Rodeo Rancher

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Rodeo Rancher Page 68

by Lauren Wood

  The man tried to reach for the gun, but what he got instead was a swift kick in the hand. He heard the bone in his right finger snap and he knew that there was no way that he could pull the trigger, even if he wanted to. He ran across the asphalt with the rocks sticking to his shoes. He wasn’t stopping and even coming to the edge was like a revelation in itself. He leapt from the top and found himself flying like some sort of super hero in a comic book. He knew that it was a long way down and one misstep could be his undoing.

  Judson saw this man’s heart stopping motion and for some reason he decided to follow suit. He jumped onto the ledge and didn’t even hesitate, as he found himself flying like that of a bird in the sky.

  Samantha screamed “NOOOOOO… Not like this… Oh my god…what the hell were you thinking.” She rushed out of breath over to the ledge to see that the man was hobbling into the stairwell of the next building over. He stopped momentarily and made eye contact with her.

  It was the way that he pointed with his thumb stretched to the sky and his finger pointed directly at her that made her aware that he could easily find her and put one between her eyes. She had her hands on the ledge looking across and then she spied Judson hanging precariously with his hands trying to hold onto the edge of the building. “I will never understand why a man would do such a stupid thing without any regard for his own life. I will also not understand how a woman like me can find that absolutely attractive that he would protect me like that. It’s a vicious cycle. It’s been that way throughout history and I doubt that it’s going to change anytime soon. I need to find a way to get to him, but I have no idea how to go about it. There’s no possible way that I can make that same leap and the roof is locked. Maybe there is another door that I can use to get downstairs and over to the next building. I just hope that he can hold on for that long.”

  Judson could hear Samantha cry out and did not want to be the reason for her crying, until there were no more tears left to give. He was using his upper body strength to hold himself by only his fingertips. He could feel that it was only a matter of time before he would hit the pavement. The best that he could do was hold on, until hopefully somebody came to the rescue. His feet were dangling and he was trying his best not to become a footnote in the news on the late edition. It wasn’t the way that he wanted to go out. He was looking forward to retirement with the woman he loved.

  Samantha saw a door open and was heading toward that when she heard an audible gasp from across the way. She looked over to see that Judson wasn’t there and her brain literally shut down with the shock of his imminent demise.

  Chapter 4

  Judson didn’t think that he could hold on for much longer and decided that maybe getting closer to the ground might be better than falling at this distance. He looked down to see that next ledge was about 10 feet away. He could stay like this, but it wouldn’t be long before his fingers would become numb. He was beginning to see that playing a police officer was different that being one. Breathing deeply, he let the world know that he was responsible for his own life. His prayer was quickly made and then the rest was in the hands of the man above.

  His only regret was that he didn’t spend more time with Samantha. The time that they did spend together was amazing and he didn’t want to change anything. He let go and his body felt like it was suspended in midair, before it finally began to plummet in that of slow motion.

  He watched the world go by, until he felt that the moment was upon him. It was then that he snatched onto the ledge, only to feel his one hand give away with only his one arm to hold him up. Instead of panicking, he decided to use that fear and feed on it like it was his drug of choice. Very carefully, he reached out for the ledge and then he managed to pull his weight up, so that the patient inside the room could see him like the specter of death looking in from the outside.

  The old man who had just suffered a heart attack and had just come back from surgery a few hours ago was alert enough that he could see that this man outside his room window was in dire need of assistance. At first, he tried to get out of bed, but the surgery was still fresh and the pain was shooting through his extremities. Thinking quickly, he announced to the nurses’ station that he was in need of their immediate assistance. He had no idea how long it would take them to come to his room, but he was hoping that since he was an emergency care patient that they wouldn’t hesitate.

  “What can I do for you Mr. Jenkins?” The nurse looked at her patient and saw the look of dismay on his face. His boney finger was now pointing towards the window, where she could see the mask of someone that was terrified of falling to his death. “Oh my… I think I understand. Just let me get an orderly.” The woman rushed out into the hall and grabbed Brian, a huge young man that really was at the top of his game in soccer. “I need you to help me and I don’t want you to think and just act.” She pulled him into the room and they both converged on the window, before they realized that the new paint job had made it stick like glue to the windowsill.

  The nurse was beside herself, but Brian knew exactly what to do. This was a matter of brute force. He was literally sweating his balls off, as he finally broke the seal of the paint. The rush of air almost forced Judson into the open air, but Brian was right there to snatch him from the grim hand of death.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing out there, but I suggest that you hold on to me and don’t let go. Brian saw a woman across the way and she looked issues going to faint from watching someone she loved fall from a distance that would break every bone in his body and cause internal injuries that probably would probably kill a normal man. “I’ve got you. There’s nothing to worry about.” Brian’s arm felt like it was coming out of the socket. He was not going to give death the satisfaction of claiming someone that he had come to the rescue of. He reached out with his other hand and grabbed the man by his belt loops. He heaved him into the room, where he landed heavily and didn’t move for several seconds.

