Myths and Legends: Puma

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Myths and Legends: Puma Page 1

by Judy Mays

  Myths and Legends: Puma

  Judy Mays

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2005 by Judy Mays

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  ISBN 1-59596-108-9

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1561

  Shepherdstown, WV 25443-1561

  Editor: Pat Haley

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Chapter One


  The exclamation -- and the curse that followed it -- woke him. Rising, Karrak yawned, dug his claws into the hard wood beneath his paws, and stretched back out on the branch again.

  An errant breeze brought the faint, coppery scent of blood to his nostrils along with the sweet, musky scent of woman.

  He flared his nostrils and looked down.

  A dark-haired woman had her hand braced against the trunk of the tree while she stood on one foot, rubbing the side of her ankle. “Stupid stick,” she grumbled.

  He pricked his ears forward, his curiosity piqued. Who was this woman? What was she doing so far from the human’s town, here where this rocky hill rose above the jungle?

  He sniffed again, and the pungent odor of freshly harvested herbs reached his nose. Then he spotted the large basket half full of plants, flowers, and leaves sitting on the ground in front of her. Ahhh. Gathering medicinal plants. She was a healer.

  As she bent over to pick up the basket, her white cotton shift stretched tautly over her back and buttocks. Looking closer, Karrak swiped his tongue over his jowls. Nice rear. Almost as shapely as a cat’s.

  Straightening, the woman tilted her head to the side, listened for a moment, then followed a faint trail northwest.

  He sat up, ears cocked forward, following her progress through the undergrowth with his sharp hearing. She must have heard the waterfall.

  His cat curiosity getting the better of him, Karrak leaped to the ground. Landing lightly, he stretched again, each toe and claw separately, then trotted after her. When he reached the edge of the clearing, she was already standing before the pool at the bottom of the small waterfall.

  Setting her basket on the ground, she threw a couple of stones into the pool. When nothing moved, she loosened her colorful belt, pulled her shift over her head, and stepped into the water. Sighing with pleasure, she splashed water on herself.

  Karrak craned his neck to get a better view. Well now. Things were getting interesting. Staying hidden in the underbrush, he circled the clearing until he was as close to the woman as he could get without revealing himself.

  He shifted his weight while he eyed her form. Very nice. She was young -- and shapely.

  She’d loosened her hair from its braid, and the silky, black cascade fell over both shoulders almost to her waist. Joyful laughter bubbled from her throat as she splashed. She turned toward him.

  He licked his jowls again. Better and better. He let his gaze wander down her body.

  Her breasts were high and full -- the kind a man would enjoy cupping and massaging. The brown nipples, surrounded by warm tan areoles, were pebbled to hard nubs -- the kind a man would nuzzle and suck into his mouth. Her belly was slightly rounded with a large jade bead piercing her naval, the perfect toy to carefully flick and pluck to send stabs of pleasure straight to her loins. Her hips flared gently, perfect for cushioning a man’s as he slid his cock between her legs. And the neatly trimmed dark curls formed a triangle between her plump thighs. Perfect for caressing and kissing, before a man turned his attention to the pink lips and musky honey he’d find between them.

  She turned around again and her buttocks were visible. Karrak smiled a cat smile. Plump and firm -- just the way they should be for a man to caress then grab onto, and hold as he pumped into her from behind.

  A fly buzzed close to his face, and Karrak shook his head. Yes, this woman was the kind to haunt a man’s dreams -- another man’s dreams, not his -- not yet, not while his life was dedicated to revenge. Years ago, he’d sworn to avenge his mother’s death at the hands of the man who’d sacrificed her in the name of his religion, and to protect any other innocents this man might seek to murder.

  He centered his attention on the woman again. Watching her was a nice way to pass some time, but she could be nothing else to him. His oath precluded everything else, including women, no matter how beautiful and tempting they were. For ten years, he had done nothing more than observe women if they happened to cross his path. None would tempt him from his task, neither human nor shape shifter.

  A bevy of multicolored butterflies fluttered to the far side of the pool, and the woman laughed with joy.

  When the music in her voice wrapped itself around him, Karrak froze. The heaviness that had lain on his heart since his mother’s death lightened.

  The woman reached behind her and lifted her hair off the back of her neck. Her breasts bounced.

  He lashed his tail. Something about her…

  Snarling softly, he closed his eyes and shook his head. No! This woman was nothing to him. He was a shape shifter. He had absolute control over his body and emotions. No female could tempt him from the tasks he had set for himself.

  Opening his eyes, he focused his attention back on the woman in the pool. However, just because this female wasn’t meant for him didn’t mean he couldn’t admire her. She’d stopped splashing and was making her way back to the bank. For the first time he got a good look at her face.

  The two blue vertical lines on her chin accentuated her full red lips. A tiny polished jade bead matched the larger bead in her naval, and sat on the left side of her nose. More jade dangled from her ears. Tiny green leaves tattooed in a straight line from one ear, across both cheeks and the bridge of her nose to the other ear drew attention to her deep, dark eyes -- eyes that held secrets, secrets he wanted -- no, needed to know.

