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Triple Threat_An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 5

by Chloe Madison

  He dropped down with our lips calling to each other, but I wasn’t about to give up without exhausting every measure available to us.

  Chapter nine


  I was using a fire ax to open the elevator door after a very informative and tense conversation with Rachel. She was remarkably self-assured on the phone, but I could hear the underlying fear in her tone.

  “I’m going down there with or without your help. Keep the door open and hand me that flashlight.” I had it open enough for myself and Devon to pry it open the rest of the way.

  We had garnered an audience and I didn’t want to cause a blind panic, but the building had to be evacuated. The best thing for everybody was to get as much distance from the building as they could possibly muster. I was going into the belly of the beast to the heart of the animal to do my best to tear the beating organ from its chest.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but maybe there is a better way than to have everybody trampling for the next available exit.” Devon went around the corner and disappeared before the fire alarm went off.

  Those at their desks abandoned what they were doing, but they didn’t run screaming like chickens with their heads cut off. It was far better for them to think it was a drill than an actual life and death situation.

  They did look at us funny standing at an open elevator shaft, but nobody had the balls to ask any questions.

  I jumped into the expanse and barely was able to grab onto the slick metal ladder. I reached out and Devon handed me the flashlight.

  “I will make sure the building is completely evacuated. There’s no point in me staying here with you to second guess your decisions. My thoughts are with you.” He held my gaze and we shared a brotherly moment of concern for one another.

  Devon was acting like he was going to leave us, but I knew he was never going to exit the building without the three of us following suit.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but I do love you. We don’t have to get sappy, but my only regret is that we haven’t known each other for that long. It would’ve been nice to have a partner in crime growing up. I’ve never had anybody to have my back outside of the military. It’s nice to know when the chips are down that we can count on one another.”

  I wanted a chance to tell Caleb how much it meant to me that he had come to my rescue when I was barely clinging to my sanity in that Chinese prison.

  “This is no time to get sentimental. I echo the feelings, but you’re not going to hear those three words coming out of my mouth. I’m starting to realize that I say those words too often and too soon. There’s nothing wrong with exploring my options.” He was learning the hard way that love was a fickle mistress.

  “I’m sure everything will turn out fine. On the off chance it doesn’t, the business reverts to your name upon my passing. I recently added Caleb to my will.” What he had done for me was a selfless act and I couldn’t possibly leave this mortal coil without showing my appreciation in some way.

  We shared a knowing brotherly bond and then he was walking backward not losing eye contact until it was absolutely necessary.

  I made my way down the elevator shaft one rung at a time with my fingers shaking from the effort, until I was standing on top of the bomb. It was exactly as Caleb had described it, with one glaring exception.

  Every wire was exactly the same color with less than 3 minutes on the clock. I retrieved the tools of the trade and opened up the small metal case to discover those instruments I never thought I was going to have to use again. The last time was nerve-wracking, and I had no interest in a repeat performance. I hung up my bomb-defusing skills for a crack at a normal civilian life.

  It wasn’t easy trying to break free of the military. Some people admired me and gave me praise for my duty to this country and how I had protected their freedoms. Others were less than appreciative and showed their disdain by scowling every time I walked by. It was surprising to learn that they thought I was the cause of the problem and not the solution.

  “It looks like I’m going to have to track back these wires to their source. It was a good thing that you called me. This is a crude design. Somebody has been watching too many Internet tutorials. They have outdone themselves.” I steadied my hand, but it wasn’t easy with my life flashing before my eyes.

  The blinking evidence of my life coming to an end was right in front of me mocking my existence.

  It didn’t help to see Rachel in Caleb’s arms holding him as some kind of lifeline. I couldn’t stop thinking about them getting closer. It was a distraction I didn’t need.

  This wasn’t the first time that I had my back against the wall with the odds favoring the other guy. I had bent, but I didn’t break.

  “The one thing that made me leery about tackling this was the use of the same color wire for everything. I did manage to manipulate the timer.” Caleb was too calm and I couldn’t see how any woman would be attracted to that.

  The person responsible would be sweating bullets and waiting for the hand of God to come down on top of them.

  “The one thing we can be thankful for is that there isn’t a radio receiver attached to this thing. They can’t remotely detonate it. They're depending on the timer to do the job for them.” I couldn’t begrudge Caleb a fleeting form of happiness, not even if it was killing me inside to see them together.

  My stomach was turning in disgust and I felt bad for showing any emotion of jealousy.

  “I know I’m putting you in a terrible position, but there was nobody else to call on such short notice. I have faith in you. You’ve been through a lot, but you have come out the other side relatively unscathed.” Caleb was right.

  Physically speaking that was true, but psychologically I had the scars to prove the damage that had been done.

  “We have less than 2 minutes and I have to say that I’m damn impressed by your ingenuity. Nobody else would have thought about attempting to give themselves more time. You continually surprise me. I think that is what makes us different from each other in a good way.” I had to give him credit for taking that chance with the possibility something could go wrong.

