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Young, Allyson - Absolute Perfection [Aspire 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Allyson Young

  * * * *

  Holy mother of all things holy. He had put Haley’s sister over his lap to discipline her! What in hell was wrong with him? George knew. He did. She called to him so strongly. His brain was as engaged as his cock, and he simply reacted, forgetting she wasn’t his sub. Iris made an unsafe move, and he immediately made to correct her. She could be on the phone right now to security or to the cops. He’d actually laid his hand on her perfect heart-shaped ass over those entrancing lavender panties with the little patterns of…He was doing it again. She had bewitched him. How could he think he was enough for her when he hadn’t been enough for Jane? And she was so much more than Jane. If he was smart, he’d be heading down the hall and punching the elevator button. No, taking the stairs two at a time and finding his car and heading somewhere far, far away from Iris Snider. He raised his hand and knocked on the hotel room door.

  This time he saw a shadow pass over the peep hole, and then her voice spoke behind the metal door. “Who is it?”

  He stifled another guffaw. He didn’t laugh. He had nothing to laugh about. This was serious business. “George Andreas.”

  “Do you have identification?” He did laugh then. This woman entranced him. He slid his driver’s licence under the door, knowing as he did so he’d opened his personal life up to her with the gesture, and he was just fine with it. She opened the door immediately, and he stepped inside. She handed his licence back and gave him a sunny smile so unlike Jane’s that he once again reacted, but in a wholly different way. He leaned forward and kissed her on either cheek, European style, and was rewarded with a brush of her lips on his face and the subtle waft of her perfume. Jasmine and maybe lilies.

  “It’s nice to see you again,” he said formally. “Are you ready to go?”

  Iris snatched up a light wrap and nodded. “I am. I’m looking forward to our dinner.”

  George held the door for her to precede him and checked to make sure it shut tightly before accompanying her down the hall to the elevator. He, too, looked forward to the evening and marvelled at the fact he was on a date! He wasn’t in a club dominating submissives. He was taking a beautiful woman out to dinner, and his life had just taken a turn. He hoped it was for the better because now his heart was seriously engaged.

  The walk out to his car was made in companionable quiet. A woman who didn’t need to chatter to fill the silence. Or was she nervous, uncomfortable? He stole a glance at her, but she appeared serene and content to just walk, her elbow resting in his hand as if it belonged there. George quit questioning himself. They had a lot to talk about and a great deal to learn about one another, but Iris was a natural submissive and he wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass him by. He handed her into the passenger seat and ensured her seat belt was fastened. Her hair smelled like jasmine, too, not of musk and roses like Jane’s. And he was finished with comparing the two women. There was no comparison and any similarities were merely a coincidence because no matter how poor his judgement in the past, George knew Iris was a good person. She fairly exuded it. He could hardly wait to peel all of her layers back, the better to know what she needed, if she needed him. Because he was certain he needed her.

  He got in behind the wheel and felt her watching him. “We’re going to The Bend. Do you know it?”

  “I don’t. But then I haven’t been in San Francisco for any length of time for years, actually.”

  “Haley consulted there as a chef, I understand, and it has a good reputation. I think you’ll like it.”

  “I’m sure that whatever you choose is fine.” Iris sounded totally sincere, and he again recognized how she handed control over to him. He had researched the travel company she worked for, and knew Iris was no shrinking violet if she had traveled the globe to locate different and exotic places to visit, alone. If he was her Dom, he would never have allowed it, but she was clearly a competent professional and quite able to take care of herself. However, he sensed she secretly longed for someone to take charge and take her in hand. She might not have admitted it to herself or recognized it, but it was there. George so desperately wanted to take on that role, to have her serve him, but more importantly, let him take care of her. Oh, she was so for him and to hell with this concern about moving too quickly.

  * * * *

  The evening was nothing George expected, probably because he had no idea what to expect. They were shown to a well-placed table for two, and there was no sense of awkwardness despite the fact he hadn’t taken a woman out to dinner for years. Iris let him order for her, and they chatted inconsequentially over a glass of wine, although he absorbed everything she had to say. The multitude of shades in her blonde hair glowed in the muted lighting of the restaurant, and her eyes reflected back the candlelight. He simply looked at her and enjoyed the view. Their entrees were served, and he watched her little white teeth flash behind the fullness of her lips as she tasted the fish. Each time she raised her head to look at him, his heart stuttered, and he lost track of what he was saying and forgot to eat.

  “Can we talk about that little display in my hotel room?”

  All of George’s thoughts, carnal and otherwise, screeched to a halt. He shrugged inwardly. He’d never been one to back away or mitigate a response, and they certainly needed to talk about that “little display.” This was the perfect opening to talk to her about his observations and interest.

  “I reacted to something that concerned me, Iris. I was upset because you could have put yourself at risk and I couldn’t imagine anything happening to you.”

  She worried at her bottom lip again, and he recognized it as her nervous tell. She’d been able to compartmentalize the earlier event, but it had obviously resurfaced, likely because she was comfortable with him. George liked comfortable, but he also hoped for passion.

