Suddenly Trouble (Dirty Texas Book 4)

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Suddenly Trouble (Dirty Texas Book 4) Page 20

by JA Low

  Evan and Sienna’s front door opens before we even have a chance to knock.

  “Let me look at him.” Derrick grabs Easton from my arms and sniffs his little head. “Smelling babies is the real fountain of youth.” He snuggles him closer. “Have you been a good boy for Mummy and Daddy?” He looks down at our little bundle of joy. Easton just stares up at Derrick with his bright blue eyes. “The ladies are going to die over your eyes, little one. Look at you already giving me the Connolly stare.” Derrick smiles down at our son. “Issy, he is so cute. I’m seriously clucky at the moment with all these Dirty Texas babies.”

  “Derrick, are you hogging them?” Sienna walks toward the front door greeting us. “Come in.” She ushers us inside. “Evan and the boys are in the man cave, Finn.” Finn gives me a kiss, asks if I’m okay before joining the rest of the guys. “I want a cuddle, D,” Sienna moans, holding out her hands for Easton. Derrick begrudgingly hands him over to Sienna.

  “Where are your little ones?” I ask her.

  “They are both in the man cave with the boys. I need to have a girl to help balance out all this testosterone in my house.” I don’t know how Sienna can think of anymore kids at the moment, they are such hard work; I am utterly exhausted.

  “Keep your legs shut, woman,” Derrick tells her, making us all laugh as we walk out toward the outdoor area.

  “You’re here.” Vanessa waves to us from the outside lounges, where Ruby has Vanessa’s necklace in mouth, and Sadie is crawling around under her feet. I will kill Finn if he knocks me up again and we have twins, one at a time is enough.

  “You look amazing.” Olivia rushes over and gives me a big hug.

  “Congratulations to you, on your niece.” I hug her.

  “Thank you. I hated leaving her but I’ll see her again soon.” Olivia looks a little sad.

  “Don’t worry, princess, Axel will have you knocked up in no time,” Derrick tells her, handing her a glass of champagne.

  “Maybe in a year or two. We are still trying to work out how to live on two continents.” Derrick rolls his eyes.

  “Seriously, how do you not want to procreate with that man?” Olivia’s cheeks flush at Derrick’s question.

  “Don’t worry, D, we are getting plenty of practice.” She sips her champagne with a cheeky smirk.

  “You saucy little minx, I bet you do,” he teases, taking a seat next to Vanessa and picking up Sadie from the floor. As soon as she sees Derrick her eyes light up and she starts giggling. He coos to her making her giggle even louder. I take a seat next to Derrick and Sienna hands Easton back to me as he starts to fuss. He’s probably hungry as he nuzzles my chest. I haven’t fed him in public before and I’m a little nervous.

  “You can feed him in the nursery if you want, if you don’t feel comfortable down here.” Sienna picks up on my new mom nerves. I look over to where Derrick is and back to a fussy Easton.

  “Hey, if you’re worried about me, don’t be. Remember, I hate breasts; they make me hurl so I promise I’m not interested in them.” Derrick gives me a smile before turning back his attention to Sadie. I hesitate for a moment. I’m being silly. I have a top on that lets me feed easily without showing much. I turn to the side and unhook myself and feed Easton. As soon as he latches on he’s quiet and I can relax.

  “You’re doing really well.” Sienna gives my shoulder a squeeze as she passes. This is what I needed to hear, being a new mom is hard.

  Not long after, Easton falls asleep in my arms.

  Derrick gasps and whisper yells, “You bitch! You fucking got engaged.” My eyes widen as I realize that he and the others have noticed my hand for the first time. Sienna, Olivia and Vanessa all do a silent celebratory dance. I had totally forgotten all about it. Finn proposed last night and in my delirium I’ve forgotten to say anything to anyone. I mean we snuggled up together and fell asleep not long after the proposal. That’s how much our life has changed.

  “He only proposed last night,” I tell them. Derrick grabs my hand and looks at the ring.

