Hood Misfits, Volume 4

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Hood Misfits, Volume 4 Page 13

by Brick

  “Stupid, ratchet, sour pussy, following-ass bitches!” she hissed out with each stomp then stumbled backward.

  Mirror’s chuckle surrounded us. He caught Angel before she fell, then settled her to the side to quickly tie each one’s mouth, then finish hoisting each female by their arms to the chains hanging in the ceiling behind me. “Don’t worry, Angel love. Females like that don’t last long and never get what they really want, which is power to rule over the men they so-called want.”

  My smile warmed even more at Mirror’s words. He looked my way then picked Angel up. “I’ll find a quiet spot for us. Keep Martha at yuh side; she’ll protect you.”

  Angel pushed to see over Mirror’s shoulder and she watched me. “Will you be okay?”

  “Whatever happens, happens. They will never break me, and if they try I’ll be beyond ready.” My hands rested in my lap.

  As I crossed my leg, I watched Angel. The concern in her face was disheartening but understandable. She had no idea what I was planning.

  “Who is coming?”

  The gun that rested in my purse was not enough protection in my opinion; however, since Martha was here I figured she’d be an additional resource. “The father of the devil. The true one who is Satan.”

  Angel began to shift in Mirror’s hold. “You can’t meet him alone!”

  My hand raised and I shook my head. “Trust me, I will be safe. Just be near, listen, and learn. It’s a method to my madness, honey, and these two will be wonderful gifts in the cause.”

  “If he hurts you . . .” Mirror grumbled low. He looked over his shoulder to watch me for a moment; then he walked out. “We’ll be your shadows. Make this meeting go fast and in your favor.”

  Watching him leave, I bowed my head then mentally prayed while I silently mouthed, “For my sons, for my lost family, and for Grandpa Kulu, I will. On my word, for us all, I will.”

  My wait did not last long. The sound of both women slowly waking up made my day. I figured they would wonder who I might be, but I did not care. They could not see my face from my head shayla that shielded the side of my face. The rest of me was in the familiar dark purple jumpsuit that attached to my shayla I wore just to keep my appearance modified from those who would try to identify me. My nude-painted nails strummed my knee and the sounds of muffled screams started.

  Rolling my eyes with a sigh, I slightly titled my head and put on a British accent. “Oh, do shut up, you two. Do not scream now. You both are bad bitches, about this life, correct? Then hang in and enjoy what you learn. Besides, you both might enjoy who you are about to meet. I know the young THOT will.”

  At that moment, Martha’s ears twitched, and the sound of two sets of heels on pavement let me know my guests were here. I stayed seated, and then I dropped my hood. My hair was laid like Erica Campbell from Mary Mary. I had a new, silky, soft, crinkled, long wig tailored to be dramatic with its gold, jeweled headband to symbolize my African Queen affiliation and also give the man who stood in the doorway something to fawn over.

  Caltrone Orlando suavely walked in. His gaze did not leave me, though I knew he saw the two women hanging on both sides of me. The sound of high heels shifting to the left of Caltrone had me smiling in joy yet again, as I noticed the young woman Enzo had detailed in our previous meeting. Allowing them to walk in and access the area, I quietly waited.

  The woman I learned was calling herself Lilith muttered harshly, “This punta had a guard dog? Who the fuck does she think she is?”

  My head shook slowly the moment that broad said those words. I did not even have to count in my head before the sound of Caltrone’s massive hand meeting the side of that woman’s face echoed around me. I studied him as he quickly turned in a way that kept his movements guarded from view. In some strange way he was being respectful and keeping me from seeing him choking that bitch up. The only reason I knew the woman was being choked was because I was intimately familiar with the practice and I could hear her sharp, jagged intake of breath.

  Caltrone’s voice ebbed out in cold and smoothly restrained anger. “You will show her respect. She is the woman whose name I allowed you to borrow. You will behave accordingly, comprende?”

  “Of course, papi, forgive me,” the woman whimpered, then moaned.

