Breaking the Ice

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Breaking the Ice Page 23

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘I only have two weeks left to worry about it then it’ll be closed. Although I’ll still worry about it obviously, wondering what it’s going to be turned into - you know - a car park, a department store, housing association flats,’ Samantha said, the images coming to mind.

  ‘Take the pills, have a shower and take your time. There’s cable TV here, might be some old films on, Judy Garland or Frank Sinatra or something equally appalling,’ Jimmy said with a smile.

  ‘Oh I don’t have time for TV or breakfast, but I do need a shower,’ Samantha said, remembering she had vomited the night before.

  ‘Well, just take your time - for me,’ Jimmy urged, stroking her cheek with his finger.

  ‘It sounds like you want to keep me here,’ Samantha remarked with a smile.

  ‘If only,’ Jimmy replied and he kissed her lips.

  ‘You’re going now?’ Samantha queried, holding his hand.

  ‘Yeah, I thought I’d try to speak to Nigel before any of the others get there,’ Jimmy spoke.

  ‘Well, wait for me, I’ll be two minutes in the shower,’ Samantha spoke, preparing to get out from under the covers.

  ‘No, it’s fine, you stay - have some breakfast,’ Jimmy urged her.

  ‘Why don’t you want me to leave? Something’s happened hasn’t it? You don’t want me to come with you for a reason. What’s happened? Tell me,’ Samantha begged, sensing something wasn’t right.

  Jimmy let out a sigh and stood up.

  ‘What is it Jimmy?’ Samantha wanted to know.

  ‘The press are outside the hotel. They know about last night and they’re asking questions. They know alcohol was found in my drink and that I’m out of the show. I don’t know how they know but they do and they’re here,’ Jimmy told her, looking at her and watching for her reaction.

  ‘Dana,’ Samantha said simply.

  ‘Probably. But it could have been any one of the other skaters. I’m sure the press pay quite highly for rumour like this,’ Jimmy continued.

  ‘So what does that mean?’ Samantha asked him.

  ‘Well, firstly it means they want to get a picture of me red-faced, red-eyed and inebriated. Secondly it means by the time the day is over the story will be all over the news and thirdly it means I don’t want to put you through that. That’s why I’m leaving now and I want you to stay here until I’m gone. They don’t know you, they don’t know you’re here with me and I want it to stay that way,’ Jimmy told her.

  ‘But you haven’t done anything wrong. How can they print something that you haven’t done?’ Samantha queried.

  ‘You must have read stuff like this, they print unconfirmed information all the time. I’m used to it, I don’t like it but I’m hardened to it. But the last thing I want is them finding out about you, trailing you, asking you questions,’ Jimmy said protectively.

  ‘They wouldn’t get any comment, I would probably hyperventilate and pass out,’ Samantha replied her chest contracting at the thought of it.

  ‘It isn’t usually like this Sam. I’m not so well known that paparazzi tail me around. It’s just gossip like this sells and people love to read about people making mistakes,’ Jimmy explained to her.

  ‘Will you be alright? I mean…’ Samantha began, feeling for him.

  ‘I’ll be fine, I’ve nothing to be ashamed of, nothing’s happened. I’ll just smile and be polite, get in my car and that will be that,’ Jimmy assured her.

  Samantha nodded.

  ‘So, have some breakfast, take a shower and I’ll see you at the hall in that sexy uniform,’ Jimmy said, smiling at her.

  ‘OK,’ Samantha replied meekly smiling back at him.

  ‘See you,’ Jimmy spoke and he kissed her mouth tenderly before heading to the door.

  ‘Jimmy,’ Samantha called to him.

  He turned around to look at her.

  ‘It will be alright won’t it?’ she asked.

  ‘Everything’s going to be fine - I promise,’ he responded cheerfully and he smiled again before leaving her alone in the room.

  Samantha hugged the duvet cover to her and then brought it to her nose to see if she could smell the scent of him. Her uneventful life had just become as eventful as anyone could handle. She smoothed her hand across the sheets as if she could feel the impression of him. She had spent the night with him, they had made love, they were in love. She had a boyfriend, someone who made her feel weak, someone who loved her for her, someone who hadn’t yet freaked out when she had a panic attack, someone who hadn’t run away when she had almost vomited all over him. It was real. The hall may have slipped out of her grasp but she had Jimmy and she was going to hang on tight to him.

