Moon Spell: Part One in the Tale of Lunarmorte

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Moon Spell: Part One in the Tale of Lunarmorte Page 23

by Samantha Young

  “Our parents asked Artemis to betroth us when we were kids. You were just a baby, a few months old, I was only ten.”

  “How is that possible?” Caia managed to whisper, a lump forming in her throat as she tried to process this news.

  He shrugged. “Back then we weren’t sure why She agreed but now we think perhaps it was because of Gaia. If you are the child from the prophecy then it stands to reason She wanted you protected. My father offered me to your father as an assurance that the pack would always protect you.”

  She understood now. “Because only a Pack Leader had that authority.”


  “It’s why you ran away,” she mumbled, everything making so much sense now, “When you were seventeen.”

  “Yes,” he whispered, “But I’ve accepted my responsibilities since then.” Responsibilities? She jerked as if he had hit her and he noticed. “No, Caia I didn’t mean-”

  “Stop.” She was suddenly desperate to be away from him, scrambling from the bed, tugging at the sheets to hide her body from him. “Don’t.”

  “Caia, please let me explain-”

  “Did you know? Did you know that sleeping with me would close the deal?”

  He groaned edging around the bed. “Caia, no I didn’t think-”

  “I swear to Artemis Lucien Líder if you come any closer to me I will kill you.”

  Perhaps it was the quiet stillness in her voice that stopped him in his steps. It was more cutting than any shrieking female.

  “Caia,” she heard the trembling anger in his voice and she looked up to meet his furious gaze. The silver in his eyes shone against the moonlight and she knew she was about to commence a miniature war with the Pack Leader. “It doesn’t matter now. You’re my mate. End of.”

  She scoffed and flashed daggers at him. “I don’t think so. Once again you lied to me, and there isn’t even an excuse for it. Does the rest of the pack know about this?”

  He shook his head. “Only the Elders, Ryder, and now Sebastian.”

  “Sebastian?” And then she chuckled, an hysterical little laugh. “That’s what you were telling him today.”

  Lucien nodded. “I had to. He thinks he’s in love with you.”

  “And what, you think this apparent mating between you and I means that he’s not allowed to be?”

  Well that was the button. Lucien moved so fast she barely saw him until he had her caught up in his hands, his hand cupping her neck, holding her head back as if she were an offering. “Let’s get this straight,” he snarled. “I don’t care how angry you are with me, you are mine, Caia, and I will kill anyone who takes what’s mine.”

  She shivered but not from the cold. “I belong to no one,” she said bravely. “And I definitely don’t belong to you. How could I be with someone who doesn’t trust me? Who I can’t trust?”

  He pushed her away as if he was disgusted and stepped back from her. “You’ve had a shock; you’re not thinking clearly. We’ll discuss this in the morning.”

  Caia didn’t say anything. She didn’t think she could, she was on the precipice of launching herself at him, claws unleashed. Her breath fell rapidly, waiting as he silently left the room, and then she collapsed onto her bed.

  How could this be? She shook her head and winced at the spot of blood on her bedclothes. Her blood.

  Blinking back sudden exhaustion, Caia looked away. Tonight, he was supposed to have been her comfort, her safe place, and that’s why she had given herself to him without thought, without hesitation. And the way he had looked at her, as if she were the only thing worthwhile in this world.

  Lucien may have come to terms with their parents taking away their choice when they were children. He may even want her for real now. But he wanted her on his terms, and the more and more he kept things from her, important things that concerned not only the pack but this entire war, the more and more he made her feel like a pawn. And she wasn’t a pawn.

  With that she tore away from the bed and clambered out of her bedroom window. The change burned out her exhaustion and soothed her jangling nerves as she rushed into the woods with renewed energy. She found the clearing where she and Lucien had first played together, and stood strong gazing up at the moon, the scents of the night fluttering up her snout and spreading through her body like rightness. She knew Lucien would hear her howl but she didn’t care. She trusted at least that he would leave her in peace for the moment. After howling her heart out, Caia sighed inwardly and padded around in a circle, back and forth, around and around, her mind whirling. What she needed to do was be in on finding Jaeden. She couldn’t just let others do what they could whilst she stayed back home twiddling her thumbs like the little Mrs. Ha! She snorted at that, and bared her canines instinctively. Bastard, she whined.

