Fair Catch

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Fair Catch Page 23

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  “Okay.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “But I’m sure there has to be some kind of arrangement that can be made considering vacations, right?” He hadn’t meant for his tone to sound so harsh, but he was tired of Ellie running scared of Thomas.

  He waited for Ellie to answer. She still gazed out the window, but Nick thought he saw her lower lip tremble. Had he made her cry?

  Before he could apologize, she turned to look at him. “If you don’t want to marry me, I’ll understand,” she said softly.

  He snapped his head back. “Why would you say that?”

  She lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Baggage.”

  Oh, man. He was such a jerk.

  “Ellie,” he said, taking a hold of her hand. “I’ll take you with as much baggage as you think you might have.”

  The color of her eyes brightened with unshed tears.

  “Hey, I don’t know how everything will work out—but I know it will.” One corner of his mouth drew up. “Besides, you’re not getting out of this that easily. You said yes and you can’t change your mind.”

  A tiny smile emerged, lighting up her face. “I don’t want to change my mind.” She brought her hand up, cradling his jaw. “I love you.”

  Relief swept through him as he turned his head and pressed a kiss in the center of her palm. “I love you too.” He turned back and gave her a roguish grin. “I sure hope we figure it out soon. Now that you’ve said yes, I’m not feeling all that patient.”

  * * *

  Ellie slid her fingers underneath the flap of the manila envelope and pulled it open. Reaching in, she removed the copy of People magazine from the envelope and stared in disbelief. She and Nick were the main image for the cover. They both looked incredible. Like movie stars. Photoshop did wonders for her complexion.

  She pulled the rest of the contents out, which consisted of several copies of the magazine, and saw a white piece of paper flutter onto the bar. The note was from Alec.

  Ellie, I’ve enclosed several copies of the magazine for you and your family. You and Nick look great. Congratulations. If you need any more copies, let my secretary know. Alec.

  The issue would be on the shelves tomorrow. If she thought life was hectic now, she could hardly wait to see what it would be like tomorrow. Although she had been engaged for nearly a week, nobody but immediate family knew about the planned nuptials. Thomas still needed to be notified before the news was released to the public. Something Ellie didn’t look forward to.

  She traced her finger around Nick’s face and smiled. Last night, they had agreed to marry right away, even if it meant eloping. They could always plan a trip to England with their families during Thanksgiving or Christmas, the two holidays Ellie had stipulated would be her holidays with Cade.

  The overhead lights in the kitchen made her diamond sparkle. Holding her hand out, she turned it, watching the light catch the ring. A knock on the backdoor scared her to death. Betsy waved through the glass of the sliding door.

  Sheepishly, Ellie opened the door. It seemed like Betsy managed to catch Ellie admiring her ring every time she saw her. “I really don’t stand around looking at my diamond all day.”

  Betsy snorted. “Don’t apologize to me. I almost flunked out of college looking at my ring. The testing center had amazing lights.”

  Ellie started to laugh. “Good thing I’m not in school.” She didn’t want to admit she had nearly run a stop sign yesterday when she noticed her ring reflecting in the windshield.

  Betsy sat down at the bar and picked up the magazine. She raised an eyebrow. “Nice. Do I get a copy?”

  Ellie joined her at the bar. “That one is all yours.”

  “So,” Betsy said, placing the magazine down. “When are we calling Thomas?”

  “You’re going to help me call him?”

  Betsy patted her hand. “No, but I’m going to stay right here while you do it.”

  Ellie bit her lip. “Can’t I just text or email him?”

  Betsy shook her head. “Come on, honey. You know you have to talk to him. Just remember you’re telling him more as a courtesy, rather than asking for permission.”

  Ellie sighed deeply, dreading to make the call. “Cade is still at his friend’s house, so I guess now would be a good time.” She picked up her cell phone and drew in a shaky breath as she scrolled through her contacts. She pressed the button, hoping she’d get his voicemail.

  No such luck. “Hello.” His voice sounded tight and irritated.

