For the Love of the Billionaire: The Complete Story of Barrett and Scarlet

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For the Love of the Billionaire: The Complete Story of Barrett and Scarlet Page 6

by Alison Ryan

  He smiled at her as he chewed a fatty piece of prime rib. Her mother, sensing her discomfort, quickly changed the topic.

  “So, Nancy,” Michelle said. “How’re you liking living at Arabella?”

  Nancy shrugged, “It’s okay. I’d prefer a house and a yard. Condos aren’t my cup of tea. I’m waiting to see how long Barrett stays here before buying. If it’s a permanent move, I’ll probably sell my place in Georgia and buy here.”

  Scarlet rolled her eyes. She’d always thought it was so bizarre that Nancy was so wrapped up in Barrett. It was like they were married without being married. She followed him wherever he decided to go, like a little puppy. She knew Nancy was his assistant and his mother figure in many ways. But Nancy had never been married, had no children. Scarlet couldn’t help but wonder if she resented that. But she’d never ask of course.

  “Well, selfishly I’d love that!” Michelle laughed. “Having my big sister in town. We could have dinner every week!”

  Nancy smiled thinly, “As long as it isn’t a buffet.”

  “For you, I’d broaden my palate,” Michelle grinned, sipping her Diet Coke. “Now I just need to get Ben and Scarlet to move here, and I’m all set.”

  They were quiet for a moment as they ate. Scarlet knew there was no chance in hell Ben would ever move to Las Vegas. He was a Georgia boy through and through.

  Once dinner was (mercifully) over, Michelle excused herself to the ladies room. Larry decided it was a good time to play some slots.

  “Tell your momma I’ll be over by the roulette tables,” he said.

  Scarlet’s stomach dropped. She was now alone with Aunt Nancy.

  Neither of them said anything for a moment, just sat in awkward silence listening to the sounds of the slots being played in the small locals’ casino surrounding the buffet. Scarlet desperately tried to think of something mundane to say but Nancy beat her to the punch.

  “Barrett says he’s having dinner with you on Thursday,” Nancy said, sipping her water. “I was surprised to hear that.”

  Scarlet looked down at her hands, her stomach in knots, “I don’t think I’m going to actually go. He kind of cornered me into agreeing.”

  Nancy looked at her, “I told him I didn’t think it was a great idea.”

  Scarlet looked up, surprised, “Yeah. I agree.”

  “But,” Nancy continued, “I also think he deserves a conversation with you. It’s none of my business, Scarlet. But there was a lot left unsaid-“

  “You’re right. It’s none of your business,” Scarlet said flatly.

  “I understand that. But if you break off this dinner, it just means you’re prolonging something. I know you want to talk to him. Otherwise you wouldn’t care this much,” Nancy pointedly said. “Go to that dinner. Finish the conversation. It will help you both move on. And I know you need that.”

  Scarlet looked at her angrily, “Don’t act like this is about me. All you care about is Barrett.”

  Nancy sighed, “You couldn’t be more wrong. I care about you very much, Scarlet. And I know that the reason you’re here isn’t just because of your parents. You can’t figure out what to do, Scarlet. Because you have unfinished business. We all can sense it.”

  “I didn’t know he would even be here,” Scarlet replied. “Trust me, had I known-“

  “Maybe fate put you here precisely because it knew you wouldn’t come here voluntarily,” Nancy said. “Think about that.”

  Scarlet said nothing. She didn’t want to admit that very thought had been occurring to her since the second she’d stepped off the elevator and seen him.

  Five Years Earlier…

  “What? We can’t do it here!” Scarlet whispered as Barrett took her by the hand and led her to his office. It was after hours at Evers Holdings’ offices in downtown Atlanta and no one was in the building other than security and housekeeping. But Barrett had his own plan cooked up.

  “Come on. I’ve been thinking about having you on top of my desk pretty much since the first day I saw you in that pencil skirt,” he laughed, pulling her towards him. “And now I have my chance. Please, Scarlet Bloom. Let me go down on you on top of my corporate desk calendar.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh, “Gee. I love it when you talk dirty like that. Really turns a girl on.”