  She had the breakfast Jimmy ordered for her and it made her smile. Blackberry tea and a tuna and mayonnaise bagel. She then took a long, hot shower, using all the free products there were and washing her hair twice to remove the smell of sick. As perfect as her night with Jimmy had been she would much rather have had clean hair. And she’d been wearing her comfy pants. They had been white in a previous life, but were now verging on grey. So much for fancy lingerie, it was no good when you’d had no warning that you might require it.

  An hour after Jimmy left her she arrived outside her front door. She had phoned Felicity from the hotel and told her she was going to be late. Her colleague wasn’t surprised at all as she had already seen Jimmy. Felicity’s voice had gone all silly and schoolgirl-like and Samantha could tell, although she didn’t know how, that she was winking. She kept asking if Samantha had had ‘an interesting evening’ and in the end it was all she could do to get her off the phone and back to picking up the box office calls that were going unanswered in the background.

  Samantha put her key in the front door and was just about to turn it and let herself in when it was flung open and Cleo appeared at the threshold, her hair wild, her face red and tears streaming from her eyes.

  She screamed out loud and grabbed Samantha roughly by the shoulders, pulling her into her embrace and squeezing her so hard that all the air was almost forced from her lungs.

  ‘She’s here Jeremy! She’s alive!’ Cleo yelled at the top of her voice, right into Samantha’s ear.

  Jeremy appeared from behind Cleo and smiled at Samantha.

  ‘See, I said she’d be fine. Been clubbing?’ Jeremy questioned cheerily.

  ‘What?’ Samantha asked as Cleo temporarily loosened her grip and she was able to take in some much needed oxygen.

  ‘God I’m so angry with you! I’ve been out of my mind with worry, get inside! I have to phone Mum and Dad or they’re going to be getting on a train,’ Cleo exclaimed, rushing into the house and dragging Samantha behind her.

  ‘I don’t understand, what’s happened?’ Samantha questioned oblivious to the reason for the fuss.

  ‘Did you hear that Jeremy? What’s happened?! She appears on the local news breaking into the council offices, she doesn’t come home all night and she asks what’s happened! I think you’d better start making some tea because I know I need one. I’ll be wanting brandy in mine - lots of it,’ Cleo spoke as she rushed into the lounge and picked up the phone.

  Samantha looked at Jeremy, bewildered by her sister’s reaction.

  ‘She’s been up all night, well we both have. She started ringing the hospitals just after one. I did tell her not to panic, but well, you know Cleo,’ Jeremy said, heading towards the kitchen.

  ‘Yeah, I know Cleo. Did she say I was on the local news?’ Samantha enquired as she followed him down the hallway.

  ‘Mmm, that’s what worried her more than anything. We were just about to put on a DVD and we caught the tail end of the local news and there you were, breaking into the council offices and then being bundled into a police car,’ Jeremy spoke as he put the kettle on to boil.

  ‘Oh,’ Samantha stated, thinking CCTV was a twenty first century curse.

  ‘So you can imagine, when you didn’t turn up, Cleo was concerned,’ Jeremy continued.

  ‘And sh
e phoned our parents, probably worrying them half to death,’ Samantha spoke.

  ‘Well she was running out of people to phone. She called the police station, she called the Civic Hall and she phoned the council - not that anyone was there and as I said, she’d already phoned the hospitals,’ Jeremy explained.

  ‘Honestly! Anyone would think that I hadn’t spent a night away from home before,’ Samantha exclaimed.

  ‘Well Cleo said you hadn’t,’ Jeremy replied.

  ‘Well Cleo doesn’t remember everything,’ Samantha remarked.

  Not wanting to hear any more she hurried out of the kitchen, back down the hall and started to climb the stairs.

  ‘And where d’you think you’re going?’ Cleo questioned, bounding out of the lounge and catching her sister halfway up the stairs.

  ‘To my bedroom, to get changed into my uniform. Have you seen the time? I’m late,’ Samantha answered, continuing on her way.

