dating Dr. Jovanovich.

  Oh, because you’re seeing Mistress Jasmina.

  Oh, which means you’re her submissive.

  Oh, so I guess you like to be spanked and taken up the ass.

  Marco sighed. “You’re going to catch flies with that open trap, Coulter.”

  He blinked several times and shook his head. “Sorry, I just— I didn’t think you swung that way, Cap. Wow. My mind has been thoroughly blown. In a million years, I’d never have guessed you’re all for being tied up and slapped around by a woman. I’m trying to picture it and I gotta tell you, I’m totally shocked.”

  “Shut up, Coulter.”

  “Hold up, boss.” Coulter sidestepped to block the exit. “You can’t drop a bomb like that and leave.”

  “I didn’t say anything. You’re the one jumping to conclusions.”

  Coulter drew imaginary circles in the air. “Your face said it all. Come on. I need details. What’s it like? I heard Mistress Jasmina is amazing. Does she make you wear leather? Has she made you lick her boots?”

  “My God, you’re an idiot,” he groaned and smacked his gum. “Drop it and let’s go. It’s not important.”

  “You’re wrong.” He widened his stance and popped his neck back and forth as if he were preparing for a throw down. “From what I can gather, you started seeing her after your accident, which means she’s the reason you’ve been mentally checking out recently. And now we’ve had a huge break in our case that she is directly involved with. I need to know if you can keep your head on the case or is it in her pants?”

  His fingers curled into fists and he felt sweat gather along his forehead. “You’re asking to get your ass kicked, Lieutenant.”

  “I’m being a good cop who’s worried about a member of my team. You’d ask the same questions if the situation were reversed and you know it.”

  Fuck it all to hell.

  Marco sucked in growl and turned away from Coulter’s knowing smirk to pace the four feet to the wall and back. Why was it that all of a sudden he’d gone from being the undisputed alpha to a complete and utter dumbass?

  “Goddammit,” he snarled.

  Coulter looked at him with puppy-dog eyes. “I’m here for you, Captain, if you need to talk.” He threw up his hands in defense as Marco feinted like he was going to deck him. “I’m kidding. I mean, I’m willing to listen, but geez, you’re wound tighter than a tube top on a sumo wrestler. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. In the grand scheme of life, it’s nothing.” He dug the heel of his hand into his eye and let out long breath. “I’m seeing Mistress—Jaz—Doc—her. I’ve been seeing her for a few weeks to help with stress.”

  “Is that what you call it?”

  “I swear to God, Coulter.”

  “I can’t help it.” He chortled. “I’m curious and intrigued and jealous as hell. I know a lot of people who were disappointed when Mistress Jasmina picked a new sub. I didn’t know it was you, and I didn’t realize she was Dr. Jovanovich. Man, what’s it like?”

  “How do you know so much about her?”

  “I’m no stranger to The Cavern, as you well know. I have friends there. I keep my ear to the ground. Now what’s it like? You’re killing me.”

  “It’s…freeing. I don’t have to think about anything but her, and I don’t have to guess about what to do or how she’s thinking because she tells me. For a little bit of time, I can just let go.”

  “Has she whipped you?”

  “I’m not answering that. No specifics.”

  “Man, you’re no fun.” He rubbed at his jaw. “So what happened after I left you two that pissed her off?”

  “What makes you think she was pissed?”

  He drew another circle around his face. “That woman was spitting nails.”

  “Fuck.” How had things blown up so badly? “I asked her out.”

  “Out?” His brow crinkled. “Like out out?”


  “Like on a date?”


  The crease across the forehead deepened. “I heard Mistress Jasmina doesn’t date.”

  “She doesn’t and neither does Dr. Jovanovich. Apparently I’ve broken an unspoken rule and dared to ask her to spend time with me outside of the club.”

  “Oh,” Cassidy drew in a long breath. “I see. Huh. That is a quandary. I’m sorry, Cap. Does that mean your arrangement is over?”

  Ah. The magic question and his greatest fear. “I don’t know. I hope not.”

  “You like her.”

  “Of course I do.”

  “No. You really like her.”

  He stared at his friend for a long while before he nodded. “Yeah. A lot.”

  Coulter smiled. “I wish you the best, man. Now the truth. Is the sex good?”

  Marco stepped around him to slide open the door. “What goes on in the dungeon is not about sex.”

  “But if it was?”

  His smile stretched so far his cheeks stung.

  “I knew it,” Coulter crowed.

  “Come on. We have a girl relying on us to keep her alive.”

; Together they walked to the nurses’ station. Before they could ask about Dr. Jovanovich’s whereabouts, she stepped out from a nearby office with a sheaf of papers and walked in their direction.

  Coulter sputtered with laughter before he sucked in a chuckle and Jasmine’s eyes narrowed. If it were physically possible, he knew they’d be two daggers lodged in his chest.

  “Sorry, Cap,” Coulter whispered.

  All he could do was grunt in reply. Nothing left to do but hope Jasmine didn’t take her anger out on his hide.

  Actually, if she didn’t, he’d know for certain their relationship as he once knew it was over.

  Chapter Ten

  Jasmine pulled the blanket over the sleeping girl’s chest before crossing to the window and checking the lock one last time.

  Jenny had yet to attempt another dash out the window, but it didn’t hurt to be extra cautious. So far she had rested peacefully in her new quarters on the top floor of Amaryllis and Lucian’s penthouse, however, once her strength returned, who was to say fear wouldn’t propel her back into danger.

  She left the bedroom door open a crack and walked down the long staircase to join Amaryllis in her living room.

  “Her color’s looking real good, but her blood sugar is high. Quit giving her soda and sweets.”

  “It’s my house and you can’t tell me what to do.” Amaryllis held up a pair of pink open-toed heels. “Which do you like best with that dress on the chair? These fuchsia shoes or the white flats?”

  She gestured to all of the shopping bags and clothes. “What’s all of this?”

  “Jenny’s new wardrobe.”

  “Ah. Of course. Well, fairy godmother, let her sleep before playing fashion show. I’ll be back day after tomorrow to check on her condition. Call me if she doesn’t seem to be managing her pain. Do not give her any medication without asking me.”

  “Right, good doctor.” She saluted. “Are you off to meet with the handsome Captain DeWinter?”

  “I am,” she answered slowly. If he showed up.

  In the two days since he had asked her out, all communication between them was solely about Jenny and her needs. He didn’t give any indication that he wanted to cancel his appointment, but he had fallen into what she called “Iceman mode”. Direct, emotionless. Not a single warm glance or passion-filled word.


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