  He flipped the light on and harsh fluorescent lighting blinded them temporarily.

  “Ugh,” Scarlet said. “The lighting in here at night is like being in an operating room. Not the most sexy.”

  “You’re right,” he said. He walked over to a table in the corner of his massive room, flipping on a lamp switch and turning off the overhead lights.

  “Is that better?” he asked. The room was now dimly lit, their shadows dancing around the walls.

  “Much,” she said, unbuttoning her blouse. “I think I’m getting why you wanted me here now.”

  They were naked within seconds. She sat on the edge of his desk, her slender, toned legs open, revealing all of herself to him.

  “Is this what you wanted?” she whispered. Barrett stood in front of her, his erection stretching painfully up, perpendicular to his muscled abs.

  “This is everything I wanted,” he replied, kneeling before her, his face inches from her sex. “I’m going to make you scream loud enough that security has to come up.”

  For the next thirty minutes he kept his word, opening Scarlet up like a flower, peeling her open and making her writhe and sweat with each climax. His face was soaked from her arousal and he became so turned on that he finally had to lay her down across the desk, entering her suddenly, thrusting fast and hard, her moans beckoning him to keep going.

  “You feel so fucking good,” she cried out. “Don’t ever stop.”

  As he quickened his pace, the mood was completely shattered by the unforgiving ring of his office telephone.

  “What the fuck?” he said out loud staring at the caller ID. “It’s security. We weren’t that loud, were we?”

  They both sat up and Barrett walked over to the receiver, answering it with an aggravated tone, “Can I help you? I’m busy at the moment.”

  Scarlet noticed his expression change. She still sat on his desk, curious about what was happening.

  “Mom?” he said. “How did you know-“

  Barrett stopped talking as the voice on the other end animatedly spoke. Scarlet couldn’t hear what was being said but she could tell they were upset. She hoped everything was okay.

  “Okay. Sorry. We’ll be down in a moment,” he said, hanging up. Scarlet looked at him inquisitively.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked. He was staring at the wall, contemplating something.

  “Yes,” he finally said. “That was my mother. Apparently she has security call her whenever any of us are here after eight.”

  “Why?” Scarlet asked. “Are we in trouble?” It seemed silly. They were both adults and the Evers owned the building.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “My parents are strange about me and friends. I mean not that we’re friends.” He looked at her sheepishly, “Obviously you’re more than that. More than anyone has ever been. Anyway, I think it’s freaking them out and I’m so fucking embarrassed but now we have to go downstairs. She’s here.”

  Scarlet quickly got dressed, suddenly incredibly nervous. What would his mother think of her? The office slut banging her boss after hours. It just looked terrible, and even though Scarlet knew that’s not what this was, she couldn’t imagine how it looked to his parents. She hoped somehow the elevator plummeted right through the ground floor and into the parking garage so she could avoid what was surely going to be the most uncomfortable introduction of her life.

  Though her mother and aunt worked for the Evers, Scarlet had never met any of them other than the children and Rhett Evers on rare occasion. Patricia Evers was someone who spent her time abroad a lot- shopping, socializing, and attending events. She was rarely around the “help”. Even Nancy had barely spent any time wi
th her. But Patricia’s reputation preceded her. She was known as somewhat of a difficult person to be around. Even the tabloids were constantly commenting on the Ice Queen of the South.

  Scarlet was scared out of her mind.

  Once they were dressed, Barrett took her by the hand and led her to the elevator. Scarlet could tell he was anxious. His hand shook lightly as she held it, and his face was slightly pale. What were they in for?

  “I just want to warn you,” Barrett said, “My mother can come off as very cold and aloof. She doesn’t trust anyone, especially women her sons are interested in, so if she isn’t warm to you at first, I apologize. It’s no reflection on you.” He leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips. “You’re perfect. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she said. “I’m so embarrassed right now.”

