Traitor King

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Traitor King Page 36

by Andrew Lownie

  Friedberg, Lionel 348

  Frogmore 17, 310, 323, 335

  Führerprinzip (leader principle) 16

  Fuller, Maj.-Gen. J.C.F. 95

  Furness, Lady 8

  Furness, Thelma 64

  Game, Sir Philip 63

  Garbo, Greta 141, 278–9

  George, Duke of Kent 2, 5, 82, 105, 111, 157–8, 231

  death of 177–8

  George III 252, 308

  George IV 1, 234, 252, 287, 351

  George V 9, 28, 65, 69, 320, 345

  bullying nature of 346

  death of 2, 339

  George VI 2, 3, 5, 17–19, 27, 40, 42–4, 60, 66, 71, 89, 92, 109, 113–15, 173, 183, 186, 216, 218, 360

  brother seen as threat to 72–4

  coronation of 10, 25, 28, 83, 287, 289

  death of 285

  ill health 261–2, 280, 285

  Memorial Chapel 312

  US tour undertaken by 82

  ‘Windsor file’ see under Germany

  Windsor’s post-Abdication meeting with 87


  Belgium invaded by 94–5, 98

  Britain declares war on 84

  Edward VIII reinstatement plan 154–5, 185–6, 355–6

  France invaded by 98–101

  Operation Willi 117–31, 167, 358

  Phoney War 85–101, 162

  Rhineland Crisis 40, 294

  Ribbentrop–Molotov Pact (1939) 221

  secret service 104

  US liberates documents from 221–37

  ‘Windsor file’ 221–37, 246–8, 269, 292–5, 301–2, 309, 357–8

  Windsors courted by 51–2, 66, 100, 104–5, 108, 110, 115, 117–31, 154–5, 161–2, 167, 221–37, 231–2, 354, 354–8, 358

  Windsors tour (1937) 42–6

  Getty, Paul 52

  Ghislaine, Princess 288

  Giles, Frank 300, 342, 343

  Gladwyn, Cynthia 250, 299, 344

  Goebbels, Dr Joseph 48, 150

  Goering, Hermann 15, 45, 49, 100, 140, 142, 147, 155, 185

  Gordon, Alice 137

  Gordon, G.A. 141

  Gort, Lord 92

  Government House 133–7, 143, 147–8, 155–6, 168, 180, 182, 191

  Graftieaux, Marie-Leonie 64–5

  Graftieaux, Pierre-Edouard 65

  Great Britain:

