The Vampire Touch 1: The Forsaken

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The Vampire Touch 1: The Forsaken Page 10

by Sarah J. Stone

  The rest of the room stays quiet.

  “One week, ladies and gentleman. We will meet here again in one week to discuss again. I will have the final word from the wolf and his pack,” A few minutes. I thought a grand debate would spur. Almost everyone seems compliant. A few shaky heads of those I may have lost, but for the most part, we are in business.

  Chapter 36


  The portals we create are grand. They always have been. From the early years of civilization, we have shown small glimpses of our realm to the people. The realm of the gods.

  A crack of thunder here, or a direct portal there, they never truly understood what they were seeing. Assuming a mirage. Those devotees that take those images and write our scriptures, attempt to bring it through as best they can, seldom accomplishing their goals. It's a beautiful way of keeping us separated.

  From time-to-time these things change. Our portals are freely given to those who need to travel between our world and theirs. Often times it's those who have gained too much power and must be placed in the Darkness' lockdown or those who are granted free passage into our order.

  The decision to allow others into our domain is often a challenge to come across. It is between a few select Forsaken that we give the right.

  Today that right is given to two.

  One, a werewolf alpha who was defeated by the vampire counterparts.

  The other, a shifter who seems to be stirring his kind into the tides of war.

  These are allies. There is no need to lose potential partners because of stubborn-headedness.

  The portals open, and through it the two step. They are clueless at first. Neither of them quite understanding where they are or why. I sit at a table, in the middle of an open field. A creation of my own design, as that is what we have here. A realm to create and destroy as we choose. The table is full of food and drinks to accommodate their tastes. The field is empty apart from the grass and Athena far off in the distance. She loves the tranquility of this open field. Meditation and peace, the only reasons she comes here.

  I stay seated, and they move closer in complete silence. They are in awe. Everything is different here. Colors are brighter and more vivid. The air is thick and rich with scents that come from the table or are even naturally produced, and to stand in the realm of the Forsaken alongside the God Zeus, just adds to its own pleasures.

  “I'm sure you're wondering why I brought the both of you here,” I state, gesturing with my hands that they take a seat. The table sits four. We may be joined by Athena. We cannot have her sit on the floor.

  “Not in the slightest,” The shifter replies, “But I was on my way to come talk to you,” He speaks to the wolf.

  “Why were you coming to me?”

  I gesture that they both fall silent a moment, “We know of Mason's plan, Romulus. There is no reason to try hide it from us.”

  "Us? I don't know about any plan," The shifter nearly shouts.

  “I was speaking of the Forsaken. You are here to fall in with the plan or be excluded in this war.”

  "So, if you know the plan, why am I here?" claimed Zeus. Neither of them is dumbstruck by the beauty of our realm and this makes me sad.

  All business, then.

  “You are here so that we may discuss.”

  The shifter opens his mouth to speak, but Zeus interjects. “Mason's plan was for the wolves to retreat so that we would call on them to join. I don't remember how we know what you were up to, but aren't you glad we brought you in?” I tease the Shifter. There's always time for sporting in these dark times.

  “I just need to make sure we are all on the same page,” I continue, “We are all after the vampires and working towards the same goal.”

  "Yes," the Wolf says.

  “Yup,” the shifter agrees.

  “Then, if there is no more to discuss, take what you will. Eat, drink and be merry. My daughter may join us shortly.”

  With that the wolf rises. The shifter is quick to fill his plate greedily.

  “I think, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather return to my pack...,” Romulus begins walking off into the direction that the portals opened up from earlier. I oblige him and open the portal to return him to his world. The shifter says nothing and continues eating.

  “Good then,” I smile, “We will be in touch.”

  Chapter 37


  It's strange. This world I have been brought into. There is nothing apart from an ethereal light that moves as I step, lighting only a short, narrow pathway. The man who brought me here has already disappeared. I don't feel worried or scared. Rather, invigorated and ready. The power that flows through this world is greater than I have experienced in eons. A rush I haven't experienced in quite some time.

  Mason, I hear a voice call my name. The problem being I don't quite hear it in the traditional sense. More, whatever called out to me, called out through telekinesis.


  “Mason,” This time I hear it call more directly, “Follow the light,” For a fleeting second I contemplated this voice to be Death. Maybe I've died, and this voice and the guiding light are taking me to my eternal resting place. In some ways, I wished this to be the scenario. In others, I knew that there was no chance that this was true.

  I follow the ball that floats above me. At first, it followed me and now me it. It takes me still, straight along the path. Until we come to a door. A small, wooden door that doesn't even make it to chest height. The ball of light moves towards it and then shifts into its own shape. A small person stands by the door smiling.

  “The Lords are waiting, Mason. Do hurry,” She's a beautiful girl. Tiny, but beautiful. She opens the door. I bend down and crouch through. Here, there are four figures standing in a circle, talking like good time friends. Around them, it seems thousands of these balls move around. Some follow the bright white as before, others are beautiful oranges and lilacs, greens and golds, there is no end to their luminescent beauty.