  The nurse got down to administer first aid, but found that it was not necessary to apply mouth to mouth resuscitation. The man was a little stunned, but she could tell that he was just thankful that he was away from a fate that would have taken him from this mortal coil. “I don’t think that you should move, until the Dr. gets a chance to assess your condition. You could have broken bones.” She tried to dissuade him from getting up, but Judson was adamant that lying here and doing nothing was not an option.

  He felt a little bit of vertigo and the room began to spin, until he grabbed onto the nearby table for support. He found his hand coming in contact with the telephone and he grabbed it off the receiver and dialed down to the main lobby. “I need to talk to any police officer or guard that you see standing around doing nothing.” He didn’t mean to sound flippant, but this was a matter of some urgency.

  “This is Officer Mills and what can I do for you?” Mills and two of the guards from the hospital were now waiting patiently for the mystery man to come out into the trap that he had made for him.

  “The man that you’re looking for found his way over to the other part of the hospital. I’m sure that you have men stationed at the ped way, but it’s not going to do you any good. He leaped from one building to the other. I have no idea how long he had to get down to the main floor, but I’m giving you fair warning that he is on his way.” he put down the phone and lay back on the bed with the old man feeling a little uncomfortable by his presence.

  “You’re lucky that Mr. Jenkins was awake from his surgery. Nobody was scheduled to come into this room for another half an hour and I doubt that you would’ve been able to hang on that long. I don’t suppose you want to tell me what this is all about and why the hospital seems to be on lockdown.” He made a brief and fleeting statement about what had happened and then he made his way out into the hallway thanking god for allowing him to be able to kiss the ground that he walked on.

  He went to the elevator and had his hand up onto the wall with his head bowed, when he could smell her. He
raised his head and found himself face to face with Samantha. He pushed her up against the wall of the elevator, lifting her leg and draping it around his waist, so that she could feel how hot and demanding he was for her.

  “I was a pretty damn close call and I pray to god that you never try something like that again.” The feel of his lips on her neck and that of his tongue now circling that very same spot was driving her out of her mind. “I don’t think that this is the time…that this is…fuck it… I want you and I think that you know that.” They weren’t even concerned for the man that was out there and they were hoping that the police would be able to catch him. Unfortunately, they would not realize, until they were finished that the man in question had found his way out, but not safely. They would find that he had left behind something in his haste.

  “I have all this pent up aggression and I need something to get rid of it.” She was still wearing that open gown. He easily grabbed onto the cheeks of her beautiful ass and lifted her, until she was pinned up against the wall between him. He pulled at the string at the back, letting that gown to expose her bountiful chest. He tossed it aside looking at her nakedness and feeling like somebody in this equation was wearing too many clothes.

  “I know that you can’t help yourself, Judson, but it’s not like I’m fighting you every step of the way. I want this, as much as you do, if not more so. It’s quite exciting to put your life on the line for no good reason than that you want to make sure that this man finds the justice that he deserves. I can feel you up against me and I know that I want you to fuck me right here in this elevator. I don’t even care if the cameras catch us in the act. It’s a small price to pay to make these last few minutes vanish from my memory. I’m sure that I will never forget, but at least this is a distraction that I need to gain my composure.” The elevator door opened and the young man that came to visit his mother had seen what was going on and decided to take the next one.

  Judson frantically went after his zipper, pulling it down and fishing out his elongated member. It was hard and thick and dripping with the lust induced cream from within. It wasn’t just the woman that was causing him to act this way, but it was racing after that man. It was the same thing that he felt every time that he was on the field doing what he did best. It was almost sexual, moving with a tranquil grace, until he felt like he was superhuman and was almost invincible.

  Reaching down, she came in contact with his stiffness and gave it a few nice tugs to give it reason to be ready to forge ahead into battle. She could feel the slick surface at the head and she circled it with her thumb to hear him gasp audibly from the pleasure that she was making him feel down to his toes. She saw his upper lip quivering and his eyes were wide with surprise, as she handled the business at hand.

  “I know that what I’m doing is wrong and that I should wait, until we are away from the prying eyes of others. We just have this way about us that we can’t seem to stop touching each other in a more profound way. I want this and I knew he wants it.

  Chapter 5

  They stared at each other knowing full well that it was possible that the doors would open and give these people that were visiting a true show that was worth the price admission. “You have no idea how worried I was about you, Judson. You do know that you were risking not only your life but your dream of becoming the star that you think you are. That man was sent here to take care of me and not you. I can only assume that whoever is doing this feels that I am stepping on their toes in some way.” he was nuzzling her neck and the blunt end of his instrument was pressed up against the already moist opening. He squeezed from the bottom to the top with her hand underneath his. He used what came from that to give him the necessary traction to make penetration.

