His Wish

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His Wish Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  We have to walk down the stairs since my place doesn’t have an elevator. It’s an older building but it’s all that I could afford. We make it outside and Arlo holds the car door open for me. We head to a place down in the French quarter and we sit outside on the balcony so that we can listen to the street musicians across the street.

  We both order the burgers and we sit outside in the warm fall weather and talk as we wait for our food to be ready. I find out that Arlo was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He’s always liked computers and he’s double majoring here at Tulane University. He already has a job, has in fact been working for a software company for the last couple of years. He tells me about how he designs and creates new software and apps and how he also does internet security.

  I tell him about growing up in Arkansas and going to community college there for the last two years while I saved up money to afford to come to Tulane. I’m a junior, while he’s a senior, and I’m an English major. I want to be a writer and Arlo listens while I tell him about some ideas for stories that I have.

  We talk about our families, his still live in Baton Rouge, and mine are in Little Rock. We are both only kids and we both love our parents very much. He tells me his favorite food is pot roast and mine is salmon. We both have a sweet tooth and his favorite candy is peanut butter m&m’s whereas mine is sour gummy worms.

  We spend hours sitting out on that balcony, talking. It feels natural and easy being with Arlo and I like getting to know him. He pays the bill and helps me down the stairs and back to his car. We drive home and talk about music and how I’m liking Tulane on the way back to my place.

  Arlo walks me to my door, and I wonder if he’s going to kiss me goodnight. I unlock the front door and turn back to him.

  “I had a really great time tonight.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He says.

  We both shuffle and I realize we’re both debating if we should make a move. I giggle quietly before I step into him, turning my face up to meet him. He takes the hint and I watch him gulp before he leans down and meets me halfway.

  His lips are warm and firm on mine and I moan as his lips mold to mine. The kiss is over before I’m ready and I pout as Arlo pulls away from me. He smiles shyly down at me, clearing his throat as I take a step back.

  “Goodnight, Arlo.” I whisper.

  “Goodnight, Briar.” He whispers back.

  He waits until I’m inside before he walks away, and I lock the door behind me before I collapse back onto bed with a smile on my face. My lips tingle as I run my fingers over them and I squeal as I roll over in bed and fall asleep with a smile on my face and fantasies of Arlo and me playing out in my mind.

  Chapter Five


  I set up my stuff in astronomy class, digging out the bag of sour gummy worms that I bought for Briar this morning. I wonder if it’s coming off as desperate that I’m bringing her favorite candy the day after she told me it was her favorite. I grabbed her a tea again today too and I place that next to the bag of candy.

  Briar comes into the classroom a couple of minutes later and any doubts I had about getting her the candy evaporates when I see how her face lights up at the sight of the gummy worms. She smiles over at me as she sets her stuff down and takes the seat next to me.

  She opens the bag and pops one in her mouth before she offers some to me. I take one and smile back at her as we chew the sour candy.

  “Thanks, Arlo. This was really sweet of you.”

  “It was no problem.” I say as the professor walks in and starts class.

  We sit next to each other, taking notes and eating sour gummy worms throughout the entire class. The professor talks a little more about the group assignment at the end of the class and then dismisses us.

  “We should start working on our project soon.” She says as she packs up her things.

  We had already talked about what we were going to do and we’ll have to spend a couple of weekends or nights camping to get all the data that we’ll need for this project. I’m looking forward to sleeping out with Briar.

  “We can camp on my roof. It’s high enough that we’ll be able to get some good views of the stars.”

  “Ok, that works with me. Saturday night?” She asks.

  “Yeah, sounds good.”

  We walk out of class and I walk Briar to her English class. We talk more about the project and the supplies that we’ll need as we walk across campus. I walk her to the classroom door before we say goodbye. I tell her that I’ll text her before I head back to my place. I have to get some work done and I grab a sandwich before I head home and get to work.

  I get lost in my computer programming for hours before I finally come up for air. It’s dark out and I check the time to see that I had been working for six hours. It’s time for dinner and I already know that I don’t have anything in the fridge. I need to go grocery shopping but I’m too tired to do it tonight. I’m just picking up my phone to order some food when my phone starts to buzz.

  Briar’s name flashes across the screen and my heart skips a beat as I slide my finger across the screen and answer the call.


  “Arlo? I’m so sorry for calling so late.”

  “It’s no problem. What’s up?” I ask, getting concerned at the panic I can hear in her voice.

  “I’m really sorry to ask this, it’s just that I don’t know anyone else here really and I didn’t have anyone else to call.”

  “You can ask me anything, Briar.” I try to assure her.

  “My apartment building has bugs and it’s being fumigated for the next couple of days. Do you think that there’s any way that I can crash on your couch for a couple of days? I know it’s probably a huge inconvenience, but I really can’t afford a hotel right now.”

  “It’s no problem, Briar. I’d love to have you here and you don’t have to sleep on the couch. I have a guest room that you can use.”