  No, what she needed was to find out where Ethan was, and to do that she needed to connect to him again. She glanced back through the woods towards the house. Unfortunately that meant returning to the scene of the ‘crime’ - her bed. She needed to sleep, and she needed to hope that in her dreams, Ethan would inadvertently lead her to her friend.

  24 - Resolve

  “She sounds impressive, Marion,” Vanne mused begrudgingly, his eyes turning to his wife for agreement. Marion waited. If anyone thought Marion was hard to impress they hadn’t met her sister. Marita was probably the least, easiest person to please in the Coven. That proved intolerable at times, considering she was the Head of it.

  Sometimes Marion thanked Gaia for sending a magik with Vanne’s stubborn patience to deal with her. Her gaze flickered over him for a moment too long.


  She looked away as Marita held her husband’s gaze, the connection between them evident. Marita nodded. “Somewhat, yes.”

  Sighing, Marion reached for her coffee, and then eased back into the huge sofa that faced its twin on which Vanne lounged casually. As per usual Marita acted the diva queen, perched primly on a reproduction Louis XIV chair at the head of the coffee table. Her sister’s home was an amusing clash of tastes – Vanne’s rustic cosiness and Marita’s stern elegance.

  “I said I would return to the pack as soon as I could. With Jaeden’s kidnapping I’m sure Ethan’s closing in. Perhaps reinforcements?” She queried casually.

  Marita sniffed, “If what you say is true then surely Caia will sense the Midnight’s attack before it happens. Reinforcements will be sent then. For now, we are struggling to deal with infighting in Italy over territory between the largest packs in the North, a potential rogue Daylight magik in Caithness, and we’ve received Intel that there is a planned attack against the Król’s.”

  Marion’s mouth fell open. “The New York Król’s?”

  Vanne nodded, his lips pressed thin with tension. The Król’s were one of the largest vampyre covens in the United States and a highly respected, powerful member of Daylight. That the Midnight’s would even contemplate such a direct attack reinforced their fears that the war was picking up speed again.

  “I see,” she sighed wearily. “I will return with Saffron then, and continue my training with Caia, hoping for the best that her heritage pulls through in time to save the pack. I think perhaps I will-”

  Marita made this humming noise at the back of her throat which warned Marion she was after something. She stopped talking and waited for her sister to speak.

  Marita smiled appreciatively. “I was just thinking.”

  “Yes?” She and Vanne drawled at the same time.

  “Well, I understand that Caia will wish to stay with the pack until this business with her friend is concluded. However, I think it would be best for the Coven if Caia is brought back here to continue her training.”

  Marion shook her head. “I don’t know about that, Marita. Cai-”

  “Here me out,” her sister interrupted impatiently. “If Caia is going to be this important in the war it stands to reason that she should be brought to the Centre, where she can benefit from our best magik’s training.�

  “What are you saying? That I am incapable of training her?”

  Her sister seemed to realise her insult and actually blanched. “Goddess, no sister. I wouldn’t have allowed you to be Caia’s protector all this time if I hadn’t thought you were the best. I merely meant that she should be with those who share her magikal abilities; and with those who are heading this damn war against the Midnights. What’s the use of having a weapon at our disposal if it’s not at our disposal?”

  Vanne cleared his throat and straightened. “I agree with Marita, Marion. The girl should be brought back here.”

  “The girl,” Marion replied between clenched teeth, “Is as much a lykan as she is a magik.”

  “So.” Her sister shrugged. “We have plenty of lykans at the Centre. And vampyres and faeries. Caia should become acquainted with her allies if she is to help lead us to victory.”