  “I don’t know how you have done this to me, Samantha, but I think that I need to curse your name. You and your high and mighty ways, not mention a body that just won’t quit has made me see things differently. I didn’t think that was possible. I now know what the coach meant by some of his latest tirades. It took a woman like you to open my eyes.” Judson nudged a little bit at her lips and felt her resistance give way to his intrusive methods. She spread around his knob, grabbed onto it like that of an octopus. “I don’t think this one’s going to last very long. I need to cum, but I’m not going to do that, until you get yours.” Usually, he was not about anybody but himself, but this woman had come into his life and gave him something to think about.

  They were desperate for each other, not caring about what other people thought. For the first time in Samantha’s life, she was metaphorically tossing the wine glasses into the fire. Her other leg had joined the one that was draped around his waist and now her ankles were locked in place. She could feel the knob resting inside the entrance and saw in his eyes that he was waiting for some kind of sign that he should continue. “It’s not like you to hold back. That’s the one thing that I don’t want to change about… YOUUUUUUU.” She moaned and her vocal response was made from the balls deep insertion of his manhood. Her lips grabbed him and the inner muscles of her sex were now working over time to get him off in short order.

  “I need you; Samantha and I don’t think that I’ve ever said that to a woman before. I can’t tell you what you want to hear, but maybe I’m just cautious. Fuck…you do know how to make a guy feel welcome. Your body is so warm and inviting and just touching your skin makes you shiver with a combination of heat and cold. I love the way that my cock feels inside you. There’s not a moment that goes by that I don’t think about you.” He had reached down and undid his jean button. He let the natural motion of what they were doing slide them down below his posterior. His bare ass was swinging in the breeze, as he continually gave it to her. He saw her eyes glaze over and the way that she stared at him gave him every indication that she was enjoying herself.

  “I want you to tell me that you can feel my pussy holding on to you. I want you to know that that wetness that seeps down your shaft is courtesy of my excitement for you being inside me. Do you know how good it feels to know that you love me in this way? Your shaft runs up against my walls and on each stroke, you seem to find a way to rub another part of my anatomy. God damn… I don’t know if it’s you or the excitement of the moment, but I don’t think that my orgasm is going to stay hidden for very much longer… AHHHHHH.” That sentiment was met with the thrusting of his hips and the flexing of his ass cheeks, as he reveled in the feeling of her climax taking him on a journey that he would never forget.

  “I’m almost…there. Just a little bit…more… YESSSSS.” His loins gave up what was stirring down below with one shot after the other like a gun going off. Judson could actually hear the proverbial gunshots, but it didn’t fully come to his consciousness that it was really guns going off somewhere. The loving motion of his body was controlled by Samantha. She was grinding in a circle, feeling him going off and loving the way that he gave her a nice cream pie.

  Judson did not stop, grunting with the exertion of what he was doing, until finally his cock began to slide out on a combination of both of their juices. Samantha placed her finger in between them and rubbed vigorously. She came again with only the head now lodged within. She trembled in his grip, her body now letting it be known that those two climaxes were only enough to satisfy for the time being. It was like he was imprinted on her body and that feeling was a mere shadow of what it could be when he was really there in person.

  “I know that that was sudden and I apologize if you feel that I let you down in some way.” Judson knew that he was not the only one that came. He was sure that she had found hers at least twice. He wasn’t quite that aware of the female form, but he was slowly learning about what made a woman tick on the inside and outside.

  “I know that most women want that romance, but for me it’s that spontaneity that does it in spades. You took a moment of complete terror and worry and turned it into something that was beautiful. This is the unspoken bond that I have been talking about. You may not believe it, but you
have finally met your match when it comes to a woman. You can give me that look all you want, but I’m through walking round on eggshells. Everything that has gone on up to this point has proven to me that life is just too damn short to worry about the things that you can’t control. Life is fleeting and if you don’t take chances, then you’re not really living.” She felt the seepage from what he had deposited. She had to concentrate hard to keep it inside, while looking around in a mad panic to find something to cover her shame.

  “You could wear a potato sack and you would still look absolutely stunning. You have this raw sexuality that is perfectly in line with my own overcharged libido. You didn’t know that you could be this type of woman. I know that it scares you, but it shouldn’t. You are evolving into something that is open to changes and not just willing to go with the status quo.” He lost his train of thought, as she was reaching for the gown and then suddenly inspiration took over. He wasn’t quite ready for her to touch him after such an explosive discharge. It was sensitive to the touch and he bucked uncontrollably against her face, as she cleaned him of whatever was left.

  Samantha was in the perfect position and did not hesitate for a second. She found the bold taste more like something that she would want on her diet daily. She enjoyed the blend of both of them mixed into one. It was a cocktail that was meant for consumption and she eagerly complied with her instinct that took over. She delivered him a certain uncomfortable pleasure that made him gasp noticeably and hold onto her shoulders to make sure that she wasn’t going to leave him in that condition. “I don’t want to admit it, but having him around has turned me into a full fledged whore. I want it all the time, but maybe this is the way that it’s supposed to be with people that you love. He may not be able to say it out loud, but his eyes and his body tells me everything I want to know and more.


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