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A Change of Fortune

Page 23

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘Jenny,’ he called softly.

  ‘Oh, hello.’ She came down the stairs carrying a tray.

  He was shocked by her appearance. Her dress was badly creased, her hair untidy, and she looked exhausted, with great dark shadows under her eyes. ‘Mum told me about Ma. Is there anything we can do for you?’

  The cups on the tray rattled as her hands shook. He took it from her and placed it on the sideboard. ‘How bad is she?’

  ‘She’s got worse during the night.’ Her voice wavered and she looked at him with tortured eyes. ‘Ma’s dying … What am I going to do without her?’

  Matt stepped forward and gathered Jenny into his arms. He stroked her hair as she laid her head on his shoulder and sobbed. He felt like doing the same. Not for the elderly woman upstairs, whom he’d only met once, but for this lovely girl.

  How much more sorrow and hardship must she endure? A father who had killed himself; a mother who didn’t want her; the Stannards who had branded her a thief and turned her out; and her aunt who had tried to marry her off to that obnoxious man Greaves.

  At that moment he was so furious at the cards of life this gentle girl had been dealt that he could have killed someone!


  For the next week Jenny never left Ma’s side. With the help of Glad and occasionally Fred and Stan when Ma needed lifting, she kept Ma clean, fed and as comfortable as possible. But each day the elderly woman deteriorated, until she hardly seemed aware of anything or anyone. In the beginning Jenny had clung to the belief that she would recover, but it was hard to fool herself any longer. Ma was dying. It could only be a matter of days now, Glad had told her gently.

  Jenny and Glad had just given Ma a nice wash, and changed her nightdress and sheets. When she was settled back in bed, propped up on the pillows, Jenny kissed her cheek. ‘There, Ma, that’s more comfy, isn’t it?’

  In a rare moment of recognition, Ma’s eyes lingered on Jenny, then she sighed and fell asleep.

  Glad put her hand on Jenny’s shoulder. ‘You go and get yourself something to eat. You look fair washed out. I’ll stay here for a while.’

  With a nod of thanks she wandered downstairs, made herself a cup of tea and gazed at it listlessly, too tired and distressed even to drink it. Ma had become a grandmother and mother to Jenny since she’d been here. They’d laughed, joked, argued and teased each other, and a deep bond had been formed. To lose her now was going to be so hard, but she was determined to do everything she could to keep her alive, or at least as happy as possible in the circumstances before the end came.

  ‘Jen.’ Edna appeared in the doorway.

  ‘Oh, how lovely to see you!’ Jenny got up and threw her arms around her friend. ‘I’m sorry I haven’t been able to meet you, but I’ve had so much to do. Can you stay a while? Would you like a cup of tea?’

  ‘I’ve got half an hour.’ Edna sat down at the kitchen table. ‘Where’s Ma?’

  Jenny shook her head, her mouth trembling. ‘She’s had a stroke.’

  ‘Ah, I’m sorry, Jen.’

  ‘What are you doing here at eleven in the morning?’ Jenny hastily changed the subject. Her emotions were too raw to talk about Ma’s illness at the moment.

  ‘I’ve left my job.’ Edna held out her left hand to show off the half-hoop diamond engagement ring. ‘I’m getting married next week to David Hughes. He’s asked me to marry him and I’ve agreed.’

  ‘That’s wonderful!’ Jenny jumped up and hugged her friend, so excited for her. She knew Edna had had a tough life and deserved some happiness. ‘I’m so pleased for you. Where are you getting married?’

  Edna laughed at her friend’s obvious delight and playfully pushed her back in her chair. ‘If you’ll stop hopping about, I’ll tell you. David comes from Wales, so we’re going to be married there in a week’s time.

  He’s got a job to go to – something to do with accounts. He’s well educated,’ she said proudly. ‘And his family have found us a house to rent.’

  ‘Wales?’ Jenny’s pleasure seeped away as she realized what this meant, but she kept smiling somehow. She was going to lose Edna. But she mustn’t be selfish and let her dismay show, because this was absolutely wonderful for her friend. ‘That sounds exciting.’

  ‘It is, and I’ve had a lovely letter from David’s mother. She sounds ever so kind and very pleased about the wedding.’