  “Mason.” The man who led me into the portal from before rushes up to me.

  “Hello,” I reply, walking with him to the circle of four.

  "Thank you for joining us here," I am not sure what to make of this. I am oddly comfortable with these people but at the same time, I am nervous. Nervousness....

  I haven't felt the nervousness in far too many years. A feeling that reminds me of when I was alive? Even after, in the earlier years of my vampire-hood. Where I was a fledgling. Before the order. Before anything and anyone had any titles. Merely, a gift from the gods bestowed unto one man who spread cancer throughout the world.

  But those thoughts are fleeting and few between unless I hold council.

  “Of course,” I reply, stepping closer to the circle, the man leading me towards the four.

  Between them, I can feel the second one who stood with the one who led me here. She is already out of her cloak, hood, and mask. This one is no doubt male, even though he still wears his garbs. I could tell by his voice.

  “I feel you are stressed,” he says, touching my shoulder, “There is truly no need to be alarmed, Mason. We are not here to harm.”

  He removes the outfit. It is now that all five of them move from the circle and turn to me in a line. Two female. One, beautiful, blonde hair, striking, blue eyes. The other dark hair, hazel eyes with golden flecks. They are both soft, delicately featured. The blonde more than the dark haired girl.

  Three men besides. One, the man who just removed his coverings. He is old. Too old to move the way he does. His long, gray beard extends down his face nearly touching the ground. His wrinkled face holds the same soft nature as the young girls. Beside him, another man. Younger, a stern expression on his face, unlike the warm smiles the other four display. Nothing special about him, it would seem. Finally, a child. A boy no older than ten years old. A smile from ear to ear. An odd combination, I must admit.

  “Mason, you may be perplexed as to why we brought you here,” The old m
an speaks again, “You do not know who we are yet, but we know all about you. You see, we are Ethereals. You may know us better as,” He gestures over himself, “Time,” The dark haired girl, “Order,” The stern gentleman, “Justice,” The blonde haired girl, “Life,” And the young child, “Death.”

  “He's a child,” I'm shocked, looking at the boy that the old man just called Death.

  “He's far older than you can imagine, Mason. We all are,” His hands flail to the copious balls of light that float through the air, “These images, they are just the manifestations of what the world assumes us to be. We construct ourselves in these forms to not alarm. Our true forms are, well, nothing.”


  “Why have you brought me here?” I ask, looking between the five.

  “Because,” The man named Justice speaks, “You are part of the greater scheme of things, Ancient One.”

  “What's the greater scheme of things?”

  “A King will die,” Death says softly.

  “A Queen will conquer,” Order chimes in.

  “Daffyd?” I ask.

  “There is no true way of telling. I may have full grasp over time on a multidimensional level, but I do not know what happens in it. I can give and take,” This is all very confusing, “But we assume Daffyd is the one to die, yes.”

  “Surely, you know,” I point to the child.

  “Yes,” he replies, “But also no. Escaping death is not nearly hard as you may assume, Ancient One. That, and often Life will fight for those I claim.”

  “Then why am I here?” I ask.

  “We need you to ensure that this comes to fruition. With every action comes a consequence. With every consequence, comes a disguised blessing. You see, we are always fair. Those who suffer, have something bright in their futures. Unlike those you call the Forsaken, we are truly here to bring peace,” Time speaks again, “We would like it if you would act as our agent, Mason. You will be one of us,” he smiles, “An ethereal.”

  “And what does this mean?”

  “You will have the powers of an ethereal,” Order speaks again, “A true God among men.”

  “And what does this entail?” I'm curious. I've been a God for millennia, and they know it.

  “Very little. Merely, keeping us in the loop....” Order continues.

  "In the early years, we were able to remember and do everything on our own, now the world has grown. Life and Death have no end. Their agents work constantly. There is no order, merely chaos and Justice also has no time," Time speaks, "We want to ensure that the Forsaken and the Vampires resolve their issues. We want to see the world move in a stable direction, and we can't do this, while also worrying about humanity."

  I nod.

  "You will be gifted more than you could imagine, Ancient One. The power of life and death, war, peace, and time," Order speaks again, "And all you have to do is ensure that a King dies and a Queen rules."

  I go silent.

  “Ensure that your prophecy is completed, and I will be gifted the powers of a God?”

  She nods.

  “Then so be it. A King will die and a Queen will rule.”

  "A parting gift," Time gestures with his hands and an orb comes to him. He lets the orb float towards me. I take it in my hands, “Keep it safe. When you return to the mortal realm, it will come to you when it is ready to show itself.”

  He gestures with two fingers, and I am back on Ankh's lawn, where I stepped through the portal. Ankh is no longer outside. I walk to his door and knock...

  Chapter 38


  I know I am here for a reason. I think about my mommy and daddy. Where are they? How are they?

  Are they scared?

  Their little girl was there and now she's gone.

  That thought is taken away by the man that took me. He called himself Mason. He was a vampire.

  A vampire?

