Fool Me Once

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Fool Me Once Page 8

by Brittany Crowley

  “Look at the adorable baby, isn’t she beautiful and no way easy to give a talking to?”

  “Come here, baby girl. Come see mamaw.” George puts Hazel on the ground, and she books it for my mom. Even though she can be a complete pain in my ass, she has a special bond with Hazel.

  It was silly to think I could dodge my mom all day. A mere two hours later she corners me in the kitchen. At least I was able to finish off my food.

  “Jennifer Locke is engaged to a lovely investment banker.”

  “Good for Jennifer and the investment banker.”

  “I’m not saying anything…”


  “But, you haven’t dated anyone since before Hazel was born. Would it be so horrible if you settled down and met a nice man that could take care of you two? I ran into Tuck the other day at the grocery store, and he told me he’s been trying to set you up with one of his friend’s. Why don’t you give him a chance?”

  “In case you didn’t notice, I can take care of us just fine.”

  “I know you can, but I’m more worried about companionship. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a partner to raise Hazel with, someone to support you if you’re having a bad day?”

  “That’s what I have you for.” I shrug my shoulders.


  “Mom, can’t you just accept that I’m happy?”

  “I would if I thought you were. There are choices out there, the world is your oyster.”

  “Yeah, well he didn’t choose us. Did you think I wanted to be a single mom? No, but here I am giving that little girl the best life I can. So please, get off my back about finding a husband.”

  Mom walks up to me and wipes a tear under my eye I didn’t know had leaked out. Truth, sometimes I get lonely, feel the pull of needing a man in my bed, but I don’t have the time, nor do I have the willpower to give my heart to someone else to have it shattered. Three years, that’s how long I’ve waited, hoping Carter would come back into our lives and realize he made a huge mistake. Three years of wishing for a fairytale I’ll never get back. If that’s somehow turned me into a skeptic on relationships so be it. I have my daughter, and she’s all I’ll ever need.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I’m not ready, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready.”

  “Okay.” My mother smiles with tears in her eyes. “I’ll stop bringing it up.”

  “Until one of your friend’s kids gets engaged.”

  “I have to keep you on your toes.”

  I pull her in for a hug and hold her tight. My mom can be a pain in the ass, but she’s been there for me since Hazel entered this world. She was in the delivery room as my biggest cheerleader, and I know she only has my best interest at heart.

  “Enough of this, how about we spend the afternoon in the pool?”

  “You’re going swimming?” I eye her skeptically.

  “Well, when in Rome. I finally bit the bullet and bought one of those old lady bathing suits and I don’t want to hear a peep out of you about it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll look beautiful in it. Let me run to the car and grab our suits.”


  With our belly’s full and the both of us completely exhausted, Hazel and I pack up and head back home awhile after dinner ended. I have work in the morning, and she has daycare.

  We wave to my mom and George standing on their front steps as we pull out of their driveway. When I turn on the street, I chuckle because Hazel’s so spaced out I anticipate she’ll be passed out in no time.

  I’m about a mile from the store when my car starts going haywire. I pull off to the side of the road thinking my engine fell out, but when I look, I see it’s just a flat tire. I’d like to say I’m a self-empowered woman who can do her own oil changes and change tires… but I’m not. I pay people for it and don’t know the first thing about the inner workings of an automobile.

  I pull out my cell phone and dial my mom’s number. As I’m about to hit send, my battery dies. “Well shit.” I put the charger from my car in the store a week ago and never replaced it. I’m kicking myself in the ass for that now. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration thankful Hazel’s carriage is in the trunk. We’ll have to walk to the store and call my mom from there.

  The stroller is halfway out of my trunk when a white truck pulls up behind us. I have a moment of panic thinking about all those movies I’ve seen or stories on the news about the naïve women on the side of the road that gets abducted by someone masquerading as a white knight.

  I’m about to grab Hazel’s soccer ball to whip at the intruder just in case when a familiar face comes into view. What are the odds that Nate would be on the same backroad when my car gets a flat?

