by Carl P. LaVO
Christie, Ralph, 38
Chung, Margaret, 113–14
Chuyo (Japan), 83
Clarey, Bernard A. (“Chick”), 161; complex personality of, 162–63
Clark, James S., 60
Clinton, Bill, xi, xii–xiii
Cochino (SS-345), 144
Coco Solo Naval Base (Panama), 33–34, 39, 40–41
Cod (SS-224), 181
ComSubPac, 60, 98, 146
Coolidge, Calvin, 1, 2
Cuba, 153
Cutter, Slade, 9, 31, 75
Dalton, John H., xi
Darter (SS-227), 99
Davidson, John, 140
Dogfish (SS-350), 132–33
Donnelly, William, 84, 95–96
Doolittle, James, 133–34
Dornin, Robert (“Dusty”), 111
Duncan, Charles K., 172
Duncan, Max, 20, 80, 88, 89, 105, 113, 119, 131, 179; assumption of Lanier’s executive officer (XO) duties, 96; socializing of, 114
Duncan, Trilby, 113, 115
East China Sea, 100
Easton, Jay Alan, 66
Edwards, “Shorty,” 78, 113
Elliman, Russell, 77
Escolar (SS-294), 99
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 18
Felt, Don, 150
Fife, James, 144
Flocke, Jorge (later George Fluckey), 3
Fluckey, Barbara Ann (daughter of GF and Marjorie), 27, 29, 97–98, 139, 149; awareness of her mother’s diabetic condition, 44; description of her parents’ house in Sintra, 168–69; marriage of, 159; time spent with her father during teen years, 145
Fluckey, Gene, xi–xiii, 132–33, 166, 178, 181; address to enlisted men at dedication of Fluckey Hall, 179–80; appraisal of the Cochino disaster, 144; award of the Navy Cross and other medals to, 1, 90, 99; “calculated risk” theory of, 107; as commander of the Sperry, 146; cross-country trip to Mare Island, 113; courtship and engagement of to Marjorie Gould, 22–23; dancing ability of, 156–57; decision of to apply for submarine duty, 28; diagnosis of with Alzheimer’s disease, 184, 185–86; as Distinguished Graduate of the Naval Academy, 184–85; earning of the Eagle Scout merit badge as an adult, 142–43; education of, 2, 5, 7; effect of the war on his personality, 95; expertise in writing patrol reports, 73; as flag secretary for Admiral Fife, 144; fundraising efforts of to build the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, 149–52; graduate studies in Annapolis, 42, 43; graduation from the Naval Academy, 16; graduation from submarine school, 33; influence of the Boy Scouts on, 4; injuries of, 24, 34–35; irritation of with JANAC decisions, 141; and the “Law of Contraries,” 97–98; marriage of to Marjorie Gould, 26; meeting with Gene Zukor, 149; meeting with President Roosevelt, 73–75; motto of, 165; as naval attaché to the American Embassy in Lisbon, 145–46; nomination of to the Naval Academy, 6–7; opinion of Africa’s emerging nations, 158–59; opinion of communism, 148, 165, 166; opinion of other naval officers concerning GF’s lack of promotion to vice admiral, 173; personality of, xv, 39, 173; precision of in tracking enemy ships, 119; presentation of the Medal of Honor to, 112–13; as president of the Naval Board of Inspection and Survey, 160–61; pride of in his crew, 129–20, 162, 163; promotions of, 29, 41, 44, 89; problem-solving nature of, 39; reorganization of Japanese orphanage, 147; as representative of all World War II veterans at the White House, 182; reputation of, 25, 164; at the reunion of Medal of Honor winners, 178; reunions of with crew of the Barb, 178–79, 181–82, 184; socializing of, 114; submarine training of, 30–32; success of as a submarine commander, 97–98; support for the use of rockets and missiles on submarines, 115–16, 147–48; travel to Russia, 180–81; tributes of for his crew, 129–30; various honors of, 182–83, 185; vision problems of, 11–14; weight loss of, 97; willingness of to bend the rules for his crew, 76. See also Fluckey, Gene, as commander (COMIBERLANT) of NATO’s IBERLANT forces; Fluckey, Gene, as personal aide to Admiral Nimitz; Fluckey, Gene, submarine duty of; Solant Amity (South Atlantic Friendship) II