  “It’s beautiful.” It really is. It’s a stunning, simple, diamond ring. The girls all congratulate me. “And you know what that means?” I blink a couple of times waiting for Derrick to answer his own question. “It means we have a wedding to plan.” The girls all clap with delight, Sadie and Ruby getting in on the action as well.

  “The last thing I want to do is plan a wedding.” I look down at a sleeping little Easton.

  “Lucky you have me.” Derrick points to himself. “This ain’t my first rodeo, you know.” I roll my eyes.

  “We’re not looking at getting married anytime soon. I mean my life is kind of busy enough as it is.”

  “What about if I organized it?” Derrick flutters his eyelashes at me.

  “When Easton is a little older, things will settle down,” Sienna reassures me.

  “We haven’t even thought about it.”

  “What about Valentine’s Day?” Derrick throws out a date. “It’s months away.”

  “Yeah, months…I was thinking maybe years.” Derrick’s face falls at my answer.

  “Hush, woman. That’s crazy talk.”

  “Well your thirtieth is in January,” Vanessa adds. “And Finn’s birthday is in March.” I don't like where this is heading.

  “See, Valentine’s Day is right in between.” Derrick gives me the biggest smile.

  “Don’t forget we have Camryn on the team. She can whip up a wedding at any moment.” Vanessa smiles.

  “And you work for Sebastien. Now that he’s working in LA, I’m sure he would love to help with the food menu.” Seriously, is this what it felt like when we pressured all the other girls? “And Yvette knows the drill, plus don’t forget Wyld Jones can get you anything, especially now we have menswear.” Derrick winks.

  “Basically the wedding is all planned,” I joke.

  “See how easy it is,” Derrick declares.

  “I’ll talk to Finn, but I can’t guarantee he will say yes. I can’t even guarantee I’ll say yes.”

  “Just think about it, Issy,” Derrick tells me one last time.

  “Where’s my little man.” Oscar’s voice echoes through the backyard breaking up the wedding conversation. He rushes over scooping up his nephew from my arms. Since Easton’s birth Oscar and Finn have finally gotten back to how they used to be. Oscar isn’t as overprotective of me anymore; I think he’s learned his lesson from meddling in my life.

  “Seriously, that is the hottest thing in the world.” Derrick looks up at Oscar cuddling Easton. “Damn it, Ragnar.”

  “You’re looking great.” Walking in behind Oscar, Stacey gives me a kiss. Since Finn and I have come out as a couple, Oscar and Stacey have too, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

  “The boys are in the man cave,” Sienna tells Oscar.

  “Mind if I take him in there?” he asks pointing to the man cave. I shake my head; I could use the break.

  “So...Valentine’s day then?” Derrick asks one last time, making me groan.



  Easton slept in this morning which is a miracle. We finally got six hours of solid sleep and I feel amazing. We’re still in bed as I feed Easton now.

  “Last night was fun,” I start, warming up to the conversation I’m about to have with Finn. Derrick’s birthday ended up turning into an impromptu engagement party. Oscar was so happy for us. I was a little worried telling him about it but he gave us both a big hug and told Finn that he already considered him a brother and that now it will be legal.

  “It was nice being able to celebrate us as a couple out in the open.” He gives me a kiss. It still feels weird being able to touch and kiss Finn in public when we have lived so many years in the shadows.

  “Speaking of celebrations…” Smooth Segway, Issy. “Um, Derrick had an idea.”

  “I’m going to stop you right there. Nothing good ever comes from the words ‘Derrick had an idea’.” This makes me laugh.

“Well, this time I think you’ll approve.” He raises his eyebrows at me. “He thinks we should get married next Valentine’s Day.” The words tumble out really quickly. Finn is silent. This isn’t good. “I mean we don’t have too…It’s probably a silly idea. I just…I…” Finn leans over and kisses me, stopping me from stumbling over my words.

