Beyond the Duke's Domain: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 4

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Beyond the Duke's Domain: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 4 Page 4

by Wendy Soliman

  ‘Hmm,’ Frankie said dubiously.

  Zach sat beside Frankie and pulled her onto his lap. ‘What struck me about Raphael was his cultivated manner. He is certainly charming, I’ll grant you that, but he is also fiercely intelligent. He wouldn’t have lasted five minutes spying in war-torn Spain and delving into the dangerous enclaves of dissatisfaction left in Napoleon’s wake if that were not the case.’

  ‘He is an angry young man with a score to settle—and one who has been trained to target his anger,’ Frankie suggested.

  ‘Precisely. I am sure that he expected to find his sisters living here in repressed servitude, or worse. He is reassured in that regard but he is still suspicious and wonders why people of our stature have opened our doors to them.’

  ‘I’m sure you would be too if you were in his position.’


  ‘I think Lucy rather liked what she saw,’ Frankie said speculatively. ‘She turned quite pink when Raphael addressed her.’

  Zach sighed. ‘Is she your latest project? You intend to find her a suitable husband?’

  Frankie grinned and leaned up to kiss Zach’s lips. ‘I might, if you will not allow me to protect Raphael from Clarence.’

  ‘Certainly I will not. Besides, Ariana will likely take up the cudgels on her brother’s behalf, and is more than capable of defending him without any help from you.’

  ‘I don’t suppose he will allow her to interfere, so I shall amuse myself by speculating upon his interest in Lucy.’ She smiled angelically. ‘There, is that a suitably harmless occupation for a duchess?’

  Zach laughed. ‘You remind me of my mother. She was never happier than when matchmaking.’

  ‘I shall take that as a compliment.’

  His gaze softened as he focused it on her features. ‘It was intended as one.’

  ‘I hope Raphael doesn’t insist upon Ariana returning to Spain with him if he decides to settle back in his homeland,’ Frankie mused. ‘Poor Amos would feel the loss, as would his children.’

  Zach’s hands, which were in the process conducting a delightful tour over Frankie’s body, stilled. ‘If Amos’s thoughts are turning in the direction that you would like them to, then the remedy is within his grasp.’

  ‘He isn’t ready to commit himself yet. He’s healing slowly but forming a lasting attachment to another woman would feel like a betrayal to Crista’s memory, I imagine, even though I know that Crista would be the first person to encourage him to find happiness again.’

  ‘Don’t upset yourself, my love. None of this is your fault.’ Zach kissed her neck and then allowed his lips to drift lower, eliciting a small groan from Frankie by way of reward. ‘Your fears are ungrounded. Ariana and her brother will remain here at least until after Martina’s wedding, which is several weeks away. A lot can happen in a few weeks. Besides, Clarence might have an offer to make to Raphael that will keep him in this country.’

  Frankie jumped on his lap. ‘You do know what he wants!’ she cried indignantly.

  ‘I don’t, I swear it, but I assume he has given Raphael some idea and that Raphael hasn’t objected, otherwise Clarence wouldn’t bother to come down in person. He would have pleaded pressure of work and sent Anna alone.’

  ‘Clarence wouldn’t give up that easily.’ Frankie pulled out of Zach’s arms, twisting her lips in an indignant protest. ‘But if he brings pressure to bear upon Raphael, I shall find it hard to keep my opinions to myself. The poor man has more than served his own country, at considerable personal risk, and should not be enticed into the affairs of this one.’

  ‘Sometimes our interests coincide, but the reasons for their so doing are beyond my domain,’ Zach told her. ‘I have more than enough problems in my own area to keep me occupied. However, I shall make your point of view known to Clarence,’ Zach assured her, recalling her wandering attention and distracting her by the application of his magical hands to certain parts of her anatomy. ‘Clarence is far from suicidal, and if he knows that you oppose his plans, then…’

  ‘Don’t, Zach!’ She batted at his hands, but her protest lacked conviction. ‘We don’t have time.’

  ‘There’s always time,’ Zach replied, pushing her gently until she fell backwards onto the bed and pinning her there with the weight of his body. ‘Besides, this is our house and if we are late, the others will just have to wait for us and pretend not to notice.’

