What She Wants

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What She Wants Page 2

by Jenna Byrnes

  “Oh my God!” Lisa’s face drained of color and her heart skipped a beat. She picked up Brian’s shirt from the floor and flicked him. “You better not have said that!”

  “I didn’t! I didn’t!” He ran for the bathroom, laughing and dodging her make-shift whip. He climbed in the shower and slammed the door shut between them. Brian pressed his face against the smoky-colored shower acrylic and grinned. “I just told him you caught a glimpse of his shlong and you were salivating all night long.”

  “Brian!” She wiggled the shower door but he held it shut.

  He turned on the water and proceeded to ignore her.

  Lisa stomped from the bathroom and scooped up his clothes, tossing them into the hamper. It was hard to know what Brian had really said. He and Rod talked about sex, like most guys. Sometimes he brought home snippets of the conversations. It’d always seemed like harmless fun.

  She stood in front of the mirror and stared while thoughts raced through her mind. Is what I’m considering harmless? Is Brian thinking the same thing, or did I misread his comment on the phone? And just as important, What are Kathy and Rod going to say if someone broaches the subject of swinging?

  The shower stopped and Brian came into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. He used a second one to dry off, and when Lisa looked at him, he cocked it like a weapon. “I’m armed this time. A wet towel’s going to hurt worse than my shirt did.”

  She raised her hands, feigning a stick up. “I’m not armed. Just nervous, babe. You made a comment about swinging earlier, and it shocked the hell out of me.”

  “Aw, come on. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about fucking Rod since you saw him last night. I know you, Lisa.” He scrubbed the towel through his closely cropped hair, which had darkened a little over the years but was still more blond than brown.

  She stepped closer to him. “I love you, Brian. I’ve never thought about cheating on you.”

  He lowered the towel and his impish grin faded. “Who said anything about cheating? If it’s a consensual thing, then it’s all in fun.”

  “So you’d…Kathy?” She couldn’t say the word.

  “If she agreed, yeah. Kathy and I would go in one room and fuck. You and Rod could have the dining room table.”

  “Brian.” She swatted his shoulder, but left her hand there. “Can you cut it out for a minute? This is big time, grown up stuff. I need to know you’re being serious with me.”

  He pulled her body next to his and held her tight. He spoke softly into her ear. “Look, Lisa. I’d never thought about this, either. Sure, I’ve looked at other women, but never actually thought of doing anything. I’m the happiest guy in the world when it comes to sex. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. But I saw your face last night and I’ll admit your excitement turned me on. I’d consider swinging with the neighbors, as long as we both agree our relationship comes first. And if either of us wants to stop at any point, then we stop.”

  Lisa couldn’t pull away to look in his eyes. She replied into his ear, “What do you think Rod and Kathy will say?”

  “Rod’ll say,’ let’s do it.’ He’s a horndog from way back. Kathy, I’m not so sure about. She seems open to suggestions. You know her better than I do.”

  She bit her lip. “I’m not sure. She’s always thought you were cute.”

  “Really?” He pulled back, eyebrows waggling.

  She smacked his shoulder again. “But this is a big step. If they’re shocked at the idea, it could ruin our friendship.”

  “It could.” He nodded. “Somehow, I don’t think it will. We’ve been through a lot together over the years.”

  “So, what should we do?”

  “What should you do, you mean. This is on you, baby. I’ll be there to back you up, but you have to open the discussion. They might be surprised, because everyone considers you the quiet one of the group. But who knows what they’ll think? I’d suggest plying them with lots of wine first. It can’t hurt.”

  “Thanks a bunch.” She rolled her eyes and walked away so he could get dressed. The conversation made her pussy damp, and she could tell by Brian’s semi-erection he was getting aroused, too. If she stayed in the room much longer, they’d already have fucked by the time they reached the neighbors’ house. Lisa wanted to wait. She had a feeling this might very well be worth waiting for.

  * * * *

  Lisa moved around the room, refilling everyone’s wine glass. The men were in recliners with their feet up. She and Kathy had taken the sofa. She placed the empty bottle on the coffee table and returned to the couch while Kathy finished her story.

