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Breaking the Ice

Page 28

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘Come on Gobby. Felicity didn’t mean to scare you, come on, come and eat,’ Samantha begged, banging the wooden spoon on the bowl again.

  There was a faint mew and then he appeared from behind the skip belonging to the furniture shop. He was limping even worse than usual and his coat looked very matted. He slowly skulked towards Samantha and she put the bowl down for him.

  ‘Oh Gobby, I was worried about you,’ she spoke as he began to eat slowly, with less conviction than normal.

  She stroked his back and he mewed with discomfort, looking at her with sorrowful eyes. She tickled his chin and he began to purr more happily. There was simply only one thing for it.

  Twenty Six

  ‘Ooooo what’s that? Is it a delivery? Is it for me? I’ve been in for ages and no one rang the bell! I was in the bath though, for about an hour. Who’s it for?’ Cleo exclaimed excitedly as Samantha staggered through the front door carrying a huge cardboard box.

  ‘Well, it’s kind of for both of us. But you have to make a promise before I let you see what’s inside,’ Samantha said as she walked down the hall and put the box on the kitchen table.

  ‘God is it illegal? You haven’t been getting that awful, smelly man in the hall again have you? You know, the one who tried to sell knock off DVD players. It isn’t a games console is it? Because you know I don’t like games like that - too many buttons to press at different times,’ Cleo said, following Samantha and looking at the box with intrigue.

  ‘No, it isn’t a games console. Now you have to promise not to scream and not to go mad at me,’ Samantha told her, holding tightly onto the lid of the box.

  ‘God what is it? Was it really expensive? Have you blown the whole week’s household bills budget on a treat? That isn’t like you, I remember you freaking out when I spent the electric money on a purse.’

  ‘Well, that was kind of ironic. Listen, promise me you won’t scream or freak out,’ Samantha demanded.

  ‘Alright, alright, I promise. Open the box! It’s a flat screen tele isn’t it, with Freeview and everything,’ Cleo said excitedly, jumping up and down and clapping her hands together.

  ‘No, but it’s an entertainment centre of sorts. Cleo, meet Gobolino - Gobby for short,’ Samantha announced as she let go of the box lid.

  Gobby popped up like a magician’s rabbit from a hat and let out a loud miaow. Then when he saw Cleo he hissed and leapt from the box, ran through Cleo’s legs and hid behind the pedal bin.

  ‘Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghh!’ Cleo shrieked at full volume.

  ‘Cleo! You promised! Don’t! You’ll frighten him!’ Samantha spoke, bending down on her hands and knees and trying to entice the cat out of the corner.

  ‘What the Hell is that?! Who does it belong to and what’s it doing here?’ Cleo demanded to know, fixing Gobby with one of her Darth Vader stares.

  ‘Well, he’s sort of mine, but we can share him. He’s very friendly, I think he’s house trained, well he’s used to the outdoors but he always pees in a corner and he only eats leftovers, so no expense on cat food,’ Samantha explained.

  ‘Oh no! That thing is not living here,’ Cleo said as Gobby continued to stare at her from behind the bin.

  ‘But he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. He’s been living on restaurant leftovers from the hall for the last six months and now the hall’s closing he doesn’t have anyone to look after him, except me. And Felicity hit him with a chair yesterday and he needs TLC, the vet said,’ Samantha said in her best persuading voice.

  ‘You took him to the vet. You paid for the vet to look at him? How much did that cost?’ Cleo asked, appalled.

  ‘Nothing, I gave the vet four tickets to the last night of the ice show, back row but he was grateful. Come on Gobby, come and meet Cleo, she’s not scary really,’ Samantha said as she picked Gobby up, cradled him in her arms and brought him over to her sister.

  ‘I do not want to touch it. Argh, don’t bring it any closer - it smells!’ Cleo said, creasing up her face and backing away from Gobby.

  ‘So does Jeremy but I don’t ban him from the house,’ Samantha remarked.

  ‘Is this cat a man substitute? Because if that’s what it is I don’t think it’s the right route to go down,’ Cleo spoke, watching as Samantha rubbed Gobby’s chin.

  ‘He isn’t a man substitute,’ Samantha replied.