Fluckey, Gene, as commander (COMIBERLANT) of NATO’s IBERLANT forces, xiii–xvi, 166–68, 173–74; commissioning of headquarters in spite of terrorist bombing, 172–73; completion of full staffing of new headquarters, 173; living quarters of in Sintra, Portugal, 167–69; objectives of as commander, 167; role of in the internal affairs of Portugal, 170; rush to finish the headquarters of IBERLANT, 171; terrorist attack on IBERLANT headquarters, 171–72
Fluckey, Gene, as personal aide to Admiral Nimitz, 134–35; demanding routine of, 135–36; effect of work routine on GF’s family life, 137–38; growing friendship between GF and Nimitz, 140
Fluckey, Gene, submarine duty of: aboard the Bonita, 39, 41; aboard the S-42, 33, 34, 36–37; as commander of the Halfbeak, 141, 144; as commander of the Navy’s Pacific submarine fleet, 161–66; as commander of Submarine Squadron Five, 146; duty of repairing new fleet submarines, 44–45. See also Barb (SS-220)
Fluckey, Isaac Newton (father of GF), 1, 6, 15, 16
Fluckey, Jim (brother of GF), 5, 9–10, 16, 18, 40; name change of, 17
Fluckey, Ken Newton (brother of GF), 5; name change of, 17
Fluckey, Louella Snowden (mother of GF), 1, 5–6; death of, 15–16
Fluckey, Lucy (sister of GF), 10–11, 15–16
Fluckey, Margaret (née Wallace [second wife of GF]), 177, 178; care of GF, 185–86; travel to Russia, 180–81
Fluckey, Marjorie (née Gould [first wife of GF]), 21, 30, 138–39, 147; concern of for the safety of GF, 41; death of, 177; diabetes of, 21–22, 26–27, 44, 88–89; social graces of, 161–62
Flying Tigers, 114
Flynn, Jack, 180
Formosa, 78, 100, 103
Formosa Strait, 101
Forrestal, James, 113; and plans for military unification, 133–34, 140–41
Fries, Stuart, 4
Fyfe, Jake, 58–59
Gambacorta, Frank, 17
Gates, Thomas S., 149, 152
Germershausen, William, 17, 21
Gibson, Richard, 92, 106
Gilligan, George N., 151
Glenn, John, 59, 183–84
Gokoku Maru (Japan), 91
Golet (SS-361), 60, 61, 72
Gould, Marjorie. See Fluckey, Marjorie (née Gould)
Grayback (SS-208), 52
Grayling (SS-209), 135
Greely, Adolphus W., 68
Greenwell, Phil, 1–2
Grenadier (SS-210), 43
Griffith, Walter, 75
Growler (SS-215), 78, 79, 82, 85, 86, 99
Grunion (SS-216), 43
Guantanamo Naval Base, 35
Guinn, Dick H., xiv, 171, 173
Gyokuyo Maru (Japan), 94
Haitan Straights, 103–4
Haiti, 35
Halbeak (SS-352), 141
Halsey, William F., 114, 117
Hardin, Wayne, 152
Hart, Charles Thomas, 32
Hatfield, Larry, 125, 127
Hatsuharu (Japan), 70–71
Hensel, Karl, 44, 49
Herring (SS-233), 60, 62; sinking of the Ishigaki, 63; sinking of by Japanese shore batteries, 67
Henzi, R. Michael, 164
Hiburi Maru (Japan), 67
Hokuyo Maru (Japan), 63
Holaday, William T., 7
Holland, 34
Hollaway, James L., Jr., 9
Hornet, 133
Hull, Harry, 116
Hussey, William B., 158
IBERLANT, xiii–xiv; bombing of, xvi
Idaho, 19
Ishigaki (Japan), 63
Iwaki Maru (Japan), 67
Japan, 19; naval bases of, 36; naval tactics of along the China coastline, 100–101; objection of to U.S. naval war games near Wake Island, 19–20. See also Manila (Philippines), attack on; Pearl Harbor, attack on; submarines (Japan)
Jinyo (Japan), 96
Joint Army Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC), 141–42
Kachidoko Maru (Japan), 85
Kamehameha, 165
; Karafuto, commando raid on, 125–28
Keane, Tom, 142–43
Kennedy, Edward M., 170
Kennedy, John F., 153
King, Ernest, 111, 113, 135; temper of, 136
Kirkpatrick, Charles, 75
Kito. See Sanji, Kitojima
Klakring, Thomas, 75
Koto Maru (Japan), 63, 65
Kurile Islands, 60, 61, 69
Lander, Tex, 90, 92, 93
Lanier, James G., 90, 98; heart attack of, 95–96
Lehman, John, 104, 106, 185
Lockwood, Charles A., 29, 51–52, 59–60, 98–99; astonishment of at superiority of Japanese and German submarines, 132; expectations of for Fluckey, 98; meeting of with GF and President Roosevelt, 73–75
London Naval Treaty (1930), 19
Long Beach, California, 18
Loughlin, Elliot, 76, 81, 93, 96
Lucker, Nick, 46
Luns, Joseph, 172
Luzon Island, 78
MacArthur, Douglas, 73–74
Madden, Charlie, 176–77
Madras Mura (Japan), 63–64
Maga, Herbert, 157