  The puma sharing his soul began to purr.

  Jerking his gaze away, Karrak blinked and shivered. Another snarl rolled from his throat, this one louder than the first.

  The woman covered her breasts with her hands. “Hello. Is someone there?”

  He froze. The last thing he wanted was to reveal his presence.

  A macaw called.

  A howler monkey answered.

  She dropped her hands, splashed out of the pool, grabbed her shift, and pulled it over her head. Picking up her basket, she headed back into the forest the way she’d come.

  Once she was gone, Karrak stepped from beneath the undergrowth, his mind troubled. Why had her eyes pulled at him? Why couldn’t he dismiss her from his mind as he’d been able to do with all the other women he’d observed in the last ten years.

  Her belt still lay on the ground, and he batted at it. Tail whipping from one side to the other, he lowered his head and sniffed it. Golden mist swirled. The puma disappeared and he stood in his human form.

  Bending, Karrak picked up the belt. The secrets he’d seen within the depth of her dark eyes remained in his mind, taunting, teasing. He frowned. Why should he care what she was thinking? He rubbed the soft belt against his cheek.
Her scent tickled his nostrils, soft, flowery, sexy. He inhaled. Exhaled. Inhaled again.

  Then, revelation blasted his mind; his balls contacted and blood rushed to his cock. Gasping at the sharp stab of desire that exploded in his stomach, he fell to his knees. The puma in his soul screamed in triumph. She is mine!

  Karrak pounded his fist against the ground. Not now, not when he was so close to exacting his revenge! No! Why did he find his mate now? And human! Why human? Few women could understand or cope with what it meant to be mated to a shape shifter.

  Karrak closed his eyes for a moment. Now wasn’t the time. What was he supposed to do?

  A vision of her taut breasts and plump thighs appeared in his mind.

  His cock jerked.

  The puma in his soul screamed again. Find her! Now!

  Cursing, Karrak seized control of his body, leaped into the pool, wading over to the cascade. Sucking in a deep breath, he leaned forward and braced his hands against the rocks. As he gasped and cursed his fate, the icy water of the cascade pounded against his chest, stomach, thighs, and cock. His erection vanished almost immediately. Still, he didn’t deny the longing that surged through his body.

  The woman who splashed so innocently in the pool was meant to be his.

  Chapter Two

  Karrak sat on the broad branch, his back resting against the tree’s smooth trunk. Fortunately or unfortunately, however he chose to look at it, his mate lived in the same town as the man he sought. For the fourth time, he’d followed his woman through the forest. This morning, though, she’d been with another woman, one who’d called her Mireya.

  A bright, blue butterfly fluttered by, and he smiled. Mireya. He liked it.

  “Mireya.” He said it out loud. It rolled from his tongue, sweeter than the music of the songbirds.

  A parrot cackled at him.

  He tossed a stick at it. “Her name has more music than your voice.” The parrot squawked once more and flew away.

  Lacing his fingers behind his head, Karrak looked up at the leafy green canopy high above his head. All thoughts of revenge gone from his mind, he concentrated on the woman he’d first seen only a few weeks ago. Mireya. The woman who would be his mate. What was she like? He knew she was a healer. Whenever he’d seen her, she’d been gathering plants of all kinds. She took the time to gather her own medicine ingredients instead of buying them in the market. A good, caring woman. She would not only make a fine mate but also a fine mother for their children.

  Unlacing his fingers, Karrak uncrossed his legs, shifted his butt so his cock didn’t get pinched against the tree limb on which he sat, and leaned forward, resting his chin on his elbows. How would she react to his appearance? He looked very different from almost everyone else with his yellow hair and blue eyes. Most people either feared those with his hair and eye color or dragged them off to the sun priests to be sacrificed for the good of the community. Was Mireya like that?

  He shook his head. No. She couldn’t be like that. The puma in his soul would know.

  But, how would Mireya feel about mating a shape shifter? How would she react when she found out the truth, that he was not completely human? When he shifted the first time? Would she be frightened? Terrified? Would she refuse him?

  He frowned and shook his head. She couldn’t refuse him. She was his. She would understand, be able to put aside any fear. She had to. He needed her.

  The puma in his soul growled in agreement.

  Muttering a low curse, Karrak sat up, pulled his legs up onto the tree limb, rolled over the side, grabbed the limb with his hands, and swung to the ground. For two days now, he’d been waiting for Mireya to come into the jungle so he could follow and observe her one last time, so he could be absolutely sure she was his mate. He’d spent most of the time he waited daydreaming about being with her, talking and laughing with her, making love with her. He felt his cock stir and shook himself free of those particular thoughts.

  Enough was enough. With a growl, he shifted into his puma form and trotted toward the town where Mireya lived. It was past time that he met her. The sooner he claimed her, the sooner they could mate and he could hide her in a safe place. Then he could concentrate on the man he’d come to kill.

  * * *

  Straightening, Mireya placed her hands on her hips spreading her fingers across the small of her back and groaned. Then she stretched, rolling both shoulders and her neck. Holy mother, but she was tired. Who would have thought two women would have gone into labor so closely together and that this second one would have lasted so long.