  “Don’t be,” Barrett said. “I’m not. Well, I am, but only because I wasn’t able to finish what we started. And that I’m twenty-four years old and I still have a weird curfew of sorts.” He winked at her knowingly.

  The elevator doors opened and there she was. Patricia Evers, wife to the fifth richest man in the country.

  “Mom,” Barrett said, smiling. “Good to see you.”

  “I wish I could say the same,” she said coldly. “You should be home studying. Your LSAT is next month.”

  “I’m well aware,” he said. “I was just showing Scarlet my office. We had dinner tonight and had some time to kill-“

  “I don’t need to know details,” Patricia interrupted.

  “Okay,” he said. “Well, I know it’s awkward but I’d love you to meet Scarlet Bloom.” He took Scarlet’s hand, squeezing it.

  “She’s my girlfriend,” he added. “And I wish you weren’t meeting this way-“

  “As do I,” Patricia cut him off again. “It’s less than appropriate.”

  Barrett’s voice changed, and he was clearly agitated, “I’m an adult. I’m baffled as to why I’m even apologizing. Why do you and Dad always have to have your creepy fucking henchmen following your children around? It’s bad enough we have to deal with paparazzi-“

  Scarlet gasped at how Barrett was speaking to his mother. Curiously enough Patricia just looked bored at his outburst. Patricia interrupted him.

  “This is nothing new. You know people of our status are always under threat of kidnapping, extortion, ransoms. Please save your tantrums for your father, he’s more tolerant of them. You can’t go gallivanting around town with an employee. It looks terrible. You know that and I know that.”

  This entire conversation was happening around Scarlet. Patricia hadn’t even acknowledged her once. Scarlet felt like an insect that Patricia wanted to crush under her Valentino heels.

  Barrett sighed, “Whatever. You’ve clearly sabotaged what had been a beautiful night. So if you’ll excuse us, we’re going home.”

  Patricia finally looked at Scarlet, “I hope not with her.”

  Barrett glared, “I sure as hell am. Stop it with the faux concern. You’re terrible at faking good parenting. Everything is clearly fine and you can go back home to your Xanax and pinot, Mother.”

  Barrett grabbed Scarlet by the hand and led her out the front of Evers Holdings and to his Audi that was parked outside. Scarlet was shocked at the preceding five minutes and had no idea what to say. Patricia, for her part, barely flinched at his insults.

  As they strapped on their seatbelts, Scarlet watched Patricia leave the building and enter a waiting limousine, barely glancing at the two lovers parked behind her.

  They sat there in awkward silence for a moment. Scarlet wasn’t sure what to say.

  “I’m so sorry,” he finally uttered. “She’s terrible.”

  “She’s your mom,” Scarlet said. “She just wants to make sure you’re okay.”

  “That’s not what it was about,” he said. “It was about exerting control. They like to remind me constantly what’s expected of me. This is why I’ve never brought anyone home to meet them. Or allowed myself to get close enough to love anyone. Because I don’t want to subject anyone else to the eccentricity of being an Evers. Because unfortunately, being with me comes with a lot of bullshit.” He looked over at her, “But I couldn’t help myself. How could anyone not fall in love with Scarlet Bloom?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The rest of that week Barrett was barely able to concentrate on anything. All he wanted to do was somehow speed up the clocks so Thursday night could come that much sooner.

  Nancy had told him of her dinner with Scarlet and had also confirmed that he could pick her up from her parents’ house on Thursday at six o’clock.

  “So it’s actually going to happen,” he said into the phone. Nancy sighed on the other end.

  “Seems like it.”


  Scarlet, for her part, was trying not to think about it at all. She’d spent time watching television with her dad, working on puzzles at night with her mom, and reading books from the to-be-read list on her Kindle. On Wednesday afternoon she had begrudgingly gone to the mall to find something to wear. If she was going to see Barrett for the last time, she was at least going to look good.

  After a couple hours of searching, she’d finally found it. On clearance, of all things. It was a form fitting sheath that hugged her in all the right places and was a bold cobalt color which went very well with her honey colored hair. It was classy but sexy. She’d wear it with some strappy heels and call it a day.