  Although Marion could understand her logic, it grated that her sister was happy to forget that the girl in question was exactly that - a being with thoughts and feelings, not merely a weapon at their disposal. If Marion’s suspicions of Caia’s magik were realised, her sister and husband better hope in Hades that Caia came down on their side of the war. Not that she sensed any darkness in Caia.

  The opposite in fact, which was comforting.

  However, this was not her argument against her sister’s proposition. “I think you’ve forgotten the part where Caia is mated to Pack Errante’s Alpha. I doubt he would be happy to have his mate carted across seas, out of his reach.”

  She smirked at their silence.

  “I see you had.”

  If she thought that was going to stop her sister she was wrong.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Marita shrugged. “It will be up to the girl. Explain to Caia our wishes, and explain all the benefits of her coming to us, to the Centre. We won’t force her-”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” Marion drew a breath. “That would be idiotic.”

  Her sister snapped back as if she had been slapped. “You forget yourself.”

  “I do not. You may be the Head of this coven but I am still your blood and I refuse to bend to you when you spew nonsense.”

  She barely listened to her sister rail at her about insubordination and yaddah yaddah yaddah. Vanne yawned. As sisters, with only a year between them they had been arguing from the crib.

  “Marita,” Marion cut her off mid spewing. “Calm yourself, and remember how delicate this situation with Caia is. I will return to the pack and to Caia’s training, and I will offer her the Centre as an option. But if she refuses and wishes to stay with the pack and with Lucien, then that will be her will. With her tracing magik she can fight a war against the Midnights from any location.”

  Her sister glared at her, looked to her husband to see his expression, and then turned back with a regal nod. “Fine.”

  Marion smiled softly, and was about to reach for another sip of coffee when her sister said quietly but powerfully, “But weave your words with persuasion little sister. I want that girl here so I can see her capabilities for myself.”


  Caia groaned as soon as she entered the kitchen and was appraised by Ella and Irini. Their wide eyes travelled over her body and she flinched inwardly. She had forgotten that when two lykans mated, the other’s scent clung newly to their skin so that other lykans would know they had been claimed.

  She reeked of Lucien.

  “Morning,” she mumbled, her cheeks two bright red flags as she slid into a seat at the table.

  Ella cleared her throat, “I take it you know, then.”

  Caia nodded and grasped for the orange juice without looking at either of them.

  “Lucien told us,” Irini explained quietly.

  “As if he would have had to.”

  They didn’t reply; just let her gulp at her juice.

  “He said you’re angry.” Ella prodded.

  Caia nodded her head in agreement, but refused to say more. She almost smiled at the tendrils of frustration that whispered out of mother and daughter.

  “He’s already called around the rest of the pack and explained the situation.”

  Orange juice flew everywhere.

  “He what?”

  Irini shrugged. “He had to. You wouldn’t believe some of the grumblings. They don’t like being left out of the loop.”

  “What?” Caia actually laughed at that as she jumped to her feet. “They don’t like being left out of the loop?” She shook her head at the audacity of it and strode out of the kitchen without another word. Hearing Irini’s chase she flicked her hand behind her shoulder, enjoying the sound of the kitchen door slamming closed and cutting off Irini’s trail.

  “Ugh!” She heard Irini’s shriek. “Damn her magik!”

  Caia did chuckle then, grabbing her bookbag and dashing out of the house. As she drove to school she managed to tame an anger that fought to rise. There was no time for anger. This morning she had awoken with one purpose, and that was to concentrate her all into saving Jaeden. Lucien needed to be tucked to the back of her brain and this whole mating fiasco thrown out of the window. She may be able to trust Lucien when it came to pack politics and maybe even this business with war, but she didn’t think she could hand over her heart into his safekeeping. The truth was, after she had fallen asleep last night, she had returned into her connection with Ethan. She could feel the house he was in, Jaeden in the basement below him; she could feel his frustration and anxiety over something, and the more he paced towards the doorway of the home, the closer the fingers of her trace reached for his location. She was close to finding him, she knew it. And with that certainty came the realisation that Marion was most probably right about her part in the war. Maybe not now, but soon Caia was going to be a frontline soldier, and love just didn’t come into that equation.