  ‘You’re not going anywhere until I’ve had an explanation,’ Cleo retorted and she began to mount the stairs in pursuit.

  ‘Have you turned into Mother? I’ve only been away one night. Don’t tell me you’ve taken up knitting too,’ Samantha asked, risking sarcasm.

  ‘I’m glad you think this is a joke Sam. I’ve been sat up all night, going out of my mind with worry. What’s been going on? You were arrested, it was on the tele for Christ’s sake. I want answers!’ Cleo yelled.

  ‘I wasn’t arrested, not really. I was just assisted in leaving the council offices that’s all,’ Samantha told her, opening her wardrobe door and getting out her uniform.

  ‘You smashed the front door with a mannequin for God’s sake! What were you doing there? Sam, this isn’t you! Mum and Dad had a fit when I told them, they were all for dashing down here last night,’ Cleo spoke, following Samantha around the room.

  ‘I can’t believe you called them! They are serial worriers at the best of times and you know Mum has high blood pressure. I’m twenty four years old remember, not twelve,’ Samantha said as she began to unbutton her top.

  ‘I was worried! You never stay out all night! Where have you been?’ Cleo demanded to know.

  ‘I spent the night with…’ Samantha began.

  ‘Oh my God! No! No, no, no! Please do not tell me that I’ve been sat up all night tearing my hair out, worrying you’re lying in a gutter somewhere, cold and unconscious and you’ve been, you’ve been - what have you been doing?’ Cleo questioned hysterically her hands waving about as if she were directing traffic.

  ‘Having sex,’ Samantha yelled at the top of her voice.

  Cleo yelped and put her hands to her ears to attempt to block out the words.

  ‘So, I wasn’t cold, or unconscious - well not unconscious the whole of the time - and I definitely wasn’t alone. So you can ring Mum and Dad again and tell them exactly where I’ve been if you like,’ Samantha replied as she put her polo shirt over her head.

  ‘Oh my God!’ Cleo stated, looking at her sister with wide eyes.

  ‘What?’ Samantha questioned, stepping into her A-line work skirt and doing up the zip.

  ‘You’re not joking are you? You’ve really done it, with Darren. Oh my God!’ Cleo exclaimed suddenly feeling the need to sit down.

  ‘Oh Cleo, you sound completely shocked. Did you really think I never would?’ Samantha enquired.

  ‘No, of course not. I just didn’t think it would be so soon. I mean, you said the other day that it was too soon. Christ! He didn’t force himself on you did he?’ Cleo questioned as she watched Samantha put her sweatshirt on over the top of her polo shirt.

  ‘No! Don’t be ridiculous! If anything, it was actually the other way round. I’d been drinking vodka, it seems to do wonders for your confidence,’ Samantha spoke.

  ‘What?! But you don’t drink. Functions and Christmas or maybe a glass of wine at a restaurant that’s all. Did you go to a restaurant?’ Cleo wanted to know.

  ‘No, half a bottle of vodka and some vomiting and it just happened,’ Samantha responded as she shut the wardrobe door.

  ‘Sam, what’s happened to you? Why are you being like this?’ Cleo quizzed not liking the answers she was getting to her questions.

  ‘Being like what?’ Samantha asked, looking at her sister.

  ‘Like this! All weird, like it’s you on the outside but someone else has taken over the inside. Like someone out of Alien,’ Cleo remarked.

  ‘A bit like you turning into Mum before my very eyes. I have to get to work,’ Samantha said, heading towards her bedroom door and escape.

  ‘You’re not going anywhere in this state,’ Cleo ordered, getting up and running to the door to block her sister’s exit.

  ‘I’m not in a state. So I’ve lost my job, I’ve been escorted off council premises by the police and I’ve had sex. For you that would be nothing more than a run of the mill weekend,’ Samantha replied, pulling the door handle and making Cleo have to move out of the way.

  ‘But not for you! That’s the whole point! That’s why I’m so worried, I need to know that you’re OK, that everything’s OK,’ Cleo spoke, chasing after her sister as Samantha prepared to go down the stairs.

  ‘If you mean did we use a condom then the answer is yes,’ Samantha replied.