  Frankie gave in. When had she ever been able to resist her husband’s amorous appetite, and why did she even pretend to try? The pleasure he still gave her with his inventive lovemaking, even after all these years of marriage and four children, still managed to astonish her. She counted her blessings every single day to have attracted this powerful, sensitive and oh so desirable man. The only blot on her otherwise harmonious marriage was Crista’s senseless death, which lingered in her mind and on her conscience. Amos’s wife had been killed by a bullet intended for Frankie, and the guilt she felt for surviving would, she knew, never completely leave her.

  Amos watched Ariana and her brother, who cut an impressive figure as he led her into the house speaking low and fast in their native language. Ariana paused to glance back at Amos and mouthed her thanks, causing him to die a little inside. Damn it, he didn’t want to feel…well, anything! Feelings could rip a man’s soul apart, he had good reason to know.

  He had fought against his feelings for Ariana, barely conscious that they had crept up on him until it was too late to prevent their strength from becoming potentially damaging. Amos was glad to have helped find Raphael, but now he worried that his success would result in Ariana being snatched from him, and from his children.

  He was unsure who would miss her more.

  Amos retreated to his private rooms and poured himself a strong drink, draining half the contents of his glass in one swallow. It would be better if she did leave England, or at least the Park, before he was in too deep. He would find someone else to take her place in the nursery. Josh would be off to prep school in a year’s time, Miranda was too young to remember her mother, and Charlotte—well, Charlotte would be a problem, but he would find a way to placate and reassure his elder daughter. A daughter who looked so much like her mother that Amos sometimes found it difficult to hide the swell of emotion that a familiar gesture or expression engendered.

  The loneliness crept up on him at unguarded moments, less frequently than it once had. The passage of time and Ariana’s presence in his life had helped in that regard, which reminded Amos of all the reasons why it would be unwise to rely upon the Spanish girl to ease his pain.

  Sighing, he rang for his valet, changed quickly into his evening attire and was the first to enter the drawing room. There was no sign yet of Zach and Frankie. A half-smile graced Amos’s lips as he speculated upon the reason for their delay. The same reason that had often resulted in his and Crista’s tardiness, he had no doubt.

  He had barely established himself before Vince and Nia arrived, with a glowing Martina and her intended, Jared Braden, close on their heels.

  ‘Where are Ariana and Raph?’ Martina asked, clutching Jared’s arm. ‘I cannot wait to introduce Jared to my handsome brother. I confess that I almost didn’t recognise him until he smiled. He has changed in so many ways, but I remember his smile, his gentleness, from when we were children. He was endlessly patient with us. That was before…well before everything changed.’ She paused her excited rambling to swallow several times. Jared squeezed her hand and she smiled up at him. ‘Ariana and I must have changed as well. Raph, I think, has experienced more than his share of danger and unhappiness, but it will be all right now. He’s safe and that’s all that signifies.’ She smiled ruefully. ‘I’m running on, aren’t I? I always do when I am excited or worried about something.’

  ‘You have every right to express your feelings, my sweet,’ Jared assured her.

  ‘Your brother and sister are not down yet,’ Amos told her, smiling indulgently. ‘I expect they’ve been talking one a
nother’s ears off.’

  Jared laughed as he accepted a glass of champagne from Faraday’s tray and passed another to Martina. ‘Patience is not one of Martina’s virtues,’ he said.

  ‘I will have you know that I can be endlessly patient when the situation calls for restraint. How long have Ariana and I waited for Raph to find us?’

  ‘A fair point, my love,’ Jared replied. ‘But your wait is at an end, and there is now no further excuse to delay our nuptials.’

  ‘None whatsoever,’ she agreed, smiling like an angel.

  Amos watched her, glad that things had turned out so well for her, thinking that she deserved to be happy. He wondered if Ariana would find peace of mind as easily, then reminded himself that he had vowed not to dwell upon her concerns. He had helped reunite her with her brother and now the pieces would fall wherever they chose to without further interference on his part.