  “Hello, Thomas.”

  “What is it, Ellie? I’m very busy,” he said tersely.

  She looked at Betsy and remembered she didn’t need his permission. “This won’t take long. I just wanted to let you know that Nick and I are engaged to be married.”

  There was a lengthy pause, and she wondered if he had hung up.

  “When does this happy occasion take place?”

  “We haven’t set a date yet. I just wanted to let you know before the press release.”

  He made a derisive sound. “Oh, thank you so much for thinking about me. I’m flattered.”

  She didn’t want to talk to him anymore. “Well, that’s all. Goodbye.”


  She paused, waiting for him to speak.

  “Don’t forget I have joint custody of Cade. I am moving to Colorado, Ellie, so don’t get too cozy with your new life.”

  It was so hard to believe someone could be so cruel. He had cheated on her and then left her with a brand new baby. The only reason he had any rights as a father is because she had forced them upon him. Even now, Nick’s attorney was looking into the custody agreement to see what could be done.

  “Did you hear me?” he snapped.

  Ellie refused to be baited into an argument. “Yes, and I have faith everything will all work out, Thomas.”

  He snorted. “How sweet.”

  She could feel herself losing the grip she had on her temper. “Good bye.”

  “Ellie, I’m planning on being there for the fourth of July. In fact, I think I’ll take him for the entire week before.”

  She gripped the edge of the counter. “You will have him for the fourth, and the weekend, but the week proceeding that, we will be out of town.”

  He swore. “Where are you going to be?”

  “We’ll be in California with Nick’s family.”

  His temper flared and in between the swear words, he told Ellie he was through playing games and his attorney would be contacting her.

  “Please have him go through my lawyer.” Despite the trembling inside her stomach, her voice remained surprisingly calm. “Thomas, please don’t call me anymore—apparently this will have to be handled through our attorneys from here on out.”

  Her hands shook as she ended the call. Emotions churned inside her chest, and the sting of tears pricked her eyes. She laid the phone on the counter and started to cry.

  “Oh, Ellie. I’m sorry, sweetie.” Betsy tenderly rubbed a hand over Ellie’s back. “You did such a wonderful job. I’m so proud of the way you handled everything.”

  “He’s so full of hate.” Ellie turned her tortured eyes on Betsy, swiping at the tears. “Why did I ever marry him?”

  “Because, at the time it was the right choice.” She gave her a small smile. “You also got a wonderful little boy out of the deal.”

  Cade was definitely the silver lining. “I know. I can’t imagine my life without him.” As much pain as Thomas had caused her, Cade had been worth it. Ellie looked down at the magazine, her eyes skimming over Nick’s face. She ached to talk with him. Lately, it seemed like he was always gone.

  “When is he coming home,” Betsy asked in a soft voice.

  Ellie wasn’t even sure. “I think the day after tomorrow.” At least once they were married, she and Cade could travel with him. “I was hoping for today, though.”

  As if on cue, her phone jingled the familiar ring-tone she’d downloaded for Nick. Ellie picked up her phone, unabl
e to hide her excitement. “That’s him now.”

  Betsy stood up to leave. “I’ll let you talk to him. Call if you need me.”

  Ellie answered the phone as the sliding door closed. “Nick…” Her voice broke and, to her dismay, she started crying again.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” His worried tone eased the ache in her chest.

  “I just talked to Thomas.” Her voice cracked as she told him about the conversation.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. You should’ve let me do it for you.”

  She shrugged even though he couldn’t see her. “I had to do it. Betsy was here and at least it’s done. I told him not to call anymore and that our attorney will handle things from here on out.”

  Nick blew out a big breath. “Ellie, I’m basically finished here. I’ll be on the next flight I can get on.”

  She clutched the phone close, awed he would do that for her. “Oh, I can’t wait to see you. Hurry.”

