Midnight's Sweet Kiss

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Midnight's Sweet Kiss Page 3

by Ann Cory

  He gave her a sheepish smile. “Guilty. So tell me why the fascination?”

  She couldn’t believe someone wanted to hear about one of her great passions. Kyle never let her go on about all the things she’d learned and read in her Greek studies.

  But you’re not going to think about Kyle anymore, she reminded herself for the umpteenth time. “It’s something I’ve been passionate about since I was young. My mom used to read me all sorts of stories about Greek mythology and legends of the Gods and Goddesses. It was something special between us. From there I started writing my own stories and took any classes I could on the subject.” Sophie paused to catch her breath. “Actually, it’s funny you brought me here. I need to give a presentation to a committee tomorrow afternoon to be considered for a new position that opened up. It’s for a museum position and it’s all about Ancient Greece.”

  He nodded. “Sounds like fun.”

  She watched a strand of his dark hair slip just over his brow. Her fingers itched to move it back in place.

  “It might be if I ever finished my speech,” she confessed. “I figured I had most of the night to work on it, but um, plans changed.”

  Noah swept the stray strand loose and leaned back into the seat. “Why would you plan to work on New Year’s Eve?”

  “Well Kyle doesn’t—” She clapped her hand over her mouth. There she went again. “For something to do.”

  “But you’re in New York on one of the biggest party nights of the year,” he stated. “You can’t sit around and work the whole time.”

  “It’s okay.” She shrugged. “I’ve always gone out before, so missing it one time won’t hurt me.”

  He shook his head and rested his hands on the table. “I hope you don’t let the actions of one idiot taint your entire night. You’re allowed to have a good time.”

  Sophie hadn’t expected that comment and didn’t know how to respond. As if on cue, the plates of food arrived. They were more like platters loaded up with all her favorites. She picked up the fork and paused, not sure where to start first.

  “Oh my word, it all looks amazing.” It surprised her how hungry she was. Typically she couldn’t eat a thing when she was distraught. As it stood, she’d stab anyone who got in her way of the food.

  “Dig in,” he said, and she didn’t need more prompting.

  One bite of the meatballs in red sauce and her taste buds were in paradise. If they could sing, she imagined it a choir of angels. Each savoring chew sent her further into a state of total bliss. Who needed sex when food could bring such pleasure? She took another bite and didn’t care who heard her moan in appreciation. That is until she noticed her dinner partner watching her with an odd look on his face. Quickly she grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth. “Sorry, but this is hands down the best Greek food I’ve ever had. You weren’t kidding.”

  “I try not to kid when it’s in reference to food,” Noah said. “I’m a serious eater.”

  Sophie giggled and took another bite of the scrumptious food. She could get used to feasting like this.

  “So, I wanted to ask you something,” Noah started, “and I hope you don’t think me a total ass.”

  She added a dash of pepper to her food and snorted. “Please. I’ve already seen one of those tonight, and you look nothing like one.”

  He chuckled and she groaned.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring him up again.” Kyle was the last person she wanted on her mind. Despite the huge upset of finding out her relationship was a big fat lie, she was having a great time.

  “I’d think it weird if you didn’t,” Noah said, and it put her at ease.

  “Mentioning him spoils the mood,” she stressed. “Anyhow, what were you going to ask?”

  “I wondered if you’d care to crash at my place tonight.” He put his fork down and held his hand up. “Before you panic, keep in mind that I have three bedrooms, so there can be a bedroom between us if you’d prefer, or hell I can sleep on the couch.”

  The gesture was nice, but she didn’t think it appropriate. And she didn’t trust herself in too close of proximity with him. She was feeling vulnerable and his voice alone had her creaming between her thighs.

  “Um, I appreciate the offer, but I’m sure there’s a hotel around somewhere with a vacancy,” she said lightly, not wanting to offend him.

  He circled his fingertip around the rim of his water glass. “True, you might find a nasty little dive in a bad part of town, but I guarantee you’ll be overcharged and questioning the cleanliness of the bed.”

  A vision of cockroaches swarming an old musty mattress made her shudder. “Good points.” She drummed her nails along the tabletop. “I feel like I’m inconveniencing you. With the cab ride, dinner, and now a place, it seems like too much and I’m not sure how I feel about any of it. I’ve never been such a charity case.”

  “You’re not a charity case, and I don’t doubt you’re having a rough go,” he started, “but you’re handling things much better than I would. Still, the offer is on the table. I hope you’ll accept it. No strings attached.”

  This wasn’t like her to not know her plans. She didn’t do spontaneity. She’d also never been to New York and didn’t have many options thanks to the holiday. The added bonus of being around someone who made her forget her heartache helped seal the deal.

  “You know what, why not? I’d like to. Thank you. You’ve been a lifesaver.”

  Noah’s lips curled. “Oh please don’t accuse me of that.”

  Confused she asked, “Why not? You are one. You could’ve dropped me off anywhere and went about your way.”

  “Being called a lifesaver puts a lot of pressure on a guy,” he explained, “and I’m afraid I won’t meet your expectations if you think of me that way.”