Majuro Naval Base (Marshall Islands), 88
Malaysia, 19
Manila (Philippines), attack on, 40
Mariannas, 55
Mariano G. Vallejo, 165
Mark 6 magnetic exploders, 42
Mark 14 torpedoes, 42; resolution of problems with, 51–52
Mark 27 torpedoes (“cuties”), 116
Mark 28 torpedoes, 116
Markuson, John, 127
McCorkle, F. D., 146
McCormick, 23; maneuvers of, 25, 27
McNitt, Robert W., 9, 46, 47–48, 53, 65, 75–76, 179; as Distinguished Graduate of the Naval Academy, 184–85; injury of, 80–81; navigational genius of in leading sea rescue of prisoners of war, 82, 84, 87; opinion of GF’s tactical capabilities, 72; transfer of to the Naval Postgraduate School, 90
Mendenhall, Corwin, 163
Midway Island, 99, 110
Miller, Don, 87, 180, 185
Mingo (SS-261), 178; later given to the Japanese and renamed the Kurashio, 178
missiles, 147–48
Mississippi, 19
Monroe, Paul, 55
Mount Vernon, 4
Murphy, Buell, 90
Murray, Stuart (“Sunshine”), 43
Nam Kwan Harbor: destruction of Japanese convoys in, 106–10; press accolades concerning, 116
Naruo Maru (Japan), 93
Narwal, 135
National Security Council, 141
nationalism, 153
Nautilus, 147; missile launching capability of, 147–48
Nevada, 16, 23; modernization of, 19
New Jersey, 146
New Mexico, 19
New York, 36
Newland, Larry, 125; actions of in raid on Karafuto, 126–27
Nimitz, Chester, 73–74, 114, 130, 134, 178; death of, 174; disagreement with Truman over use of the atomic bomb, 135; leadership qualities of, 136; love of cards and horseshoes, 140; military service of, 135; personal bravery of, 135; popularity of, 137; working relationship with Congress, 136–37
Noll, Thomas, 115
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), xiii–xiv, 154; response of to NATO/Warsaw Pact standoff, 167
Oakley, Ben, 78
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), 18
O’Kane, Richard H., 75, 113, 129, 178; number of Japanese ships sunk by, 141
Operation Torch, 45
Orange War Plan, 19
Pacific Fleet, 18, 19
Panama, 24, 34
Panama Canal, 34
Parche (SS-384), 113
Pearl Harbor, attack on, 40
Perch (SS-176), 43
Perth (Australia), 86
Peto (SS-266), 91
Picuda (SS-382), 91, 98, 100, 103
Pierce, George, 76
Pintado, 162–63
Plunger (A-1), 135
Plunger (SSN-595), 161, 163–64
Polaris missile system, 160–61, 162
Pompanito (SS-383), 78, 82, 85, 86
Portugal, xiii–xiv, 167–69; internal unrest in, 170; overthrow of dictatorship in, 176
Prickett, Robert, 17
prisoners of war, suffering of, 85–86
Prospective Commanding Officers’ (PCO) School, 44
Q-ships, 56
Queenfish (SS-393), 76, 78, 80, 91, 98, 100, 103; attack on carrier convoy, 96; attacks on enemy freighters, 81; mission of to rescue British and Australian prisoners, 82, 84–87
Quelpart Island, 95
Rakuyo Maru (Japan), 85
Ramage, Lawson, 113, 178
Reagan, Ronald, 114, 178, 184
Rebelo, Jose de Sa Viana, 172
Reeves, Joseph M., 19–20
Regulus missiles, 162
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 20, 112
Rossiter, Perceval S., 13–14
Royal Oak (Great Britain), 105
Sailfish (SS-192), 83
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 169; determination of to keep Portugal’s colonies, 170
Sanji, Kitojima, 65–66, 68, 72–73
Saratoga, 25–26
Saunders, Paul (“Swish”), 107, 108, 115, 124, 179; as member of commando unit, 125, 127
Scamp (SS-277), 99
Schweitzer, Albert, 155
Scorpion (SS-278), 52
Sculpin (SS-191), 51, 83, 162–63
Sealion II (SS-315), 78, 79, 82, 85
Seawolf (SS-197), 99
Sever, Neal, 92, 125, 126, 185
Shark (SS-174), 43
Shark II (SS-314), 99
Shepard, Ty, 103, 105
Shinyo Maru (Japan), 101–2
Sill, Fred, 173
Sintra (Portugal), 167–69
Skipjack, 135
Smedberg, William R., III, 149, 151, 152
Solant Amity (South Atlantic Friendship) I, 154
Solant Amity (South Atlantic Friendship) II, 152–59; in Dahomey, 157, 158; in Gambia, 158; in Madagascar, 155; mission of, 154; in the Seychelles, 156; in South Africa, 155; success of, 158; task force of, 154; in Togo, 158
sonar, 33
Soviet Union, 144, 166–67