  Admiralty 86–7, 157

  Colonial Office 122, 146, 150, 154, 169, 175–6, 193–6, 199, 203, 209

  declares war on Germany 79

  Food Mission 156

  foreign policy 79

  Hitler orders attack on, see Battle of Britain

  negotiated settlement 150

  Phoney War 85–101, 162

  Public Record Office 163

  Purchasing Commission 154

  Greenacre, Douglas 320

  Gregoire, Armand 15

  Guedalla, Philip 82

  The Hague 89, 97, 98, 137

  Hale, James 75, 77

  Halifax, Dorothy 159

  Halifax, Lord 71, 100, 123, 124, 159, 160, 163, 184, 194, 224, 228, 235–6

  Hallinan, Eric 169, 209

  Halsey, Lionel 9

  Halstead, Stanley E. 205

  Hamilton, Hildegarde 203

  Hanover, Prince Ernst August von 230

  Haore, Sam 114

  Hardinge, Alec 41, 43

  Harris, David 227

  Harris, Kenneth 312

  Harris, Wilf 65

  Harrison, Rex 277–9

  Harrison, Sir Geoffrey 47

  Harvey, Oliver 95, 185, 216

  Haslam, Nicky 267, 269, 281, 346

  Hauser, Gayelord 349

  Haussmann, Georges-Eugène 290

  Heape, Leslie 141, 169, 175, 209

  Hemingway, Ernest 197, 252

  Hempel, Eduard 124

  Henderson, Neville 43

  Henderson, Sir Neville 47

  Henry, Duke of Gloucester 2, 346

  Henry-Hay, Gaston 176

  Hess, Rudolf 15, 48, 51

  Hesse archive 229–32

  Hesse, Fritz 40

  Hewel, Walther 125

  Hickerson, John 227

  Higham, Charles 62, 103–4, 157, 163, 268, 346

  Hilfiger, Tommy 336

  Himmler, Heinrich 48

  Hitler, Adolf 15, 16, 29, 35, 37, 39, 42, 67, 100, 125, 142, 150, 154, 156, 162, 223, 231–2, 248, 360

  Directive No. 17 ordered by 131

  50th birthday parade 95

  ‘New Order’ 150, 188

  Reichstag speech 123

  Rhineland Crisis 40, 294

  Windsors courted by see under Germany

  Windsor’s telegram to 83

  Hivet, Denise 256

  Hoare, Samuel 104, 106–7, 109, 124, 301

  Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Prince Max zu 110, 125

  Hohenlohe, Stephanie von 355

  Hollywood 17, 328, 347–9

  Holmes, Leslie 245–6

  homosexuality 62–3, 112, 267–71, 281, 295, 346, 347, 350

  Hood, Dina 76, 342–3

  Hoover, Herbert 253, 368

  Hoover, J. Edgar 153, 155, 161, 188, 195, 205, 213–14

  Hopkins, Harry 145

  Hore-Belisha, Leslie 88

  Horthy, Regent 36, 38

  Hotel Bristol 35

  Hotel Meurice 60

  Houts, Marshall 206

  Howard-Vyse, Maj.-Gen. Sir Richard 88, 92–3, 101

  Howe, Capt. Cecil 7

  Howe, Polly 252

  Hoyningen-Huene, Baron Oswald von 118, 128, 131

  Hull, Cordell 111, 184

  Huntington, Robert Palmer 155

  Hutton, Barbara 265, 271, 340–1

  Hyde, Montgomery 147–8, 167

  indiscretion 12, 41, 118, 122, 182, 354

  Instrument of Abdication, see Abdication Act

  Inverchapel, Lord 247

  Ireland 66, 253

  Ironside, Lord Edmund 89–90

  isolationism 82, 137–8, 144, 151, 158, 160, 279

  Italy 35, 68, 72, 110, 124, 319

  James, ADM Sir William 86

  Jardine, Revd Robert Anderson 26

  Jebb, Gladwyn 113, 130

  Jelke, Frazier 156

  Johnson, Sydney 256, 317, 326

  Jones, Alice Hill 170

  Keeler, Leonard 202

  Kelley, Newell 204

  Kelly, Madeline 191

  Kelly, Sir David 110

  Kenmare, Lady 276

  Kennedy, Jacqueline 257, 329

  Kent, Duke and Duchess 319–20, 335

  Kent, Tyler 356

  Khan, Aly 328

  kidnapping fears 83–4, 109, 117–31, 118, 167, 358

  Killan, Isaak 233

  King, Greg 310, 318

  Kinna, Martin 99

  Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone 294–5

  Knox, Sir George 38

  Kopp, Rudolf 75

  Ladbroke, George 2

  Ladew, Harvey 268

  LaGuardia, Mayor 159

  Lambert, Margaret 293–4

  Lancaster, Nancy 286

  Lanchester, Elsa 269

  Lansky, Meyer 196

  Lascelles, Sir Alan (‘Tommy’) 12, 115, 210, 217–18, 223–5, 228, 234–6, 244, 260, 342, 357