  In that moment, my stomach clenched tightly in familiar angst from old memories at the display between the sickening pair. I wanted to scream. Wanted to pump bullets into the both of them, but all I could do was sit in stalled silence as the familiar sensation of bars closing around me threatened to return. I needed calming peace, and balance, so I moved my hand to pet Martha, and waited for them to move the hell on.

  “Good. Now let us sit,” Caltrone commanded. He led the woman forward while assessing me.

  “Beautiful Iya, it has been a long time overdue, mami. I’ve missed your presence,” Caltrone drawled.

  He took two steps forward, gave a slight bow to take my hand, and turned it to kiss my wrist. His light pupils simmered in that familiar gaze I remembered Lu used to hold for me. I watched this man, as if he owned the place, sit in the chair Mirror found right before they came; then he rested his ankle over his knee.

  That woman moved to stand behind him and she rested her hands on his shoulders. Her pale face was ruddy and the smack left her with a handprint against the side of her face as well as one around her neck. My heart went out to this woman, even though madness had clearly claimed her. A weary smile settled across my face. Already, I was ready to leave this private meeting.

  However, I had to maintain the image that I was an equal player in this battle. “King Caltrone. The feeling is equally returned.”

  That woman gave a slight scoff as she watched with squinting eyes. I glanced up at her and just smiled while stroking Martha’s warm head.

  “Do excuse me, beautiful queen. Before you is Lilith Orlando. I’m sure you are familiar with the role she plays, the one you abandoned?” Caltrone snidely responded.

  He reached into his jacket then smoothly pulled out a gold cigar case I remembered from my past. He snapped it open, pulled out a thick cigar; I was very familiar with the scent in my past dealings with him. He rolled it between his fingers, glanced up at Lilith, and slipped the cigar between his teeth to bite the tip off and spit it to the side of him. Shifting up to hold the cigar between his fingers, he waited for Lilith to light it and I sat in patience watching this man work.

  “Ms. Banks, we assume that you called this meeting to discuss your nephew?” Lilith coldly stated.

  It wasn’t a question, but more an observation. With how her tone relayed it, it had me grinding my teeth in disdain and insult. I made way to respond but was interrupted by Caltrone.

  He took several puffs then used his cigar holding hand to motion behind me. “However, before that, who are these two delightful creatures? Was this a gift of solidarity, Iya?”

  Displaying a slight smile, I tilted my head to watch the women behind me. “Yes, it is—”

  He gave a slight chuckle as he interrupted me again. “I am very pleased because it only reminds me of how much I’ve missed your unique gift of gore.”

  Every movement the man made was calculated and I knew them all. He was casting seduction my way but he also was silently challenging me. To see how much I had changed. Part of me deeply enjoyed it, because I was no longer afraid of what he could do to me. I knew he had separate plans for my sons, but he also had his own plans for me, plans I recalled long ago the moment Lu died.

  I felt Caltrone’s eyes settle on my plush ruby red lips. Like them all, he had a weakness for pussy, but he was better with controlling his primal needs verses his work. His control was one of many things that made him different from the other Orlandos. However, he was just as insane and masochistic as they were.

  However, I played the game by licking my lips, softly laughing, and shifting my language to Spanish. “King Caltrone . . . and Lilith, is it? As you are seeing, he is coming into his bloodline, which was unfortun
ately leaked to all of Atlanta.”

  I calmly opened my purse, pulling out my specially designed cigarette holder for my ganja. Connecting it and then adding my blunt to it, I lit up and took a slow puff at the same time as Caltrone.

  Lilith gave a sour smirk with her own tilt of her head while smoothing her hands over Caltron’s shoulders. “Humph. We’ve already heard about this man who leaked out family business. This is what Shawn came to his family about.”

  Taking a slow drag from my ganja, I kept my cool and gave a slight giggle. “But of course he came to his family after being forced to before his time, Lilith. However, it was I who led his way to his grandfather while you stood stalking in the shadows, ineffectively I might add.”

  A slick smile spread across my face the moment she dropped her hands and almost came my way. I cleared my throat and shifted my legs to cross them again. “As you see, the women behind me are associated with that man. As a gesture of us coming home into the fold, I wanted to gift them to you, to do whatever you wished, at whatever time you wished.”