  No matter how good Lucien’s scent felt on her skin.

  “Caia.” Sebastian was at her side as soon as she stepped out of the car. He inhaled and then paled, his eyes flashing their hurt. “It’s true.”

  Damn, she had forgotten to expect this reaction. “No, it’s not.”

  His eyes widened and he glanced behind him to Mal and the others crowded around the SUV. By the lecherous smirk on Mal’s face, and the fury on Alexa’s, her scent had already drifted up wind to them and they knew the truth of what their parents had told them this morning.

  “But you smell like him,” Sebastian replied in confusion, his eyes full of hurt.

  “It was a mistake. And please don’t look at me like that.”

  “But you did...” he trailed off.

  Not wanting to go into the details of that with him, Caia shrugged past him, heading towards school. “Yes. I was upset OK, it just happened. I did not expect to find myself spiritually and fertilely bound to Lucien.”

  She sensed Sebastian’s smugness before he said, “I told him you’d be mad.”

  “Oh yeah, you already knew right. He warned you off.”

  “Sounds like you’re mad about that, too.”

  She winced at the hopefulness in his voice. How could he still want her even after she had been with Lucien? She sighed, “I’m just mad he told you before me.” Caia stopped and glared. “No, let’s rephrase that. I’m mad he didn’t even tell me.”

  “What does that mea-”

  “Forget it.” She blushed, realising that none of them knew that Lucien had to tell her because of the whole “sex=moon-glowing hands” thing. “I don’t want to talk about it. I’m trying to concentrate on getting Jaeden back.”

  Sebastian grabbed at her arm bringing her to a standstill again. “You have news?” He asked eagerly.

  She nodded, knowing her eyes emulated the eager hope in his. “I’m getting closer. I can feel it.”

  “What are you planning?”

  Caia didn’t hesitate. “When I find her I’m going after her. And you’re coming with me.”

  Sebastian grinned. “How are we going to do that?”<
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  She shrugged. “If I’m the one finding her I’m in a good position to make demands. Anyway Lucien owes me this.”

  Before he could say anything, the pack’s scents hit her. She turned slightly and saw them heading towards the two of them and braced herself. She was grateful for Sebastian who edged closer to her, offering her comfort and reinforcement. She just had to ignore the niggling possessiveness that still lingered in his emotions.

  “Well.” Mal grinned as the group reached them, his eyes full of mischief and laughter. “Go, Caia. I guess I’ve got to be extra respectful to you now.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “What?”

  “Hey, I’m not saying anything. I’m impressed. You got yours.”

  “I got mines?”

  Sebastian growled, sensing her tone. “Back off, Mal.”

  He just laughed and shook his head. “You need to watch yourself there, Sebby boy. There’s a difference between protecting the Alpha’s fêmea as we all should... and coveting her.”

  “The threat of Lucien’s wrath doesn’t seem to bother him.” Dana whistled. “How hot, Sebastian.”

  Caia blanched at the flush on Sebastian’s cheeks. “Leave him alone.”

  “Well,” Alexa spoke for the first time, her eyes spitting fire, “I guess we better do as she says.”

  The rest of the pack tittered and moved to pass them. “Whore,” the word whispered from Alexa’s spiteful mouth to find Caia’s ears. Sebastian bristled and she had to lay a hand on his chest to stop him going after the female.

  They stood in silence for a moment and then the bell for first period rang. Caia turned back to Sebastian, her eyes sad now. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to the pack’s temperament. Only yesterday Mal defended me against ‘them’ and now...”

  Sebastian snorted, “He may be obnoxious, but he’s not spiteful. He’s just having fun, enjoying us squirm a little. It’s Alexa and Dana I’d worry about.”

  “I’m not worried,” she said softly. “I have no intention of taking up my position beside Lucien.”

  “What?” Sebastian gasped, “Are you serious?”


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