Spadefish (SS-411), 91
Spiegel Grove, 154, 157
Staton, Adolphus, 4
Steelhead, 57
Steinhoff, J., 172
Stevenson, Bill, 64
Stotz, Margareth, 3
Stout, R. F., 145
Street, George L., III, 178
Submarine Wives’ Club, 112
submarines (Germany), 37, 38, 132
submarines (Japan), 132; I-class (Jensen-class), 38
submarines (United States): complexity of, 29, 30–31; dangers of, 28, 29, 31; differences between S-class and Fleet-type submarines, 33; effectiveness of, 129; Fleet-type, 32; Gato-class, 45; Greater Underwater Propulsion (GUPpies) submarines, 133; importance of teamwork in operating, 31–32; losses of during World War II, 99, 129; mortality rates among U.S. submariners, 75, 129; outdated tactics of older commanders, 43; S-class submarines, 33–34, 37, 42; type of individuals that served on, 29–30; V-class submarines, 37, 45
Sunfish (SS-282), 91
Swinburne, Edwin R., 76–77, 81; decision of to attack tanker convoy, 82–83
Taiyo Maru (Japan), 43
Taiwan. See Formosa
Takashima Maru (Japan), 70–71
Tang (SS-306), 99, 113, 129, 141
Teeters, Dave, 92, 106, 107, 113, 115, 179; ode of to GF, 175
Teeters, Phyllis, 113, 115
Terutsuki (Japan), 120–23
Thams, Neville B., 85–86, 176, 179
Thomas, Charles S., 148
Thorp, Sir John, 156
Thorp (Lady), 156
Thurber, H. R., 146
Tinosa (SS-191), 51
Tomaz, America, 172
Toten Maru (Japan), 70
Trout (SS-202), 52
Truman, Harry S., 135, 140
Tunny (SS-282), 76, 80, 148; damage to, 81
Tusk (SS-426), 144
U-47 (Germany), 105
ULTRA directives, 54
Underwood, Gordon, 96
United Nations, 141
Unyo (Japan), 83
U.S. Air Force, formation of, 133–34, 141
U.S. Army, 141
U.S. Naval Academy, 7–8; slang vocabulary of midshipmen, 8; summer training cruises of, 10; teaching methods at, 9
U.S. Naval Academy Athletic Association, 149
U.S. Naval Group China, 100–101
U.S. Navy, 141, 160–61; ballistic and cruise missiles of, 147–48, 160–61; concern of over its Pacific bases, 19; modernization of coal-burning battleships, 19. See also submarines (United States)
Vietnam War, 165, 166, 170
Virgin Islands, 35
Voge, Richard, 76
Wade, Gordon, 115
Waldschmidt, W. T., 36
Walker, William, Jr., 125, 127
Wallace, Margaret Eleanor. See Fluckey, Margaret (née Wallace)
Walsh, W. J., 135
Washington, George, 3
Waterman, John R., 45–47, 48–49, 50; joint command of with GF on the Barb, 54–58
Weaver, Everett (“Tuck”), 52, 54–55, 64, 83, 162, 163, 179; experiences aboard the S-30 submarine, 64, 98; opinion of GF, 61; reassignment of after nine war patrols, 98
Webster, James, 104, 105
Wilkes, John, 42
Williams, Franklin, 109, 115
Wright, E. Alvey, 166
Wyoming, 14–15, 36
Zabriskie, David, Jr., 60, 63, 67
Zukor, Gene, 149
About the Author
Carl LaVO, a native of California and graduate of the University of Florida, is the author of Back from the Deep: The Strange Story of the Sister Subs Squalus and Sculpin and Slade Cutter: Submarine Warrior, both published by the Naval Institute Press. He has contributed stories to Proceedings and Naval History, periodicals published by the institute, as well as to a variety of popular magazines. He appeared on the History Channel in 2001 in the four-part series Silent Service and the series Man, Moment and Machine in 2004. He resides in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with his wife Mary Anne, a photojournalist. They have a daughter, Genevieve, who is a studio artist and graphics designer.
LaVO is an experienced scuba diver who has explored many of the water-filled caverns and subterranean rivers of Florida, exceeding depths of two hundred feet. A childhood interest in the atomic submarine Nautilus and the book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne gave him a lifelong curiosity about the Silent Service and underseas exploration. In high school he was co-founder of the Merced Explorers, which mapped many of the limestone caves of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.