  ‘I’m telling you now, if that thing so much as sniffs near my bedroom I’m going to sell it to the Chinese restaurant. It lives in your bedroom and it eats in the kitchen and you get a proper bowl for it and its own fork and you wash the bowl and fork up and not with our stuff, separately. And if it claws anything of mine and that includes the sofa it’s out the door,’ Cleo said firmly, still stepping back from Gobby as if he were a nuclear bomb about to go off.

  ‘Thanks Cleo,’ Samantha replied with a smile as Gobby licked her face.

  ‘I’m only doing this because I think you need company. Personally I would have chosen Connor, but if you really prefer an animal then so be it,’ Cleo answered.

  ‘One more promise,’ Samantha said, putting Gobby down and watching as he weaved in and out of the chair legs.

  ‘God! Isn’t letting him stay enough?’

  ‘Just promise me you won’t kill him like the budgie or make him bite you like the Yorkshire terrier,’ Samantha said.

  ‘What? What budgie? Our budgie? Tweety Pie?’


  ‘I didn’t kill him Sam. Mum left him out in the garden and next door’s tabby leapt up at the cage and frightened the life out of him. He died of shock. And as for the dog, well the vicious thing could have had my arm off,’ Cleo told her.

  ‘You were trying to put plaits in its hair,’ Samantha reminded.

  ‘Dogs like that are supposed to be groomed,’ Cleo replied defiantly.

  ‘Well Gobby doesn’t really go in for grooming and he doesn’t like mince either, so no trying to poison him,’ Samantha said, stroking Gobby’s back.

  The front door opened and Jeremy entered, kicking off his shoes and striding down the hallway towards the kitchen, briefcase in hand.

  ‘Hello, what’s this? Both of you together? Talking?’ Jeremy enquired as he dropped his case in the middle of the room and looked at the women.

  ‘Yes of course we are. The whole situation is forgotten and things are back to normal so you’d better honour your promise and book that Indian meal,’ Cleo told him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a wet kiss on his mouth.

  ‘Please, get a room,’ Samantha remarked, putting her hand over Gobby’s eyes.

  ‘Awww! Is that a cat? Awww, look at the little thing. Awww, look at its funny eye. Is he yours Sam? Can I hold him?’ Jeremy enquired, letting Cleo go as he caught sight of Gobby.

  ‘Yes of course. So, do you like pets Jeremy?’ Samantha asked as she passed Gobby over and Jeremy began to rock the cat in his arms like a baby, stroking his tummy and making cooing noises.

  ‘Not pets in general. Not keen on dogs, had goldfish when I was younger but they never lasted that long. Cats are a different matter though. I love cats. I had one until a couple of months ago, got run over. Poor Millie, she was Persian,’ Jeremy said a tear in his eye.

  ‘Oh Jeremy, that’s terrible, you never said,’ Cleo remarked, looking at her boyfriend with sympathy.

  ‘Well, I don’t like to talk about it, too upsetting. Awww, he’s a friendly thing isn’t he? What’s his name?’ Jeremy enquired as Gobby licked his fingers.

  ‘He’s called Gobby, aren’t you darling? Yes, little Gobby Wobby Woo,’ Cleo spoke quickly before Samantha had a chance and she began tickling Gobby and swooning over him.

  ‘Do you like cats Cleo?’ Jeremy asked.

  ‘Of course! What’s not to like?’ Cleo replied with a happy smile as she rubbed Gobby’s fur.

  Samantha smiled and then a sudden thought struck her and she looked at Jeremy and Cleo with suspicion.

  ‘Hang on a minute, neither of us let you i
n. Do you have keys?’ Samantha questioned Jeremy accusingly.

  ‘Well, er - shall I make us a cup of tea?’ Cleo suggested hurriedly.

  Later that evening Samantha introduced Gobby to her bedroom. He limped up onto the bed, made a nest in her duvet and fell asleep, dribbling on the covers.

  Apparently Jeremy had keys for convenience purposes only and he wasn’t intending on moving in. Three times he had called for Cleo when she was still languishing in the bath and according to her, now he had his own keys, this problem could be overcome. He could just let himself in and watch Sky Sports until she was ready. Samantha hadn’t even known they had Sky Sports until that moment. Apparently Jeremy had offered to pay for it as he was spending so much time letting himself into the house with his own set of keys and watching television while he waited for Cleo. Now Samantha knew why there was a box of lager in the fridge and whose slippers were in the shoe cupboard.