  Though he did put her at ease with his conversation, she still questioned his motives. No way did a guy do something just to be nice. There had to be a catch. What exactly she didn’t want to focus on right now.

  She swished her water around in the glass. “What exactly do you get out of helping me?”

  “Dinner with a beautiful woman,” he answered without missing a beat.

  Sophie had to give the guy credit for his perfect response. “There you go being charming again.”

  “Would you believe it’s natural?” The warmth from his gaze made her a believer.

  She chuckled and wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Yes, I would.” Sophie looked down at her plate and was sorry to see it empty. Had she inhaled her food? “By the way, thank you for a fantastic meal. You know how to treat a girl right.”

  “No worries. Would you care for dessert?”

  “I don’t think so tonight,” she said regretfully. Her skirt already felt like it was pinching her waist in two. “Much as I love a good slice of baklava, and trust me I do, my stomach is a bit out of sorts.”

  Noah gave her a nod. “Then we can get out of here and I’ll let you check my place out. We can decide the rest of the night from there.”

  “You mean like you go out and have a good time while I work on my speech?”

  “Funny, that’s not at all what I meant,” he said and grabbed her coat. “I plan to get you out of the house one way or another.”

  Under other circumstances she’d take on that challenge. She had a feeling he’d be great to hang out with. Curious of his plans she asked, “What are you suggesting?”

  “Ringing in the new year in Times Square. Where else?”

  She shook her head. “Are you kidding? The whole world will be there.”

  “It’s better than sitting around alone with a sexy pout on your mouth.” His face went a deep shade of red and he diverted his gaze.

  Sophie put on her coat, her eyes locked on his.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “That was unintentional. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  She laughed. “Wow, first I’m called a hot mess, and now I find out that I don’t have a sexy pout? How do I manage?”

“No, you do have one, but I shouldn’t have voiced it aloud. I’m embarrassed.”

  Compliments had never been Kyle’s strong suit. “Don’t be. I liked that you said it. I mean, that you noticed.” Now it was her turn to show off her reddened cheeks.

  A wide smile crossed his handsome features. It made her stomach flutter.

  “Okay, good. Seriously though, I’d love for you to go out with me tonight. What better way to let loose and ring in the New Year than with millions of other people?”

  She shuddered. “The thought of doing that scares me. Thanks anyway, but I’m going to have to decline.”

  Together they walked to the front of the restaurant. With his hand on the door he glimpsed her way. “I have yet to work my mysterious ways. I plan on convincing you to go.”

  In such close proximity to his full beautiful lips, she felt her chest tighten. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  He pushed open the door. “After you.”

  She buttoned her coat and pulled the collar up around her neck. “Please tell your friend…”


  “Yes, Tate. Please tell him the meal was the best I’ve ever had.”

  “Will do.”

  She followed him to the cab and faltered for a moment when he opened the front passenger door. She’d been used to sitting in the back, and kind of liked how she could secretly watch him in the mirror. Suddenly she felt shy. “Oh, okay. Right.”

  Sophie watched Noah close her door and hustle around to his side. When he got in she felt her body stiffen.

  “So, to my place?”

  A flash of him lying naked on a bed with her on top zinged through her mind so fast she reached out to the dashboard to steady herself.

  She nodded to hide the nervousness in her voice. Where had that image come from? And why did it excite her so much?

  Chapter Three

  Twenty minutes later they were parked in front of a nice looking one-story brick house with a manicured walkway.

  “Wow, this is a nice spread you’ve got.”

  Noah’s face lit up. “My sister Peg got me this at a great price.”

  “Is she in real estate?”

  “Yeah, and she can talk anyone into buying way beyond their price range, it’s great.”

  “I admire people like that,” she said wistfully. “They’re confident and speak their mind.”

  He got out and walked to her side. The guy got points for being a gentleman.

  Sophie climbed out. “Thanks.”

  “I take it you’re not that way? Confident and speak your mind?”

  “Oh heck no, but I used to be. In fact I used to be independent. I worked hard and studied hard. I knew what career I’d have and an idea of where my life was going.”

  “That’s impressive.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. “What did you have planned?”

  “A career I loved that would allow me to travel. A nice house, car, family, and a vacation house on the beach.”

  Noah stopped walking and turned to her. “Now how do you picture your life?”

  Again she felt shy, exposed, but she liked someone being interested in her. Someone who sounded like they were interested in her answers. “I don’t know. Being comfortable somewhere. Comfortable in my own skin and comfortable with the person I choose.”

  “I hope you find that.” His deep voice reverberated low in her belly.

  Sophie swallowed down the lump in her throat. “Thanks.”

  He unlocked the door to his house and pushed it open. “You go on in. I’m going to check the mail.”

  She entered the spacious front room and looked around. The dark maple furniture was simple and cozy atop a plush beige carpet. A large silver-gray suede couch was pushed against the wall with a matching recliner beside it. In between was a small granite table with a mess of books on top. In the next room was a good sized dining room table with chairs and a hutch, also in maple. It all had a masculine feel but still felt warm and inviting. She liked his taste in décor.