  Cleo put her hands over her ears and continued to pursue her sister down the stairs.

  ‘Tea’s ready. And the Civic Hall’s on the news again. Apparently Jimmy Lloyd’s been booted off the ice show - fallen off the wagon again,’ Jeremy remarked as the women appeared in the hallway.

  ‘Let Cleo have my cup, she looks like she could do with two,’ Samantha stated as she walked toward the front door.

  ‘Sam! Please, don’t go like this, perhaps I overreacted a bit, but the concern is genuine. I worry about you and…’ Cleo began, hurrying down the hallway with her.

  ‘I’m fine, honestly. I’ll see you later, probably tea time, but don’t go calling the emergency services if I’m a bit late. Oh and perhaps no shagging on the kitchen table either just in case I’m early,’ Samantha remarked as she opened the front door.

  ‘Sam!’ Cleo called.

  ‘See you later,’ Samantha replied and she left the house, banging the door behind her.

  Once outside Samantha took a deep breath. There was so much going on in her mind she just didn’t have the capacity to deal with her sister’s anxieties. She really hadn’t considered Cleo might worry when she hadn’t come home. But then again, she hadn’t really thought about anything normal since the council meeting. Events had taken over and all she had been able to do was react to them. And yesterday she was just virginal Samantha Smith, today she was Jimmy Lloyd’s girlfriend.

  Twenty Two

  As she approached the Civic Hall the first thing Samantha saw were half a dozen reporters and photographers stood outside. They were talking amongst themselves, cameras slung around their necks and to her horror, Civic Hall cups and saucers in their hands.

  She hurriedly walked past them and entered the hall, heading for the box office. She was immediately relieved to see Felicity manning the desk and obviously busy on a call.

  Samantha gave her a smile and then went behind the counter to hang up her coat. However, before she could even get her arms out of the sleeves, Felicity appeared at her shoulder.

  ‘Is it true?’ she asked almost angrily.

  ‘Sorry?’ Samantha queried, turning to face her colleague.

  ‘Is it true the Civic Hall’s going to close in two weeks time?’ Felicity questioned.

  ‘Oh,’ Samantha stated her cheeks flaming.

  ‘So it is true! How long have you known? Why haven’t you told any of us?’ Felicity asked her.

  ‘I only found out yesterday. I was hoping to get the council to change their minds. That’s where I was last night - at the council meeting,’ Samantha replied hurriedly removing her coat and hanging it up.

  ‘You should have said something. Jane’s been in tears since she heard. I’ve had to ass
ign her to the kitchen so she isn’t weeping all over the customers,’ Felicity spoke as Samantha turned to go into her office.

  ‘But she hates working in the kitchen.’

  ‘I didn’t give her a choice. I told her I’d tell her mother where she goes on her day off and I said you’d cancel her holiday.’

  ‘Who told you?’ Samantha enquired.

  ‘One of those reporters out there. Most of them are here to take pictures of Jimmy, but not the reporter from the local paper, he was there to take pictures of the hall and he asked me to comment on the closure. It was embarrassing, I didn’t know what to say. Then Tony rings me up and tells me he’s heard the news so it’s gone from reporting room to switchboard in a matter of minutes and I don’t know a thing,’ Felicity continued.

  ‘Well, I’m sorry. I was trying to see if there was any way I could salvage things. I didn’t want to tell anyone until I’d exhausted all the options,’ Samantha spoke, realising that she sounded like a politician and not in a particularly good way.

  ‘And have you? Exhausted all the options?’ Felicity continued to question as she followed Samantha into her office.

  ‘I don’t know, probably. Have you seen Jimmy Lloyd?’ Samantha wanted to know, picking up the papers in her tray.

  ‘He was in the auditorium on the ice rink about twenty minutes ago when I went to check how the repair man was doing with the broken seat in row M. I found that this morning too,’ Felicity explained.

  ‘Look, Felicity, I’m doing my best here. I don’t want the hall to close any more than you do and I’m trying to think of a way round all this. I didn’t tell you because I thought I might be able to do something about the council’s decision. I couldn’t, I’m sorry,’ Samantha spoke a lump forming in her throat and tears springing to her eyes.


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