  “Oh gosh, Arlo. Thank you so much. Thank you so, so, much! You’re a lifesaver.”

  “Do you need help moving your things over here?”

  “I’m just going to grab a couple changes of clothes so I should be able to get it.”

  “I’ll come help you anyways. You shouldn’t be walking around at night by yourself. I’ll drive over and be there in a couple of minutes.”

  “Thanks, Arlo.”

  “Anytime.” I say before I hang up and grab my car keys.

  Having Briar with me for the next couple of days sounds like heaven and I smile as I drive

  over to her place.

  Chapter Six


  Arlo knocks on my apartment door ten minutes later and I smile as I swing the door open and usher him in. My place isn’t much and I can’t believe that they have to fumigate it, especially so close to the semester starting.

  When they told me about having to find a new place to stay for a couple of days, I panicked. It had only been a week and I hadn’t really met anyone that I felt comfortable asking to let me crash with them. Then I thought of Arlo.

  To be honest, the idea of spending the next couple of days with Arlo sounds amazing. I like spending time with him and I’m excited to get to spend more time with him. I wonder if something will happen between us these next couple of days.

  Arlo walks into my place and gives me a quick hug before he walks over to my bags that are packed and sitting on top of the futon. He easily lifts them before he turns back to me.

  “Are you sure this is all you want to take with you?” He asks.

  “Yeah. They said that it was only going to be for a couple of days.”

  “Ok, and then you’re going to spend the weekend at my place too so that we can work on our project, right?”

  “Oh, right.” I say as I go over what I packed.

  I sigh as I head over to my small dresser and grab a couple more change of clothes, stuffing them into one of the bags. I look around my place one more time before I try to grab one of my
bags out of Arlo’s hands. He doesn’t let them go though and we end up having some weird tug of war with the strap.

  “I got it, Briar.” He says as he starts to walk towards the door.

  I smile as I follow him out the door. He waits in the hallway while I lock the door and then leads the way out to his car. His black Audi is waiting at the curb and he throws the bags in the back before he hurries over to get the passenger door for me.

  He asks if I’m hungry and we decide on some pizza place that’s on the way to his house for dinner. I order it on my phone, and he runs in to grab it while I wait in the car. He hands the pizza boxes over to me and slips behind the wheel, driving the short way back to his apartment. He parks in the parking garage and opens my door before he grabs my bags and leads me inside. We ride up to the top floor and I wonder what his apartment will look like while we ride in silence.

  The doors open to a hallway and I follow Arlo to the left and wait while he unlocks his door. He pushes the door open and ushers me inside. I walk in and set the pizza down on the counter while I look around at his place.

  He lives in the Black Pearl District, only a couple of blocks from the Tulane University campus. It’s a nice part of New Orleans and his building is far nicer than mine. His apartment is also bigger than mine and I spend the next couple of minutes looking around his living room and kitchen. His place is pretty bare and is decorated like a typical man’s place.

  He has a big leather sectional that divides the kitchen from the living room. A flat screen tv is mounted on the wall with a dark blue tv stand underneath. There’s an Xbox and tv console sitting on top. A blue and grey rug covers part of the hardwood floor in the living room.

  The kitchen is pretty much the same. Just a blender and coffee make on the counter. There’s several wood and metal bar stools tucked under the kitchen counter but that’s it. Aside from some pictures of his family hanging on the walls, this place looks pretty empty.

  “I’ll set your bags in the guest room.” He says before he heads down the hallway towards the back of the apartment.

  I follow him down the hallway and into the guest room. It’s pretty simple with just a queen size bed and a dresser. He sets my bags on the bed and turns back to face me.

  “There’s a bathroom through that door and I’m right down the hall.”

  I nod before we head back down the hallway and back into the kitchen. He hands me a plate and we each grab some pizza before we take a seat at the counter. He asks me how my classes have been going as we eat. We polish off most of the pizza before we’re both stuffed. We move over to the couch then and turn on the tv, flipping through channels until we land on some nature show. We spend the rest of the night talking until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.

  I must have dozed off on the couch because the next thing I know, it’s morning and I’m waking up sprawled next to a sleeping Arlo. He looks so boyish with his face smooshed into the smooth leather. I have to leave soon to get to class but I can spend a couple more minutes watching Arlo.

  His phone starts to vibrate, and I watch as Arlo blinks his blue eyes open, turning off his alarm. He stretches, his eyes sliding over me while he yawns before his eyes snap back to mine. He sits up suddenly, wiping his face off and straightening his shirt as he stands up off the couch.

  “Are you hungry?” He asks and I smile.

  “I could eat.”

  Chapter Seven


  I drove Briar and I to campus yesterday but since it was Tuesday, we didn’t share any classes or see each other. She had texted me when she got out and I drove back to pick her up. She had offered to just walk home but it was late, and I don’t like the idea of her walking around by herself at night. Besides, I like spending as much time as possible with Briar so picking her up isn’t a hardship.