  “I’ll give you that, Georgios. I know better. But you, uh, you pounced, and you spanked me!” Her voice was less modulated, and she visibly tried to calm herself as she looked around her at the other diners.

  “As I said, I reacted,” he soothed. “You are submissive, sweet one, and I apologized and stopped because you are not my submissive. Yet.”

  Her eyes widened and then clouded with arousal and interest. He’d been correct to put it out there. He waited patiently.

  “Yet. That’s a bit presumptuous, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t play games, sweet one. I do scenes and I’m dominant, but I don’t play games. I’m an excellent Dom, and I want you as my submissive.”

  “I don’t know that I’m submissive.”

  “Trust me, Iris. You are.”

  She didn’t demur further, and he left her to process. She obviously had a quick mind, and he suspected she didn’t play games either and appreciated straightforwardness. He ordered coffee and liqueurs, surmising that she didn’t eat dessert like most women and was hauled up short by his first miscue. She didn’t say anything, but it was the way she kind of hitched in her seat.


  A hint of color edged up the ivory skin of her throat and into her cheeks. She dropped her eyes again, and he wanted to pull her out of her seat and drag her to a private place and do all the dark, kinky, perverted things to her that were percolating around in his brain.

  “I would like one of those desserts that was served to the table next to us.”

  George cut his eyes to said table and saw the succulent chocolate mousse Iris had seen. He’d noted her glance, just as he’d taken notice of most everything about her, but hadn’t connected it with dessert, wondering if she was just checking out the people around her. He smiled inwardly at the fact his sweet one had a sweet tooth and instantly indulged her. He was very pleased he did so. She obviously relished every small spoonful and actually rolled her eyes once in mock ecstasy. She confided that chocolate was a treat she rarely indulged in and tried not to think about. There would be many things he’d give her and some he would deny, but chocolate wouldn’t be one of them. He had a thought about how she might
be fed that sweet treat actually, the utensil he could use.

  The sexual tension between them hummed along like the background music in the restaurant, and ramped up with his assertion that she should be his sub. He decided to tell her about Jane right away, that he’d been married and his wife had died. He’d tell her Jane had been murdered, whether incidentally or with intent, but only so she would better understand his need to keep her safe.

  “Have you ever been married?” Her question, right on the heels of his inner thoughts, made him jolt back to the present. Prescient, in tune with him.

  “I was, for a short time. She moved away three years ago and unfortunately was killed. The police don’t know if it was a break-in gone awry or if someone planned to do it.”

  Iris’s eyes were huge and full of compassion as her lips pursed in sympathy for him. He hastened to reassure her.

  “We’d grown apart, Iris, despite the fact she was my submissive before we married. I’m not sure what happened, but she left me and died not long afterward. I didn’t know what to feel at first but have since realized we weren’t meant for one another. I regret her death of course, but we wouldn’t have reconciled.” George heard the words as he spoke them and realized with astonishment it was the first time he’d talked about Jane to anyone else other than the police. And that he’d told Iris the total truth. He felt as though a huge weight had lifted, not just from his shoulders, but from his soul.

  “I see why you were so disapproving of how I answered the door of my hotel room,” she said wryly.

  “Precisely, sweet one. Now, what else would you like to know?”

  They lingered over dessert and coffee. He told her that he’d come to the States as a young child to live with relatives because his parents thought it would be an opportunity for him. The whole, large family couldn’t afford to come, and he’d missed his siblings a lot at first, but his uncle and aunt had made him welcome. Georgios had been shortened to George at college where he’d studied psychology and criminology, thinking he might go into law enforcement of some type, or go into law. They both laughed about lawyers being just a step above used car salesmen at that point. Iris seemed fascinated by his private investigation business and the scope of it from investigating politicians, locating people, and checking into industrial espionage.

  “Did Warren hire you to look for Haley?”

  “He did, not that he needed my help. He found her himself just as I’d tracked her down to her position as chef at Enrico’s. I didn’t charge him by the way!”

  She laughed again with him, and he looked forward to giving her so much more to be happy about. Her sweet face lit up and her eyes shone as the corners tilted up with her smile, and she tended to tilt her head when she laughed. The overall effect was mesmerizing. George wanted to kiss that ivory throat and bite it just where it met her shoulder. He wondered about her sweet spots and how soon it would be before he found them all.

  Iris told him about being without a dad but having a wonderful mom and a terrific sister. Losing their mom had been a terrible blow, but she and Haley had weathered it together. She said she’d been in few relationships because of the nature of her job, and George both felt a stab of jealousy at the thought of other men and appreciation that Iris didn’t take sexual congress lightly. He’d just decided that his own sex life was empty and meaningless without something to nurture it. Iris accepted Haley’s choice to be in the Lifestyle all along, but especially now she had met both Gordon and Warren and witnessed Haley’s genuine happiness.

  “That ceremony certainly opened my eyes.”

  “To the fact you could see yourself in Haley’s place?”

  Iris dropped her eyes, and while George loved it, he reached across the table to gently raise her chin with two fingertips. He stared into blue depths, and she looked unflinchingly back. A sub with spirit.


  “I think I can. I think I’d like to explore it for myself.” She hesitated and blinked.


