furniture in, 33
and ice (Room 504), 11, 14, 47, 48, 50
J. J.’s penthouse in, 19, 31
offices in, 31–32, 59, 85, 87, 92
Sardi’s restaurant, 79, 84, 269
Save the Theatres campaign, 249–53, 261–63, 270
Scandal, 312–13, 315–17, 330
Scandalios, Nick, 399, 400
Schiff, Dorothy, 214
Schlissel, Jack, 13, 63
Schmidt, Harvey, 67–68
Schneider, Peter, 306, 385–88, 395
Schoenfeld, Gerald:
author’s contacts with, x–xi, 95, 131n
and Bernie’s death, 37, 393–94
birth and early years of, 38–39
and Cats, 280, 291–93
and Chess, 355–57
and contract negotiations, 59–60, 129, 209–10, 391–92
and coup, 85–90, 92–97
death of, 398
fading influence of, 377–78, 392–93, 396–97
and foundation board, 88–90, 125–30
holding the chain together, 96–97
income of, 45, 104, 120, 124–25
integrity of, 47–48, 59, 128–29, 212
and investigations, 11–12, 124–30
and J. J.’s business activities, 16, 44–45, 50
and J. J.’s illness and death, 15
and John’s estate, 50
Larry’s complaint filed against, 103–5, 120
and Lee’s death, 42–43
and Les Miz, 339, 341
marriage of Pat and, 40–41, 45
media stories about, 211, 353, 396
Mr. Broadway (memoir), 38–39, 95, 357
partnership with Bernie, 45
and power, 211–14, 216, 219, 252–53, 392–93, 396–97
and Prudent Man Rule, 96–97
as public figure, 211
rise to the top, 48, 94, 97, 209
and Shubert business, 50–51, 59–60, 86, 89–90, 91, 100, 102–3, 124–25, 158, 208–19, 280, 304, 358, 385
and Smith, 63
and succession, 353, 395–97
theatre named for, 12
and Times Square, 175–77, 180–82, 242–43, 247, 251–53, 270, 379–84, 393
and Tony Awards, 272–76, 277
and unions, 59–60, 90–91, 103, 209–10, 212, 253, 396
and U.S. antitrust suit, 42, 43–44
Schoenfeld, Pat, 40–41, 45, 397, 398
Schönberg, Claude-Michel, 336–37, 339
Schulman, Marvin, 142
Schumach, Murray, 103
Schumacher, Thomas, 386, 395
Schwartz, Stephen, 100–101, 195
Scoppetta, Nicholas, 123
Seal, Elizabeth, 224–25
Second Stage, 359
Secret Rapture, The, 367
Seesaw, 140–44, 145–47, 152, 225, 313
Seff, Richard, 13, 33, 193–94
Seidler, Lee, 57, 130
Seldes, Marian, 116
Sellars, Peter, 30
Selwyn Theatre, 383
September 11 attacks, 402
Serino, Coyne & Nappi, 262, 335
Serpico, Frank, 79
Seurat, Georges, 314
Shaffer, Anthony, 111
Shaffer, Peter, 110–16, 118, 119, 215, 216
Shakespeare, William, 46
Shange, Ntozake, 158
Shaw, George Bernard, 46
Shawn, Michael, 360
Sheehy, Gail, 83, 84
Shelley, Carole, 255
Shepard, Sam, 91
Sherkow, Don, 310–11
Sherman Antitrust Act, 43
Sherrin, Edwin, 142
Sherwood, Robert E., 48
Shubert, Catherine Mary, 17, 45
Shubert, David, 20, 51
Shubert, J. J., 16–21
aging of, 45, 50
and chorus girls, 32
and Christmas bonuses, 18
and consent decree, 43–44, 164, 165
cruelty of, 16, 17–18, 392
death of, 14–15, 57
empire founded by, 11, 18–19, 393; see also Shubert brothers; Shubert Organization
estate of, 96, 97, 101, 124, 130, 217–18
foundation set up by, 57; see also Shubert Foundation
and Goldman, 55–57
and his lawyers, 16, 36, 44–45, 47, 189
and Lee’s death, 42–43
personal traits of, 34, 41
and Sam’s death, 27, 28, 41
in Syracuse, 21, 23
work habits of, 33
Shubert, John, 107
and Bond, 32
death of, 15, 48, 49–50, 53, 95, 164
estate of, 50–51, 54–56, 88, 123
groomed for succession, 17, 32, 41, 42, 45–46
and ice, 46–47, 48
and Nederlander, 164
wives of, 49–50, 54–55, 57