  “I think it’s perfect. I would marry you tomorrow if you wanted to. I have waited forever to make you mine. I don’t really want to wait any longer.” He kisses me again, being mindful of little Easton who is still happily suckling away.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I am. The sooner we can become a legal family the better. I want to make you mine permanently, Issy. I want to show the world how much I love you.” I get a little teary. “You, me and little man. Together forever.” Finn brushes my hair from my face.

  “Forever.” I give him a smile. My heart is bursting with love for my little family. This time last year things between Finn and I were strained. I thought it was the end of us. I guess cupid had other plans when he delivered us the surprise of little Easton. Now, I have everything I ever wanted but never dreamed I could have. Why shouldn’t we celebrate our love? “So…Valentine’s Day?” Finn smiles and nods.

  “Valentine’s Day.”

  “Any idea where?” Easton falls off my boob in a very milk drunk state.

  “I have no idea, babe. Should we throw a dart at a map and see where it lands?” My eyes widen.


  “Everyone else got married overseas. Can’t break the Dirty Texas tradition,” he chuckles. So true. I guess I’ve never thought about it because all I ever wanted was to be with Finn, and now I’ve got him I haven’t thought about the rest.

  One month later


  “What do you mean you’re just going to throw a dart at the map?” Derrick looks at us in horror.

  “We can’t decide where to get married,” Finn adds.

  “What happens if it’s somewhere horrible?” Derrick shudders.

  “Then it’s going to make for an interesting wedding, isn’t it?” I chuckle.

  “I don’t think my heart can handle this stress. Where are your brothers, Finn, I think I need mouth to mouth assistance.” Derrick looks around dramatically. Everyone has gathered around the map, all of our families are here at Vanessa and Christian’s place for Thanksgiving this year.

  With all the babies that keep popping out recently all of our families have moved to LA from Texas to be near all the grandbabies. My mom doesn’t want to miss a moment with little Easton. They just moved recently. They’ve joined Christian and Axel’s parents, Finn’s parents and Evan’s. Even Sienna and Vanessa’s parents have hired new managers to run their resort in Australia so they can be closer to us all.

  Earlier, Finn, Oscar and I gave our parents keys to their new homes not far from where we all live. They couldn’t stop crying, they’re so happy to be closer to us all, and I can’t wait for the help.

  “Okay, are you all ready?” Finn asks everyone, an uneasy silence falls across the crowd. “Do you want to do the honors?” he asks me. I shake my head. He gives me a smile. “Don’t blame me, okay?” He points the dart at me giving me a playful smirk.

  “Make it good, otherwise…” I let the words fall away. Finn’s eyes narrow at me. He turns and closes his eyes, his hand poised ready to throw the dart. You can hear a pin drop as everyone is holding their breath with nervous anticipation. I really hope he hits somewhere good; I’m not sure what we will do if he hits Siberia in the middle of February. His hand comes back a couple of times readying himself. He lets go, the dart sails through the air with a whistle and lands with a thump. Finn opens his eyes and stars at the board. The dart is stuck on a point. Everyone crowds around and looks at where it’s landed.

  “No way!” Derrick states in total shock.

  “Hawaii?” Finn looks at the map in disbelief. “I hit Hawaii.”

  Thank God he hit something good. Everyone looks relieved and finally they all join in the celebration of the destination. Guess we are getting married in Hawaii.

  Unfortunately, the holidays didn’t end happily for Olivia. Early the next morning after Thanksgiving she got a call that her father had a heart attack and passed away. Olivia and Axel flew to England immediately. A few days later the boys, Vanessa, Derrick, Camryn and Stacey flew out to attend the funeral and to be by Olivia and Axel’s side. Axel decided they would continue on in England for Christmas so that Olivia’s mother wouldn’t be alone for the holidays. They’d be back for New Year’s Eve to spend it with Axel’s family.



  Christmas Eve

  This year we’ve decided to head up to Vanessa and Christian’s holiday home at Big Bear with the whole Dirty Texas entourage of kids, grandparents, siblings, you name it they’ve been invited. It’s still funny how we all have changed over the years. I never thought I would be excited about spending time with my friends organizing things to do with our kids. I know Easton is a little too small yet for all the toys Christian has bought; only Ryder is really old enough to enjoy the sleds and snow castle making kit. Easton hated his first touch of snow. Don’t blame the kid, it was fucking freezing, all he wants is to nestle his face in between his mommy’s boobies just like I want to.

