Love in the Spotlight

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Love in the Spotlight Page 18

by Olivia Jaymes

  But this did remind Riley as to why she’d hesitated saying yes to Sam’s marriage proposal. It would always be like this. Women – young and beautiful – would want him and it would take a strong man to say no every time.

  Rubbing his hands together, Sam gave her a smile. “Ready to see more? I have a few minutes before I have to report to makeup.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Ivy wasn’t giving up, however. She pushed herself forward so she was in between Sam and Riley. “I was hoping–”

  “Can’t,” Sam cut in, his gaze firmly on Riley. “I only have a little time and I still need to show Riley around. Catch me later between takes.”

  Reaching around the starlet, Sam wrapped his arm around Riley and led her away, leaving the seething woman standing there. He hadn’t said it out loud but he’d made it clear – he didn’t have any interest in his co-star.

  This time. But there would always be another movie, another woman. It felt like two steps forward and three steps back and the dance was ceasing to be any fun. She needed to make a decision and stick to it, but after her behavior today she was beginning to think she already had.

  She was jealous and that was not an emotion she had much experience with. Had she already fallen in love with Sam? It might simply be too late to save herself any heartache.


  Sam could barely concentrate on work, his thoughts busy with the appointment this morning and seeing his baby for the first time. The overwhelming need to protect Riley and the child had him contemplating ideas that a few days ago would have seemed outlandish and completely insane.

  He was thinking about retiring.

  After he finished his contractual obligations, of course. Breaking a contract wasn’t something he did lightly and if he’d committed to do a role he needed to see it through. But afterward, he would be free to do as he pleased.

  Acting, producing, and directing were his passion but he couldn’t allow history to repeat itself. It might be irrational – and he was pretty sure it was – but he felt that the only way he could care for his family was to be with them all the time.

  Money wouldn’t be an issue. He had enough to never work a day in his life again. He hadn’t been extravagant and purchased a dozen houses, collected cars and jewels, and partied with drugs and alcohol. He’d seen enough in Tinsel Town to know the pitfalls. He’d watched some good and talented people go down the wrong road and ruin their career. He’d been determined from the beginning not to become one of them.

  But he couldn’t imagine not working. It was one thing to have some time off in between projects, hang out around the house and rest, maybe even travel a little. But every single day for the rest of his life sounded like true boredom. He’d need two hundred hobbies just to fill the time so he wouldn’t go stark raving mad. His needs, however, weren’t what was important here. He had to put his family first.

  “Sam?” Ivy poked her head in the doorway. He hadn’t bothered to lock his trailer door. “I brought you a coffee.”

  Ivy held up two paper cups with lids and then handed him one. He hadn’t slept much the night before so the caffeine was welcome. She plopped down on the sofa next to him and stretched out her legs so that her feet were propped up on a small table.

  “Thanks, I could use this. Shouldn’t you be in wardrobe?”

  “I have forty-five minutes. They’re moving the lighting again. I thought I’d come see how you are. You’ve been wearing a scowl all day long.” She leaned closer and placed her hand on his thigh. Alarm bells started going off in his head. Danger. “I can tell that you’re unhappy with your girlfriend, Sam. You know, you can talk to me about it.”

  It was almost comical. Ivy thought that Sam was unhappy with Riley when it was actually the opposite. He was only unhappy at the thought she might not stay.

  “I’m very happy. I’m hoping that Riley and I get married.”

  He wanted to make sure that Ivy knew there was no way anything…intimate was going to happen between them. She’d been dropping hints the entire shoot, but meeting Riley seemed to have pushed her into playing all her cards. Not that she had any. Sam wasn’t interested. The only woman that existed for him was Riley.

  Christ, I’m in love. When did that happen?

  He waited for the panic to set in along with a feeling of suffocation but it didn’t. Instead a warmth filled his chest and spread through his limbs. He was in love and it was good. Riley was the woman he’d been waiting for his whole life and now they were going to have a baby together. This was what he’d wanted but never in a million years thought he’d have. He sure as fuck wasn’t going to toss it aside for a quickie with his co-star in his trailer. If he didn’t screw this all up, he could have a wonderful life with the most wonderful woman on the planet.

  But first, he had to get Ivy out of his trailer. Then he could worry about how to make Riley fall in love with him. She’d already said that she wasn’t.

  But you said that too. Maybe it’s changed.

  Ivy sat straight up, her mouth hanging open wide enough to catch flies. “Married? You’re getting married? Since when?”

  The last person he was going to discuss his love life with was his shallow co-star.

  “Ivy, don’t you have someplace you need to be?”

  Standing and then stomping to the door, Ivy looked like she wanted to be anywhere but with him. Her face was bright red and her lips were pressed together so tightly there was a white ring around her mouth. Yep, he’d pissed her off good.

  “Have fun with your little teacher,” she spat, her lip curled in derision. “She can’t do anything for your career.”

  He almost…almost…reminded this young woman that she couldn’t do shit for his career either, but he could do a hell of a lot for her, which he assumed was a major part of the attraction. If he’d been a ditch digger or an accountant, he doubted Ivy Parker would have given him a second look. She was like most of the women he met on a daily basis. She wanted what Sam could give her.

