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OnlyatTheCavern Page 19

by Anna Alexander

  Marco was in the hall standing outside her door. He ran to her and engulfed her in a huge bear hug, smashing her nose into his chest as he ran his hands over her body.

  “I’ve been searching for you everywhere. You didn’t answer your phone, you weren’t home and the hospital said you weren’t there when I called. I’ve been scared to death.”

  It was difficult to imagine Marco afraid of anything, but the trembles that shook him as he hugged her close were real enough. After the morning she had, his embrace was welcome, and she burrowed closer, inhaling the scent of his spicy aftershave, and sank into the comfort of his arms.

  “I’m sorry,” he said and ran his hands over her hair again and again. “I’m so sorry. I never meant for you to be dragged into any of this. I should have known better, damn it.”

  “I don’t understand,” she mumbled into his jacket.

  “Let’s get inside and out of the open.” He stepped back enough to allow her to unlock the door and let them into her condo, but he kept within touching distance.

  “Does your visit have something to do with the photos of us on the internet?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.” He paused in the entryway and surveyed the open area of her condo.

  It had been years since she had a lover inside her personal domain. Her condo was more of a place to store her things and sleep than what one would call a “real” home. Her dungeon at The Cavern was more her style and where she chose to display her true personality.

  The living room furniture looked as if it had come straight from the showroom floor, which it had, courtesy of her mother’s insistence that she move on from the college days of assembly-required pieces. The room was pretty but cold, and as she imagined what the impersonal space must look like through his eyes, all of her confidence vanished. The encounters at the hospital left her feeling more vulnerable than she expected, and now Marco was the only person to have seen her in all aspects of her life. The illusion of Mistress Jasmina was officially broken.

  She cleared her throat, eager to get to the heart of the matter and be done with it. There was a bottle of wine with her name on it in the kitchen she was more than ready for. “What’s going on, Captain?”

  The worry that had darkened his eyes deepened to sorrow as the muscles in his jaw flinched. “Jesus, Jasmine, why can’t you call me Marco?”

  “Is it that important to you?” she asked past a dry mouth.

  “Yes.” He stepped closer. “Because you’re that important to me, and I want to mean more to you than just another sub. Look, I know that we are two busy people and at the moment there is a royal clusterfuck going on, but I still don’t see why it’s so unreasonable for me to care about you and want to spend more time together. Am I really that bad to be around when you don’t have me naked and trussed up?”

  “No.” A smile broke through her awkwardness and she gazed up at him through her lashes and laid her hand on his chest. “I’ve come to realize that the issue is all about me. Plain ol’ Jasmine is not as exciting as Mistress Jasmina. To open this side of myself to anyone is not something I’ve been prepared to do. It’s scary.”

  “What can I do to prove you can trust me with your heart?”

  His question made her smile widen. The fact that he asked instead of stating that he was already trustworthy went a long way in soothing her fears.

  “You can be patient with me,” she said. “And honest. You can start by telling me what you know about those photos of us.”

  “Smithwick,” he practically spat.

  “Smithwick? The man you’ve been after? The one whose men tried to kill Jenny?”

  He pulled her into his arms and rested his forehead against hers. “I’m getting too close and he’s using you as leverage to get me to back away. I’m so sorry to have you caught in the middle, Jasmine.”

  “I know you didn’t mean to.”

  “I should have known better,” he growled. “I saw what he did to Fiona Corrione. Why did I think you’d be spared?”

  “Fiona? Do you mean Dhavin Kilsgaard’s wife, Fiona?” He nodded. “What happened to her?”

  His lips tightened and he looked away. “Long and complicated story, but she was the one from a year ago who had been kidnapped and almost killed by that bomb. When she was kidnapped and brought to the city, I was called in to help with her rescue.”

  “I never put it together that they were one and the same. I’ve met her. She looks fine and healthy.”

