Book Read Free


Page 11

by Sharan Newman

  intonuit. Foemineum enim sexum uos excessisse nobis notificauit.

  Quomodo? Dictando, uersificando, noua iunctura, nota uerba

  nouando. Et quod excellentius omnibus est his, muliebrem mollitiem

  exuperasti, et in uirile robur indurasti.

  To Heloise, venerable abbess of the Paraclete, Hugh Metel, a humble dwarf: sing praise to the Lord on harp and cymbal. Your reputation, flying through the void, has resounded to us, what is worthy of resounding from you, has made an impression on us.

  It has informed us that you have surpassed the female sex. How? By composing, by versifying, by renewing familiar words in a new combination, and what is more excellent than everything, you have overcome womanly weakness and have hardened in manly strength.

  Hugh Metel, letter to Heloise

  We’ll be back before the feast of Saint John,“ Edgar told Catherine. ”I promise.“

  Catherine snuggled closer to him.

  “You’ll find us at home, waiting impatiently. The danger from the sickness should have long passed by then, and we can’t impose upon the nuns for long,” Catherine said. “I’ve resolved to be brave about this. So don’t do anything to make me cry.”

  Edgar kissed the tip of her nose, the only part showing outside the blankets.

  “I think you just want to go on the journey instead,” he teased her. “You’d rather I was the one to stay home with the children.”

  Catherine moved closer to him. “You may be right,” she admitted. “I do enjoy traveling, as long as no seas are involved. Perhaps someday we can go on another pilgrimage. Rome would be nice. James and Edana seem to adore adventure.”

  Edgar didn’t like the way the conversation was going.

  “Well, until we find out if this one does”—he put his hand on her stomach—“perhaps you could contain your desire for new sights.”

  He lifted his hand suddenly and then put it back with a wondering grin.

  “The little orcus just kicked me!” he said.

  Catherine laughed. “Good! I suspect he’ll be kicking me for the next four months and I also expect you to be home for his arrival. He obviously needs his father’s strong hand.”

  Edgar smiled. His left arm was under Catherine and, just for the moment, he forgot that there was no hand at the end of it. His thoughts were only on the movements of the child to come.

  When she bade him Godspeed, Catherine found it difficult to remember her vow to be brave. After all, she reminded herself, it wasn’t as if he were going to fight. All she needed to fear were bandits, accidents and illness.

  Margaret kissed her brother good-bye.

  “Don’t forget the silk,” she told him. “Green, but not too dark.”

  “I’ll do my best,” he promised. “Solomon will remind me, I’m sure.”

  “Of course I will.” Solomon smiled at her.

  Margaret tried to smile back, but her mouth trembled. She started to embrace him, but he stepped back. She looked up at him in hurt and surprise. Solomon’s eyes flickered to where Edgar was watching them. He held out his hand to her.

  “Safe journey, Solomon,” she said, taking his hand in hers. “Take care of my brother. Come home soon.”

  “We certainly will, loaded with all the rare treasures your heart could ask for,” he said lightly.

  Margaret bent her head. “One will be enough,” she whispered.

  Solomon released her hand. She hadn’t felt how tightly he had been holding it until she saw the red marks of his fingers on her skin.

  The men then made their farewells to Abbess Heloise and to Astrolabe. They checked the packs and gathered the guards. Three of them would accompany Solomon and Edgar, but Godfrey had elected to stay in case Catherine needed him.

  The others went back to their work, but Catherine stood at the gate with her arm around Margaret waving until Edgar and Solomon were no more than dots on the road.

  Catherine then swallowed hard and shook herself.

  “I suppose I should go rescue Samonie from the mending,” she said. “Edana tore her shift again this morning. I believe she rips it as soon as she wakens, just to get it over with.”

  “I promised Sister Jehanne that I would rule some pages for her,” Margaret sighed.

  They looked at each other.

  “Duty,” said Catherine.

  “Duty,” Margaret agreed.

  “Of course, we might also take advantage of the fact that the rain has finally stopped and see if we can find any green shoots in the garden to put in the soup tonight,” Catherine suggested.

  Margaret gave her a grateful look.

  They found few greens so early in the year, but by the time they returned to the convent with their baskets, they had managed to control the tears that would start, despite their determination.

  Sister Thecla met them on their return.

  “Catherine, dear,” she said, “the abbess would like to see you. Margaret, I thought you were in the scriptorium.”

  “Yes, Sister. I’ll go at once,” Margaret sighed.

  Catherine entered the abbess’s chamber prepared to apologize for the disruption her family was causing the convent, but Heloise brushed that away. She had other matters to discuss.

  “You attended Bishop Gilbert’s lectures in Paris, didn’t you?” she asked.

  “When I could,” Catherine answered, surprised.

  “Have you read his commentary on Boethius?” Heloise asked.