  “So this couple is looking for a house with a pool and a hot tub, for under two hundred grand. I told them for that price, they’d probably have to pick one or the other. The guy tells me with a straight face, ‘That’s a tough one, because sometimes she likes to do it in warm water, and sometimes cool’. Then he looks at his wife and says, ‘What’ll it be honey? Hot or cold screwing?’” Kathy laughed and sipped her wine. “I acted offended, but I was howling on the inside.”

  Everyone chuckled. Lisa swirled the wine around in her glass, definitely liking the direction the conversation had taken. The time felt right. The pizza was history and so were two bottles of wine. Their hosts were sufficiently loosened up. I have to play this cool. “What are you going to do about them?”

  Kathy shrugged. “I’ll give them a couple of days, call them back with some places to look at. They like me. It’ll be fine.”

  “What’s not to like?” Brian raised his glass in toast to her then glanced at Lisa, giving her a slight nod.

  Lisa inhaled before blurting out her opening line. “Hey, I’m sorry about interrupting you guys last night.”

  “What?” Kathy blinked innocently.

  “You know, when I came over for a cup of sugar and spotted you doing the horizontal mamba on the dining room table.”

  Brian feigned confusion. “I thought you told me they were doing it doggy-style.”

  Rod pointed a finger. “Doggy-style is definitely one of Kathy’s favorite positions. But you didn’t interrupt us. I never knew you were there. Hell, you should have knocked.”

  “Rod!” Kathy batted her eyes.

  Lisa studied her old friend for a moment. She knew Kathy well, and at that moment, she could tell the woman wasn’t as embarrassed as she acted.

  “It looked pretty hot.”

  “Got her juices flowing,” Brian piped up.

  Kathy’s eyes narrowed. “In all these years, you two have never talked like this. I mean, Lisa and I have talked about sex. I’m sure you guys brag every morning if you ‘got some’ the night before. But we’ve never talked about sex like this.”

  Lisa reached out and squeezed her friend’s arm. “Stop me if I’m overstepping my bounds. I just got really turned on after I saw you, and Brian got fired up when he realized how I felt. We started talking.” She could tell Kathy wasn’t following her, and squeezed her arm again. “We’d never do anything to damage our friendship. Or his and my relationship. Brian and I are really happy together. We just thought adding another dimension might spice things up.”

  Kathy looked at her. “You want to watch us have sex?”

  Both men chuckled and Rod spoke first. “I don’t think they want to watch, babe.” He focused his gaze on Lisa. “You’re talking about swinging, right?”

  “Maybe.” Her uncertainty returned with his intense stare.

  “Yes, she is.” Brian nodded. “It’s not like we’ve been planning this or anything. It just sort of happened last night. But if you two hate the idea, or it’s just too over the top, then let’s get drunk and forget this conversation ever happened.”

  Rod raised his eyebrows. “I don’t hate the idea. Banging another chick with my wife’s blessing? What’s to hate?”

  “Rod!” Kathy said again, but the objection didn’t seem strong as before. She cocked her head sideways. “I thought you were happy with me.”

  “Of course
I am. I’ve been thrilled with you all our life together. Like what they were saying. They’re happy, but swinging might add a little something to their relationship.”

  “Swinging,” Kathy repeated. She looked at Brian. “So you and I . . . ?”

  He smiled. “If you like.”

  Rod kicked the footrest down on his recliner. “Well, I’m not fucking him. So I guess that leaves you, Kath.”

  Brian grinned. “We experimented some back in high school, remember?”

  “That was a long time ago.” Rod shifted in his chair uncomfortably.

  “Aw, come on,” Brian teased. “It wasn’t all bad. A good blowjob is a good blowjob, man. Never say never.”

  “Fuck you.” Rod stood and adjusted the waistband of his jeans.

  Lisa smiled at her husband. He’d always been less homophobic than a lot of men. She wasn’t surprised to hear he’d experimented with guys, and wouldn’t be shocked if he wanted to try some gay action again. Only if I get to watch. She recalled Rod’s huge cock and smiled. Maybe, if this swinging thing worked out, she and Brian could convince Rod to give ménage a try. They’d work on him together. In more ways than one.

