TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2) Page 1

by Alexi Ferreira


  Wolverine MC (Book 2)

  Copyright © 2020 Alexi Ferreira

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in used critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses as permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, mentioning in the subject line:

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, any event, occurrence, or incident is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created and thought up from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.





  ONIX 1

  HAWK 2

  ONIX 3

  HAWK 4

  ONIX 5

  HAWK 6

  ONIX 7

  HAWK 8

  ONIX 9

  HAWK 10

  ONIX 11

  HAWK 12

  ONIX 13

  HAWK 14

  ONIX 15

  HAWK 16

  ONIX 17

  HAWK 18



  ONIX 1

  “Are you sure about this darling? I think this is too dangerous for you to leave everything and go on a wild goose chase.” I look over my shoulder at my mom and see her worried look as she rubs her hands nervously against her skirt. Letting go of the shirt I am folding I turn to look at her. In the last six months since Linda’s disappearance, I have seen how the worry of not knowing where she is ravishes her.

  The bubbly loving woman that I have known my whole life is now a shadow of herself. Since the day that Linda disappeared we have done everything in our power to find her. To be honest I’m out of options, this is my last lead and I’m hoping that this motorcycle club which I’m on my way to meet will be able to help me.

  “I will be fine mom,” I hug her close, feeling her fragile bones under my touch, “I will keep in touch every day I promise.” I step back looking down at the familiar loving face. “Mom I will find her.” I see a tear trickle down her cheek, lifting my hand I stroke it away.

  “Why hasn’t she phoned, or let us know where she is?” She asks for the hundredth time.

  “I don’t know, but you know how she is, Linda has always been dippy when it comes to keeping in touch.” I stroke her cheek again, “Remember that time she went camping with her friends when she was in high school?”

  My mom nods, a sad smile lifting her lips, “I will find her, and when I do, I am going to kill her for worrying us.” My mom lifts her hand stroking my long brown tresses behind my ear.

  “You know how she is love; she has always been a rebel.”

  “Yes, but her rebellion has cost us dearly.” I have had to put in leave without pay, as an upcoming lawyer trying to make partner this was the worst time for her to disappear. When I get back, I will have to try and make up for all the time that I am missing.

  Linda has been mixed up with the wrong crowd ever since school, I have been getting her out of trouble ever since I can remember. I pray that she’s okay, but I’m worried that she isn’t. I haven’t told my mom because I don’t want her to worry, but from information that I have gathered so far the people she is involved with are not the type that I can deal with by myself like before. That is why the private investigator I hired guided me towards this motorcycle club that I am headed towards to ask for help.

  He promises me that they are not involved in shady business, I am going out on a limb on this one, but I don’t have any other options. I’m not someone that likes to sit around waiting for something to happen. I like to be the one in charge of my own fate and up to now I haven’t been able to get on top of this.

  When the Wolverine MC’s name came up, I jumped at the opportunity. Now I just need to make sure that they agree to help me. “I will get her back.” I say with a smile at my mom to calm her as I turn back to my luggage. I don’t know how long this is going to take, but I need to make sure that I take everything that I might need.

  “Are you sure these men are reliable?”

  “Yes mom, I have looked into all the men, there is nothing really worrying about them. There are no drug charges against any of them, the only charges I found was for fighting.”

  “Well just be careful, I don’t want to have to worry about you too.” To be honest in my younger years I did give my mom a few concerns, but I have been good for a couple of years now. Ever since graduating I have kept my instincts tampered. I am naturally an inquisitive person, to tamper my natural instincts is sometimes difficult, but I have managed. I’m a spontaneous person therefore, when I became a lawyer there was a lot that I had to change about myself. I find it difficult many times to not do things that my instinct tells me to do, but the life I chose dictates that I need to be cool and collected at all times.

  When we couldn’t get a hold of Linda, I nearly lost that cool, but then the private investigator followed Linda’s trail to a town up north. From what he says she is involved in a biker’s club called the Hades MC. I would have gone directly to the Hades club but was warned that they are mixed up in some bad stuff, and after getting the report from the PI on the investigating he did on them I found out that they have warrants for nearly all the men in that club. On the contrary to the Wolverine MC, the Hades men have warrants for everything from drugs to murder.

  That is why I intend to acquire the help of the Wolverine MC. The private investigator informed me that the Wolverine and the Hades are rivals and the quickest way for me to find Linda is through them. I have been given a name, King. The PI told me that the only way to get help from them is to speak to him. Apparently, he is the President of the Wolverine MC and he’s the one that I need to convince to help me find Linda.

  No matter what happens I need to try and find her, I know she is a handful but she’s my sister and as such I will always protect her. Linda is older than me by two years, but you would never say that with her behaviour. In my twenty-seven years I have done some mad things in life, but I have also worked hard to become something in life. Meanwhile, all Linda has done with her life is throw everything away with one mistake after another.