  A tap on her shoulder pulled her from her tired musings.

  “Goddess bless you, Mireya,” said the old woman.

  Smiling, Mireya patted her hand. “She already has. Your daughter has birthed a healthy child. I ask for nothing more.”

  The old woman smiled a gap-toothed smile. “You’re a good woman, Mireya. Tomorrow I will come to the temple to offer my thanks. This, however, is for you.” She held out a plain copper bracelet.

  Sighing, Mireya accepted the trinket, knowing her refusal would only upset the old woman. This family was one of the poorest in the village. The bracelet wasn’t worth much, but could be sold for a bit of food if the family’s maize and pepper crops failed. Still, they had their pride. Gifts such as these meant far more to Mireya than the gold the wealthy families handed her when she treated any of their members. So she’d take it back to the temple and store it with the other “gifts” she received. Then, when crops failed or some other calamity happened, she could use them to help those who needed it the most.

  “Thank you. I must go now. Dawn approaches, and I haven’t slept for two nights and a day.”

  The old woman patted her on the shoulder. “Go to your bed and Goddess bless your dreams.”

  Mireya nodded. “Send for me if your daughter or the child doesn’t awaken by morning.” After one last smile, she pushed the grass mat covering the door aside and ducked outside. Yes. Her bed. Exactly where she wanted to be.

  After stretching once more, she yawned. She blinked and swayed slightly. Then she chuckled to herself. If she weren’t careful, she’d fall asleep on her feet. She glanced up at the sky. The moon was waning, only a thin crescent remained in the sky. Not much light. Still, she knew the town’s streets like the back of her hand. Nor would anyone hurt her -- even here in the poorest, most disreputable section. She was one of the few who would come to these houses if healing was needed or a woman was in labor.

  Mireya stumbled once and grumbled about the basket someone had left in the middle of the street. Then she grinned to herself. She was so tired, she’d strayed out of the middle of the street to the front of a house. Taking a deep breath, she resumed her trek only to trip over some firewood.

  Try as she might, she couldn’t keep her balance and fell backwards, her arms windmilling wildly only to fall against a broad, muscular chest. Strong arms gathered her close.

  “I have you.”

  Stiffening, Mireya froze.

  The stranger squeezed her tighter.

  She began to struggle.

  The arms around her tightened even more.

  “Let me go.”

  Warm breath caressed her ear and neck. “If I do, will you fall again?”


  “Very well.” The arms holding her fell away.

  The sudden loss of support had her stumbling.

  Once again she was imprisoned against his chest.

  “Let me go!”

  His chuckle was a warm rumble she could feel against her back. “And have you fall flat on your face. I don’t want to see you hurt, Mireya.”

  She stiffened even more. “How do you know my name?”

  Another chuckle. “Is there anyone in this town who doesn’t know you?”

  Mireya relaxed -- a little. If he knew who she was, then he wouldn’t hurt her. “Let me go,” she said for the third time. “I’m needed at the temple.”

  “What you need is your sleep.

  “Which I can’t get if you don’t let me go,” she snapped.

  His chuckle rumbled again.

  Deep inside her soul, something shivered. Her stomach rolled and her nipples puckered.

  “I could carry you home,” he whispered into her ear.

  As shivers danced up and down her spine, Mireya discovered energy she didn’t know she had and forced her exhaustion aside. “I’m perfectly capable of walking on my own two feet.”

  “Are you sure?” His husky voice dripped with honey.

  Who was this man? “Yes, I am. Now put me down.”

  This time, she didn’t stumble. Whirling, she planted her feet and glared at him -- what she could see of him, which was nothing more than a dark form standing in the shadows of the nearest house -- a tall, broad form, taller and broader than any man she’d ever seen.

  Squinting, Mireya tried to see his face, but with the shadows and so little moonlight, it was impossible. “Who are you?”

  Was that flash of white his teeth?


  She frowned. Karrak? What kind of name was that? No one in this town had a name like that. Then she shrugged. People came and went all the time. And many who lived in the jungle only came into town to trade for things they needed. This Karrak was probably one of those.

  Satisfied she’d solved the puzzle of this mystery man, Mireya nodded. “Well, thank you for preventing my fall. Goddess bless you. Good night.”

  “I’ll be happy to catch you any time, Mireya. Until we meet again.”

  Chapter Three

  “Hello, Mireya.”

  Mireya froze, then exhaled the breath she’d sucked in. It was him again, Karrak. This was the third time in the last month that he’d been waiting for her after the birth of a child. Again it was late at night. Why was he waiting for her? What did he want?

  His voice is the sexiest you’ve ever heard, said an insidious voice in her head.

  Straightening, she turned toward him. Once again he was hidden in the shadows. Momentarily, she frowned. Why? Was he ugly? Scarred? Oh well, it didn’t matter. Tonight would be the last night he stopped her. What, so his looks matter? He held you in his arms. Strong arms. And his chest is broad and firm.


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