  “Everything alright?” he questions approaching me.

  “Thank God, I thought you were a psycho about to abduct me.”

  “Are you easy to abduct?”

  “Not by a long shot.”

  He laughs, “Noted. Are you all right?”

  “No, I have a flat.”

  He comes around and crouches low to the ground, checking out my tire. He’s wearing a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt with sleeves that have been cut off. For the first time, I see the tattoos that have been hidden under fabric every time I’ve seen him prior. Intricate art circles around one of his biceps stopping at his elbow and the other arm is adorned with a Celtic cross. Damn, Nate’s the complete opposite of the men I’ve gone for before. When he squats checking out my tire, his shorts showcase his muscular calves and thighs straining against the fabric. Who would have thought calves could be sexy? His arms are just as delicious as I remember them being this morning, but I seemed to have missed how broad his shoulders are. The shirt strains across his back, and it’s not because of the position he’s in, it’s all him. I find myself wondering if he has any ink across his gorgeous back, maybe in other places that are hidden. God, how have I not noticed how attractive Nate is? It probably has something to do with trying to brush him off every time I run into him. Whenever we’re together, he asks for a date. How can I decline a date if I’m blatantly checking him out? Clearly, I’ve been doing myself a disservice.

  Also, I feel like he’s been talking to my mother. Getting pointers on how to win a date with Lexi Kile, because he’s wearing a backward hat. I know that’s a teen thing, but I freaking love a man in a backward hat. Can you argue that when you think about Luke Bryan in a hat? I rest my case.

  From his side profile, I can see a strong, chiseled jaw with a few days’ worth of stubble and a dimple in his cheek. The dimple I now see straight on because he’s looking at me with a big old grin on his face.

  Was I seriously that oblivious whenever Nate’s been around? What’s worse is he now knows I’ve been giving him a look-see. I turn away, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks. It’s almost dark with the sun currently setting, but I’m sure if I can see all of his features that he can see mine. God, I’m so out of practice with men I don’t know how to act.

  Wasn’t I just a few hours ago telling my mom I don’t want a man? Yet here I am wondering where he’d take me on our first date.

  “The good news is it doesn’t look like anything’s damaged. I can throw your donut on, and you should be able to make it home. I can follow you home to put you at ease.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that. I’m going to walk Hazel up to my store, it’s only a mile or so. I’ll call my mom to come pick me up when I get there.”

  His smile lights the night sky, and I’m praying the sudden darkness will hide the blush in my cheeks. “Are you scared to be around me, Lex?” Nate stands up and walks towards me.

  “No, I’m not scared of you. You think you have a bigger effect on me than you do.” I stare at him unwilling to back down.

  “We’ll see about that. I’ll have you out of here in no time. Why don’t you go get your girl out of the car and sit in my truck.”

  I go to ask why but he anticipates my question. “In case s
omething goes wrong. I’d rather her not be in the car in case the jack gives out.”

  “Oh, of course.” I walk towards him, and he moves to realize Hazel’s on the same side as the flat. I’m bent over for about five seconds when I realize if he’s still checking out the tire, my ass will be smack dab in his face. I discreetly look over my shoulder and see him rummaging through the trunk on a mission to start the tire changing process. I’m thankful there was no need to be self-conscious.

  “Come on, baby girl. Let’s go in Nate’s truck while he fixes our car.” I prop Hazel on my hip and walk to the back of my car where Nate grins at her.

  “What’s going on little H? Have you been putting a good word in for me?” She does her little girl giggle, and I continue on and sit in the passenger seat of his truck with Hazel in my lap.

  I really wish my phone weren’t dead, so I could take some videos of Nate changing my tire. I could probably stream them online and make a small fortune. The way his muscles shift beneath his skin with every turn of some weird looking tool…man. Thank God he left his car on and the AC cranking.

  It’s not much longer when he opens our door and says he’s all done. He walks with me back to my car to show me the donut he was talking about earlier. If you ask me it’s such a weird name for a tire. I thought it was called a spare.