  The man before me gave a broad smile. I could tell he was enjoying the banter between Lilith and me. This was apparent by the lust that shone in his eyes and the slight way he smoothed his hands down his leg. I knew the secret language of his body movements and, at the moment, he was aroused. The flicker of the devil in him made its slight appearance then disappeared the moment he opened his mouth.

  “I’m amused by the gesture, bella, and pleased. This will do. The enemy’s puntas in our hands? Muy bien, very good.” He allowed the smoke of his cigar to wisp between his lips while amusingly studying me.

  Lilith placed her hands back on his shoulder and gave another huff. “What’s the point of this meeting then? We have them; now what funny little plans do you have? I doubt you really have us in your best interest since you have kept your sons hidden from us.”

  Annoyance flashed in my mind, but I held my composure. So they didn’t take the bait I set long ago that Enzo and Drew were my nephews? Interesting. I made way to respond but Caltrone’s growl garnered my silence.

  “You speak too freely, Lilith. Iya, what naughty little games do you have for us? Lilith is correct in her assessment.”

  My thumb tapped my cigarette holder and I tried to keep from popping off as I sat in front of a madman. “I assumed these two women could return to their master and discuss with him how they were captured. Then you could relay a message through them to him? As I know you both know, family business is already occurring as we speak. I believed that you both would enjoy the early spoils . . .”

  I noticed Lilith leaning down to whisper into Caltrone’s ear. His eyes darkened then he gave a slow, contemplative smile. He then relaxed his posture while he spoke to her in hushed tones. I could tell by whatever he was saying that she was not happy at all. However, she adjusted herself to rigidly smooth a hand down her clothes. “Caltrone is a proud grandfather and is pleased that you have decided to stand by your word and show your loyalty to us.”

  Caltrone smirked then nodded. “Sí, your tenacity and loyalty to your sons only shows how much of an asset you are to this family. You birthed two strapping boys, and successfully hid that fact from us until Lu shared his mind with me before he died. It was very surprising in the most to learn that, but a welcomed gift nonetheless.”

  I watched the man I loathed leaned forward to steeple his fingers against his lips while he blew plumes of smoke around us in thought.

  “Caltrone believes that even in your diminishing light, you are incredible. Had Prince Lu not made that last visit to take care of your sister, we wouldn’t have known they were blood,” she explained.

  It sounded as if she hated saying even that, and it made me chuckle in my mind.

  “Sí, you and your sister were very resourceful. It was a shame how even I couldn’t control my son’s behavior in those last days. He disgraced me and this family and also lost those I cherished. Had he not died you could have given us more grandchildren.” Caltrone’s darkening eyes hovered over my mouth and dropped over my chest; then he smirked.

  That irking sickness crept into my throat. I didn’t want to think about birthing that monster any more innocent children. I meant that with the core of me.

  I casually waved a hand around and gave a sweet smile. “King Caltrone, I am honored; however, I am too old now, and in punishment for my behavior, your son took that from me. Although, you and he did push me to my choice in hiding my sons. I knew Lu would have killed them and never told you of their existence.”

  A brief spark of acknowledgment shone in his eyes, knowing I spoke the truth. He gave a light, gruff growl and said nothing. Flicking his hand, he motioned for Lilith to sit on his lap, which she did with sickening eagerness. Lilith menacingly smiled my way, and Martha started growling low, which caused me to smile in malice.

  “Shh, good girl,” I whispered.

  A light suck of the teeth sounded, which had me staring her way. “What do you want of Caltrone?”

  “He knows,” I simply responded before casting a bored gaze. “I was given an agreement to be left alone to my own devices. To live my life how I wanted. You and your family were obligated in alerting me of your return. You did not, so you breached contract. I know for a fact that this is not how we do things, correct, Lilith?”

  Sharp heat bore into my face. Lilith knew I spoke truth in my words. She was shocked that I was bold enough to address Caltrone in this matter; I could tell it in her gaze.

