Broken Enagement

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Broken Enagement Page 49

by Gage Grayson

  I suck her clit and then push her legs back behind her head.

  “Nice, baby. You’re so flexible,” I say to her face, contorted with the desperation of wanting me so bad.

  I have a nice view of her pussy spread out before me, and her tits are heaving up and down in line with her ragged breathing.

  Katy’s clutching the rug, holding on for dear life, as the ride of her life is about to begin.

  I sink my thick cock deep inside her, and she comes right away. I guess the build-up that led to this moment was worth it.

  Maybe her dash for the door was just a ploy to drag out the seduction that would bring us here. She couldn’t have left without knowing what my cock would feel like inside of her. And I’m making it worth it now.

  It’s worth every second of waiting.

  “Baby, you’re so fucking tight.”

  I fuck her hard, and together we’re sliding the rug across the floor. I can’t hold back with her. I just want her to feel the full weight of my cock pounding into her.

  She’s come once already, and I order her to finger her clit to make it happen again.

  She does so quickly, and I love the way she obeys me. It’s a feeling that I want to have forever. I want to control Katy and to know that she’s mine.

  I fuck her hard, and she comes again. She cries out, and her body shakes while her pussy tightens even more around my throbbing cock.

  I keep her legs pushed back so that I can gain every inch of access. I want to consume her and for her to never forget this moment with me.

  She’s the best sex I’ve ever had. I know this already.

  She looks dizzy and spent. I take that as my cue to come. I plunge into her hard, and she scratches against the floors, trying to get a hold of something.

  The force of my cock is too much for her―and yet I can tell she likes it.

  I don’t pull out this time. I want her to feel my hot essence spreading within her. I come hard, and Katy does again, too. She squeezes her eyes shut and starts to vibrate around me.

  “Oh, fuck, Marcus, I want you so bad,” she purrs.

  That’s what I needed to hear, confirmation that I’m the one she wants. There’ll be no others that compare after this. No one can compete with me, and I know that I am forever in her eyes the best she’s ever had.

  I let my cock empty inside her before finally pulling out. I lie down next to her on the floor, and we’re covered in sweat, and we’re breathing deeply.

  She rolls over onto her side and says, “Marcus, I don’t do boyfriends, but that was fucking amazing. Do you always fuck like that?”

  I look at her and say, “I try to.”

  The truth is she will never know that she’s the best I’ve ever had. She’s technically my enemy. I wasn’t expecting to fuck her, and I wasn’t expecting it to be so good.

  I already want more.

  But she’s gathering her clothes and heading for the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on, and the fantasy dissipates: I know that, for now, Katy is not really mine to claim.



  I wake up while it’s still dark outside.

  There’s a soreness between my legs that defies anything I’ve ever known. It’s a soreness that can only come from being fucked really well.

  Marcus is everything I could want and more. I know it’s dangerous ground to feel this way because it makes me vulnerable to him―but suddenly I’m okay with that.

  It’s not typically how I work. I need to have power and autonomy over my life no matter what, but for the moment, I’m glad that I let Marcus into my life. Just a little.

  I look over at his sleeping face and body in the darkness of night, and I can’t deny that he’s handsome even now, shrouded in shadow. He’s thoroughly fucked me and made me submit. I’m trying not to let my feelings get involved, but it’s hard not to with him.

  That’s why I have to make yet another escape. I can’t let myself fall down the rabbit hole of love and lust for someone I just met.

  I have to get out of here before he realizes that I’m awake. Marcus has this charming way of wanting me to stick around. He’ll probably offer me breakfast or coffee or something, and I won’t be able to deny him because he’s startlingly good at having me wrapped around his finger.

  That’s not good news for me.

  I slide out of bed and gently tiptoe to the bathroom where I can find my clothes and sneak out of here. I splash some cool water on my face, and images of last night keep flashing across my brain.

  It was the best sex I’ve ever had. I can definitely see myself becoming addicted to him, and for a moment, I become jealous of all the women he will have in the future that are not me.

  This is my final goodbye to him.

  I put on my clothes haphazardly and leave his place.

  It’ll be good for him to see that I disappeared before he awoke. I can’t have him thinking this will develop into something further. And now, he won’t be able to find me ever again.

  It’s so early in the morning that the sun hasn’t even risen. I grab a taxi and make my way downtown to my own little place.

  It could have been a walk of shame, but I feel no shame about it. I feel nothing but excitement and happiness about what Marcus and I did last night. Rarely has a guy rocked my world like that.

  All I have left are memories of it, and that will have to suffice. I never sleep with a man more than once, lest he finds out my identity.

  As soon as I get home, I begin my research.

  I make a pot of coffee and then delve into the world of Marcus Layman.

  That’s the name he gave me but I can’t be sure if it’s real or fake. Like I said, I never trust anybody, not fully.

  It’s an occupational hazard. I’m sure I’m the target of many investigations because of how much money I’ve stolen from the rich.