  “Thank you so much. I really appreciate you helping us out.”

  “You see Lex, this is a part of my master plan. I’ll wear you down until you agree to that date I’ve been wanting.”

  “You’re relentless.” I can’t fight a smile.

  He laughs, “How would you like to meet me for lunch tomorrow?”

  “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to pass.”

  Nate looks at me then looks into me. You know that look when people seem to be peering into your soul? That and I’m almost certain he sees the reason why I’m not agreeing to a date, and the fact that he’s starting to wear me down.

  “Alright, Lex. I’ll follow you home to make sure you get there safely.”

  I nod my head and send another thank you his way for changing my tire. After I put Hazel in the car, I stand back up from my hunched position and find Nate standing with his hip propped against his truck. Totally checking out my ass.

  “I meant what I said Lexi, I’ll be seeing you around.”

  I nod again unable to say anything, because really, what is there to say? I’m going to have to think of other reasons to give this guy if he continues pursuing me. An excuse. That’s laughable when everything inside me is screaming to say yes. I feel like for the first time I was able to truly see Nate.

  I haven’t felt this way in a long time after meeting a man. Not since Carter.

  And that’s the precise reason why I need to stay away from him.

  Chapter 15

  Hazel wiggles in my mom’s arms trying to wave her hands at me as I drive off down the road. It’s so hard to be away from her for a night, I can count how many times she’s had a sleepover at mamaws on one hand. However tonight, it’s worth it. Amanda called me this morning begging for a girls’ night aka a guy bashing sesh. It looks like she finally got rid of her idiot boyfriend she’s been with for the past six months. It’s been a long time coming, and I jumped at the chance to come out tonight and get the scoop.

  I rub the palm of my hand down my bare leg as I drive into town. I don’t know why I dressed up so much, it’s not like I have anyone to impress. Sometimes it’s nice to get all dolled up even if it’s just for me. It makes me remember I’m more than just a mom and that I can still be myself.

  “Finally! I’ve been drinking all by myself over here,” Amanda yells when I approach her stool at the bar.

  There are two things wrong here. One, Amanda isn’t a heavy drinker, and she has about five shot glasses in front of her. She usually sticks with a fruity drink and limits herself to two or three for the night. Two, she’s extremely high brow, okay we’ll call it snobby. She’s everything this little town exudes starting with wealth and ending in opulence. Yet here she sits at the bar wearing a plaid shirt and skinny jeans. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen my best friend wearing pants, I don’t think I ever have. She’s a girly girl and loves to show off the latest fashions from some of the biggest designers. Usually, they don’t involve something as manly as pants. Her words, not mine.

  “Who are you and where’s Amanda?”

  “Funny. This is an anti-Chester party, and I decided to be the complete opposite of what he likes.”

  “A lumberjack?”

  “Exactly. How about you wear that pretty pink number I bought you last week Mandy.” She drops her voice mimicking her ex. “Fuck off Chester, I don’t want to look like your mother. I swear Lex, he was molding me into his mom, pearls and all. How sick is that? He must have a mommy fetish.”

  A few people around the bar chuckle and I have to stifle my own. I don’t think she realizes how ridiculous she sounds or that this is a small town and news travels fast.

  “Okay, why don’t we move to our own table way in the back. You don’t want everyone knowing about your relationship.”

  “Ex-relationship.” She raises a finger correcting me but lets me pull her off the stool. I gesture to the bartender that we’ll be at a table and he nods to me.

  A half hour later I still haven’t gotten the whole sordid details on the breakup. She keeps telling me about Chester’s mom fetish and how she caught him wearing her heels on more than one occasion. I suppose that would be a little weird for me as well.

  “Enough about my drama.” She’s slurring less since I’ve switched her to water when we changed seats. “Tell me about you, anything new? How’s my Hazel baby?”

  “She’s great. Why don’t you come by some night this week for dinner?”