  “No, although I’ve heard some of the arguments from it.”

  “Did you understand them?”

  Catherine felt herself blushing. “I’m not sure. To me there appeared to be some inconsistencies in his logic, but it’s been so long since I was a scholar.”

  “Then it’s time you became one again.”

  Heloise handed her a book, roughly bound in board. “We’ve recently acquired a copy. There’s time for you to read it before we make our own copy and send it on.”

  Catherine held her hands out greedily.

  “You don’t think the debate over this book has anything to do with Astrolabe, do you?” she asked. “Surely Bishop Gilbert’s subtle theology has nothing in common with the beliefs of the Eonites.”

  “It does seem unlikely,” Heloise said. “But I want us to be prepared for anything. People somehow expect Astrolabe to be able to defend his father’s theses. Gilbert made it clear that he felt Abelard was the one modern philosopher who must be refuted. Now Bishop Gilbert is being put on trial for his beliefs.”

  “I remember that the bishop was called before a meeting in Paris last ear,” Catherine said. “Several of the masters had questions about his understanding of the Trinity as expressed in the commentary.”

  She rubbed her hand across the cover of the book, as if absorbing the words through the wood.

  “Gilbert is to be questioned again after the council at Reims,” Heloise said. “There are those who wish to condemn him as Abelard was. Now, I don’t know who these men are who wish to harm Astrolabe, but you have old me that they have been asking for him as Abelard’s son. My husband made many enemies in his life. Some would be happy to see Astrolabe condemned out of sheer jealous spite. He told me that someone may have recognized him after he was captured with the Eonites. Think how it would please my husband’s detractors if his son were to be accused of this heresy.”

  Catherine reflected that this was the first time she had heard Heloise refer to Abelard as her husband. She wondered if this was how she always thought of him in her own mind.

  She opened the book. There were no elaborate capitals and the lines were uneven. One reader had put notes and citations in the margins. This was something intended to be read and studied, not displayed.

  “Are you sure you trust me not to be led into error?” she asked Heloise, only half joking.

  The abbess’s lips twitched. “Not if you are still as stubborn as I recall. Some of this book, I understand, is a reworking of the debates Gilbert had with Abelard. That
might interest you as well. See if they reflect Abelard’s work fairly and then form such responses as you are able.”

  Catherine hugged the book to her chest. “I shall do my best to refute his refutations.” She grinned. “Thank you, Mother. I know you are doing this to help me keep my mind from worrying about Edgar and I’m so grateful. I can’t think of anything that would distract me better.”

  “Just be prepared to give me a cogent precis of the work,” Heloise told her. “My time won’t allow me to study as I used to, and I don’t want to be ignorant of the issues involved here. Remember, my son’s life may depend on it.”

  “Oh, yes, of course.” Catherine sobered at once. She hoped she could remember how to form a proper argument.

  She turned to go, then turned back. “It’s odd, you know. Master Abelard warned Bishop Gilbert that if he didn’t defend his fellow theologians, he might find himself accused of heresy, too. It’s too bad that the master didn’t live to see his prophecy came true.”

  Heloise nodded sadly, then smiled. “I have no doubt that he knows.”

  Catherine carried the book carefully to the scriptorium, where Margaret was sitting at a table carefully drawing the fine lines on a page.

  “I used to find that so boring,” Catherine commented.

  “I like it,” Margaret said. “I can think about anything while doing this.”

  Catherine decided not to ask what was occupying her thoughts now. She sat down to read the book and soon became totally caught up in the fine points of Bishop Gilbert of Poiters’s opinions on the nature of man and God. She didn’t notice Margaret leaving for Nones or Sister Jehanne coming in to light a candle just before Vespers. It was only when the light was so dim that she found her nose pressed almost to the page that Catherine came to herself.

  She hurried back to the guest house to find that the family had passed the day quite comfortably without her.

  “I’m so sorry,” she began.

  Then she noticed that there were a number of new boxes and bundles in the room.

  Samonie explained. “I’ve moved all our things in here. You and I will have to share the children’s room again, I’m afraid. The rest of the building is completely full. I’ve also shaken out your best bliaut and found your gold and emerald earrings.”

  “Whatever for?” Catherine asked. “The nuns don’t care for that sort of ostentation.”

  “No, but I won’t have you taken for a servant, as you once were in your old clothes,” Samonie said firmly. “Tonight you must look like a proper lady. You are dining with the countess of Flanders.”

  Catherine had certainly met nobility before. It was hard not to in Paris, of course, and the count and countess of Champagne, Thibault and Ma-haut, were almost acquaintances since the count was Margaret’s grandfather, albeit on the wrong side of the blanket. But it was different to be dining with only Countess Sybil, her chamberlain, her ward and Abbess Heloise.