  I look up his organization, and everything looks legit as per the website. There doesn’t seem to be anything fishy or crazy about Marcus. I can’t be sure, but he seems to be fairly clean cut and on the straight.

  Maybe Marcus really does want me to work with his organization. Maybe I’m judging him too harshly. But the thing is, activism is not my real work.

  I work alone. I like my inner circle that involves other hackers that I only meet online. They have the same beliefs as I do, and they’re also running from the law. So far that’s the only kind of relationship I want in my life.

  I sip my coffee and take a break to change my clothes.

  I get into my little shower and let the hot water flow over me. As I do so, I realize I’m washing off Marcus...his touch, his kisses, his hands, his essence.

  A part of me wishes I never had to shower again. A part of me wishes I could be closer to him, if only for the sex.

  I shampoo my short, pixie cut hair and then douse myself with a couple essential oils.

  I pull on my satin robe and go back to the task at hand, researching Marcus.

  Being at home in front of my computer is where I feel most comfortable. It may not be ideal but this is my lifestyle.

  I’m somehow destined to do this work. My brain just thinks in terms of numbers and software and engineering. I’m very good at what I do, and while it may not be legit work, I know I’m bringing at least some good to the world through my efforts.

  By stealing money from businesses that I know are corrupt, I have the power to help people that really need it. I’ve sent so much money to different orphanages that really needed it that I know I’ve affected at least some lives in a positive way. Of course, I always make sure my actions are untraceable. And I only keep a little bit of the money for myself, just enough to live on.

  If I were as corrupt as some of these banks and stole the money for my personal use, then I’d be a billionaire by now. As it is, I live in a simple apartment, with my only fancy piece of equipment being my computer.

  This is why I have to keep people out of my life. I’m an orphan, after all. I hav
e no family to speak of. And in terms of friends or boyfriends, well, if they knew about my lifestyle, they wouldn’t understand it. So it’s better for me to be alone. At least that’s what I tell myself on a daily basis.

  I log into the chat room I have with the other hackers. It’s my home away from home.

  It’s the only place where I can be honest and open and talk candidly with people about what we do. We’re all in it together. It’s kind of like a pseudo-family.

  At least, it’s the closest thing to a family that I’ve ever known.

  I lean back in my chair and sip the black coffee, which slowly wakes me up. The sun is inching over the horizon, and I know that soon, people will be awake in the city.

  In the chat room, we start to discuss what business we should target next.

  Hey, guys, I type. What’s our next target gonna be?

  A fellow hacker that goes by the name Dragon168 writes, The heat is still on from the last target. The last bank and the other big companies we shattered are still on guard. I think we need to go for something smaller.

  I agree. We don’t want to be too conspicuous. We have to keep this thing tight, I write.

  Another hacker named Mia_intrigue types, We have to really plan this out, you guys. The attack should be synchronized. Nothing can go wrong this time. We have the cops looking everywhere for us. In fact, I’m not even sure this is the right time to do another job. What do you think?

  It’s the right time, Dragon168 writes. It’s always the right time. We have so many organizations to take down that we can’t afford to wait. No one will catch us. We’ve got Spider5d3r tracking the cops and their every move. We’ll be way ahead of them if they ever even have a clue as to who we are.

  I write, I think Dragon is right. We can’t afford to miss this opportunity. I know of an orphanage that’s in dire need of some money. Let’s do it for them. But only if we’re all in it together. Are we?

  Enigma16n4 writes, I’m in! I’ll start researching the logistics of how we can take a smaller fish down.

  Everyone agrees, and I guess it’s onto our next mission. We always have to wonder about escaping the heat, but it’s usually not a problem. I can escape from jail, after all.

  I know my other hacker friends are equally talented. We have nothing to fear.

  I log off and, my thoughts naturally go back to Marcus. If only he knew what I really did, I doubt he’d be so interested. He seems like a player, anyway.

  I don’t regret sleeping with him, but I do hate the fact that I might be starting to form an attachment to him. This is something I avoid at all costs.

  No matter how bad it hurts me, I’m gonna have to keep Marcus at a safe distance by not seeing him. I can’t have him in my life no matter what my emotions are telling me.

  There’s no other course of action to take.



  I stretch, wake up, and fling my arm over Katy.

  It falls to empty sheets, and I realize she’s gone.

  I should’ve expected it, though I’m surprised she left after such an incredible night.

  I made her come so hard. I thought she’d be right here next to me still, craving more.

  She’s truly an independent person, but I gather that you have to be to pull off heists such as she has.

  She’s escaped me once again. I look at the clock and realize it’s still so early. She must’ve left before dawn.

  Katy’s never given me her contact info or anything. So the only way I have to find her is through my investigators.

  The fact that this girl keeps avoiding me and keeps leaving is starting to make me become possessive. Every time she says goodbye, it could be the last time we see each other, and that doesn’t seem to faze her. I want her to not be able to leave my side so easily.

