Deep End

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Deep End Page 6

by Michelle Iannarelli

“West said to say hi.”

  “Oh. How is he?”

  “Doc, you ok?”

  “Yeah, is it warm in here?”

  “I’m not warm but then again I’m in shorts.”

  Cassidy looked Grady up and down. Warm didn’t even begin to describe the heat she was feeling now. “I brought a chair in for you to sit on.” Cassidy took Grady’s hand and led him over to the chair. “Are you sure about this?”

  “I trust you, Doc.” Grady smiled.

  Cassidy took a scissor and started to trim Grady’s beard, then she shaved his face. He never moved an inch. When she was finished, she wiped the remaining shaving cream from Grady’s face with a hot cloth. “I recognize you now.” Cassidy smiled.

  Grady lifted his hands and ran them up and down his cheeks. When he moved his hands Cassidy could see him grinning from ear to ear. “I feel so much better.”

  “Do you want to take a break?”

  “Not unless you do?”

  Cassidy closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled. “Nope, I’m good.”

  “That kind of tickles.”

  Cassidy stood between Grady’s legs as she continued to rub him down with shaving cream. “Hold still or you’ll end up a bloody mess.”

  “You know there was a time not too long ago that letting you slit my throat would have worked but thanks to you, Doc, I have hope.”

  “Never give up hope, Grady.”

  Grady could hear what sounded like sadness in Cassidy’s voice and it upset him. “Hey, I know that you’re the doctor here but if you need someone to talk to my ears still work.”

  “Oh, I’m ok.” Cassidy of course lied. Only Jess knew her darkest secret. “I’m just trying to figure out how to get all of this excess shaving cream off you.”

  “Why don’t I step into the shower?”

  “Ahh, good idea.” Cassidy turned on the shower.

  Grady stood. “Don’t worry, I’ll leave my shorts on.”

  “I wasn’t worried.” The hell she wasn’t. Cassidy was in a panic that she’d lose her mind if she had to rub Grady down while he was naked and dripping wet.

  Grady stepped into the shower and along with Cassidy washed off the shaving cream. “Oh God, this feels so good.”

  “I missed a few spots.” Cassidy grabbed the razor and went back to work ridding Grady of the remaining hair on his chest and belly.

  Grady reached his hand down and ran his fingers through Cassidy’s hair. Cassidy tensed up. “Your hair feels so soft and silky. What color is it?”

  “Brown.” Cassidy stood up. “You’re all good for now.”

  Grady didn’t give Cassidy a chance to get away he grabbed a hold of her and pulled her up against him. Then he kissed her.

  Cassidy’s first instinct was to pull away but dammit she wanted to kiss Grady.

  Grady ran his hand over Cassidy’s breast stopping to rub his thumb against her erect nipple. When Cassidy didn’t object, he slid his hand inside her sweats and pushed his fingers inside her.

  Cassidy lifted her leg and rested it on the tub allowing Grady to go deeper. Her body was on fire. She reached inside Grady’s shorts and started pumping his cock.

  Grady broke the kiss and grabbed Cassidy’s ass. “Wrap your legs around me, Doc.”

  Cassidy heard the word Doc and it threw her back to reality. She was indeed Grady’s doctor and she knew better. Grady was misinterpreting his feelings of gratitude and for Cassidy to take advantage of that would be wrong on so many levels. Cassidy pulled back. “I can’t do this.” Cassidy climbed out of the shower.

  Cassidy got changed and then she made her way back to Grady’s room. She knocked a few times before he finally answered. “I’m in bed.”

  “Can I come in? I want to talk to you.”

  “Maybe later.” Grady rolled over.

  “Ok.” Cassidy moved away from the door.

  Grady felt so guilty that he took advantage of Cassidy. He should have thanked her and then jerked off in the shower, but no, he had to force himself on her. He reached for his phone and tapped on it until he heard the voice prompt. “Call West.”

  “Well, if it isn’t my old pal, Greedy Grady.”

  “Hey, West.”

  “Shit, Man, you sound awful.”

  “West, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.”

  “Want a list?” Weston chuckled.

  “This is no joke. I took advantage of Doc.”

  “More than a kiss?”

  “Yeah. I couldn’t help myself. I know I shouldn’t have started but…”

  “You’re a horn dog, I get it.”

  “No, I honestly think I may have real feelings for her, West.”

  “Ok, back up. You kissed her and she did what?”

  “It went further than that, but she said, ‘I can’t do this’ and then she climbed out of the shower.”

  “Shower? You were nailing her in the shower?”

  “No. She was helping me shave and one thing led to another. I grabbed her and told her to wrap her legs around me and that is when she took off running.”

  “Ok, so maybe you just moved too fast?”

  “What should I do?”

  “Grady, I want you think before you answer me, ok?”


  “Do you really think you have feelings for Doc Scott, or do you think that maybe you’re lonely and need sex?”

  “I haven’t even thought about sex until today.”

  “What about last time you kissed her?”

  “I was excited and…”

  “And what?”

  “I think I’m falling for her.”

  “So, you don’t want to have sex with her?”

  “Yes, I’d love to have sex with her but it’s more than that.”