  Riley, on the other hand, didn’t want anything from him. If he was lucky he might get her to want his love.

  “Thank you for the reminder. Close the door on your way out.”

  Chuckling, he felt the trailer shake as Ivy slammed the door behind her, still muttering under her breath. He had a nasty feeling that she was going to make the rest of this shoot fucking miserable.

  It didn’t matter though. All that mattered to Sam was sitting in a condo on the Upper East Side. Riley, his baby, and their hopefully soon to be family. He’d do whatever it took to make her fall in love with him. Except that he’d never had to work that hard before.

  How did a man get a woman to fall for him?


  Sam paced back and forth across the small space of his trailer, his agitation and anger growing with every passing minute. Bigger problems had kept Sam from concentrating on plans to romance Riley. His publicist had sent him photos of Riley from this morning that were splashed all over the internet. The headlines were predictably lurid, conjecturing that he’d slept with Riley at the same time as his last girlfriend, whether he and Riley were married, and an especially maddening picture of Riley’s tummy which at the angle the photo was taken looked slightly pooched out. That last one was paired with the headline “Is that a baby bump we spy?”

  Riley’s tummy was still flat, but the wily pap had known that the awkward angle would fire up the public with questions.

  If Sam lived to be two hundred years old he would never learn to like the phrase “baby bump”. It sounded stupid and juvenile and now he was pissed as hell because some tabloid was going to get so-called credit for breaking a story before he’d released it.

  But the worst of it was all the comments underneath these articles and blog posts. Most fans were supportive, sweet, and kind, congratulating Sam on finding someone to share his life with. There were always a few, however, that seemed to live to spew hatred and venom and they’d done a number o
n Riley. They’d questioned her looks, her intelligence, and her motives. She’d been called plain, ugly, fat, ordinary, common, and a few more adjectives that made him so angry he wanted to punch a hole in the wall of his trailer. She was the kindest and loveliest person he’d ever known and all these people had to do with their time was to tear her down. It was pathetic, really.

  It also terrified him. If Riley saw these, and he’d already contacted Callie to keep Riley away from the internet, she might decide that he was too much work to be with and not marry him. She definitely wouldn’t fall in love with a man that managed to have her name and likeness dragged through the mud. He was trying to show her how wonderful life could be for them together, not chase her away.

  His phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen, hoping it wasn’t his publicist again with more bad news.

  His mom. The way his day was going she’d probably gone out on that date, fallen in love immediately, and they were currently on their way to Vegas to get married. Oh, and his new stepfather was Sam’s age with no discernible means of financial support.

  “Hey, Mom. How’s it going?”

  “Fine. I was just calling to tell you that I think I’ll fly up the day after tomorrow. If that’s okay?”

  It was perfect. Riley would have Paula to help deal with all of this craziness.

  “That sounds great, Mom. I’ll have Callie book the flight and the transportation. We’ll all be glad to see you.”

  I have big news for you.

  “I can book all of that myself. Callie has better things to do.” There was a long pause. “You sound a little strange, son. Is anything wrong? Did I call at a bad time? I know you’re probably working today.”

  Sam had intended to say that nothing was wrong. Everything was fine and he couldn’t wait to see her.

  That’s what he’d intended to do. The best laid plans and all…

  Instead he found himself pouring out the whole story – minus the sex parts – and even about the baby. He admitted to his mother that he was scared, too. Scared that something would happen to the baby and scared that Riley wouldn’t fall in love with him.

  She’d listened quietly, not interrupting, which was Paula’s way. She’d done the same thing since he was a boy. Let him get it all off of his chest before saying a word. Half of the time he’d figure out what he needed to do just by explaining the situation. His mother was smart like that. She wanted him to think for himself before she rushed in with the answer.

  No such luck this time. He was fresh out of easy solutions.

  “Well…first of all…I’m thrilled that I’m going to be a grandmother,” Paula replied slowly when he was done. “And I can’t think of anyone I’d want as the mother of the child more than Riley. You know that I’ve wanted the two of you together. I think you and she could be very happy.”

  “I think so too but I have to convince her of that, Mom.”

  Another long pause, the silence building. Sam knew better than to interrupt his mother, though. She was about to say something he wasn’t going to like and was trying to find a nice way to tell him. Eventually she’d give up and just say it. So he waited.

  “Son, you have a bigger problem.”

  The press? His career?

  “I’m listening.”

  “You need to deal with your past. Sooner rather than later. Frankly, you’ve put it off way too long and I’ve let you. But it needs to stop now. It’s not your fault Trish lost the baby. It was just one of those things that happen. It was sad and awful but it wasn’t your fault. There was nothing you could have done even if you’d been home.”

  He didn’t want to hear this and he sure as hell didn’t want to discuss it. Life had given him a second chance with Riley and he wasn’t going to screw it up. He was going to make sure that his family was safe and protected. All he had to do was convince Riley to let him take that place in her life.

  “I’m concentrating on the right problem, Mom. I need to convince Riley to fall in love with me.”