  “Yes, that is true. However, with our business being in the air—”

  Waving a hand in the air, I cut her off: “That isn’t my problem. As the first, Lilith, I still have rights and still require the utmost respect as a member of this family. My bed was chosen for me, King Caltrone, don’t forget, so I have stake in this too. The world is yours, Caltrone, but I have a right to it as well, as was agreed when you named me the Queen of DOA when Lu died.”

  Caltrone scowled then gave a panty-dropping smile. He said nothing, just nodded at Lilith to continue.

  Her evil face gazed at me in shock. I could tell she was shocked and it amused me to drop such gems in front of everyone. “Well . . . Well . . .” Lilith shot up as she stammered. She pointed her finger in heated anger. “I would put a bullet in your damn head, but he won’t allow it! I . . . am . . . Lilith! You left your place, bitch. You will respect the king and me!”

  Coolly untwisting my cigarette holder, I snuffed out the smoked blunt, tucked the holder away, then gave a light laugh. Slowly standing, I wrapped Martha’s chain around my hand and also placed my purse in that hand.

  I gave a light chuckle. I watched bitch from my peripheral fuming, and I glanced at the two bodies behind me before hauling off and backhanding Lilith. I turned in the same motion, smoothed a hand down my dress, and got joy at seeing her fall backward.

  “Cute,” I softly muttered, and nodded toward Caltrone. “You may be new pussy, and a new Lilith, but I will always be the queen, because from my womb came kings. Now . . .”

  Lightly smiling at Caltrone, he held out his hand and I kissed the ring nestled there. Choices were playing in my mind. I had to play my role and lead the nigga into the tar.

  Caltrone’s booming voice sounded in wicked calmness that caused a chill to shift down my body. “Do not touch what is mine, Lilith.” She got ready to speak up again and the unsaid, “Why?” hung in the air as he continued: “She is a queen as I am king. Respect the order. Now, Iya dear, before you go: one more time or I will crush your windpipe. What do you want?”

  I kept my back to Lilith. I knew she was going to come for me and I was fine with that. Unfazed by his threat, I showed him the madness in my own eyes, which caused him to smile then nod. “I want Micah Tems dead. I want you to give my son all the access he deserves, and not distract him from the illusion he has built around him. Will you do that?”

  Caltrone’s brush against my arm gave me the chills as he spoke. “He is ready to be a prince. Th
at is a given. All that is mine will be his. No game on my end but no games on your end, Iya. Comprende? You’re mine as are your sons. I’ve waited too long for this and we have much to do. Taking out that roach will be nothing. He actually bores me and I am not amused at him snatching for my throne. Don’t you agree, Lilith?”

  Caltrone held out his hand and waited for the woman to slide her hand into his. He walked her around him and sat her on his lap again, leaning up to kiss the side of her neck.

  “Sí, he is a problem. Maybe I’ll visit him,” Lilith suggested with a wicked gleam in her eyes. She turned to slide her arms around his neck, and the women began their screams again at the mention of Micah’s name.

  Pleased, I stood by the door and watched the devil and his new bitch. “Good. I have one more suggestion then. Your other grandson had a love for something called the Underground. I happen to know some of what occurred down there. How about we introduce them to some of that then politely leave Micah a calling card?”

  Lilith gazed at Caltrone as if mentally begging to be the one to give the pain. He ran his fingers over her back and smiled. The low rumble he made had Lilith swaying in satisfaction. Caltrone kept his eyes on me and I noticed the visible bulge in his pants.

  “Oh, how I’ve missed your evil, Iya. Lu never understood how to use you, but I did. Welcome back to the familia, bella, and we will definitely have fun with these two,” he cajoled.

  “Enjoy. Oh, and don’t kill them. Keep them viable; it makes the games better.” I left it at that and guided Martha out with me.

  I squared my shoulders then walked out like the queen I was with the door closing behind me. I slowly strolled away with a quiet sickness ebbing in my body. I saw Mirror and Angel resting in the shadows. I nodded their way and saw the shock in their eyes. I thought disgust would be there, but instead it was respect. As we headed to the car, joy bubbled up in me at the sharp screams behind us. Those two bitches were going to get theirs and were learning a valuable lesson: don’t fuck with my son or his true family.


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