  Laura, Duchess of Marlborough 335

  Law, Nigel 52

  Lawford, Valentine 78–80

  Le Franc, Greg 15

  Le Franciste 15

  Le Moulin de la Tuilerie (‘the Mill’) 258, 286–8, 302–3, 325

  Le Vien, Jack 310–11

  League of Nations 35

  Leahy, ADM William 149–50

  Lebensraum (‘living space’) 100

  Legh, Piers 5, 7, 13

  Legros, René 256

  Leinhardt, Dr Gaea 340, 359–60

  Lend–Lease Act 144, 168

  Leopold III of Belgium 68, 250

  Leslie, Leonie 228

  Letters Patent 27

  Ley, Dr Robert 35, 47, 50, 52

l, Guy 146, 222–3, 225, 229, 244, 357

  Lindsay, Edith 179, 181, 219

  Lindsay, Sir Ronald 43–5, 54–5

  Lloyd George, David 124

  Lloyd, Lord 113, 121, 133, 145, 147

  Lockhart, Robert Bruce 39

  Loesch, Carl von 222–3

  Loesch, Karl 221–2

  Loftus, John 231

  Lothian, Lord Philip 110, 123, 123–4, 136–8, 142–3, 143

  Louis XV 60

  Louis XVI 290

  Lovell, Malcolm 123, 124

  Luce, Henry 260

  MacColl, René 162, 337

  McCormick, Harold 212

  Macdonald, Peter 65

  Mackenzie, Compton 34

  McKinney, Basil 198

  Mackintosh, Alastair (‘Ali’) 154, 155, 288

  Macksey, Dorothy 205, 206

  Mackworth-Young, Sir Robin 327

  McMullin, John 268

  Mafalda, Princess 62

  Majava, Edward 203–4

  Marburg File 221–37, 246–8, 269, 292–5, 301–2, 309, 357–8

  Marbury, Elisabeth 60

  Marchant, Ronald 256

  Margaret, Princess 66, 285

  Margaret, Princess of Hesse 229

  Maria (maid) 333

  Marie Antoinette 254

  Marie Jose, Queen of Italy 68

  Marina, Princess 312

  Marlborough House 234, 311, 320

  Maroni, Madame 61–3

  Marquis, John 206

  Marshall, George 247

  Martin (gardener/chauffeur) 333

  Martin, John 147, 210, 218

  Marvell, Andrew 2

  Mary, Princess Royal 2, 5, 25

  death of 310

  Mary, Queen (Mary of Teck) 2, 5, 17, 25, 69, 72, 81, 89, 161, 218, 228, 290, 302, 311, 345–6

  commemorative plaque 311, 320

  death of 289

  80th birthday 250

  moral cowardice 304

  Wallis writes to 173

  Windsor’s post-war visits to 234, 250, 289

  Massey, Lucien 256

  Massigli, Rene 216

  Masters, John 305

  Maugham, Somerset 16, 71, 268

  Maxwell, Elsa 273, 349

  Melchen, Capt. Edward 192, 195

  Mendl, Lady Elsie 60, 69, 78, 79, 94, 254, 268, 367

  Mendl, Sir Charles 60, 79, 268

  Menzies, Sir Stewart 151

  Merman, Ethel 273–4

  Merriman, Mrs (‘Aunt Bessie’) 29–30, 60, 184, 195, 209

  Messersmith, George 35, 36, 149, 161

  Metcalfe, Baba 17, 19, 28–31, 85–6, 88–9, 99, 100, 335

  Metcalfe, Edward (‘Fruity’) 16–17, 19, 28, 29, 89, 99–101, 268–9, 296, 297

  Metcalfe, Lady Alexandra 341

  Mexico 141, 147–8, 172, 198–200, 202

  Michael, Princess of Kent 335

  MI5 98, 146, 157, 222–6, 229, 231, 244, 356–8, 368

  Mirville, Eric 66–7

  MI6 91, 98, 145–51

  Mr Loo (dog), see Slipper

  Moats, Alice 274

  Monckton, Alexandra 310

  Monckton, Biddy 329

  Monckton, Walter 2–5, 11, 18, 27, 29, 31–2, 73, 80, 83–4, 86, 92–3, 96, 109, 121, 135, 211, 224, 283, 290, 294, 304–5, 309–10