Shubert, Katrina Helwitz, 20, 21
Shubert, Kerttu Helene Eklund “Eckie,” 49–50, 54–55, 88, 125
Shubert, Larry, see Lawrence, Lawrence Shubert
Shubert, Lee (Levi):
and chorus girls, 32
and competition, 28–29
death of, 17, 36, 42–43
empire founded by, 11; see also Shubert brothers; Shubert Organization
foundation set up by, 57; see also Shubert Foundation
and Great Depression, 33, 35, 42
and ice, 8
office of, 31–32
personal life of, 34
personal traits of, 31, 41
in Syracuse, 20–21, 23
tan of, 32–33, 36
work habits of, 32, 33
Shubert, Milton, 41, 42–43, 51
Shubert, Muriel, 19
Shubert, Nancy Mae Eyerman, 49–50, 54–55, 56
Shubert, Sam:
and competition, 25, 26
death of, 27, 28, 41
early theater activities, 22–23, 24
empire founded by, 11, 21, 30, 156; see also Shubert brothers
in Syracuse, 21, 22–24
theaters acquired by, 23, 25
Shubert Alley, 29, 233, 280, 366
Shubert brothers:
booking controlled by, 31, 41–42
booking disbanded in, 44
Broadway saved in Great Depression by, 33–34, 35, 42, 84, 96
and competition, 25–26, 28–29, 30, 31, 42
emigration to U.S., 20
empire founded by, 11, 25–27
estrangement of, 41, 42–43
family history, 19–24
income of, 31, 34
move to New York, 24–25
power of, 31, 34–36, 37, 41–42, 59
and Sam’s death, 27, 28, 41
theaters acquired or built by, 25, 26, 28–29, 30–31, 33, 44, 97, 161, 248
Shubert Foundation:
board of, 57, 88–90, 95, 125–30, 353
grants of, 58, 122, 124, 130, 217, 219, 359, 381
Larry Shubert’s complaint against, 103–5, 120–21
Lefkowitz’s investigation of, 120–30
mission of, 57, 218
Nederlander charge against, 217–19
power of, 57, 85, 97, 217
and succession, 353, 395–96
Shubert Organization:
and air rights, 359
and Cats, 280, 291–94, 304–5, 311
and Chess, 353–57, 376
and Chorus Line, 158, 167, 253, 304
and competition, 88, 92, 164–67, 172, 216–22, 252–53, 269–71, 277–80, 314–15, 365, 390, 391–93
consent decree against, 43–44, 105, 164, 165, 216, 314
coup in, 85–90, 92–97, 98
endurance of, 393, 395
as family business, 31, 43, 51, 52, 57, 87, 92
and foundation, 57, 85, 97, 217–19
functioning of, see Jacobs, Bernard B.; Schoenfeld, Gerald
and ice, 11, 12, 14, 46–48, 89, 121
joint ventures, 220–21, 273�
and landmarked theaters, 359
losses of, 88, 96, 99–100
no longer family business, 92, 93–94
and Phantom, 344, 345, 353
power of, 209, 216, 231
as producer, 100–103, 105–7, 115, 155, 166, 208–9, 215, 233, 237, 238, 273, 295, 302, 304, 314, 321, 344, 377, 391–92, 397
profitability of, 208, 219, 253, 304–5, 353, 359
properties of, 18–19, 158
resentment against, 252–53
and Sardi Building, 10–11
and Shubert Alley, 29, 233
and succession, 353, 355
theaters controlled by, 10, 18, 33, 44, 71, 97, 167, 402–3
three-man executive committee, 89–90, 94–95, 99
and Times Square cleanup, 175–77, 180–81, 247–49, 251–53, 379–83, 393
and Tony Awards, 268, 271, 273, 275–76
and touring companies, 86, 158, 304
and unions, 59–60, 155, 205, 209–10, 212, 253
U.S. antitrust action against, 34–36, 41–42, 43–44
value of, 50–51, 96, 100, 187
Shubert Theatre, 18, 29, 62–63
Chorus Line, 156, 157, 158, 208, 223, 237, 311, 367
Dreamgirls, 237, 238
offices in, 31, 33, 42, 45, 59, 85, 87, 120, 124, 278, 359–60, 395
Shubert Theatre, Los Angeles, 92–93, 97–98
Shubert Theatre, Philadelphia, 44
Shumlin, Herman, 191
Side by Side by Sondheim, 284, 286