  “So, wha’daya think, babe?” Rod looked at Kathy. “I’m game if you are, but only if you are.”

  The suddenly timid brunette glanced around the room. “I don’t know.”

  Lisa nodded, trying not to let her disappointment show. She said, “We’re both on the pill, and we’re all clean. So that’s not an issue.”

  “Still, it’s a big decision.” Kathy seemed to think a while longer, before a wicked grin spread across her face. “You know, deciding which of us gets the master bedroom and who takes the guest room. The master has silk sheets.”

  Nervous laughter rippled through the room. No one seemed to have any idea what to do next. Lisa squirmed.

  “We’ll take the guest room.” Rod nodded to Lisa. “I think we can manage without the silk.” He moved to the doorway and looked back, pointedly waiting for her.

  She and Brian stood at the same time. He cupped her neck with one hand and pulled her face to his for a kiss. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you, too. I guess I’ll see you later.”

  “Damn right you will.” He winked and let her go.

  Lisa smiled at the man who’d been the center of her world for the past twelve years. Nervous anticipation buzzed through her as she followed her fantasy man, of the last few hours, to the guest room.

  Chapter Three

  Lisa glanced around the nautical-themed guest room like she was seeing it for the first time. Little red and blue lighthouse statues on the dresser matched various wall hangings. She’d always found the room attractive. Now it felt intimidating as she looked at it in a different light.

  Rod picked up several red, decorative pillows and tossed them into a chair. He pulled back the deep blue coverlet and glanced at Lisa. “Kinda weird, huh?”

  “Yeah.” She swallowed her nervousness. She’d started the whole kink-fest and intended to see it through. “It’ll be fine. We should get undressed.”

  “Light on or off?” he asked thoughtfully.

  She smiled and stripped her blouse over her head. “On. I’ve already seen . . . .” She motioned to him. “So you might as well see me.”

  “My pleasure.” Rod licked his lips and watched her bare her breasts. “Holy mama!”

  Lisa laughed. She noticed a visible twitch in his jeans. “Get busy over there,” she teased, ready to see his monster cock up close and personal.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He peeled off his shirt and his socks then kicked out of his jeans and briefs. The erection she’d spied the night before was back at half mast, looking tasty as ever.

  “Jesus.” Her voice came out breathy. She quickly finished undressing and shoved her clothes into the corner. Eyes back on the prize, she murmured, “Can I?”

  Rod chuckled. “You can do whatever you want, sugar. You don’t even have to ask.”

  The air was warm but her nipples puckered anyway. She hoped there were towels nearby; her pussy would be gushing before long. Lisa dropped to her knees in front of Rod and inhaled the musky scent of him.

  A groan escaped his lips before she’d even touched him. He fumbled for the dresser at his back and leaned against it for support.

  A flick of her tongue against his slit, and the cock sprang fully to attention. She admired the shaft, which had to be at least eleven inches, and as thick as a fine salami. “Damn, you’re huge! Ever hurt anyone with that thing?”

  “Hurt so good. So, are you going to kneel there looking all night, or are you going to suck it?”

  “Just admiring. Patience is a virtue, you know.” She licked a slow, wet stroke from base to tip.

  Rod thrust his hips at her. “Yeah, well I might have patience our next time together. This time, I’m hot for you, sugar.”

  Lisa felt the same. Teasing and seduction techniques were great, but not what they needed at the moment. She growled with desire and drew as much of the thick shaft as she could into her mouth.

  “Oh, yeah!” Rod thrust in and out.

  She clasped his thighs and tried to deep-throat the meaty offering, but it was impossible. So she sucked and licked the half she could manage until Rod’s writhing nearly bucked her off.

  He reached down, slipping his hands under her arms, and helped her stand. “Your mouth feels great, but I need to fuck. You with me?”

  “With you,” she repeated, panting for breath.

  He pressed his lips against hers and they kissed.