  “She is now. She was injured but survived. That night was the closest I’ve come to arresting Smithwick, until now. I wouldn’t put it past him to use anyone close to me as leverage.”

  All of the talk about kidnapping and threatening made goose bumps erupt over her skin and a shiver run down her spine as fear, true fear tightened around her chest. “How certain are you that this was him and not someone from the club who thinks I’ve slighted them?”

  “I had one of my men contact Lucian and pull video from that night. Of course there wasn’t anything from the room itself, but my man recognized one of Smithwick’s associates from the footage we did have access to. He was there that night. I don’t think it was a coincidence.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing I was suspended then. I won’t have to worry about watching my back at the hospital.”

  He reared back as if she slapped him. “You were suspended? For what?”

  “The C.O.S. thought it would be best that I lie low for a few days until the storm blew over. Apparently he’s been inundated with phone calls all morning about Dr. Dominatrix. I say it’s a suspension, but he’s calling it an administrative leave. Either way, I have a few unexpected days off.”

  “I am so sorry, Jasmine.”

  “I know it’s not your fault.” She lifted on her toes and brushed her lips against the corner of his mouth. When his breath hitched in surprise, she froze in confusion before she realized what she had done.

  After all they had shared physically, a kiss had never been a part of their play. Actually, she couldn’t remember the last man she had kissed on the lips, but she knew she wanted that intimacy with Marco, and to move her mouth the scant millimeters over to press against his lips felt natural, as if she’d done so a million times before.

  His arms tightened around her waist as he tilted his head and took what she offered with a deep sigh she felt all the way down to her toes. How strange to feel as if she were sinking in warm honey and floating in the sky all at the same time. Marco’s kisses were just as she expected. Strong, thorough and with a hint of playfulness as his tongue swept into her mouth for a deeper taste. With his kiss he replenished her, soothed the weariness of being on her own, and she in turn gave him comfort, a port to call home, another piece of her heart.

  She broke away on a gasp. “That was nice.”

  “Nice? Baby, that was a lot more than just nice. If I had the time, I’d make you eat your words, but we’ve got to move. I need to get you someplace safe, at least for the near future.”

  “Safe? Safe where?”

  “Don’t know yet, but I’m getting Coulter on it now. I thought you might be safe with the Kilsgaards, but I want you by my side, otherwise I won’t be able to concentrate.”

  “For how long?”

  “A few days. We’re moving on Smithwick as soon as we nail down the specifics. Could be as soon as tomorrow.” He cupped her cheek. “Please come with me.”

  Staring into his dark eyes, she saw his worry and exhaustion. Lines bracketed his mouth and his cheeks carried several days’ worth of stubble. “When was the last time you slept?”

  “What day is today?”


  “Two days ago.”

  Her poor man. Even if she couldn’t offer tactical assistance, she could grant him the simple request of standing by his side. She brushed his lips with another kiss. “I’ll go with you.”

  He wilted against her and sighed. “Thank you. Go pack a bag and I’ll call Coulter.”

nbsp; “All right. If you need a drink or anything, help yourself in the kitchen.”

  At the door to her room, she turned to watch him over her shoulder as he sat heavily on the couch and dialed his lieutenant. Marco might want to be underway immediately, but that wasn’t what he needed. With a smile, she made her way to the bathroom and the sunken tub in the corner. This was her favorite feature in the entire condo and the main reason she had bought the overpriced section of real estate. She turned on the taps and poured a fine layer of Epsom salts into the steamy water, then gathered the toiletries she’d need while they were away.

  She didn’t like the idea that she needed to hide from anyone, but her knowledge of this Smithwick character was practically nonexistent, and if it helped Marco to keep his focus and get the job done, remaining within sight distance was not an inconvenience. It wasn’t as if she didn’t have the time. Besides, what an opportunity to see Marco in his element, taking charge and displaying his command. She might just become tempted to let him Dom her. “Might” being the operative word.

  “Running a bath is not the same as packing a bag.”