  With cups of tea and a couple of biscuits in front of them, they settled down. It had been some time since they had been out together, so this was a chance to catch up on all the news.

  ‘Tell me all about it,’ Jenny urged.

  Edna waved her hand, laughing. ‘It’s been a proper whirlwind romance, but he’s so nice and we love each other.’ She became serious. ‘I’ve got a chance of a new life and I’m taking it, though I’d have married him even if he’d been a chimney sweep.’

  ‘That’s real love, then,’ Jenny teased.

  ‘We’d like you to come to the wedding. I know it’s a long way, but David’s mum said you could stay with them for a couple of days.’

  The disappointment was intense, but not even for such a special occasion would she go away for several days. ‘I can’t leave Ma.’

  ‘I was afraid you was going to say that, but I do understand. I wanted to bring David round to meet you, but he’s had to go back to Wales to arrange the wedding and sort out his new job. I’m going on the train tomorrow.’

  ‘You must write and tell me all about it, and send me a photo if you can.’ Jenny kept her tone cheerful. Edna was happy and she wouldn’t want to dim her joy.

  ‘I’ll do that.’ Edna stood up to leave. ‘And one day you must come and visit us.’

  ‘That will be something to look forward to.’ She kissed Edna and waved brightly as her friend walked up the street.

  As soon as she was out of sight, Jenny returned to the kitchen, sat down and bowed her head in sorrow. Now she’d lost her friend.

  That blasted coin definitely had two tails!

  The next morning Jenny was wondering how she could go out for some shopping, with Glad out and Ivy working at the hall. She would never leave the house unless there was someone here with Ma. She emptied the tin they kept their money in, counted it and began making a list. It was essential to decide exactly what she was going to buy. Careful planning was the key to providing a decent meal each day, and Jenny was quite proud of her shopping skills these days. It didn’t matter how tempting something might be: if it wasn’t on her list, she didn’t buy it, unless it was cheaper than the item she had originally planned.

  The list when finished was depressingly short, but it was all wholesome food. Apart from a few biscuits that Ma loved, luxuries were out of the question. Her mouth fairly watered when she remembered the lovely puddings and cakes she’d had in the past, but they weren’t essential. And the day would come when they would be able to buy them again: the depression couldn’t go on for ever. With that positive thought, she placed the coins on top of the list next to her shopping basket. As soon as someone came, she would pop out.

  While Ma slept, Jenny could snatch a few quiet moments for herself, and she sat down to think. Edna would be on her way to Wales now, and a new life. It had come as a shock to have her friend move away, but she couldn’t be more pleased for her. Edna deserved this chance of happiness, and it was a ray of hope that lives could change for the better.

  A knock on the front door brought her out of her musing. When she opened the door and saw Matthew standing there, she felt a blush creeping up her face. She had cried on his shoulder. What must he think of her?

  ‘Hello, Jen.’ He studied her face intently. ‘How’s Ma?’

  ‘Much the same.’ She stepped aside. ‘Would you like to come in?’

  ‘Thanks.’ He strode straight into the kitchen and, seeing the money and list on the table, said, ‘Are you going shopping?’

  ‘Yes, as soon as I can find someone to sit with Ma, but everyone’s out at the moment.’

  ‘I’ve got half an hour to spare. I’ll get this for you.’ He scooped up the list, coins and the basket, then headed for the door before she had time to object. ‘Do you go to the shops at the top of the road?’

  ‘Yes, but only buy what is on the list. I’ve put the price beside each item.’

  He was already striding towards the shops, and she wasn’t sure he’d heard a word she’d said. Jenny fumed. If he wasted their precious money on unsuitable purchases, she would be very angry. Watching his tall figure disappear with her shopping basket on his arm, she shook her head in disbelief. Who the hell did he think he was, sweeping in here and taking over?

  Suddenly she saw the funny side of it and began to giggle. What were the shopkeepers going to think when a strapping young man turned up carrying her shopping basket? Well, it was too late to stop him now. If he wanted to make a fool of himself, that was up to him. He obviously didn’t care what other people thought of him. She could admire him for that attitude.

