St. Helena Venus transit expedition (1761), 39–42, 173
St. Petersburg, Russia
Academy of Sciences, 49–53, 99
Winter Palace of Elizabeth, 13–14
Struensee, Johann Friedrich, 191
Sumatra Venus transit expedition (1761), 27–34
Sun, distance to. See Solar distance
Sweden’s observations of Venus transits, 54, 213
Dolphin’s discovery mission, 89–90, 92–93
open society, thefts, 93, 168–172, 196
rules of conduct imposed, 168–169
Tahiti Venus transit expedition (1769)
destination initially undetermined, 82–84, 89
Endeavour refitted for voyage, 85–88
mission delayed in Rio, 145–150
at Madeira Island, 137
en route to Tahiti, 164–167
transit observed from Fort Venus observatory, 173–175
Hornsby analyzes data, 214–215
Tahiti–Pacific after-mission of Cook
after-orders given, 94
crew fatalities from dysentery, 202–203
Endeavour damaged, repaired, in Batavia, 199–203
South Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, 195–196
Taylor, Eva, 80
Taylor, William Whitrong, 25–26
Chappe’s in Siberia, San José, 45, 48, 104, 184
of Halley, 41
Hubble, 220
Kepler spacecraft, 227
made by James Short, 91, 173
mégamètre, 104
taken on Tahiti expedition, 91
Thott, Otto, 189–190, 191
Tierra del Fuego, 150–152, 163
Tobolsk, Siberia. See Siberia expedition (1761)
Treaty of Paris (1764), 57, 72
Troitskoye, Russia, 14–15
Trondheim, Norway, 128–129, 187–189
Tubourai, Tahitian chieftain, 171–172
Tulbagh, Ryk, 34–36
Tupaia, Tahitian chieftain, 196, 197, 201
Twain, Mark, 143–144
Typhus (jail fever), 178–179, 184, 186, 205–210
Urania ship, 129–135
Vardø, Norway, expedition (1769) mission authorized by Danish king, 81
voyage, 117–136, 187–188
observatory, 134–135, 155–156
life in Vardø, 157–159
transit observed, 160–162
data dissemination restricted, delayed, 190–193, 218
Hell’s book Observatio reports findings, 192, 194
data disputed by Lalande, 192–193, 212
Cassini analyzes observations, 212–213
Hornsby analyzes data, 214–215
Velázquez de Leon, Joaquín, 179
Venus transit (1761, June 6)
Cape Town expedition (Mason, Dixon), 37–38, 40
Siberia expedition (Chappe), 6–7, 46–49
St. Helena observation attempted (Maskelyne), 39
Sumatra observation attempted (Mason, Dixon), 27–28, 34
teams throughout world, 54–55
Venus transit (1769, June 3)
Hudson’s Bay expedition (Wales), 81, 217
penumbra visible, 185
San José del Cabo expedition (Chappe), 2–3, 183–186
Tahiti expedition (Cook), 173–175
Vardø expedition (Hell, Sajnovics), 160–162
viewing locations, 52
Cassini, Hornsby, analyses, 211–215
Venus transit (2004), 225–227
Venus transit (2012), 225–227
Venus transits
described, importance of, 7, 10–11, 41
Apollo mission analogy, 220–221
data (timing, latitude/longitude) collected, 53–56
data supplemented by secondary observers, 54–55, 91–92
sun’s distance vague in 1761, 211
2004 transit data, 212, 225–227
2012 transit exoplanet data, 225–227
astronomical uses today, 226
immortalized as scientific culmination, 223–224
Hornsby analyzes 1769 data, 217
Vera Cruz, New Spain (Mexico), 103–106, 211
Vienna, Austria, 5, 7–11
Voltaire, 98–99
Voyage en Californie pour l’observation . . . (Chappe), 211
Voyage en Siberié (Chappe), 97–99, 180, 223
Waddington, Robert, 39
Wales, William
observes transit in Hudson’s Bay (1769), 91, 217
predicts moon’s position for Nautical Almanac, 77–78
post-transit honors, 223–224
Wallis, Samuel, 90, 92
Wallot, Jean Guillaume, 213
Warwick East India clipper, 42–43
Wilbur, Hervey, 224–225
Witchell, George, 78
Young Nick’s Headland, New Zealand, 197
The Day the World Discovered the Sun Page 29