Siegel, Fred, 76
Siegel, Martin, 234
Silk Stockings, 66
Sills, Beverly, 332, 351
Silverman, Treva, 312, 316–17
Simon, John, 155, 171
Simon, Neil, 6, 70, 71, 99, 140, 143, 144, 193, 222, 358
Simon, Paul, 75
Sinatra, Frank, 87
60 Minutes (TV), 83
Skin of Our Teeth, The, 34
Slade, Julian, 283
Sleuth, 111
Small, Jack, 47
Smile, 384–85, 386
Smith, Liz, 268, 324
Smith, Philip J., 32, 308
author’s contact with, xi
and Ballroom, 233, 235
and Bennett, 133, 154, 234
and Bernie’s death, 393–94
and Cats, 293, 295, 374
and Chorus Line, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158
and Cohn’s paper-eating habit, 271n
and concerts, 105, 106, 108
and coup, 85, 92–95
early years of, 60–63
and Goldman, 56, 90, 97–98, 107–8, 131
and ice, 48, 50, 62–63, 108–9
integrity of, 63
and investigations, 124–25, 126, 128, 129
and Larry, 53, 59, 62, 87–88, 104
and Les Miz, 339
and Los Angeles, 92–93
and Merrick, 195–96, 203, 205–6
and Midtown Community Court, 382
and Nine, 259
and Papp, 251
and Phantom, 342, 345, 346–49
and Shubert business, 96, 99–100, 391
as Shubert president/chairman, 19, 37, 395–96
and Times Square, 177, 292
and unions, 117, 155, 392
and Young Turks, 392
Snyder, Martin, 228
Soloway, Leonard, 251
Sondheim, Stephen, 65, 154, 312, 314, 352
and Company, 69–70, 139, 168, 296, 342
and Follies, 69–70, 96, 139, 168, 214, 342
and Passion, 32n, 377, 389
and Rich, 351, 364, 369
and Save the Theatres campaign, 249
Side by Side, 284, 286
Song and Dance, 350
Sound of Music, The, 46, 65, 146, 401
South Pacific, 35, 64, 283, 342, 349
Sovern, Michael, 395
Spacey, Kevin, 158
Spassky, Boris, 319
Speckman, Henry, 16
Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark, 75n
Spitz, Betty, 90
Stage 2 West, 185
Stagg, Jerry, The Brothers Shubert, 28
Stahl, Stanley, 10
Stark, Ray, 237
Starlight Express, 342, 350, 352, 358
Starr, Roger, The Rise and Fall of New York City, 173
“Star-Spangled Banner, The,” 91
Steinbrenner, George, 360
Steinman, Jim, 146
Steinway Building, 67
Stephen Sondheim Theatre, 165
Stevens, Roger, 5, 46, 171
Stevens, Tony, 148
Stew (musician), 397
Stewart, Michael, 140, 142, 144, 193, 194, 196–99
Stewart, Patrick, 397
Stigwood, Robert, 282, 305
Stilgoe, Richard, 342
stock market crash (1929), 31, 161
Stoll Moss Theatres Group, London, 285
Stone, Peter, 193, 309, 311
Stoppard, Tom, 224, 278
Stop the World—I Want to Get Off!, 62–63
Strange Interlude, 262
Streep, Meryl, 157–58, 277
Streetcar Named Desire, A, 34
Streisand, Barbra, 69, 159, 203, 295
Strong, Ed, 377
Strouse, Charles, 66, 77, 167–70
Stuart, Michel, 151, 254–55, 257, 258–59, 276
Student Prince, The, 33, 164
Sturz, Herb, 242–43, 246, 380–82
Styne, Jule, 66
Subways Are for Sleeping, 192
Sullivan, Ed, 74
Sulzberger, Arthur, 370, 373, 382, 383
Sunday in the Park with George, 314
Sunset Boulevard, 379, 399
Sweet Charity, 70–71, 165, 335
Sydmonton Festival, 281, 342, 343, 399
Syndicate, 23–24, 25–26, 29, 30–31, 383
Syracuse, New York:
Sam’s early theater years in, 21, 22–23, 24
Shubert backers in, 23, 25
Shubert family in, 20–21
Tammany Hall, 54, 78
Tanner, Tony, 273
Tarkington, Booth, 25
Task, Maggie, 169
Taste of Honey, A, 189
Tavern on the Green, 186–87
Tax Reform Act (1969), 218
Taylor, Elizabeth, 117
Taylor, Zachary, 17
Taymor, Julie, 386, 391