  Nipping upstairs to check on Ma and finding her asleep, Jenny went back to the kitchen to put the kettle on. The least she could do was offer him a cup of tea when he returned.

  He was back in less than twenty minutes, and Jenny gaped at the overflowing basket. ‘You never got all that with the money I gave you.’

  ‘No, I bought a few extras.’ He began putting the packets on the table.

  Jenny watched open-mouthed, becoming angrier by the second. There was butter, bread, jam, bacon, eggs, sausages, tea, milk, biscuits – whole ones – fruit, veg and even a small chicken. A few extras?

  ‘I can’t afford all that. You’ll have to take it back.’

  ‘Don’t be so bloody proud, Jen.’ Matthew was clearly exasperated by her attitude. ‘You and Ma have got to eat. Look at you, you’re starving.’

  ‘We are not! And who the hell gave you permission to call me Jen?’

  ‘Don’t change the subject.’ Matt raised his voice. ‘All I’ve done is buy you a little extra food. If it upsets you so much, you can pay me back when you’ve got the money.’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ she snorted. ‘Where do you think I’m going to get that much money from? And stop shouting!’

  There were three sharp taps from the room above.

  ‘Now look what you’ve done, you’ve woken Ma up.’ Jenny headed for the stairs at a run, with Matt right on her heels.

  Ma was propped up and holding her stick in her good hand.

  ‘Hello, Ma,’ Matt said cheerfully. ‘Sorry we woke you, but your Jen needed a good talking to.’

  Jenny couldn’t believe her eyes when Ma winked at him.

  ‘Ah, I see you approve.’ He sat down on the edge of the bed and removed the stick from her hand, laying it on the blanket where she could still reach it. ‘Now, I don’t want you to worry about her, because I’m going to be around. All right?’

  Ma winked again and Matt leant forward and kissed her forehead. ‘Good, that’s settled, then.’

  What’s settled? What the devil was he on about? Jenny had thought that Ma couldn’t understand, but she was obviously communicating with Matthew.

  ‘I’ve bought you a nice little chicken for Jen to cook and make soup with the bones. And a pound of your favourite sausages, because the butcher told me you’re real partial to them.’

  Ma winked again.

  ‘Now I’ll leave you to get some sleep while Jen cooks you a lovely meal.’ He patted Ma’s hand. ‘You keep her in line now. Her language is something shocking!’

  Jenny could hear Ma’s cackle in her head as she watched Matthew stand up and give Ma a wink; then he clattered down the stairs and out the front door.

  ‘Well,’ was all Jenny could say as she stood motionless, absolutely amazed at the scene she had just witnessed. ‘Do you know what he was on about?’

  Ma gave a crooked smile. She actually smiled!

  Jenny did the same in relief. It was as if Matthew had woken Ma out of the stupor she had been in since the stroke. Hope flooded through her. Perhaps her dear Ma was going to survive against all the odds. ‘Terrible bossy, isn’t he?’ she joked, feeling light-hearted.

  The smile came again, and Ma lifted her hand to shoo Jenny away.

  ‘I see, you want your chicken, do you?’

  Ma actually nodded this time. Jenny sang to herself as she went downstairs and set about the meal.

  ‘My, something smells good,’ Glad said, as she looked in the kitchen an hour later.

  ‘It’s a chicken!’ Jenny beamed. ‘You’ll never guess what happened today.’

  Glad sat down while Jenny told her about the argument with Matthew because he’d bought extra shopping, and his conversation with Ma.

  ‘She’s so much better, Glad,’ Jenny told her excitedly. ‘She actually smiled. Isn’t that marvellous? Perhaps she’s turned the corner and is going to pull through.’

  ‘Don’t raise your hopes too much,’ Glad warned. ‘I’ve seen folks rally for a while and then sink back again.’

  ‘I know that can happen.’ Jenny’s smile faded. ‘But I can hope, can’t I?’

  ‘Of course you can.’

  Fred came in. ‘I’ll just pop up and see her.’

  Fred was with Ma for almost half an hour. When he came down, he handed Glad a piece of paper with spidery writing on it. ‘Ma wants you to sign this, Glad.’ He gave his wife a pen and when she’d put her signature on the bottom, Fred tucked it in his pocket.