  We had the bad luck of having a father that liked kids more than he should, I think that I have so much patience for Linda because I feel guilty of what she did for me. She stood in my place every time when Dad would come into our room. I know that the whole rebellion started because of what our father did to her, but I have tried to help her, repeatedly, but she doesn’t want to change. I love my sister and I will do anything for her, I just hope she didn’t get more than she bargained for this time.

  “I think the taxi is here Darling.” Mom says as she looks out the window, “you can still change your mind.” She says as she looks over her shoulder at me.

  “I will be fine, don’t worry.” I say as I zip up my bag, pulling it off the bed. I look around one more time to make sure that I have everything. I’m not someone that likes clutter therefore my apartment is sparsely furnished. I rented this apartment three years ago and have loved the independence that it afforded me. Living at home was great and the three of us used to be like the three musketeers, but we grew up and had to move on. I like my own space, like having the opt
ion of choosing what I want and when I want it. I think that is why I have never found a man that has captured my interest for more than a couple of months as I am too strong willed to be tapered down.

  “Make sure to phone me as soon as you land.”

  “I will mom,” I say as I pull my suitcase behind me walking towards the door. Before I step outside, I stop, turning I see her standing at the door with a worried look. Taking a step back I place my arms around her once more and hug her close. “See you soon.”

  “You better.” She mutters before I let go and make my way towards the taxi. She has a key to my apartment in case of any eventuality. I asked her to keep an eye on my plants while I’m gone, mostly to keep her busy and to get her out of the house.

  I’m renting a car as soon as I land, hopefully finding Linda won’t take too long as I’m spending more money than I anticipated in trying to find her. I haven’t booked a place to stay yet as I’m not sure what is going to happen with the MC, I have tried to phone twice before but both times am told that King isn’t in and will get back to me, which he never does.

  It wasn’t easy getting this time off work, I need to make sure that I make it count because every day is another day that Linda is in danger. If this King guy would only have answered his phone. I was hoping to have acquired their help without having to have left home, but because he didn’t have the decency to return my calls, I now have to go all the way there and make sure I convince him before I can come back.

  The flight is thankfully short and in no time, I am in a rental heading towards the address that the PI sent me. I know that this situation has a lot to be desired but looking around I feel an excitement within myself that I haven’t felt in a very long time. The area is beautiful as its spring and the flowers are all out in bloom. I slide down my windows feeling the fresh air circulating around me, my hair blowing gently around my face. It has been such a long time that I have taken time just for myself. Usually, I am running around at work trying to find enough evidence to put some asshole away and if I’m not at work I’m at the children’s shelter volunteering.

  I know that my childhood shaped my decision in becoming a lawyer and when the opportunity arose for me to volunteer, I jumped at it. Knowing that I can at least try and help those children to have a better life than what they have had till now drives me to do the best that I can with each case that I have.

  “Where the hell is this place?” I mutter as the GPS directs me past the Town. About a mile out of town I hear a loud pop and then the steering becomes heavy. Oh darn, that is all I needed driving the car to the side of the road I stop, sliding out of the car, I walk around the front of the car to see the front tire of the passenger side completely flat. Well, that must be quite a big puncture for the wheel to deflate so quickly. Looking around I frown; I am completely isolated. There are trees all around and from the looks of it not many cars travel this road.

  Walking back to my side I lean into the car to grab my phone; I have never changed a tire before, I know what the basics are, but nothing like Google to help me out. “Oh, come on.” I mutter exasperated as I realize that there is no signal. Huffing in anger, I slide the phone into the back pocket of my jeans as I look for the lever to open the boot.

  Walking to the boot I frown as I lift a panel to find the jack and tools required to change the tire, but where the hell is the tire. Leaning down I look under the car only to find the tire right under the boot, “How do I get you out?” I mutter as I stand again, I try to pull up the panel where the tools are to no avail. I hear a car approaching, turning I see what looks like a pickup driving towards me, great timing. Raising my arm, I wave only to have the man stop in the middle of the road.

  “Hey little lady,” just that greeting has my teeth grinding, “looks like you in need of a man.” I swear if I had an option, I would say no.

  “Hi, will you help me with the tire?” I say pointing towards the flat. I see him nod as he leans forward to look at the damage.

  “I’m on my way to pick up a car, I can change that for you on my way back” Darn, I was really hoping to get this over and done with as soon as possible, but beggars can’t be choosers.

  “Sure, thanks.” I say with a smile even though I feel more like crying. “How long do you think you will be?” I see him raise his hand as he scratches at his forehead.