Teichmann, Evelyn, 95
Teichmann, Howard “Tyke,” 58, 85, 94–97
Telecharge, 211
Temple, Shirley, 301
Templeton, Fay, 26
Texas Steer, A, 23
Thalheimer, Abe, 26–27
Thaw, Harry, 81
Theater Development Fund, 210
Theatre Republic, 80
Theatre Row, 380
They’re Playing Our Song, 209
Thomas, Marlo, 238
Thompson, Sada, 140
Thurber, James, 191
Tiffany’s, 19
Time, 189–90, 221, 351
Times Square:
cleaning up, 94, 175–83, 211, 242–53, 305, 379–84, 393
crime in, 380–82, 402
deterioration of, 79–84, 175, 177–78, 244, 292
drugs in, 78, 79, 243, 247, 380
ex parte orders in, 178
homeless shelter in, 242–43
land values in, 81
male hustlers in, 82
Prohibition in, 81, 82, 256
redevelopment of, 182–83, 243–44, 246, 249, 379–84, 390
renaming of, 24, 80–81
Save the Theatres campaign, 249–53, 261–63, 270
sex industry in, 178–82
skyscrapers in, 359
theaters in area of, 81, 83, 359, 383–84
Times Square Center, 383–84
Times Square Church, 362
Times Square Law Enforcement Coordination Committee, 84
TKTS Booth, 210–11, 253
nbsp; Toast of the Town (TV), 74
“Tomorrow,” 168, 171
Tony Awards:
accounting of, 279
administration of, 279
and Cats, 311
and Dreamgirls, 253, 259–60, 268, 270–71, 272–76, 277, 309
first telecast of, 278
and Nickleby, 272, 273–74
and Nine, 259–60, 266, 268–71, 272–76, 277, 308, 309
Toolson v. New York Yankees, 43
Truman, Harry S., 4
“Try to Remember,” 67–68
Tune, Tommy, 77
awards to, 143, 152
and Bennett, 136–37, 138, 141, 142, 143, 145, 151, 152, 260–61, 308–11
and Chorus Line, 151, 152
and My One and Only, 309–11, 336
and Nine, 254–55, 257–61, 263–67, 268, 273, 275
Twain, Norman, 136
20th Century Fox, 401
Twiggy, 309, 310
Twigs, 140, 147
Two By Two, 65
Two for the Seesaw, 140, 143
Ulvaeus, Björn, 320, 321, 356, 401
Under 21 Shelter, 242–43
United Booking Office (UBO), 34
United States government:
antitrust suit by, 34–36, 41–42, 43–44
consent decree of, 43–44, 105, 164, 165, 216, 314
Universal Studios, 225–26, 401–2
Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG), 261
Urban Development Corporation, 173
U.S. Supreme Court, and Save the Theaters, 261–62
Valando, Tommy, 69
Vallee, Rudy, 9
Vanderbilt, William K., 29
Van Peebles, Melvin, 86, 99
Variations (album), 287
Variety, 34, 73, 94
Vaughan, James, 44, 47, 51, 124–25, 130
Verdon, Gwen, 71, 165, 336
Vereen, Ben, 101, 274
Vicedomini, Betty, 181, 182
Victoria Theatre, 80, 81
Vidal, Gore, 248, 253
“Vienna,” 231–32
Village Voice, 332
Voight, Jon, 79
Vos, Richard, 320–21
Wachtel, George, 83
Wagner, Robert F. Jr., 77, 78, 174
Wagner, Robin:
and Bennett, 145, 223, 227, 229, 231, 234, 235, 316–17, 323, 324, 330, 333
and Champion, 201
and Chess, 323, 356
and design, 145, 198, 251, 315, 323, 356
and Jacobs, 223, 229, 308
Waldorf Theatre, London, 26
Wall, Irving “Rocky,” 88, 125, 127–28
Waller, Fats, 208
Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, 51–52
Walsh, Michael, 342
Walsh, Thommie, 255
Walt Disney Company, 387, 389–91
Walt Disney Studio, 306
Walters, Barbara, 351, 398
Wankel, Robert, 37, 396
Warner Bros., 197, 401
Warren, Harry, 196
Wasserstein, Wendy, 358, 364
Waters, John, 386
Watt, Douglas, 240, 301
Webb, Jimmy, 312, 317
Weill, Kurt, 147
Weir, Milton, 41, 42–43
Weisbrod, Carl, 80, 82–83, 182, 243, 380–81
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