  He gave her a soft laugh. “I promise to come as fast as I can.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Nick wished owning an airplane was a little more practical; the flight home seemed impossibly long. He kept his ball cap low over his eyes as the plane came to a final stop. Passengers didn’t waste time getting their belongings as Nick stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder. He’d made arrangements for his other bag to be delivered to his home in order to save time.

  Stepping out into the aisle, he followed behind the line of passengers, brushing by one of the flight attendants. She flashed him a smile. “Thanks for the autograph. My husband is going to be so happy.”

  Nick had signed about two dozen autographs and answered twice as many questions about his relationship with Ellie. “You’re welcome.”

  Walking through the busy terminal, he kept his head down, hoping nobody would stop him for anymore autographs. Being rude to fans wasn’t his style, but getting home to Ellie was making him a little edgy. Miraculously, he made it to his car without any problems.

  He did his best to keep his car within the speed limit. After what seemed like forever, he took the Pleasant Wood exit. Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into his driveway. Without going inside his house, he ran across the street to Ellie’s.

  The door flew open and Ellie launched herself into his chest, her arms circling around his neck. “You’re home,” she murmured against his skin.

  He tightened his hold, inhaling the fragrant scent of her hair. “Sorry it took so long.”

  “I’m just happy you’re here.” She edged back, gazing up at him. “Thank you for coming.”

  He never dreamed that having someone waiting for him to come home to would be so nice. He couldn’t count the times he’d walked into his lonely house and wished he had a wife waiting for him.

  Before Nick could give her a kiss, Cade spotted them and didn’t want to be left out. “Group hug,” he yelled as he wiggled his way between them, his arms wrapped around Nick’s leg.

  Ellie released her hold, and Nick scooped up the child. “Hey, little man.”

  Cade placed both his hands on Nick’s cheeks. “I love you, Nick.”

  His breath caught, his heart expanding inside his chest as he hugged the little boy close. “I love you, too, Cade.” Still holding the little boy, Nick leaned forward, and gave Ellie a soft kiss. “I missed you both so much.”

  Cade pulled back. “We really missed you. Didn’t we, Mom?”

  Ellie gave Nick a look that just about brought him to his knees. “Yeah, we missed you.” She ran a finger down his jaw. “A lot.”

  He took a hold of her hand and drew her close to him, intent on stealing at least one more kiss. But Cade had other ideas as he dragged him into the family room to see what he had built with his Legos.

  Nick played with Cade on the floor, his back leaning against the couch where Ellie sat. He tried to concentrate on Cade and the tiny parts they were putting together, but he found it difficult as Ellie ran her fingers through his hair over and over.

  After a while, Ellie reminded Cade about the special SpongeBob episode. “Cade, you can watch it if you promise to clean up your Legos afterward.”

  Cade jumped up. “I promise. But does Nick have to help since he played too?”

  Nick angled his head up, trying not to laugh. “He’s right. I do need to help him clean up.”

  Her lips twisted into a smile. “Yes, Cade. Nick will help you.”

  “Okay.” Cade raced off and turned on the television.

  Nick got up off the floor. As he rolled up the cuffs of his sleeves, he glanced down at his wrinkled, blue dress shirt. “Maybe I should run home and change.”

  “Don’t leave.” Ellie stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  He smiled down at her, his hands settling on her lower back. “Don’t I smell like the airplane?”

  She leaned close, drawing in a deep breath. “Nope.”

  The theme song to SpongeBob blared from the television. Ellie told Cade to turn it down and then looked back up into Nick’s eyes. “Are you hungry?”

  “Are you cooking?”

  She gave him a mischievous smile. “Do you want me to?”

  “I don’t know. Do I?”

  “I can cook, I just don’t like to.”

  He touched the tip of her nose, chuckling. “I’ve been a bachelor for a long time. I’m used to fending for myself. If you don’t like cooking, I’m perfectly fine with that.”

  She smiled. “Really? I promise to iron your shirts, do your laundry and I do like to make breakfast.”

  “See then, we don’t have a problem. You do breakfast and all that other stuff and I’ll provide dinner.”