  Sophie did a quick sweep by the three bedrooms and glanced into the enormous bathroom with a walk in shower and long countertop with dual sinks. She finished her tour in the kitchen with its stainless steel appliances and a wine bar. The guy had an incredible pad that put her old condo to shame. He must make a good living as a cabbie, she thought.

  She faintly heard the front door close and then Noah stood across from her in the kitchen, a handful of mail in his hand.

  “What’s the verdict?”

  “It’s nice. I’ll be fine here for the night.”

  “Great.” He tossed his mail onto the counter and glanced at his watch. “It’s a little early for going out. I know you mentioned needing to work on a speech or something. I can leave you alone if you’d like to work, or it’s up to you. I’m flexible.”

  “If you don’t mind I’d just like to sit and chat for a bit. My headspace is all wrong for trying to concentrate.”

  And her hormones were definitely making it difficult to concentrate on anything but the build of his body beneath his clothes. Being in his house made her even more aware of the attraction she had for him. She tried to reason that it was a knee-jerk response. That it was temporary and brought on by a cheating ex. Only, she knew her feelings were very real. At least the physical ones. Emotionally she was driven by the lust and newness only a stranger could offer. She’d been reluctant to ask if he had a girlfriend because she didn’t want the answer to be yes.

  Noah walked to the other side of the kitchen and opened a cabinet.

  “Would you care for a drink?”

  Ah yes, a little something to loosen up her inhibitions. “I’d love something. Whatever you have will be fine.”

  “Well, I stocked up for the holidays,” he said and moved around a few bottles. “Thought I’d be prepared. How about a martini?”

  “Sounds great.”

  She watched him mix the drink with ease and pour them into a couple glasses, complete with green olives on a toothpick.

  He handed the glass to her. “Enjoy. It’s my specialty.”

  Sophie took a sip and let the liquid slide down her throat. “This is delicious. Is there anything you don’t do well?”

  “Sing, so please don’t ask me to torture you or my neighbors that way.”

  She laughed. “I can’t sing either.” When her glass was empty he took it from her.

  “Care for another?”

  Aware of the growing desire for him, she thought it best to stop at one. At least for now. “Maybe later. So I’m curious, what would you like to do if you weren’t driving the cab?”

  Noah set their glasses on the counter and put his hands in his pockets. “I don’t really know. I never made a solid plan. I’ve been a go-with-the-flow kind of guy.”

  “Do you regret that?”

  “Not at all. You never know what’s going to be around the next corner. I guess that’s why I like driving. I could follow a map where the streets are all marked out, or I can take different streets and enjoy the adventure.” He paused and shook his head. “That probably sounded dumb.”

  “No. I like how carefree you are. I wish I could be with you. Err, like you. Carefree I mean.” Heat flushed her face.

  He stared at her long and hard, and she swore he was going to kiss her. She moved a half inch from the counter just in case he decided to follow through. Even the soft tick tick tick of the clock on the wall started to sound like kiss kiss kiss to her.

  Noah leaned in and she closed her eyes. She willed herself to not burp or hiccup at the same moment his lips made comment. What she hadn’t counted on was the untimely interruption of the telephone. Its loud incessant ring just about did her in.

  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled and reached past her. “I should grab that.”


  Noah answered in his thigh melting voice and paced from the kitchen to the dining room and back. As he talked, she took a moment to gather her composure. Th
at had been close and much as she wanted it, she didn’t have any business kissing another guy right now. The timing was all wrong and she was confused about the way she felt. Not about Kyle, but about Noah. She knew it wasn’t love – it was too soon for an emotion that involved and complex, but the desire to know the way he felt with his arms wrapped around her was strong. It scared her. Had she become so cold, unfeeling woman who could go through men like a disposable razor? Once they stopped working it was easier to toss and snag a new one?

  It surprised her that she hadn’t broken down yet. She’d had three long-term relationships prior to meeting Kyle, and each one had ended painfully with a few buckets worth of tears. Though never for very long. Sophie thought she’d gleaned enough experience to not get involved in another flop, but somewhere along the way she’d put her blinders on. Kyle’s infidelity didn’t even phase her, and to her that spoke volumes.

  How much had she really wanted to get married? She struggled with the question while she watched Noah walk back and forth. His legs were strong and he had a hell of a sexy gait. Maybe she’d been so infatuated with Mr. Steel Eyes that it had tempered her usual response to ending a relationship.

  Come midnight she was certain reality would hit her and she’d be feeling miserable, drowning her sorrows with one good shot of whiskey after another. Worst of all, she wouldn’t have a kiss at midnight.

  Since the age of sixteen, she’d always had a kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve. The fact she wouldn’t this time bothered her more than she cared to admit. It wasn’t about not being able to handle life without the proverbial boyfriend, but that she was single without wanting to be. Not that a kiss would solve all her problems, but it sure would feel nice. She’d never been alone in that small space of a moment where one year ended and a new one began, and the thought made her shudder.

  Sophie sat on the couch and ran her hand along the soft suede of the armrest. If only the phone hadn’t rung, she might’ve known what Noah tasted like. The softness of his lips against hers. The tickle of his hair against her face. And maybe those wicked images in her mind would play out.

  Noah joined her on the couch, sitting just a little further away than she cared for.


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