  The thought suddenly dawns on me that she might’ve stolen something. After taking my wallet in jail, I know this person is capable of anything. I get up and search the apartment for anything that might be missing.

  My wallet and watch are on the bedside table where I left them. I’m surprised, considering this could’ve been the last time we see each other. I would’ve expected her to rob me blind.

  The fact that she didn’t…it makes me think that perhaps she’s starting to care about me even a little bit, even if she thinks we’ll never see each other again.

  It’s good news, considering my reasons for wanting her are twofold: I want her body, mind, and soul to be mine and mine alone―at least for the time being. And I want to trace her steps so that I can see how she’s planning to attack my company again.

  Once again, business and pleasure collide. There’s no way around it.

  Last night was incredible. Katy is fucking talented. She surprises me in so many ways―and yet I know I was able to dominate her once, and that makes my cock harden again.

  To take down someone so powerful feels good. She’s a challenge to me and she keeps escaping me, and that makes me want her even more.

  Katy is an enigma who I fully intend on figuring out. By the time I’m done with her, I’ll have her completely exposed.

  I shower and dress in one of the suits I keep hanging in my fake apartment. This place is not the penthouse, but it’s fine. It has all the luxuries I need for the moment.

  I make a couple calls to the investigative team. I tell them I want them to watch Katy from afar. I want to know where she is at all times.

  I make some coffee and wait for them to track her down.

  Eventually, the investigator named Mark calls me. “We have a location on a convenience store she frequents. If you go there now, I think you could see her. It must be close to where she lives.”

  “What’s the address?” I ask, scribbling it down.

  I go downstairs and hop in my car and go to the assigned location. A part of me loves the fact that I can watch Katy from a distance, and a part of me feels like I’m stalking her.

  But whatever. She’s targeting my business and so I have to pull out all the stops. Watching her is no dirtier a deed then stealing from my company, which is what she plans on doing.

  I parked at a far distance from the convenience store. My investigators did a good job, because I soon see her emerge from the store wearing earphones and holding a few things that she bought.

  She looks so gorgeous this morning.

  I wonder if she’s sore and if she’s still reeling from being freshly fucked by me.

  Last night was so good. Katy is someone I need to have in my bed again. Of that I’m sure.

  This morning, she’s wearing tight ripped-up jeans and a black T-shirt. And she’s wearing black Doc Martens and sunglasses.

  She’s my dark princess, always covered head to toe in mystery and intrigue. It reflects her hacker life and solitude.

  Mark was right, because I follow her slowly in my car as she makes her way to an old apartment building. This must be where she lives. I’m glad I have at least that locked down.

  I’m sick of chasing her around the city. I’m glad to know her she resides, finally.

  Her place is probably as I thought it was, akin to the hacker lifestyle. I don’t mind that about Katy. If she truly is the sort of criminal who steals from these large organizations, one thing’s for sure: she doesn’t keep the money for herself.

  It goes somewhere else, and the fact that it’s not in her pocket makes me believe that she’s not purely about money.

  Women like me because they know I’m a billionaire. Katy doesn’t know that about me. And if she did, I doubt she would care. I find that highly amusing and―a huge turn-on.

  I watch her go into her building, and it makes me feel powerful that I finally know where she lives. I plan on sending her a special little gift this afternoon.

  I drive away and speed through the city to my own Manhattan penthouse. From there, I have my assistants wrap up a painting from the dummy apartment that Katy commented on. It’s the one that she liked and was asking about last

  I tell them to deliver it to her building. I personally fill out a card that goes with the painting telling Katy to call me.

  Of course, the real surprise for her is that I know where she lives.

  I then pace around my office, waiting for her to call.

  This girl has me on edge, and she has me in a delightful game of cat and mouse that I find intoxicating. Never did I imagine wanting to bed the hacker who’s out to destroy my life.

  What she doesn’t know yet is that I’m always one step ahead of everybody, no matter who they may be. It’s part of what’s made me successful. Call it intuition or what you will, but it gives me the advantage.

  And my success with Katy will depend on this adept ability to be ahead of her in every way.

  It doesn’t take long for her to call me after receiving the painting.

  “Hi, Katy, how are you doing?” I ask.

  “Never mind that. How do you know where I live, Marcus?” she says.

  “I asked around.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Does it matter? I just wanted to send you the painting.”

  “Yes, it matters. How did you f―”

  “Listen. I’m sorry if that’s not something you wanted. How about we talk? In person?”

  She takes a minute to consider before saying, “Fine.”

  With that, she slams down the phone, and I text her the address where I want to take her.

  Katy is such a firecracker, and I love that about her. But she’s probably also feeling a little bit uncomfortable that I’m closing in on her life. How many other men can say they found out where she lives?

  I’ve done the impossible, and it feels pretty good.



  Receiving this painting from Marcus is a big deal. That means he knows where I live―and I don’t like it at all.

  He’s obviously got spies, or he’s been following me himself. I wonder what his real motivation is. Is it that he just wants to sleep with me again?


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