  “I’m going to spill something, I know it,” she told Samonie as the maid sewed her into her fashionably tight sleeves. “Loosen the right one’t bit, Samonie. I can’t feel my fingers.”

  As they were finishing, there was a knock at the door. Samonie went o open it, then stepped back, bowing.

  “Mother Heloise!” Catherine rushed to greet her. “You honor me too much. If you had sent someone to fetch me, I would have come to you. please come in.”

  She looked around wildly for a place to sit, but every chair and pillow was covered with clothing.

  “I’m sorry,” she said as Samonie uncovered one of the cushioned tools. “I wanted to look my best tonight.”

  “And you do, Catherine,” Heloise said, taking the offered stool. “The yellow accents your dark skin and the blue brings out your eyes. However, I didn’t come to inspect your toilette. I’ve been speaking with Astrolabe. He tells me that Annora, the ward of Countess Sybil, is the sister of the woman who was killed in Brittany.”

  “Oh, the poor woman!” Catherine exclaimed. “Does she know?”

  Heloise shook her head. “My son believes that only he and the murderer are aware of Cecile’s identity. Therefore, we feel that it is better to keep her death a secret. If it’s not public knowledge, then whoever did his might be tricked into incriminating himself.”

  Catherine wasn’t so sure.

  “It doesn’t seem right to keep such a thing from the woman’s sister,” he said. “She should be allowed to grieve and pray for her soul. And, if Cecile knew her killer, don’t you think he’s already had time to prepare himself to act astonished when he learns of her death? He has probably formulated an account that will place him far from Brittany at the time.”

  “Not if he believes that the blame has been put on my son.” Heloise’s full lips tightened in anger.

  “I know, Mother,” Catherine said gently. “I fear that the one who did his is even now trying to be sure that Astrolabe will be the one punished or it.”

  “I am aware of that.” Heloise’s voice was steel. “Which is why the villain must be identified before he can do so. I believe that Sybil will aid me in this. But I don’t know if we can trust Cecile’s sister to wait patiently while we work. Or to hide her grief until the culprit is found. Don’t you agree, Catherine?”

  Catherine reddened with guilt. Her expression had shown her doubts. “It just seems cruel to keep the poor girl ignorant of her sister’s fate,” she explained.

  “All the sisters here are praying for the soul of Cecile,” Heloise said. “She’s not being neglected. And it will be much easier for Annora to cope with Cecile’s death if we can give her the murderer at the same time.”

  Catherine nodded a reluctant agreement.

  “Will you help?” Heloise asked.

  “Of course, Mother.” Catherine was surprised that she even needed to ask. “Whatever I can do, although I don’t see how I can be of much use, other than giving you my notes on Gilbert’s Boethius.”

  “We never know what will be expected of us,” Heloise answered. “Now, shall we go to dine with the countess?”

  A small room in the guest house had been changed completely from a utilitarian waiting room to an elegant dining chamber. Countess Sybil had brought her own wall hangings, embroidered with scenes from the life of the Virgin. They now covered three of the walls. Cushions had been placed on the chairs and the table set with the finest linen. There was a gold saltcellar next to the countess and silver cups for the wine. The candles were of pure wax, not tallow.

  Catherine stopped at the doorway to adjust her skirt over her round belly. She thought a prayer to her name saint that she not embarrass Heloise. She knew she had a tendency to blurt out her opinions before considering the audience. This would be a good night to learn restraint.

  The countess’s confessor said a blessing over the food and then left.

  “He has offered to hear the confessions of the lay brothers tonight,” Heloise explained to Catherine.

  “Also, he finds the social requirements of these dinners very enervating,” Sybil added.

  No one smiled. Catherine wasn’t sure if that had been meant as a joke or a criticism. She stifled a sigh but not well enough. Sybil focused on her.

  “I see that you are with child,” the countess said. “How far along are you?”

  “Almost five months, by my reckoning,” Catherine answered.

  Sybil nodded, appearing to be thinking something else. But she wasn’t finished with Catherine.

  “Then you’re past the dangerous time,” she said. “The quickening has occurred?”

  “Oh, yes.” This was the most active of her children so far.

  “Excellent.” Sybil said no more but signaled for the servants to pour he wine.

  Heloise motioned to have the trenchers brought in.

  It was another Lenten meal of fish stew in bread trenchers, and the wine was heavily mixed with water, but it was still much more than Heloise and her nuns would normally eat at this time of year. Catherine wondere
d if she could save some for Margaret. How much could she tuck in her sleeve before anyone noticed?

  Come to think of it, she wondered why Margaret wasn’t dining with hem. Edgar’s sister was much better born than Catherine. She wasn’t cloistered and, at fifteen, was older than many married noblewomen. It would have been natural for her to be included.

  There was something happening here.

  Catherine bent over her meal, trying to look modest and uninterested n the conversation. From time to time she glanced at the countess’s ward.


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