  ‘You and Martina’s brother are in the same line of work,’ Amos remarked to Jared.

  ‘Or you were,’ Martina added with asperity. ‘I shall have something to say on the matter to both of you if you have not put it all behind you.’

  Amos smiled but refrained from pointing out that if Clarence’s example was anything to go by, no one ever completely retired from the diplomatic service. He didn’t doubt that Jared’s services would be prevailed upon again at some point, and that he would find it impossible to ignore the patriotic call to arms. Whether the same could be said for Raphael, he had yet to decide.

  ‘Ah, here they are!’

  Martina scampered across the room to join her siblings when they appeared together in the doorway.

  ‘Who is this sophisticated person flinging her arms around me, Ariana?’ Raphael asked, blinking at Martina in her elegant evening gown and then winking at her. ‘Are we acquainted?’

  Martina laughed and kissed his cheek. ‘Come, I want you to meet Jared,’ she said.

  Amos stood back and watched Martina as she made the introduction. Ariana looked up and caught his eye. He smiled at her and looked away almost immediately, determined not to pressure her to remain at the Park when her strong family ties should take priority.

  It had slowly occurred to him how much he had come to depend upon Ariana. How much their afternoon rides together meant to him and how much he looked forward to them. He should not have allowed her to slip beneath his defences. He definitely should not have given in to temptation and kissed her, as he had done only weeks before.

  He returned his attention to Raphael, who looked dashing in fashionable evening clothes and seemed perfectly at ease mixing with a duke’s relatives in an elegant drawing room that had daunted more than one visitor. He was a true gentleman in all respects, Amos accepted, who clearly loved his sisters and wanted the best for them. He watched as Raphael and Jared shook hands, summing one another up, and felt the tension leave his shoulders when Raphael gave Ariana a discreet nod of approval.

  Zach and Frankie arrived, looking a little breathless. Amos shared a glance with Vince and smiled, his thoughts about the reasons for their tardiness confirmed by their flushed faces.

  ‘Apologies,’ Frankie said. ‘There never seem to be enough hours in the day.’ Zach looked amused by her need to apologise. ‘Anyway, we are all here now. Shall we go through? I dare say we have been holding things up.’

  Faraday inclined his head. ‘When it suits, your grace.’

  ‘Come along then. I am sure you have a dozen questions for Mr Braden,’ Frankie said, smiling at Raphael, ‘and you can ask them over dinner just as easily.’

  Since Frankie had taken Raphael under her wing, it seemed only natural for Amos to offer his arm to Ariana. It would look odd if he did not, but he adjured himself to remain impervious to her allure. She had her future to consider and Amos was determined not to influence whatever decisions she reached.

  Don’t go! I need you.

  He shook his head to dislodge the selfish refrain and turned his attention to his soup. It was excellent, as always, but he had little appetite and merely toyed with his spoon. He observed Frankie and Nia as they peppered Raphael with questions. Both ladies were completely and totally dedicated to their husbands, Amos knew, but even they didn’t seem impervious to the potency of Raphael’s charm.

  ‘You are very reserved this evening, Lord Amos,’ Ariana remarked in an undertone.

  ‘Am I?’ he asked, aware that she spoke the truth.

  ‘I have not thanked you properly for everything you did for me.’ She nodded towards Raphael and paused. ‘For us. Without you none of this would have been possible…’

  ‘No thanks are necessary. I am glad to see you reunited.’

  ‘And Raph seems to like Mr Braden, which is a relief. There is absolutely nothing for him to object to, but Spanish men can be annoyingly judgemental.’

  Amos allowed himself a smile. ‘Englishmen are very protective of their sisters’ interests, too. Not that it did us any good. Anna and Portia knew their own minds and there would have been no changing them, even had we felt the need to try. Fortunately, they chose as wisely as Martina appears to have done, and all ended well.’

  ‘That is the most you have spoken the entire evening.’ Ariana wrinkled her nose. ‘I was beginning to think I had offended you in some way.’

  ‘You could never do that,’ he said softly.

  ‘I am sorry we missed our ride this afternoon,’ she said after a short pause.