  We’ve just had a delicious home cooked meal that all our mothers put on. They have been fussing over it all day. I’m so full from eating too much. I think I’ve started working on my dad bod. I unhook the top button of my jeans so I can breathe.

  “Time to open one present under the Christmas tree,” Christian tells everyone. “Ryder will hand them out.” Ryder’s little face lights up as he follows Christian over to the Christmas tree. He takes the presents and hands them out to everyone. One at a time we all open our gifts, the kids going crazy over their new toys. Especially Ryder with his new kid sized car. He jumps in, hits the horn a couple of times and starts zooming around the house. That little car is fast; Evan had to sprint after him as he nearly took out the Christmas tree on a sharp turn.

  “Stacey hasn’t opened her present yet.” She looks at Oscar strangely.

  “Yes I have. You bought me this.” The light bounces off the diamonds showering the room with rainbow light. An exquisite diamond necklace.

  “That was only part of it.” Stacey eyes him suspiciously. I’m happy that Oscar and Stacey have become open with their feelings now. It’s as if Oscar has learned from mine and Isla’s mistakes and has decided to man up and be with the woman he loves. Not that Oscar is that forthcoming with his feelings but he’s different with Stacey. She’s a calming influence on him. She has this quiet, cool confidence going on. She values herself and I can tell Oscar finds that attractive. Stacey is a beautiful girl, but she also understands Oscar’s needs in the bedroom. From what I’ve heard she lets him explore his kinks and he hers, without jealousy. Something Oscar has been waiting for, for a long time. It’s been two years since they first hooked up at Evan and Sienna’s wedding, he never thought at the time that she would be more, not until he took her to The Paradise Club. I think she shocked him with her willingness to go along with his desires, to explore things with him. She also didn’t care that he was with other people; she never pressured him, never wanted more from him. And I think that hooked him.

  “Open it,” he urges her to open the present. She unwraps the box and pulls out an iPad. “There’s a video.” Stacey looks at him confused but presses play. Her family pop up on the screen, tears fill her eyes as they wish her a Merry Christmas. They tell her how much they miss her and hope they see her again soon. Stacey’s crying now as she stares longingly at the video. “I know you miss your family and wish they could be here.”

  Stacey wraps her arms around Oscar and gives him a hug.

  “This was perfect, thank you,” she says as she sniffles.

  “I think I can do better,” he tells her. “Look over there.” He points to th
e large glass window behind us.” We all jump when we see a group of people standing outside in the snow.

  “Oh my God,” Stacey screams and rushes to the window where her family is standing. The door opens and a large gust of wintery air rushes in as Stacey is set upon by her family. There is a heap of crying, screaming and hugging. Stacey’s parents are here, her sister who is quite a bit older than her, her husband and their seventeen-year-old son, fifteen-year-old, thirteen-year-old and ten-year-old daughters and their three-year-old son. That is one big family.

  “That’s a step away from a proposal,” I whisper to Isla amongst the commotion.

  “You don’t think?” Isla’s eyes widen and then a smile forms on her face. “I never thought he would ever settle down.”

  “Look around at all of us. Did you think any of us would ever settle down?” I look at the boys surrounded by kids now instead of groupies.

  “I guess Oscar’s the last man to fall.” Isla smiles snuggling into me.

  “But I think he might have already fallen.” I had to agree.



  Christmas Day

  It’s crazy. There are so many people running around. Kids screaming and paper strewn everywhere. The most delicious smells are coming from the kitchen. Our mothers are taking turns cooking their family favorites. I take a seat beside Stacey and her sister Naomi, who is about fifteen years older than her. Stacey apparently was a surprise, her mother didn’t think she was able to have any more children and then surprise, Stacey arrived.

  “Is it always like this?” Naomi looks at me with wide eyes.


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