  She turned to where he stood at the doorway. “In my mind it is,” she said with a wink. “What’s the word?”

  “Coulter is securing a safe house for the team and will let me know in an hour.”

  “Perfect. That’s plenty of time.” She strode up to him and snagged his bottom lip between her teeth then laved the pinch with her tongue. “Strip.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Take off your clothes. Otherwise I will cut them off myself. I would hate to have you show up at the safe house buck naked.”

  His eyes narrowed. “And you’d do it too.”

  “Damn straight.” She smiled.

  While Marco removed his jacket and shoes, she splashed the hot water up the side of the tub to remove the chill from the fiberglass.

  “Climb in,” she directed once he was gloriously nude. “Is the water too hot?”

  “Just a little.” He sucked in breath and sat down. “I like it. Oh, I like that too,” he said and tilted his head forward as she massaged his shoulders. “Okay. Maybe this was a good idea.”

  “When was the last time you took a proper bath?”

  “Thirty-one years ago.”

  “That is too too long. I’ll have to make this one extra special.”

  “Yes, please.” He sank deeper into the steaming water and watched her with a lazy smile as she slowly pulled her blouse over her head. Bit by bit she removed her clothing, dropping each item on the floor before moving on to the next until nothing but steam cloaked her skin. From the vanity drawer she retrieved a hair clip and bundled her tresses up and away, then settled between his knees.

  “Your hand please.” She took a soft crimson-colored cloth and scrubbed at the skin of his wrist before moving up his arm to his shoulder and chest. She made certain she was very thorough in her ministrations, rubbing and touching her man until he reclined against the tub with drowsy satisfaction.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. “Come here. I want you in my arms.”

  “Like this?” She turned and settled against his chest. Her lower spine cradled the hard length of his cock as his arms came around her middle.

  “Yeah. Now that’s the ticket, baby. I could seriously get used to this.”

  She reached behind her and twisted his nipple. “Don’t call me baby. It’s degrading.”

  “I can’t help it. Mistress is too formal and I think of you as mine. Someone to cuddle and kiss. You’re my baby.”

  “I’m a grown woman. When we are in a scene, I am Mistress. When we are alone, you may call me my queen, your highness or my goddess, if Jasmine is too much for you to say. Never baby.”

  “I’ll try, my goddess.”

  She lifted her chin for his kiss and melted into his hold as he sipped from her lips in long draws and soft sighs. His hands roamed over her torso before cupping her breasts and massaging the mounds with strong fingers.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered against her mouth. “Open up for me. That’s it. Just like that.”

  “Marco,” she gasped and grabbed his wrist as he plunged two hot fingers into her sheath.

  “I love the sound of my name on your lips. I’m going to make you feel so good, you’ll never think of sending me away again.”

  And with that promise, he raked his teeth along her shoulder and hooked two fingers inside her fluttering channel, stroking and massaging the responsive nerves while she writhed in his embrace.

  She loved the flex of muscles in his arms as he played her body with a master’s touch. The longing in his voice as he told her over and over how beautiful she was, how much he had missed her and how he loved making her come apart, pushed her toward the edge.

  She had been willing to walk away from this? Why? Her stupid pride? Fear? Could she be any dumber? She didn’t deserve Marco’s affection, but she was going to gobble it up until he realized he could do much better than her.

  “You’re getting tight, baby, I mean—my goddess,” he moaned against her neck. “So tight. Come for me. Give me your mouth and come for me.”

  She all but inhaled him as she screamed into his mouth and shattered like a glass balloon left too long in the kiln. All around her, the warm water lapped at her sensitive skin while inside waves of effervescent heat rolled from her pussy to her head and back down again where Marco rolled her clit between his fingertips. Her nails dug into his forearms, making him moan with her as he drew out her orgasm until another wave washed over her, drowning her with its heat and sucking her under.