  “Loves it!” Oh lord, I cringe, not as sober as I thought.

  I look around the bar trying to see what crowd’s been drawn in tonight and catch a set of baby blue’s that I’ve seen over and over in my head these past two weeks. Eyes so sincere and full of mischief that I’ve regretted turning them down for a date.

  “Hottie alert, and Lex…” She kicks me under the table. “I think he’s looking at you.”

  “I know he’s looking at me,” I mumble and look away as my cheeks flame red.

  “Oh, oh! Who is he? Tell me, tell me, tell me!”

  Christ. “Nate helped me out when I got a flat, that’s all.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Well, he may have asked me on a date, and I politely declined.”

  “Declined that? Wait, is this Nate?” she yells across the bar.

  “Christ, yes. I don’t have time for a boyfriend, you of all people know how crazy my life is.”

  “I do, and that also means I know it’s been…” She looks around. “Over three years since you’ve fucked someone.” Amanda thinks she whispers the last part, but it comes out louder than her usual level. “Who said you had to make a boyfriend out of him?”

  “I can’t do that,” I actually whisper trying to demonstrate the art.

  I wish I were the type of person that could sleep with a guy then go my own way afterward. I’m not programmed like that. There are always strings attached to sex for me.

  “Evening, ladies.” Nate’s smooth as silk voice hits me in all the right places. Namely my vagina. I blame it on Amanda bringing up sex, it’s messed with my brain.

  “Hello there. I don’t think we’ve met.” Amanda awkwardly reaches out her hand for Nate and shakes it excitedly.

  “Nice to meet you.” Then he turns to me. “Lexi. We have to stop meeting like this.”

  “I know, what are the odds?”

  He takes a seat next to me and rests his arm along the back of the booth behind my shoulders. The proximity is overwhelming and Christ, his smell engulfs me and makes me want to bathe my sheets in his scent and sleep surrounded by his aroma.

  “So, Nate is it? How do you know my Lexi here?” She winks at me like
she's sly. I fight bringing my hands to my face out of the stress that’s barreling into me. Amanda’s very outspoken and shoots from the hip. Add being drunk and God knows what will fly out of her mouth.

  “I’ve been trying to get your friend to go out with me for what is it Lex? Over six months now?”

  “That’s a long time to wait around for someone,” Amanda states. “Maybe… stalker long.” She cocks an eyebrow, and I don’t fight the urge to cover my face with my hands this time.

  “Sometimes you know the wait will be worth the reward.”

  Oh. My. God. “Nate helped me change a flat a few weeks ago,” I blurt out, taking our conversation to something lighter.

  “Oh, you’re good with your hands.” She makes sure to give me a pointed look.

  “I like to think so.”

  A large warm hand lands on my bare skin, just above my knee, causing me to jump. Nate leans into my personal space and places his lips beside my ear. “Is this okay? I can back off, just say the word.”

  After taking a deep breath, I say nothing. I should absolutely tell Nate to remove his hand, but it feels too good.

  “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” Amanda gets up, and I try to get out of the booth to help her. “Oh no, stay. I’ll be right back.” She reaches out both hands to halt me.

  “Smooth,” Nate chuckles.

  “Like butter,” I chuckle and turn to face him.

  “Damn, your gorgeous.”

  “Laying it on thick tonight?”

  “This is me holding back Lex.”

  I look him over and don’t bother hiding it. He knows I’m checking him out and I feel the gratitude when he squeezes my leg. Tonight, he’s wearing a pair of denim jeans and a black t-shirt. It’s so simple, but he makes it look anything but. He forgoes his backward hat tonight, but I have a huge appreciation for his hair that’s on display. Sandy brown hair slightly curled over his ears, and I’m really digging the length. I usually go for a cleaner look on a man. Close haircuts with no facial hair. Nate’s the opposite with his five o’clock shadow and lengthy hair, but I couldn’t care less. He rocks the look, and I have a new-found love for the rugged man look he pulls off effortlessly.


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