  Lisa opened her mouth and let his searching tongue in. He tasted like wine and something minty. A heady mix when combined with the musky taste of his cock and the dribbles of pre-cum she’d sampled. Her tongue battled his and the kiss lingered until she felt sure neither of them could stand much more.

  Rod pulled back. “Bed okay? Or did you want something different?”

  She fondled his erection and told him, “I want you on the bed, on your back. I’ve been fantasizing about impaling myself on this beauty.”

  He winced. “That’s a tough way to take it, if you’re not used to the size.”

  With a squeeze to his shaft she smiled. “I want to enjoy every inch. If I can’t handle it, we’ll switch.”

  “Whatever you say, sugar.” Rod climbed onto the bed and laid flat, his head raised, watching her eye his heavy shaft. “You want a little foreplay?”

  Lisa shook her head and crawled between his legs. Anticipation had done the job of preparing her. Her pussy squished as she reached his cock. She couldn’t resist one last lick to the bulbous, purple head before she climbed astride him. The tip of the slit nudged her pussy lips, and she shuddered.

  He smiled. “Ooh, nice and wet already. I like that.”

  She pressed on his flat stomach and lowered herself slowly. The first half of his shaft slid in without resistance. Lisa fought back tingles of an orgasm threatening to engulf her immediately. “I like…this.” She sighed and wriggled herself down a few more inches.

  Rod closed his eyes. “Mmm, yeah. Your cunt feels like molten lava surrounding me. Hot and wet. That’s it, baby, take it all. I wanna feel your pretty little ass slap against my balls.” He reached up and cupped her breasts, squeezing them lightly, tweaking her nipples.

  Three-quarters of the way down his shaft, Lisa froze. Desperate to engulf the whole thing, she paused because shards of pain, bitter as glass, nipped at her when she tried to go further. “I can’t,” she said, disappointed.

  Rod leaned forward and grasped her hips. “Take it easy, sugar. It’s our first time. Your body will adapt. I told you, this position’s the hardest. Let’s swap. You’ll be surprised.”

  She nodded eagerly and climbed off his pole with a slick plop. They scrambled to change places and soon she lay flat on her back, watching him impale her.

  “Yes!” she gasped as he drove in deep. He’s right, of course. He knew his body better than she did. She
was too anxious—too hungry to experience it all.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned when he thrust into her. Deep. Oh, God, so deep. The sensation of him filling her overwhelmed her, and she could barely remain coherent. Her body adapted, as he’d suggested, sucking him in each time he thrust. When his heavy balls slapped her ass, she nearly lost it.

  He’s all the way in! Secretly, she’d wondered if her body would ever accept the huge beast. A thrill ran through her as she pictured their coupling in her mind.

  Rod leaned forward, nipping at her neck and earlobe.

  Lisa captured his mouth in a kiss, and their tongues darted back and forth for precious long moments.

  He leaned up and whispered, “Listen.” He froze.

  She held her position and cocked her head. Sounds of ecstasy filtered in from the other bedroom. She heard Brian’s panting grunts, and small, shrill cries from Kathy. Obviously they were both coming. Lisa’s clit throbbed and her pussy gushed. “Oh, God!”

  Hearing their lovemaking sent her over the edge. She came with powerful shudders, a climax so intense it seemed she might melt into a puddle and slip away.

  Rod growled in her ear and brought her focus back to reality. “Damn, that was hot. You got off hearing them, didn’t you?”

  “What if I did?” She panted, slightly defensive about the kinky side to her personality unfolding.

  He chuckled. “Nothing bad. It was fucking hot, that’s all. Next time, maybe we should stay in the same room.”

  The first waves of another orgasm niggled at her as she mulled over the possibilities. What if they had an orgy? A pile of bodies making love, in one sweaty heap. Would Kathy and I…? Would Rod let Brian touch him? She imagined her husband sucking their neighbor’s long cock and nearly erupted. When she put herself in the picture, licking and sucking the prick right next to him, she came.

  “Yeah, baby!” Rod fucked her harder and her body convulsed. He tensed and twitched, then gave a low, satisfied groan.


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