  He could hear Paula’s sigh through the phone. “You’re a bright boy, I’m sure you can figure out how to do that, especially as I think she’s halfway there to begin with. She was unhappy after you left, Sam, although she tried to hide it. Haven’t you been in a few romantic movies? What did the leading men do?”

  “She wouldn’t fall for all that corny romance. She’s too smart for that.”

  “Then don’t make it corny,” Paula answered promptly. “Riley won’t be impressed by an expensive restaurant and extravagant gifts. Sending her flowers isn’t going to make her swoon. Just show her a good time. Have fun. Take her somewhere that she’d like to go. Are you so rich and famous that you don’t remember how to do that?”

  It was so simple and obvious he ought to smack himself in the head. Maybe he had been famous too long with people catering to all his whims.

  Put Riley first. Think about her needs. He could absolutely do this.

  Hold on to your hat, Riley. You are about to be swept off of your feet.


  Riley had known something was up. Callie kept trying to pull her from her laptop, and it had become clear that the older woman didn’t want Riley to see something on the internet. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what it was.

  The photos weren’t the worst part. Candid shots had never been kind to Riley and this morning had been no exception. She’d been photographed from all angles and some of them were downright terrible. One even seemed to show a pregnant belly which made her laugh. She wasn’t showing…yet, but it wouldn’t be long.

  No, the photos sucked but they weren’t horrifying. That had to be saved for comments on the photos and articles. Not even the incendiary headlines could compete with the hate and vitriol she’d found. On Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, people seemed to come out of the woodwork to bash her and they didn’t hold back. They thought she was stupid, ugly, and a gold digger. All from actual human beings who had never even met her. But they acted like they knew her well and they sure as heck didn’t like her. She wasn’t good enough for Sam and he could do far better.

  “Those women are just jealous.” Callie sat across from Riley at the kitchen table. They were both having tea and cookies while Riley tortured herself with the internet. “They’re upset because somewhere in their brains they got the idea that Sam could be their boyfriend. This doesn’t have anything to do with you personally.”

  “I know that intellectually…”

  “But emotionally?”

  “It hurts,” Riley admitted. “These people don’t even know me but they already think the worst. They were just plain nasty, too.”

  “These were the kids that bullied in school. You probably know all about that.”

  Rarely did Riley have to deal with a bully in her kindergarten class but it wasn’t unheard of. Usually they were bullied themselves by their parents or they observed it in their home life. They didn’t feel heard or respected so they lashed out at others.

  “I have, and I understand the psychology around it in children, but these are grown adults.”

  Callie slapped her cup onto the table, making it shake on its legs. “That’s right. Supposedly grown ass, mature adults who have nothing better to do than troll articles on the internet and write mean, nasty shit about people they’ve never met and never will. It’s easy to be brave when you’re hidden. They’d never in a million years say that to your face. Believe me when I say that there are some disturbed individuals out in the world and I know this because I’ve read some of Sam’s fan mail.”

  “I’m afraid to ask. That bad?”

  Shaking her head, Callie reached across the table and pressed the lid on the laptop shut. This time Riley let her.

  “It ain’t good. People can be lovely and nice and some are mean as snakes. I’m going to be up front with you and just lay it on the line. If you’re going to live this life, you’re going to need to toughen up. There are always people that want to rip others down and when you’
re successful like Sam you become a target.” Callie pointed to Riley. “Now you’re a target too. There will be people who are jealous or angry or sad or frustrated or whatever. This is about them, not you. Don’t get mired in all the negativity. You could be the most perfect person on the planet and they’d find something to complain about.”

  A thicker hide. That’s what Riley needed. She shouldn’t be letting the opinions of strangers bother her. If she was going to be with Sam – and that’s what she wanted – she’d have to get used to this.

  Fair was something that came to town in the summer. It wasn’t something she should expect from life.

  Riley stood and carried her cup over to the sink. “I’m going to lie down for a little while. All the drama has worn me out. Thank you for talking to me. I really do see what you’re saying and you’re right. I need to learn to ignore this.”

  Callie tapped on the laptop. “Stay away from the internet. It’s a jungle out there.”

  Words to live by. Riley wouldn’t make the same mistake again and seek out pictures of herself. She already knew the truth and she didn’t need a blog or a tabloid to explain her life in a hundred and forty characters or less. They were just trying to sell papers and get clicks. They weren’t worth her time or attention.


  Riley had been up to her neck in steamy bathwater by the time Sam had arrived home. He’d been grinning and hyper, excited like a child for Christmas, and she’d allowed him to railroad her into getting out of the tub and dressed. He had a surprise for her.

  At first she’d balked, still rather tired but his enthusiasm was infectious and when he’d said that she didn’t have to dress up, do her hair, or even put on makeup she was beginning to get excited too. A little casual fun sounded like just what she needed to shake off her afternoon.

  After throwing on shorts, a t-shirt, and some mascara, she’d trailed after him to the dark SUV parked at the curb. They’d climbed in and were off to their mysterious destination, Sam still smiling widely and then chuckling to himself every few minutes. He certainly had something up his sleeve and she couldn’t wait to find out what it was. She loved surprises.


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