  Mooney, James D. 143, 148–9, 160, 184, 256

  morganatic marriage 27, 393

  Morgenthau, Henry 163

  Morley, Sir Godfrey 328, 329

  Morrison, Sarah 257

  Morshead, Owen 248

  Morshead, Sir Owen 228–30

  Morton, Desmond 130

  Mosley, Diana 38–9, 207, 335, 346

  Mosley, Sir Oswald 11, 15, 33, 40, 223, 359

  mother fixation 63

  Moulichon, Marguerite 120

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis (‘Dickie’) 4, 26, 261–2, 268, 316–17, 319, 320, 321, 327–8, 333

  first command of 86

  Mountbatten, Philip, see Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

  Moyne, Lord 151

  Muir, Campbell 246

  Munargo 142

  Mundy, Rodney 246

  Munnings, Alfred 69, 291

  Munster, Count Paul 33

  Murphy, Charles 77, 93, 257, 260–1, 283, 297, 308, 317, 341

  Murphy, Robert 188

  Murphy, Sir William 203

  Murrow, Ed 299

  Mussolini, Benito 15, 35, 223, 300

  Nash, Kathleen 229

  National Labour Front 47, 48, 52

  Nazi propaganda 47–8

  Neumann, Anna 33

  neutrality 122

  New Zealand 65, 113

  Nicolson, Harold 12, 71, 96, 300–1

  Nixon, Richard 319

  NKVD 106

  Normanton, Helena 28

  Noyes, Newbold 14–15

  Nuremberg Trials 228

  Nype, Russell 273–5

  Oakes, Nancy 192, 197, 202, 205

  Oakes, Sir Harry 143–4, 191–207

  Odo, Revd Dom 160–1, 344

  Ogilvie-Forbes, Sir George 47, 50–1

  Ogilvy, Bruce 268

  Onassis, Aristotle 359

  Onassis, Jackie 257, 329

  Operation Belvedere 260

  Operation Cleopatra Whim 120

  Operation Willi 117–31, 167, 358

  Orient-Express 25, 33

  Oursler, Fulton 144–5, 151

  pacifism 36, 130

  Page, Eddie 269

  Page, Russell 287

  Palmer, Arnold 286

  Palmer, Lilli 277–9

  Parker, John 66

  Patten, Susan 239, 240

  Patton, Gen. George S. 231

  Paul, Maury 273

  Peacock, Sir Edward 154, 305

  Peake, Charles 95, 150

  Pearl Harbor 164, 187

  Peck, John 121

  Pegler, Westbrook 274

  Pell, Herbert 122

  Pemberton, Maj. Herbert 192

  Perkins, C.A. 172

  Perkins, Dr Ralph 221

  Pétain, Philippe 100, 124, 186, 354

  Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 261, 261–2, 285, 312, 322–3, 327, 334–5, 335