  “Maybe you need to tell her how you feel?”

  “Why? Obviously, she doesn’t feel the same way.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “She ran off is how.”

  “Couldn’t it be that you moved too fast?”

  “Maybe she just doesn’t want to be saddled with a loser.”


  “It’s true, I mean the only reason she is here is because Rylan couldn’t stomach me and then you needed to go. I can’t take care of myself.”

  “Pity party is over. Suck it up and go apologize to her. Then tell her how you feel.”

  “What if she leaves?”

  “What if she stays?”

  “Maybe I should just start with an apology and see how that goes?”

  “I would definitely apologize first.”

  “You around if…”

  “I’m always here for you, Buddy.”

  “Thanks, West.”

  “Call me later.”

  “Will do.”

  Cassidy was sitting in the living room answering her patients’ emails when she heard Grady’s door open. Her stomach immediately went into knots.

  Grady stopped at the doorway. “Doc, can we talk now?”

  Cassidy closed her laptop. “Sure. Come sit down.”

  Grady made his way over to the chair beside the couch. “You’re on the couch?”

  “Yes, sit, there’s room.”

  “It’s ok. I’m good with the chair.” Grady sat.

  “Oh God. Grady, I’m so sorry.”

  “What? Doc, I’m the one who should be apologizing. I forced myself on you.”

  “No, you didn’t. I allowed you to and for that I am sorry.” Cassidy stood up and started pacing. “I failed you as your doctor. Grady, I spoke to a colleague of mine and he is willing to work with you.”

  “What? You’re leaving me?”

  Cassidy wiped a tear that escaped from her eye. “Don’t worry I won’t leave until my replacement arrives.”

  Grady stood. “So, this is my punishment for…”

  “Grady, no! It’s not a punishment. I’m your doctor and the way I behaved today was unethical. I only want what’s best for you.�

  Grady waved his hand in the air to grab a hold of Cassidy, but she moved away. “I’m blind but not stupid. I know you’re right here in front of me.”


  “No, don’t tell me that this is about you not being a good doctor. I know it’s because I can’t keep my hands to myself. If I could take it back I would. I’m sorry.” Grady turned and walked back toward his room.

  “Grady, wait.” Cassidy followed Grady down the hall. When Grady didn’t stop Cassidy wrapped her hands around his waist. “Please, Grady, I need to explain.”

  Grady reached down and held onto Cassidy’s hands. “You’ve helped me so much. I don’t know how you could ever think that YOU are not the best thing for me. If it wasn’t for you…I’d be dead.”

  “No, you’re strong. Grady, what you’re feeling…those feelings are gratitude.”

  “I know what I’m feeling, and it is not gratitude!” Grady pulled Cassidy’s hands from his waist and continued down the hall.

  Cassidy heard a crash. She jumped up from her bed and ran down the hall to Grady’s room. “Grady!” The door was open, so she looked inside but Grady wasn’t there. “Grady! Grady, where are you?” She continued down the hall, through the living room and into the kitchen where she found Grady. “Why didn’t you answer me?”

  “Because I don’t need you. You said it yourself.”

  Cassidy flipped on the light and that was when she saw the chards of glass surrounding Grady’s bare feet. “Don’t move, there’s glass everywhere.”

  “I don’t care.” Grady took a sip of his beer.

  “Well, I care.” Cassidy rubbed Grady’s arm. “If I was to be completely honest here…I care more than I should, and it scares the hell out of me.”

  “You do?” Grady grabbed Cassidy’s hand.

  “I do and I want to help you. I’m just afraid that I’ve gotten too close and maybe I’ll miss something or…”

  “But you won’t. Please don’t leave me, Doc. I need you.”

  “Fine. I’ll stay.”

  Grady leaned down and hugged Cassidy. “Thank you.”

  Cassidy knew that staying was a mistake, but she couldn’t handle the thought of being without Grady.

  It had been a week since what had been dubbed ‘the shower incident’. Grady knew that his family would be back in a few days and he wanted to do something special for Cassidy to thank her for taking care of him.

  “Grady, are you sure you’ll be ok while I’m gone?”

  “Yes, go, meet Jess.”

  “I’ll only be about an hour and I will bring you home a pizza.”

  “You don’t have to rush home. If I need you, I will call you.”

  “Ok, I’m going to change and then I will head out.”

  “Say hi to Jess for me.”

  “See you soon.”

  Grady thought to himself, ‘sooner than you know’.

  Cassidy stood in front of the restaurant waiting for Jess for almost fifteen minutes before she sped by, honked, and turned into the parking lot.

  Jess got out of the car and took her time making her way over to Cassidy. She was praying that Grady’s plan didn’t backfire.

  “Hey, I’m sorry I’m so late.” Jess hugged Cassidy.

  “You’re worth waiting for.” Cassidy smiled.

  “You seem awfully happy tonight.”

  “This last week with Grady has been amazing but I’m going to miss him.”

  “Why do you have to miss him?”

  “His family will be back in a few days and then I’m going to move back home.”

  “That doesn’t mean that you won’t ever see him again. You’ll still be his doctor.”