  Gobby started to snore as he slept and Samantha stopped what she was doing. She had been going through her wardrobe, sorting things into type, colour and size. Most of it was Cleo’s but it still needed tidying. It had got completely muddled when they had been looking for an outfit to wear on her date watching Air Patrol with Jimmy.

  She let out a sigh and reached into her bag for the newspaper containing the article about him. She spread the paper on the bed and re-read the words.

  It was so frustrating. She wanted to know what he was doing. Was he sat alone in a room fighting his demons or was he in a group talking about his fears and listening to the fears of other people? She couldn’t stop thinking about him. There were memories of him everywhere at the hall, the blackberry teabags, the temperamental coffee machine, the ice rink, his dressing room, her office, the bench outside the hall, row AA - especially row AA.

  But was he thinking about her? Did he care about her or had she messed everything up by being too scared to tell him she loved him? Maybe he wasn’t in a room alone - maybe he was with Hilary Polar. She was in his league. Beautiful, thin, blonde, famous, and she could definitely speak without laughing and coughing, apart from in the film where she had lung cancer, there had been gratuitous coughing in that.

  She ran her fingers over his name until she got ink on them and then her bedroom door burst open and Cleo entered without warning.

  ‘Want Chinese Sam? Jeremy’s just about to order. Chicken chow mein?’ Cleo offered.

  Her eyes met with the paper and then Samantha’s inky fingers. She could see right away from the smudges on the page which article Samantha had been reading.

  ‘Corn snake in Durham escaped,’ Samantha said, knowing it was futile.

  ‘What are you doing? Why are you reading articles about Jimmy Lloyd and getting print all over your hands while you’re doing it?’ Cleo questioned.

  ‘He’s gone back to rehab,’ Samantha stated miserably.

  ‘Yes, I know. Everyone knows, he’s back drinking again, that’s why he was kicked off the ice show,’ Cleo replied.

  ‘It wasn’t like that.’

  ‘And what would you know? Sam, I thought we’d been through all this. Do you have some weird obsession with Jimmy Lloyd or something? If I look under your bed am I going to find an effigy of him in a makeshift shrine with scented candles and photos cut out of Star Life magazine?’ Cleo wanted to know.

  ‘No,’ Samantha answered.

  ‘Good, because celebrity crushes are what you should have had when you were fifteen and reading my copies of More! magazine.’

  ‘I never read your More! magazine,’ Samantha insisted.

  Cleo let out a sigh and sat down on Samantha’s bed, running her hand over Gobby’s fur and making him dribble even more.

  ‘I’ll have chicken chow mein, and get some rice and curry sauce for Gobby,’ Samantha said, trying to avoid whatever Cleo was going to say next.

  ‘Sam, do you want a boyfriend?’ Cleo enquired bluntly.

  ‘Well, I…’ Samantha started.

  ‘Because if you don’t right now then that’s fine, but if you do then let me help you,’ Cleo spoke, patting the bed next to her and encouraging Samantha to join her.

  ‘I don’t know what you want me to say Cleo. Everything I say seems to be wrong or not what you want to hear,’ Samantha answered reluctantly sitting next to her sister.

  ‘I just want you to be happy, that’s all. And I don’t think you’re happy at the moment on your own.’

  ‘I’m fine Cleo, honestly,’ Samantha lied.

  Images of Jimmy flashed through her mind. The night they had lay in bed together, wrapped in each others arms - the night she had felt truly content.

  ‘Look, I know I keep saying this but Connor’s a really nice guy. He’s nice looking, he has a good job and he’s got his own apartment,’ Cleo told her.

  ‘I’m sure he’s very nice but I don’t find him attractive - sorry,’ Samantha said almost feeling guilty that she didn’t find him attractive and thinking it might all be easier if she did.

  ‘Well there are a couple of other guys at my work that are OK. I mean Greg’s really good looking, better looking than Jeremy, but don’t tell him I said that. He’s a bit of a ladies man though and I don’t think he would be into an exclusive relationship. And then there’s Brandon. He’s OK, has a few large moles on his face but nothing laser surgery couldn’t fix if you could persuade him - he works out,’ Cleo continued.

  ‘Cleo, I’m already in love with someone,’ Samantha stated matter of factly.