  “I don’t do one-night stands or flings without some kind of emotional connection.”

  “The Lifestyle often creates an intense emotional connection when it’s not just for play, Iris. And if it is just scening, well, Doms must be really in tune and aware of what their subs need.” Even as George said it, Iris leaned back far enough so that his fingers lost their purchase on her chin.

  “So you’re saying you’d, uh, Dom me? Teach me? And do scenes?”

  George heard the note of panic and sadness in her voice and cursed his last statement. Old habits did indeed die hard. He was still protecting himself, leaving himself an out just in case she wanted to walk away and leave him. And right after he’d accepted how meaningless his recent sexual life had been! That wouldn’t do for this woman.

  “I’m saying that I want you as my submissive. We’re connected, Iris. There is an emotional component already. You feel it, too. But I won’t mislead you. I believe you are submissive and will love the Lifestyle, and I would be honored to train you. We will find our way as we go together.”

  She looked at him searchingly and then nodded slowly. Once. His heart leapt, and his cock joined it, even as he knew he hadn’t been clear enough. He was still afraid to let another woman in and choked on the fact. He had to do better for her and he would.

  “I’ll pick you up on Friday night at eight and take you to the club. I’ll arrange a member room so we can be private, although it will be monitored. I won’t expect you to explore any exhibitionistic tendencies yet.

  “Wear a skirt or a dress. And those shoes. Underwear is optional, but I’ll accept it the first time.” He hid a smile at how Iris’s eyes widened then narrowed. “Be prepared to stay all night, Iris.”

  She nodded again, and he responded sharply. “Verbalize!”

  She flinched a little. “Yes, Georgios.”

  He liked that she used his name, even if it wasn’t yet during orgasm. He had no need to be her Master or even her Sir, and that surprised him. He wanted something more and wasn’t ready to look at it yet. He was pleased she called him by his given name when everyone else called him George.

  “Are you protected?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I haven’t had the need.”

  “Then we’ll use condoms. I assure you I am clean, but we can see a doctor at some point. And if you choose to use birth control, we can forgo condoms.”

  She nodded again and then quickly answered. “I think it would be a good idea to see a doctor in any event. I should have a physical, and I’ll discuss birth control.”

  “I’ll take you home now, Iris. I’d rather take you to my place, but I think the wait will do us both good. And I’ll suggest some sites to visit on the Lifestyle. Ones I believe will reflect the true picture and prepare you. And, sweet one? There’s no rush. We’ll move forward at the pace you need.”

  He dropped her wrap over her shoulders and ushered her back to the car after taking care of the check. He didn’t remember tasting anything tonight, but the sight and scent of his sub was again etched on his senses and his belly was full.

  Chapter Four

  Iris carefully locked the door of her hotel room behind Georgios. He’d driven her home after a wonderful meal and interesting conversation to walk her right to the room. He dropped those light kisses on either cheek when she longed for him to kiss her properly so she could taste him, and knew the desire smouldering in his eyes for what it was, but he’d stepped back to push open the door instead. He’d wished her a good sleep and a good week until Friday and urged her inside, the feel of his big, strong hand on her arm making her shiver.

  Well, if she’d wanted an instant profession of romantic love, she’d been disappointed. It was crazy to think Georgios would proclaim his heart for her. They’d just met for Pete’s sake, and if she was tumbling head over heels for him, he at least had some self-control. Maybe he was right about her being submissive. Maybe he wasn’t. She knew he was strongly attracted
to her, and that attempted spanking now made total sense, she thought. She would accompany him to the club and take this one step at a time. He might come to feel as strongly for her as she already did for him, and she knew the sex would be rocking. She could see there’d be an emotional connection as he had explained because of the need for trust and respect, so Iris decided to be impulsive one time in her life. Oh, going off to faraway places seemed impulsive, but had been planned to the letter. In fact, the people she’d gone to meet with were desperate for the tourism trade, so she was in total control. It was exhausting to know she held the financial well-being of others in her hands, and she longed for someone to take over for her sometimes. This Lifestyle thing was foreign territory, an experience beyond anything she had ever dreamed about, and Iris was going to embrace it with a gorgeous man she’d just met but who she somehow trusted and definitely ached for.

  She carefully hung up her dress and put her shoes in the closet. She didn’t want to wait until Friday. She didn’t want to not see him until Friday. But patience, waiting, was part of this whole thing she was sure. She made her ablutions quickly and then slipped beneath the sheets, pulling up the light blanket before turning out the bedside light. She thought sleep would evade her and thought about masturbating, but she fell into oblivion to dream of a big, dark man who kept his face turned from her.

  * * * *

  Evelyn rested her chin on her steepled fingers. “You ready to head up this office, Iris?”

  “I am, Evelyn. Especially now you’re hoping to work part time.” Iris’s boss was well into her late sixties and wanted to spend time with her grandchildren and her elderly husband.

  “Well, I don’t have any qualms. It’ll be pretty much nine to five and the occasional Saturday, but you’ll have staff for that. And they seem to be okay with you. You ran the staff meeting really well yesterday. Just watch William. He’s nasty when he thinks people are trying to push him.”


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