  Those are only supposed to be on TV right? The other lady, Sarah, she also says she's a vampire. Aliana, Abbey’s mother, she says she's a witch. Abbey? A witch and a werewolf. It's all too much.

  Why is this all happening to me? I didn't do anything to anyone, did I?

  I'm sitting at a desk. I was told that I wouldn't be trapped here much longer. Not only from Mason but Sarah-Lynn too. She comes here often saying that it's nearly time. That I'm going to be a part of something big. No one tells me what. Why? I don't know. It's all too much, though, if I'm honest.

  The door opens. Aliana is here. She comes every now and then to check up on us. More her daughter, I'm sure, but I can't really say that the motherly touch isn't nice to have around. She's nice to me. They both are. We don't speak much, Abbey and me. So, I don't really know much about her.

  “How are you doing today, girls?” she asks.

  “I'm fine, mommy. How long do we have to stay here, still?” She has been strong since the day we arrived. Unlike me. I was scared. More than I am now. I think that staying away from the crazy King as everyone's taken to calling him has kept me sane.

  "What's going to happen to me?" I ask. I've asked this a few times before. I know that the only reason I am here is that something is going to happen. It's the only reason anyone would bother coming all the way to a different country to pick someone else up. No one's really telling me anything, though. Every time I ask they ignore the question. This time, Aliana seems more inclined to tell me. I can see on her face she wants to share whatever the dark secret is, but she's scared. She doesn't know what fear is. She doesn't understand.

  Or does she?

  I've been here for God knows how long now.

  I've been scared. I've lost the fear. Right now? I'm not.

  “King Daffyd needs you to win a fight. That's all I can tell you, my girl. All you need to know is that Daffyd won't succeed. He won't succeed, and Mason won't let you down. You have to trust us. We're doing everything we can. We won't let them hurt you. I promise,” she says, from across the room.

  “You've both promised the same thing and nothing's happening,” I don't mean to sound rude, nor upset. There's no reason to place the blame on her. It's not her fault. I just want to go. I can't stay here forever. My mother and father must be worried sick. Waiting for me. Home alone. Yes.

  “I must be getting back home soon. My parents....”

  “Your parents are fine,” She smiles, “And you will be with them soon. I promise. That's all I can do, but my word is my bond. We will not let you down, Madison.”

  I want to believe her, but I don't.

  Chapter 39


  I've been left in the dark for a good amount of time since I got here. No idea why, apart from the fact that I'm part of an organization that generally goes against these kinds of behaviors. The Agency is exactly that. We stand for the best interests of humanity and against those oppressors that get in its way. This, though, is a rare case indeed. Trying to find my way here, when all my contacts are there. The wars are going on. The Vampires are taking their victories left, right, and center. I don't know if this is looking good or bad for Madison, but if we don't find a way to get her out of here soon, who knows when her last day will be?

  Now I'm here in a coffee shop, blissfully tapping away at my keyboard when suddenly my phone gets an alert.

  It's Mason.

  She will be safe.

  I will be in touch soon.

  Chapter 40


  In the throne room, we meet. Hamish is at my right. He's been quiet lately, no doubt contemplating everything that's been going on, and, in his own way, making sure that there's no way we can lose this war. Not that we've even come close. After the strike on two of our strongholds, they both saw their defeat. The Forsaken, only tricked but the werewolves retreated back into their forest to lick their wounds. Why be nervous when we should be celebrating?

  Aliana walks through the doors. I have her place in this war set and ready now. She was brought in here to complete a task, and a task
she will complete.

  “You called me, King Daffyd?” she asks, eyes averted.

  “Yes, I did. It's time to discuss the war. We are ready now. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Forsaken will next strike on the Blood Harvest. A tradition my kind takes very seriously,” Yes. The Blood Harvest. The time of year where we allow one massive, spectacular event be held on Vampires grounds to allow for a great feeding. The one time of year we replenish our powers to their fullest. The blood moon hangs high, filtering its power to us, the feeding frenzy that gives us a taste of what it was like to once be a fledgling with immense power coursing through our veins, the one time of year we can be what we truly are.

  "We are both at our strongest and weakest during the Blood Harvest. We sacrifice our skills to immense power. The strategies we've spent our lives honing, replaced by a bloodthirsty rage. There's nothing wrong with this, of course. So, I want to have the ritual take place and be completed at the Blood Harvest. If they strike, they will die. If they don't, the same outcome. It's a win-win for me, wouldn't you say?"

  Hamish turns to face me and leans in, “Lord Daffyd, if they do strike and something happens, we will have little to no defenses. We cannot risk it. The Blood Harvest should be canceled this year for a future date.” Hamish has always been troubled with this kind of fear. Unlike myself. I've never shown the same sentiments. Fear is for the weak. We are all going to die someday, even the eternal. So why not live every second to its utmost potential?

  "The Harvest will not be canceled. Don't be daft. My people will think me incompetent," I chuckle.

  “We are in the midst of a war greater than ourselves. How can we discuss the good times of celebration when our people are fighting for their lives?” his temper is raised, and I can sense it.


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