  Fred and Glad had always looked after Ma’s affairs, and Jenny thought this was another good sign. Ma was obviously feeling bright enough to give them instructions to deal with something. ‘She’s much better, isn’t she, Fred?’

  ‘She’s quite perky and looking forward to the chicken.’ He laughed. ‘She’s fairly drooling at the mouth, and I’ve given her a pencil and pad so she can write messages while she’s still thinking straight.’

  ‘That’s a good idea.’ Jenny approved. It would be lovely to be on the receiving end of Ma’s caustic remarks again, even if they were only written ones.

  The chicken was beautifully tender, and Jenny was delighted when Ma ate every morsel. She cut herself off a small amount; the rest she sliced up and took next door to Ivy for the children. The carcass with vegetables was made into a large saucepan of soup for the next day.

  As the gorgeous smell of cooking filled the tiny kitchen, Jenny felt rather ashamed of the way she had reacted to Matthew’s shopping trip. He was only being kind, but she didn’t want him to feel he owed her something.

  Giving the soup another stir, Jenny pondered why that should worry her. After a taste she added a little more salt. The spoon was halfway to her mouth again when she realized why she had exploded at him. She liked Matthew, had done from the moment she had seen him that first Christmas, and she wanted his friendship. Wanted to know he liked her for herself.

  The spoon dropped with a clatter. Oh, dear, that wouldn’t do at all! He was from a wealthy family, and even though she had once been in the same situation, she was now penniless. It was ridiculous, but these things still mattered to society. She ought to know, because she’d been brought up with these prejudices. If she became too friendly with him, his family would believe she was trying to edge her way back up, through him. She gave a snort of disgust, imagining what his father would have to say about that! No, she must forget the whole thing. Anyway, he was probably only helping because he felt sorry for her, and she didn’t want or need anyone’s pity. Things were difficult at the moment, but it wouldn’t always be like this. The fact that Ma was so much better was a hopeful sign.

  She turned the gas down to simmer the soup, shaking her head in disbelief. How stupid to have her first crush on one of the Stannard family.


  That evening Matt arrived home still highly amused by the argument he’d had with Jenny about the extra shopping he’d bought for her and Ma. Where had that timid frightened under housemaid gone? The girl who had turned on him with such fire was so different.
Now eighteen, she had grown in stature and confidence. He doubted if she was afraid of anyone or anything now. The last two years must have been unbelievably hard for her, but, instead of becoming cowed by the experience, she had come through it magnificently. He liked this new, mature girl. Although too thin, she was absolutely beautiful.

  He grinned to himself as he remembered the old woman winking saucily at him. It wasn’t any surprise that Jenny loved her so much, because even in sickness there was still a hint of her feisty nature. He’d understood the plea in those sharp eyes – you look after my girl, lad, it had said. When Ma died, and she knew she was going to soon, he would make sure Jenny was all right. That should cause a fight or two, but when that day came he was well aware that she was going to be distraught. She would have the support of her friends, of course, but he would also be there, whether she wanted him to be or not!

  John walked in just in time for dinner. ‘I’ve got some news.’

  ‘Tell us before we sit down to eat,’ his mother suggested.

  ‘Greaves is in trouble.’ John sat down and stretched out his long legs. ‘He’s a gambler.’

  ‘The stock market?’ Luke sat forward, interested.

  ‘No,’ John said, shaking his head. ‘He’s always boasted that he didn’t lose anything in the crash, but he has on the horses. He invested a lot in four steeplechasers, and bet heavily on them whenever they raced. None of them ever won, and he had to sell them at a huge loss. By this time he was in debt and continued gambling to try to recoup his losses, with disastrous results.’

  ‘That’s a fool’s way to try to make money.’ Their mother was clearly disgusted. ‘He doesn’t sound very bright, and from what I saw of him he is too fond of the drink.’

  ‘Well spotted, Mother,’ John grinned. ‘That’s another of his problems.’

  ‘So he’s selling the family silver to pay his gambling debts.’ Matt grimaced. ‘The damned idiot. If he doesn’t pull himself together, he’ll lose everything.’

  ‘From what I can gather he’s quite close to that now.’ John stood up as the dinner gong sounded. ‘He needs an injection of cash very quickly.’


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