  “Bryce, I’ve been talking with Rachel and I get the feeling that she wants to say something.” He was putting the spotlight on her when the clammy hand of death was about to claim three fresh victims.

  “Rachel, I don’t want you to say anything in the heat of the moment. We don’t want any embarrassment to come back and bite you on the ass after I pull our fat out of the fire.” I was using my skillful fingers to crawl like a tiny spider up each wire to find where it went.

  “I would rather say it than to keep it to myself. In the last couple of days, I have been having this recurring fantasy involving the three of you. I’m not sure how you are going to react, but I have designs on being with all of you at the same time,” she confessed with her voice betraying her sound judgment.

  I had never been a part of anything like that, but my main focus was the very idea of getting my hands on her.

  Sharing her with my brothers might have been a little strange in retrospect, but it was something to think about in the cold light of reality. I was hoping for something more private, but fucking her and giving her one orgasm after another was going to impair her cognitive abilities. I started to have thoughts about plugging all of her holes at once and this was something that I wanted desperately to be a part of.

  “We can talk about that after we get out of this. I wanted to let you know that I’ve been going over your employee financials and I have found some discrepancies. It appears Jonathan has been living beyond his means with a pile of debts that is in the thousands.” There was no time left to waste with only 30 seconds left before the big bang.

  I was happy to report that my fingers were like a surgeon: steady and ready to use the knife. In this aspect, it was a small pair of scissors barely sharp enough to slice through a piece of paper. I determined the wire that I believed was connected to the t
imer. The best way to circumvent an explosion was to make sure that it didn’t reach zero.

  “I was going to do my own internal investigation, but it looks like you have beaten me to the punch.”

  There were 20 seconds and those pair of scissors was scratching through the first layer of the wire to expose what was underneath.

  “I would confess any sins while you still have the chance. It is good for the soul.” I had my hands in the sign of a cross over my chest.

  “I hope for your sake that you’re not doing this for dramatic effect. I would hate to think that you could be that manipulative.” Rachel was begging me to come through in the end.

  “This is what I call creative license to keep you on the edge of your seat.” I held my breath and made the incision severing the wires from the connection to the timer.

  It didn’t appear to work, but the screen indicating that we had 5 seconds to go finally blinked and went out. I bowed my head and felt an instant relief from still being in one piece.

  “I’m not going to hold you to what you said in the heat of the moment. Having a heart attack at a time like this would be counterproductive.”

  I could almost see Devon in the lobby pacing back and forth trying to prevent the first responders from dragging him out kicking and screaming.

  Chapter ten


  After giving our statements, I gave the staff the rest of the day off. They had no idea how close they had come to kissing their ass goodbye.

  I wanted a memory to sustain me and having all three of them would definitely do that.

  I took off my blazer and laid it carefully over my chair, feeling like the room had gone up in temperature.

  I walked in a no-nonsense way to Caleb and kissed him. He was stunned and couldn’t say anything. I did the same to Bryce and Devon before turning my back, afraid of what they would say. The taste of their lips lingered on mine.

  I was about to unbutton my blouse, but Bryce and Caleb were no longer content being innocent bystanders. Bryce helped to relieve me of my blouse with Caleb kissing the back of my neck to cause my legs to teeter on my heels.

  I moved my hands down to the front of their pants to feel the bulge of their excitement pumping with new life against my fingertips. Devon was the only holdout, but the hard cock between his legs had other ideas.

  I easily unzipped their pants and saw the evidence of their arousal in front of my eyes. Caleb’s cock was a work of art and a pillar of strength topped by a huge helmet leaking profusely over the waistband of his tight black briefs.

  “I really don’t know what to do with my hands, but I think they might have a mind of their own.” I followed that statement by getting a little closer to the object of my affections.

  I began stroking them through the thin fabric with the heat of their equipment fighting to escape the confines of their prison.

  I got down on my knees with my blouse discarded and lying at my feet. Devon had taken a couple of steps closer, but still, he was fighting that natural urge to do something completely out of character.

  One flick of Caleb’s fingers and I was released from my lacy blue bra. My breasts were modest and seeing them made them come a little closer.

  Caleb’s member was a little thicker, but Bryce had the length that continued to stretch out before me. I quickly got them out of their pants and then slowly pulled down their briefs to expose their hard cocks. I wrapped my fingers around both of them, but I was watching Devon and how he was failing to resist temptation.

  “I should have my head examined, but I can’t seem to make my feet move in the opposite direction.” Devon was right in front of me with my hot breath making his member dance for my sexual amusement.

  “I have my hands full at the moment, but my mouth is more than happy to help you with that.” A man’s weakness was a woman’s ability to orally satisfy him.

  No sooner than the words were out of my mouth than Devon’s cock was prominently displayed in his fist. There was a slight curve and I could almost imagine what that would feel like deep inside me rubbing against my G spot.