  She grinned and took a hold of his hand and led him toward the kitchen. “With that kind of attitude, how on earth are you still single?”

  “I’m not going to be single much longer if I can help it,” Nick said, obediently following her into the kitchen. A delicious aroma filled his nostrils and he looked at her incredulously. “You really cooked for me?”

  She laughed. “I did. I’m roasting a chicken and I did it all by myself.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Wow, you must really love me.”

  “I find that I sort of like the idea of cooking for you.”

  It meant so much to him that she had done something for him she didn’t enjoy. It was an act of love, and he knew it. “I don’t think anyone has ever done something so nice for me.”

  Her hands grasped the collar of his shirt and she held on. “Yeah, well you are an extremely nice guy.”

  “No.” He dipped his head. “I’m an extremely lucky guy.” His lips met hers in a slow, long kiss. The kind of kiss he’d wanted to give her since stepping inside her door. He deepened the kiss as Ellie’s hands moved from his collar up around his neck.

  Someone tapped on the sliding glass door, cutting the kiss short.

  Reluctantly, Nick released Ellie and looked over to see Betsy and Owen grinning at them through the glass. Heat crept up Nick’s neck at being caught in another passionate kiss by their pastor.

  Ellie twisted her hands nervously when the Stewarts walked into the kitchen. “Nick was just thanking me for cooking him dinner.”

  Betsy swatted her husband on the arm. “I make dinner for you every night and I never get kissed like that.”

  Owen put his arm around his wife. “Honey, if I kissed you like that we’d both have a heart-attack.”

  Ellie and Nick exchanged a sheepish look. Then Ellie moved to the oven and opened the door. “Do you want to stay for dinner?” She pulled out the covered stoneware and set it on the stove.

  The preacher patted Nick on the arm. “I think we will. Thank you.”

  Betsy grinned. “Do you need any help?”

  Ellie waved her off. “No thanks. Go in and sit down. It won’t take me very long.”

  When they were alone again, Nick whispered in Ellie’s ear. “I don’t think Owen trusts me.”

  Ellie b
it her lip, hiding a smile. “I don’t think it’s you.”

  Nick quirked a brow and pointed a finger at her. “It’s you he doesn’t trust?”

  She started to giggle. “No. He’s just being a pastor and a dad.”

  Nick looked at her intently. “Marry me so I don’t have to feel guilty.”

  “I am marrying you, so why do you feel guilty?”

  He leaned in close to her ear again. “I don’t think that’s something I can discuss with you until you’re my wife.”

  He winked and left her in the kitchen with her mouth hanging open.

  * * *

  After spending nearly a week in California with Nick and his family, Ellie pulled Nick’s Denali into her driveway. There had been an emergency at one of the camps. Nick had stayed in California to take care of business but was flying out early the next morning. She missed him already. Especially since Thomas was coming to get Cade later on in the afternoon.

  “We’re home,” she said, cutting the engine.

  “Finally,” Cade said, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the car door. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  While Cade did a little bathroom dance, Ellie jogged over to the front door and opened it. “I need your help, so come right back out.”

  “Okay,” Cade said, racing inside the house.

  Ellie returned to the car and unloaded their bags, including the additional bag containing all the gifts from Carolyn and Frank. Cade had been completely spoiled the entire week, and not just with material things. Both of Nick’s parents showered Cade with love. The cutest thing was Frank reading to Cade every night before bed.

  Having the extra help allowed Nick and Ellie to spend a lot of time together. It made the separation at night almost unbearable. As a result, they had set a wedding date for three weeks from Friday. Nick’s assistant had coordinated everything, and both of their families would be flying to England for the wedding. The Stewarts were also part of the wedding parry. Owen was going to marry them, and had applied for a special license to officiate at a wedding in the UK.

  Ellie hauled what she could carry into the house and then she and Cade both returned to the car to get the last few things. When he dropped his backpack by the front door, he rushed off to play with his toys. Ellie started to call him back to unpack his things but then remembered that Cade would need it when he left with Thomas the next day.


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