  Part of her was sad thinking about how much she used to love dressing up for him. Any time she’d known she would see him she’d make sure to smell like grapefruit (he’d mentioned how much he liked that scent on her). He wasn’t into a ton of makeup and he loved when her hair was half up.

  “I can see your face that way,” he’d say. “And I can kiss you here.” She’d sigh as he touched her collar bone, her favorite spot…

  She shook herself out of the memory. No. Scarlet couldn’t let herself think like that. This dinner was only to appease him and Nancy.



  Barrett’s Maybach glided into the Blooms’ driveway at 5:55 pm on Thursday evening. He’d expected to get out and knock on the Blooms’ door, to be greeted by Michelle or possibly Larry. But before he could get out, Scarlet was already standing next to the car, waving away the driver to prevent him from opening the door for her.

  “It’s okay, I can manage it,” she said. She slid into the back passenger seat next to Barrett. “You’re early.”

  He tried not to react to how fucking sexy she looked in the tight blue dress that showed every single delicious curve of Scarlet’s body. How was it possible she looked even better than she did five years ago?

  Instead he said, “Barely early. You didn’t want me to say hello to your parents?”

  “You see my mom every day,” Scarlet said. She crossed her legs as the Maybach backed out of her driveway and onto the residential street.

  “True, it just seems rude not to say hello. Never mind,” Barrett sighed. “It’s good to see you. I was afraid you’d back out.”

  “So was I,” she said, partially under her breath. “Where are we eating?”

  Barrett smirked, “That’s a surprise.”

  Scarlet rolled her eyes, “Of course it is.”

  They sat in silence as they drove down the 215. When the driver turned off several exits before I-15, which would have led them down to Las Vegas Boulevard, where all the best restaurants were, Scarlet glanced over at him.

  “We’re not going to the strip?” she asked.

  “Nope,” Barrett replied, offering no other explanation.

  Scarlet sat back, completely confused. What was she in for tonight?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Henderson Executive Airport was about ten miles south and east of the Las Vegas Strip. Barrett and his family had been flying in and out of there for years. McCarran could get pretty packed, especially if there was a major event in town, which there al
most always was. So to avoid the crowds, Barrett had always chosen the small, private, Henderson airport for his Gulfstream travels.

  As they pulled in, Scarlet suddenly started to realize what was happening.

  “We’re flying somewhere?” she asked, panicked. “There weren’t any good enough places to eat in the city?”

  Barrett shook his head, “I wanted something different.”

  Scarlet sighed, “I really don’t want to be out too late, Barrett.”

  “You won’t be,” he said as the Maybach stopped at the gate before the tarmac. “We have 8 o’clock dinner reservations. With the flight there and back, I should have you home by eleven. If you still even want to go home by then.”

  Scarlet gave him a cool stare, “I assure you- I will definitely want to be home tonight.”

  He laughed, “I’m just kidding. Don’t worry, Scarlet. Just relax and enjoy yourself. For once.”

  She was completely frustrated. As usual, Barrett was taking control of things, something he was inclined to do and something that she used to love about him. But in this situation, it was a problem. She’d hoped for a short dinner where she could be cold, with clipped, and unremarkable conversation. She’d make him wonder what he ever saw in someone like her. They’d part ways and he could move on with his life, knowing her leaving him five years ago wasn’t a mistake after all.

  The car slowly rolled onto the tarmac where a sleek plane was waiting for them, red carpet and all. As she got out of the car she couldn’t help but be impressed at Barrett’s preferred mode of travel. He looked back at her as he started walking toward the steps leading up to the plane.

  “You first, Scarlet,” he said, holding out his arm. Without even thinking, she took it, a natural habit from their old days. His arms were still solid and strong under his blazer. She felt a literal spark between them and he caught her eyes for a moment and she almost let it all out right then, everything she was holding back. She’d forgotten how intense his gaze could be, how much it heated her thighs up to have him looking at her. And now they would be alone on a plane together for who knows how long.


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