  “Not for long. He is so close now. I know it won’t be long before his sight returns.”

  “Then you can be his girlfriend.”


  “I’m starved. Let’s go inside.” Jess opened the door and walked in.

  Grady was a nervous wreck. It had been so long since he’d had a date. In fact, he couldn’t remember ever feeling this way about a first date.

  “She is on her way in, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Lee, for helping me set this up.”

  “Anything for you, Grady. You’re like family here.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “I will give you some privacy.” Lee exited.

  Grady exhaled. He could hear Cassidy’s voice in the distance and couldn’t help but smile.

  Cassidy and Jess followed the hostess through the restaurant. “Jeez, where are they sitting us at a table next door.” Cassidy laughed.

  “Right through here, Ladies.” The hostess opened a door.

  Jess pretty much shoved Cassidy inside and then pulled the door closed.

  Cassidy looked up after she caught her footing and there, he stood…Grady in a black suit and tie holding a bouquet of red roses. The table beside him had candles and champagne on it. “Oh, Grady!”

  “I wanted to do something special for you. You’ve done so much for me, Doc.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well, say something because I can’t see your facial expressions.”

  Cassidy walked over to Grady. “I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

  “These are for you.” Grady extended the roses to Cassidy.

  “Thank you!” Cassidy took the roses from Grady and placed them on the table.

  Grady felt for the chair and pulled it out. “Have a seat.”

  Cassidy looked down at the chair and then up at Grady. “You look so handsome.” Cassidy hugged Grady. “Thank you, Grady. I’ll never forget this night.”

  Grady leaned down and kissed the top of Cassidy’s head. “You always smell so good.”

  “Peach scented shampoo.” Cassidy pulled back and sat down.

  Grady remembered Lee telling him that his chair would be four steps to the left. He smiled when he found his seat. “Champagne?”

  “Ok, shall I pour?”

  “No, you have the night off.” Grady raised his hand and the server came over to the table.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “We’re ready for our champagne now.”

  “Grady, I know how I got here but how did you get here?”

  “Jess. Why do you think she was late?”

  Cassidy laughed. “That sneaky dog.”

  “She waited for you to leave and then she pulled around the block and picked me up. Then the owner’s let me in the service entrance.”

  The server handed them each a glass of champagne.

  “Thank you.”

  “I will go get your appetizers now.”

  Grady raised his glass. “I know that I’ll never be able to truly express how much you mean to me, but I hope this gives you an idea, Doc.”

  Cassidy had tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat. She felt like Cinderella, so happy in the moment but when Grady regained his sight it would be like the clock struck midnight. She decided to do as Cinderella did and enjoy the time she had left with her prince.

  “Dinner was delicious.”

  “Wait until dessert.” Grady smiled.

  Cassidy melted every time Grady smiled and tonight, he did a lot of smiling. “You have such a beautiful smile.”

  “The thing I wish I could see most is your smile.”

  Cassidy looked down at the floor. “It’s not something worth wasting your wish on.”

  “I doubt that.”

  Cassidy needed to change the subject. “So, what’s for dessert?”

  “Cheesecake, tiramisu and cannoli cake with fresh whipped cream.”

  “Oh, my goodness.”

  Grady stood and extended his hand to Cassidy. “Dance with me, Doc.”

  Cassidy took Grady’s hand and Grady pulled her into his arms. “I haven’t danced with anyone for years.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Up until the accident I was always training or competing. I never had time to do
anything else.”

  “Never had the time or never made the time?”

  “I guess maybe I never had a good enough reason to make the time.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think that blindness is a good enough reason.”

  “You’re my reason.” Grady leaned down to kiss Cassidy.

  “Dessert is served!”

  Grady turned toward the voice. “Thank you.”

  Cassidy spent the car ride home thinking about how she would handle it if Grady kissed her goodnight. She finally decided to thank him for a night that she would never forget and then run off to bed.

  “Why are you so quiet? You’re not upset with me, are you?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Good, because the night’s not over yet.”

  Cassidy immediately felt butterflies in her belly. How could she be upset at anything Grady did at this point. He’d spent the evening making sure she felt special and appreciated. “It’s not?”

  “I hope not.”

  “I was driving us home. Do you have another surprise?”

  “Home is good. I’m still not comfortable being out in public.”

  “You do realize that you were just out in public?” Cassidy giggled.

  “Lee is like family. He told me how many steps between chairs and how many steps to take away from the table to dance. He even reminded me which side the forks were on.”

  “I’m proud of you.”


  “Yes. You went out of your comfort zone for me.”

  “You have given up so much for me, it was the least I could do for you, Doc.” Grady reached out his hand.

  Cassidy took Grady’s hand and kissed it. “Thank you.”

  Cassidy walked up to Grady’s front door still holding his hand. Grady stopped Cassidy before she opened the door. “Doc, before we go inside, I just want to say that I don’t want you to feel obligated or pressured to do anything that you don’t want to do.”

  Cassidy was a nervous wreck. Grady basically just asked her for permission to have sex. She knew she should run to her own bed but instead the fire surging through her body must have short circuited her brain. “I don’t feel that way.”


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