  “Well not longer than an hour.” He says and then nods

  “Okay thank you.” I say as he puts his truck into gear and then pulls away. Well there goes my help, I grunt, as I once again look inside the trunk. Of all days, couldn’t this happen another time? There must be a way, I lay down on the ground just behind the boot as I look at the tire, how do I get this stupid thing loose? Placing both my hands on the tire, I try to shake it loose to no avail, it doesn’t even budge.

  “I don’t think it will come loose like that.” at that deep voice I yelp in surprise lifting my head I hit it against the bumper groaning. “Ow” I mutter, placing my hand over my forehead. “You okay?” I feel a warm hand on my upper arm pulling me up. Opening my eyes from the pain that is now subsiding, I encounter the darkest brown eyes I have ever seen; they are nearly black in colour.

  “You surprised me.” I state as I look around not seeing any means of transport, “where did you come from?” I ask as I once again look at the man only now noticing the scar on his forehead, his long hair hanging around a very distinguished tanned face. If it wasn’t for the scowl on his face, he would be very handsome.

  “I was out for a walk.” He grunts as he looks at the open boot and then back at me, “you want help?” I don’t know if I should trust him or not, it’s not as if I can run anywhere if he does decide to hurt me, this man has an aura of danger that radiates a mile away and I’m sure if I had to run it wouldn’t even tire him to catch me, but at the moment he is better than me waiting for an hour.

  “I have a flat tire” at my words his eyebrow rises, I swear if he would just crack a smile, I’m sure he wouldn’t make me feel so helpless. He looks over the car on the driver’s side and then steps around me to look at the passenger side, when he sees the tire his frown intensifies if that is possible.

  “Move aside.” He grunts as he leans into the boot of the car to pull out the jack, he proceeds to place the jack under the car and starts to lift it off the ground. Not bothering to say another word as he works.

  “Do you live near here?” I ask only to receive a grunt in reply, “my name is Onix, I’m looking for someone.” Again he grunts in reply not giving me his name in return. He pulls the damaged tire off lifting it from the ground as if it weighed nothing as he walks back to the boot. I wait as he fiddles with the spare, a few minutes later he is stepping around me to place the tire in its place. Looking down at my watch I shake my head as I realize that all of this didn’t take him more than ten minutes, less time than what I took just looking at the spare in the boot.

  He places the jack back in the boot before closing it, “Done.” He mutters as he turns to leave.

  “Wait.” I call only to have him stop as he looks over his shoulder at me, “At least tell me your name,” seeing as he’s not interested in who I am looking for he might as well tell me who he is.

  “Frost.” I frown, did I hear him right, did he just say his name is Frost?

  “Frost?” I ask, “as in Frostbite?” At my question he raises a brow and then nods before turning again and making his way into the woods. “Thank you Frost!” I call but he doesn’t acknowledge me as he continues on his way, what a strange man, handsome, but strange. His name does suit him though, he is all frosty. I smile shaking my head in amusement at my thoughts as I slip into the driver’s seat. Starting the car, I sigh, well let’s see if I finally make it to the Motorcycle club without any more incidents.

  HAWK 2

  “What the fuck, you nearly dropped that on my foot.” Dixon says as he jumps back, I grunt as I look over at him. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me today, but my conce
ntration is shot. Since waking up this morning I have been feeling anxious as if something is about to happen and it is fucking with my head.

  “You know brother, I think the sign will look better if Dixon isn’t part of it.” Goliath quips as he places his arm against the two-metre sign we are unloading from the truck. King finally decided to have a Wolverine MC sign made up for the front of the club house. We were all in agreement in having it but that was before only the three of us turned up to set it up as the others are all conveniently busy with something. I shake my head at my thoughts, I know exactly what the others are busy with and it is more important than this stupid sign. I’m just being churlish which is completely unlike me.

  “Let’s just get this done.” I mutter

  “Jeepers, you really need to get laid.” Dixon mutters as he starts to lift his side of the sign just as Goliath’s phone starts to ring. Grunting we place the sign on the floor again as he pulls out his phone to answer.

  “What?” He asks, “Well tell her to come back some other time we are not taking visitors at the moment.” With that he disconnects the call.

  “What’s up?” Dixon asks as we once again start moving the sign towards its place before the club house.

  “Just some woman at the gate looking for King.” We take a couple more steps when the phone starts to ring again.

  “Oh, for fuck sake.” I mutter as we again place the sign on the ground.

  “Need help?” Frost asks as he approaches

  “Yeah, take Goliath’s spot, he’s like a receptionist today.” Dixon says which earns him a scowl from Goliath. Dixon, Frost and I are moving the Sign closer to its location when I hear Goliath muttering as he approaches.

  “Some fucking woman that can’t take no for an answer, I told them to let her drive up and King can deal with her.” We are just placing the sign up against the wall so that we can start preparing to lift it up to the top of the club house when I hear a car approaching from behind. The hairs at the back of my neck rise, my whole-body tenses as if ready to bolt. What the hell is wrong with me today?


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