  ‘You had more important matters on your mind.’

  ‘Well, tomorrow I hope we can—’

  ‘Raphael may want you to ride with him. Take the day off to be with him. The children will be fine. That stallion of his needs exercise.’

  She sent him a bemused look. ‘You tire of my company?’ she asked in a challenging tone.

  Amos emitted a low growl. ‘I am trying to be considerate.’

  ‘Well don’t.’ She tossed her head, setting the plume in her headdress dancing. ‘It doesn’t become you. Besides, I promised Charlotte I would help her with her numbers in the morning. She doesn’t need any help, but you know how insecure she can be sometimes. She is very clever, understands Raph’s relationship to me and worries that he will take me away, I expect. I cannot undo all my good work by allowing her to harbour doubts. No, I shall not ride with Raph, at least not in the morning. My place is here in the nursery.’

  Amos smiled, wondering if she had somehow picked up on his concerns and was attempting to reassure him as much as Charlotte. He wasn’t sure how to respond, aware that he couldn’t voice the words that sprang spontaneously to mind.

  ‘Thank you, but you cannot always put my children’s interests first. You must think of yourself too, especially now.’ His eyes held hers for a second too long.

  She looked bemused. ‘Are those interests not the same thing?’ she asked.

  Amos sent her a probing look and then turned his attention to Raphael, which seemed a safer prospect. ‘We’ll take a tour of the park tomorrow morning, if you like, and give that horse of yours something to do,’ he said.

  ‘Good plan,’ Vince replied, before Raphael could commit to it. ‘Count me in.’

  ‘And me,’ Zach said. ‘It’s been a while since we rode simply for the pleasure of it.’

  ‘Thank you, gentlemen,’ Raphael said. ‘I should be delighted to explore if you can spare the time.’

  ‘They will enjoy the excuse to behave like wild children again,’ Frankie assured him.

  ‘Our sons have not cornered the market in that respect,’ Zach replied, winking down the length of the table at his wife and making Amos feel momentarily adrift. When loneliness struck, he sometimes thought it had been a mistake to return to the Park after Crista’s death, where memories of happier times lurked, ready to attack him at unguarded moments. If it hadn’t been for his children, he likely would have stayed away.

  ‘We can ride in the afternoon as usual,’ Amos said in an aside to Ariana, regretting the words as soon as they slipped past his lip
s. He was supposed to be keeping his distance from her and yet had fallen at the first hurdle.

  ‘Very well.’

  She didn’t appear terribly enthusiastic, and Amos wondered if he had confused her.

  ‘If you would prefer to spend the afternoon with Raphael then you can be sure that I will excuse you.’

  ‘Are you trying to find a kind way of letting me down?’ she asked, not looking at him.

  Amos shook his head. ‘You know better than that.’

  ‘Do I?’

  The ladies left the table at that point, and Amos was glad of the solidarity of male company as the port circulated. The workings of a man’s mind he could understand. Men tended to say what they thought, but women…

  He retired that night, reminding himself that his work was done. But how he was supposed to resist Ariana’s appeal all the time that she remained at the Park was a question upon which he preferred not to dwell. He glanced at the miniature portrait of Crista that he kept by his bed, picked it up to kiss her image and sighed.

  ‘Why did you have to leave me?’ he asked, snuffing his candle and settling down for what he knew would be another restless night.

  Chapter Four

  Lucy entered the drawing room in Hayward House and encountered the increasingly familiar sight of Petra and Cal fussing over their grizzling daughter and sharing looks of adoration and concern. Cal, a tough war hero who could tame the wildest of horses, was reduced to a quivering wreck by the wails of a small child. He cradled Cassie in his arms, cooing at her. His efforts were rewarded by an ear-shattering cry of protest that made Lucy flinch.

  ‘What’s wrong with her?’ Lucy asked, resisting the urge to add the words this time.

  ‘She’s teething, we think, the poor lamb,’ Petra said with a worried smile. She took Cassie from her husband and rubbed her gums with the side of her finger.

  ‘I shall have to go to work,’ Cal said, his expression both guilty and relieved. ‘Will you be all right?’


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