  “No more. No more, please,” she begged past lips swollen from his kiss. His handsome face blurred in and out as her sex-drugged eyes tried to focus. “It hurts so good. But I want you. I’m hungry. For you.”

  Against her back, his erection burned like a molten pipe, throbbing and twitching as she wiggled and writhed. She knocked his hands away from her sex and turned in his arms. “Sit on the edge of the tub. Now.”

  Marco swallowed hard and jumped to attention. Water cascaded down his body like an erotic waterfall as he stood and took his seat.

  “Oh, that’s cold,” he hissed when his back hit the tile wall behind him.

  “I’ll warm you up.” She pushed his knees apart and scored pink lines up the insides of his thighs with her nails. She grabbed his cock around the base with both hands then leaned forward to suck the pearly drop of cum out of the little hole as if he were a straw.

  “Fuck, yeah. Oh, my God,” he groaned and his eyes rolled back.

  “Hands to the side. Do not touch me. Your cock is mine.”

  “Yes, Mistress— Fuck!” he shouted as she opened her mouth and sucked him to the back of her throat. His hands fluttered on her head for a second before he remembered his place and dropped them to the tub’s edge.

  She hollowed her cheeks on the journey up then went back for another mouthful.

  Ding dong.

  What the hell?

  Ding dong.

  She jerked up right and swung her gaze in the direction of the front door.

  “Who knows you’re home?” Marco whispered.

  “Anyone from the hospital,” she replied just as quietly. “Coulter?”

  Marco shook his head. “He’d call.”

  Ding dong.

  Goose bumps burst across her skin as she stood and climbed out of the tub.

  “Don’t go out there,” he hissed.

  “I’m not going to answer the door.” She whisked most of the moisture away with a towel then wrapped it around her body. “Just look through the peephole.”

  “Jasmine. Damn it.” He climbed after her, but she was already tiptoeing through the living room toward the front door.

  Ding dong.

  Damn, they were persistent. She held her breath and looked through the little glass eye then pulled back with a gasp, “Shit.”

  “Jasmine Elena Jovanovich, I know you’re home. Open the do
or,” the shrill voice pierced the wood and made her cringe.


  “Who is it?”

  Marco stood behind her, dressed but still wet. His shirt clung to his torso and his trousers weren’t quite pulled up to his waist. His lips were deliciously red and his eyes still held the fire from a moment before. Without looking into a mirror, she knew her own appearance was the same, which made the visitor’s timing all the more hellacious.

  “Jasmine?” he asked again.

  She closed her eyes with a sigh. “It’s my mother.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Jasmine, open this door.” Her mother’s demand was accompanied by several firm knocks that rattled the door. “I saw your car in the lot and know you are home.”

  A multitude of dirty, nasty swear words sprang to her lips as she ran toward her bedroom. “Just a minute,” she shouted.

  Yes, her mother had been known to drop by unannounced in the past, but by the shrillness of her tone it was obvious something had crawled up her mother’s butt, and Jasmine had a terrible idea of what that could be.

  “What do you want me to do?” Marco asked.

  “Stand back. Whatever it is she’s come to say is going to be loud and nasty. Of all the times…” she muttered and pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. There wasn’t enough time for a bra so a hoodie zipped halfway up was going to have to disguise the telltale jiggle. “And she won’t be alone. She hates to drive. Please don’t let it be Bruno.”

  Marco followed her back into the living room. “Who’s Bruno?”

  She opened the door then inwardly cringed as she died a thousand deaths at the sight of the tableau waiting in the hallway.

  By the way her parents were dressed, it was if they were on their way to a funeral. A black cotton scarf covered her mother’s hair, making her red-rimmed eyes appear ghostly against her pale face. She clutched a handkerchief in one hand and a bundle of papers in the other, both of which were clasped to her chest. Bruno looked no less somber in his dark suit and grim expression. When he met Jasmine’s gaze, he muttered something under his burly mustache and looked at the floor as his cheeks turned pink.


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