  marriage of 251

  Philipp, Prince of Hesse 62, 231

  Phillips, Gray 103, 111–12, 133, 191, 288

  Phillips, Wallace B. 172

  Philpotts, Alan 304

  Phipps, Sir Eric 43, 56, 71

  Phoney War 85–101, 162

  Pinaudier (chef) 70

  Plantagenet, House of 25

  Pleven, René 282

  Pookie (dog) 272, 291, 333

  Pope-Hennessy, James 302–4

  Portago, Marquesa de 288

  Porter, Cole 252

  Portugal 111–12, 118–19, 125, 129–30, 161, 186, 223, 226, 247, 292, 301, 368

  300th celebrations 105–6

  Post, Marjorie Merriweather 252

  Pownall, Henry 91

  Price, Douglas 232

  Pringle, John 182

  Privy Council 17

  ‘The Project’ 168

  The Project 168

  protocol 9, 71, 110, 178, 217, 247, 249, 277, 279, 289

  Prsini, Princess 213

  Prussia 62, 229

  public image 34, 299

  Puerto Rico 149–50

  Putlitz, Wolfgang zu 98

  Pye, Michael 182

  Quackenbush, Dr Hugh 192

  Quakers 123, 124

  Queen Mother 301, 303

  as queen consort, see Elizabeth, Queen

  Wallis meets 311–12, 319–21, 332–3

  Queenborough, Lord 17

  RAF Benson 319–20, 334

  Raffray, Mary 22, 53

  Red Cross 94, 110, 170

  refugees 106, 119, 161, 215

  Reith, Sir John 3

  Renner, Bettie 204

  Rhodesia 174

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von 11, 15, 16, 28, 39, 41, 47, 48, 97, 110, 112, 118–19, 124–6, 128–31, 138–9, 142, 161, 185, 213–14, 2
21–5, 232, 355

  Richardson, John 281, 351

  Rivera, Miguel Primo de 125, 127, 128–31

  Roberts, Cecil 250–1

  Robinson, Kenneth 150

  Rogers, Herman 4, 21–3, 30, 187, 262–3, 298

  Rogers, Katherine 4, 22, 30, 186–7, 262

  Roland, Claude 331

  Romanones, Countess Aline of 322–3, 325, 333–5, 349

  Roosevelt, Eleanor 53

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. (‘FDR’) 53, 138, 140, 142, 144–5, 153, 171, 175, 216, 300

  Rose, Kenneth 327, 335, 358

  Rothschild, Baron Eugene 11, 13, 30

  Rothschild, Baron Maurice de 185

  Rothschild, Kitty 11, 13–14, 16, 20, 30

  Rothschild, Victor 356

  Route du Champ d’Entraînement 290–2, 332

  Rowan, Louis 213

  Royal Air Force (RAF) 112, 158, 168, 179–80, 192, 319–20, 334

  Royal Archives 327, 355

  Royal Lodge 2, 4

  Royal Tours 160

  Germany (1937) 47–57, 66

  United States (1937) 53–6

  Runcie, Robert 335

  Russell, Alison 175

  Russell, Peter 117

  St George’s Chapel 290, 312, 320–2, 334

  Salazar, António de Oliveira 130

  Salis, Capt. John de 91

  Sandringham 1, 18, 19, 104, 285

  Sanègre, Georges 241, 333

  Sanègre, Ophelia 276, 333

  Sargent, Orme 16

  Sassoon, Siegfried 62

  Schacht, Hjalmar 35

  Schafranek, Karl 75

  Schellenberg, Walter 126–7, 225, 294

  Schindler, Raymond 202, 205

  Schlee, George 278–9

  Schlesinger, John 348

  Schloss Enzesfeld 11–20

  Schmidt, Paul 51

  Schultz, Joanna 333

  Schumann, Maurice 319

  Scoppa, Renato Bova 128

  Scotland Yard 10, 33, 38, 192, 203, 205, 245

  Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert 1

  Seagrim, Anne 267, 304

  Seal, Eric 115

  Sears, Capt. Edward 198

  Sebastian, Georges 72

  ‘Second Abdication’ 219

  Second World War 329

  Allied War Council 97–8

  Britain enters 84

  countdown to 75–84

  France invaded 98–101

  Phoney War 85–101

  US enters 164–5, 187

  VJ Day 224

  war relief 159, 160

  Seely family

  Sefton, Hugh (‘Foxy’) 265, 268, 331

  Selby, Lady 29

  Selby, Sir Walford 13–14, 29, 43

  Selous, Gerald 185

  sexuality 62–3, 112, 267–71, 281, 295

  SHAEF 222, 231, 292

  Shanley, Oonagh 318

  Shaw, George Bernard 60

  Sigrist, Frederick 135, 180

  Silva, Dr Ricardo de Espiritu Santo e 112, 117–18, 122, 129–30, 133, 225–6, 235

  Silverberg, Capt. David 221

  Simpson, Ernest 8, 15, 22, 53, 119, 297, 327

  Simpson, Wallis Warfield, see Wallis, Duchess of Windsor


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