  We didn’t stay up late last night, so she slept in the guest room. It’s Wednesday and our first-class today is astrology and it’s nice walking to class with her. We stop at the campus coffee shop on our way and I get Briar her tea and some pastry thing and a coffee for myself. She smiles at me as we exit and head to the science building.

  It feels like she’s walking closer to me than usual, but I shake it off. It’s probably all in my head. I have no experience with girls, and I’ve been trying to figure out how she feels about me since we met. I mean she gave me her phone number and we went out to dinner, so she has to feel something for me, right?

  Then, I remember how on the phone she kept saying that I’m her only friend at this new school and I wonder if maybe she only sees me as a friend. My heart sinks at the idea of Briar putting me in the friend zone. I just wish that she would give me a definitive sign one way or the other.

  Briar squeezes my arm and I jerk out of my thoughts to see that we’re standing outside of the science building. I must have been so lost in my thoughts that I stopped walking.

  “Are you ok?” She asks with concern written across her face.

  “Yeah, just tired today, I guess.”

  She frowns but seems appeased when I take a big gulp of my coffee. She tries to reach for the door, but I sidestep her and pull it open, ushering her past me. I follow her down the hallway and into the astrology classroom, taking my usual seat beside her. We still have a couple of minutes until class starts and we talk about what to have for dinner as we wait.

  Briar’s phone starts to ring, and I watch as she excuses herself and walks outside the classroom door. She comes back right as class is starting and slides in next to me with a smile on her face. She leans over in her seat and whispers, “That was my landlord. He said I’ll be able to come back tomorrow night. I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”

  She smiles at me as she opens her laptop and starts to take notes. I stare at the whiteboard as I try to process the news. I mean I knew that she was only staying until her apartment was safe again, but I guess over the last two days I forgot that she wasn’t staying forever. I frown as I think about not waking up and having her there anymore. Maybe I could convince her to stay longer. Afterall, she’ll be coming back on Saturday so she might as well just stay Friday night at my place too. I wonder if I could convince her that her place wasn’t safe and that she should just move in with me?

  I don’t take a single note that class and I still don’t have a solid plan by the time the professor dismisses us. I wait while Briar packs up her things and grab her tea cup and my coffee cup, tossing them as we walk out of class. I walk her across campus to her English class and she stops outside the door.

  “Are you sure you’re ok?” She asks, trying to feel my forehead. “You’re being awfully quiet today.” She says skeptically as she frowns at me.

  “Yeah, I’m alright.”

  “Are you not sleeping well because I’m there?” She asks hesitantly.

  “NO!” I blurt out. I don’t want her to think that I don’t love having her around me, crashing with me, because the truth is that I love having her in my space.

  She doesn’t look convinced and I tug her into a hug before I can second guess myself.

  “I love having you at my place. I was just thinking that you shouldn’t go back to your place tomorrow.” I say, putting the idea out there.

  “Cause I’m going to be at your place on Saturday?” She asks, looking up at me.

  No, because I love you and never want to spend a second away from you.

  “Yeah. Doesn’t make much sense when you’ll be back the next day.” I say instead.

  “Are you sure that you don’t mind?” She asks, still looking uncertain.

  “Not at all.”

  She smiles at me then and my chest warms as I see the happiness in her eyes.

  “Ok, if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Her class is about to start and the last of the students rush in. Briar looks over her shoulder into the classroom before she sucks in a deep breath and turns back to me. She leans up on her tip toes quick and the next thing I k
now, her lips are on my cheek. It’s a featherlight kiss, there and gone in a second, but it still happened.

  Briar smiles, a pink blush covering her cheeks as she turns and walks inside her classroom. I stand frozen outside for far longer than I should as my mind tries to process what happened. I want to burn this moment into my brain so that I can always remember every detail.

  I mean, that had to be a sign, right?

  Chapter Eight


  I can’t believe that I just kissed Arlo. I know it was only on the cheek but still. I don’t do things like that. I just couldn’t help myself after he had hugged me, and I had looked up into his face.

  I can’t believe that he wants me to stay with him longer. When he had first said that he wanted me to stay with him I had hoped that he meant forever but then I realized that he probably just meant he wanted me to stay until after we camped and worked on our project this weekend.

  My heart had sunk when I said until this weekend and he had agreed. I like Arlo. He’s so sweet and smart. I wish that he liked me too. I know we only just met but I guess that I’ve already been fantasizing about our future together. It seems fast but there’s just something about Arlo that clicks with me.

  My English class ends, and I make my way to my last class of the day. I know that Arlo will pick me up afterwards and we’ll go home and make dinner together before we both work on homework or Arlo’s computer programming on the couch, side by side. We’ll snuggle into his couch after and watch some tv before bed and it sounds like heaven, but I want more now.

  I sit through my last class and try to figure out how I could take this to the next level. The problem is that I don’t have a lot of experience in this department. Well, actually, no experience. I’m nervous that I’ll do something wrong. The only thing that makes me feel even a little better is that Arlo seems to be just as inexperienced as me.


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