  The long vein down the back was already throbbing with insistence. I touched it with the tip of my tongue and I traveled from the bottom to the top to concentrate my efforts on the most sensitive part of a man.

  “Devon, I don’t think that there’s any reason for you to question this. Take a page from Caleb’s book. He’s not saying much of anything, but he’s enjoying the pleasure being inflicted. There is no better gift than a woman that shows a real enthusiasm going down on a man. It’s rare to find that combination of slut and confidence. She knows exactly what it takes to bring the boys to the yard.” Bryce was swinging freely with a thick dollop of cream dribbling down the shaft to make him appear to be an obscene ice cream cone of a different flavor and texture.

  “I feel like I’m going to go blind from seeing the two of you in this way. I do have something more pleasing to concentrate on with the look of her lips sealed around the fat head of my cock.” My painted lips marked my territory leaving a telltale stain of my lipstick smeared down to the balls of Devon’s cock.

  I controlled my gag reflex and Devon was no longer sitting on the sidelines letting me do all the work. He had twisted his fist in my hair and was thrusting his hips to make me swallow his cock. He was the first to feel the gripping walls of my throat massaging the head and the first couple of inches.

  “I want some of that when you are finished.” Bryce was waiting patiently for his turn and I was using his natural lubrication to make those 10-inches glisten.

  This was a wet dream come true for any woman looking to satisfy their craving for more than one cock. I had three of them and I felt a little guilty for monopolizing these three men. It dawned on me that any woman in my position would be doing the same thing if given the chance. Nobody could fault me for taking a chance to walk on the wild side.

  I took Devon out and replaced him with Bryce. It was only fair to share my gift.

  It was quite something to see how each one differed with a reason to make my mouth salivate for the chance to taste all of them. The cream was thickly covering my tongue. The steel bar of Bryce’s excitement was paint brushing my tongue. His hefty piece was rubbing up against the enclosed space between my tongue and the roof of my mouth

  Caleb pried my fingers loose and was now touching the small of my back to make me bend over with my skirt riding up over my ample posterior. There were no panties and the light lick of his tongue to my sensitive flesh caused that ember to grow into a flame between my legs.

  The man was an idiot savant when it came to orally pleasing a woman. The pointed end of his tongue was drilling deep into my forbidden hole. It was an interesting sensation with the added bonus of Bryce’s cock fucking my mouth.

  Devon was getting the full effect of the corkscrew motion of my fist. He bucked and let out a long drawn out moan that satisfied my desire to hear him let his hair down.

  It made me happy the way that they were taking the dominant role. I thought that I would be intimidated, but I was sexually incensed to make myself stand out from the crowd of other women they had been with.

  Bryce had his hands on my shoulders and I was on my knees with my ass cheeks folded around Caleb’s features in his effort to tongue fuck me into a sexual oblivion. Caleb was turning out to be the best-kept secret.

  I was feeling greedy and I didn’t want to share them with any other woman.

  The vibration of my continuous moans traveled down and sent signals to Bryce that had his long and unyielding hungry member spitting white-hot venom into my mouth. It was only the beginning of the hurricane of lust that was brewing inside of his balls.

  I was pushed forward with a shriek of surprise pleasure stifled by the cock in my mouth. Caleb force-fed me the length of his cock burying it to the balls with not an inch to spare. It was quite the feat to accommodate his wide load. I thought it was going to come out of my mouth side by side with Bryce�
�s cock still sawing in and out of my lips.

  He had to relinquish his spot with Devon quite interested in the same magic that I had played on his hard on a few minutes ago. It was a wonderful exploration of what four people could do when properly motivated.

  I had never been down on the floor of my office in a compromising position. The threat had been neutralized for the time being, leaving us to find a more constructive way to use that pent-up frustration. I had made the mistake of voicing my fantasy in a moment of weakness.

  Bryce gave me a chance to keep my mouth shut, but I had to say something while I still had breath left in my body.

  Caleb was pounding me hard and relentless, slapping my bare ass with his hands to spur me on to greater heights of pleasure. I was literally being spit roasted with both Devon and Bryce taking turns at filling the warmth and tightness of my cavity.

  I felt it coming like a freight train bearing down on me. A thumb was introduced to my anal passage and I knew what was coming next. It was going to be a first to feel the dominance of three men pushing me beyond my sexual sanity.

  I was carving myself a good time out of three giant blocks of thick wood. There was no fear that they were going to lose their momentum. Caleb’s body had slithered underneath me, bringing me down on top of him with every inch swallowed by the heat of my sex.

  Bryce was still driving his cock in and out of my mouth. I made sure to curl the length of my tongue around him. Devon was mysteriously absent and I was too busy to notice that one hole had grabbed his attention.

  “I have never felt so overwhelmed in my life.” I was stroking those 10 inches feeling slightly in awe of the way that Bryce had stretched my jaw.

  I had to come up for air to get a breather, but I knew that it wasn’t going to last for very long. Bryce was fucking my fist and I was squeezing to give him the necessary encouragement to blow his load.


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