  ‘Jimmy Lloyd,’ Cleo said the words almost making her mouth smart.

  ‘Yes,’ Samantha replied.

  ‘Right, OK, fine. You go back to your newspaper, make a creepy scrapbook full of cuttings and ask him to send you a lock of his hair and an old toothbrush. I’ve tried to help you and make suggestions but you’re obviously not ready for a relationship in the real world,’ Cleo spoke angrily as she stood up and headed for the door.

  ‘Cleo, I don’t want to fight,’ Samantha said, looking at her sister with water filled eyes.

  ‘Neither do I but all these silly fantasies are making it very hard. I mean who’s it going to be next? Brad Pitt? Nicholas Kaden?’ Cleo enquired.

  Samantha didn’t know what to say in response. Cleo was never going to believe her.

  ‘So, chicken chow mein for you and rice and curry sauce for Gobby,’ Cleo repeated, standing in the door threshold.


  ‘OK, I’ll let you know when it’s here. By the way, we’ve got a DVD to watch if you’re interested. Some new flick with Hilary Polar in it, Jeremy chose so it’s probably crap,’ Cleo spoke.

  ‘I wouldn’t want to be a gooseberry,’ Samantha replied, feeling sad again and not wanting to look at Hilary Polar for a millisecond.

  ‘Well, bring the cat down,’ Cleo suggested.

  ‘But you said he wasn’t allowed to go…’ Samantha began.

  ‘I know what I said but that was before I knew Jeremy was the biggest cat lover on the planet. Maybe I was a bit hasty. He is quite cute if you ignore the whole weird eye thing,’ Cleo said, looking at Gobby who now had his tongue hanging out.

  Twenty Seven

  ‘Full house tonight,’ Felicity remarked as she and Samantha checked tickets at the hall.

  It was the last night. The final night of Skating on Broadway and the last time the Woolston Civic Hall would hold a performance. Getting ready and putting on her uniform had been sadder than she could ever have imagined. Her life would really never be the same again.

  She had almost left the house wearing the Civic Hall jumper she had dropped tuna on at lunchtime. She had been late home and Cleo had waylaid her asking for tickets for the show. As hard as Samantha had tried Cleo hadn’t believed the show was fully booked. Her sister knew full well she always kept six tickets in reserve just incase a VIP, like the Queen and her family, happened to saunter in to the Civic Hall wanting to watch a show. By the time she had given in, there had been no time to eat or have a shower. She had
been just about to leave when Cleo let out a shriek and pointed a finger at Samantha’s offending top. So she was now wearing an un-ironed polo shirt and no name badge. She had creases and for the first time ever, no identity stamped on her chest.

  They had held the interviews for the tourist information centre yesterday. She had applied, got an interview and practiced reciting all the things she could bring to the job. Good organisational skills, excellent telephone manner, intimate knowledge of the area, ability to ice skate with an ice cream tray around her neck - no that wouldn’t be needed. All she would have to do was give directions and hand out maps.

  Interview day dawned and she dressed in the funeral suit. She had left early and waited outside half an hour before her appointment watching Japanese couple after Japanese couple enter the office. She could see the women at the desk inside, dressed in matching blue uniforms, trying to understand the broken English and decipher that the tourists wanted to see Buckingham Palace. It looked painful.

  The time came round and she was just about to push open the door and go in when she caught sight of a Civic Hall poster advertising the ice show. There was Dana, red hair flying behind her, black catsuit clinging to her and there was Jimmy dressed in the red sequinned Lycra top, looking out at her like a face from long ago. The poster was fading and so was her hope. She hadn’t been able to go in after that. It didn’t feel right, nothing felt quite right at the moment. So, as of tomorrow, she had no job and no idea what she was going to do with her life.

  Samantha didn’t respond to Felicity. Her mind wasn’t on the job and as it began to wander more and more, thinking about being jobless and boyfriendless, the harder it was to concentrate on checking the tickets that were being handed to her at speed.

  ‘Are you OK Samantha?’ Felicity enquired as Samantha handed the wrong part of the ticket back to one of her customers.

  ‘Oh, sorry Sir. Here, turn left, row J and seats forty nine and fifty are half way along,’ Samantha spoke hurriedly realising her error and correcting it.


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