Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2)

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Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2) Page 10

by Tricia Wagner

  I didn’t even hear his truck. “Jason.” He shakes his head, “I told you to leave it be. You couldn’t just leave it be.” Crap. “Jason.” This was Meredith. He looks to her and she says, “I’m so sorry.” His face changes, like he didn’t expect that. “Please don’t blame Sophie for something that I should’ve done a long time ago. She squats down and brings Jase out in front of her, “Jase, this is mommy and daddy’s friend Jason.” His eyes get big and I see the most precious thing I have ever witnessed, as Jase lets go of his mom and runs Jason. He hits his legs and wraps his arms around them. Jason brings his arms around to the top of Jase’s head and his own head looks up to the sky. I hope he’s reflecting on the moment and not planning my murder.

  I hear movement behind me and I see Brantley standing there. I give him a weary smile and he winks at me. I wonder if he knows what’s going on. I turn back to see that Jason was squatting talking to Jase. I look to Meredith who was crying. I step to her side and put my good arm around her. She accepts it and we stand there crying together as I watch Jason show true emotion as he talked to Jase. Meredith looks to me and says, “Do you mind if I go to him?” I shake my head, “Of course not.” She walks toward him and kneels down on the ground. I can’t hear anything, but this picture hits me in the gut. I mean, Meredith is beautiful. Had she seen passed everything that had happened differently, would her and Jason be together? Would he even want me? What did I just do?

  I walk away giving them their moment, and I decide that I needed to freshen up. I head inside and splash some cool water on my face. When I’m done I open the door to see Jason standing there. “Hi.” He doesn’t say a word. He opens his arms and I face plant myself into them. He kisses the top of my head and says, “The outcome, was a good one, so I will try not to be pissed at you for goin behind my back and lying to me.” I don’t say anything. I knew he’d be mad. I don’t know how long we stood there like that, but when he pulls away I look up into his eyes and say, “Are they staying for lunch?” He smiles, “Yeah. They are.” I nod, “Let’s get this party started.” He chuckles as he kisses me. When he lets me go he gives me an “I love you.” I nod, “I love you too.” With a kiss to my cheek we head outside to celebrate. Life, Love, and a brotherhood that is like no other. A family that would now include two more people. Why was I so unsure if this turned out well or not?

  Chapter Thirteen

  I hear the crack. It sounds so weird, and now my arm feels extremely weird. I look up to the doctor who just cut the cast off of my arm. He starts to bend and prod at me, but everything looks and feels great. Thank God. The cast was finally gone. I look down again and see how much smaller my arm is than the rest of my body. I needed to hit the gym to build that back up. I’m sure I have the goofiest smile on my face when I hear the doctor say, “Everything looks great. If you have any issues, just call and we’ll be in touch.” I nod. I hope we weren’t in touch. “Thank you doc. I hope you won’t take it personally when I say, I hope we don’t stay in touch.” To this he chuckles, “I completely understand. If you wanted to though, non-injury related, maybe we could stay in touch?” Shoot. I know Jason is out there somewhere because I made him wait in the waiting room. “Uh. Sorry…I um…I have a boyfriend.” He nods, “Of course you do. My apologies. I’m glad everything turned out okay for you.” I give him a nod and a smile as I awkwardly hop off the table.

  I head down the hall to find Jason and when I turn into the waiting room I see Trance standing there. I look around as he says, “He had to run an errand.” What? “An errand?” He nods, “It was an emergency, I’m here to take you home.” Okay? “Is everything okay?” He nods, “Yeah, all good. Babe, good to see you without that damn cast.” I nod, “You’re tellin me!” He smiles and directs me toward the car. We get in and head to my house. I’ve been waiting for this for eight weeks, and now Jason isn’t even going to be here for it. I don’t understand. At all.

  We get there and Trance tells me to head in and he’ll be in for a bit until Jason comes back. I head inside because really all I wanted to do was something I needed to use my other arm with. When I open the door my mouth drops open. There are rose petals everywhere. I gasp as I take in the rest of the house. The blinds are all pulled and there are candles everywhere. It looks like it is straight out of a book. I look around and see there is a path, so I figure I’m probably meant to follow it. When I get to the top of the stairs I see my cute little pink bag sitting at the top. I pick it up loving that he remembered I had bought it for this day. I head into the bedroom expecting Jason, but instead I found a note. It read:


  I can’t wait to see what’s in that bag. I’ve been waiting for the day that you could wrap both of your arms around me again. Get dressed. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re done. Congratulations on the good news today, baby.



  I fight to squeal and rush into the bathroom. This was going to be an amazing day. I hurry into the purple and black number that I had bought and when I come back into the room I see Jason standing there in his boxers. Yum. When I get to his eyes, I see that he isn’t looking at my face. He’s taking in my outfit and my arm. When he gets to my face I smile at him. I take a step closer and he holds me at arms-length. He lightly kisses my lips and then trails all the way down my cast-free arm. That was hot. He hits the bottom of my belly, I feel him sucking and kissing at my skin. I close my eyes as I take in how sensual it all feels. I let out a light moan and he stops. I look down to him and I realize he’s looking at me. He stands back up and takes my mouth in a deep, slow kiss. I feel his tongue glide into my mouth as he lowers us onto the bed. Both of my arms go up and wrap around his neck. I let out a breath as “Oh God” comes out of my mouth.

  His mouth hits the base of my neck that I always love. I slide my arms down further and further over his sides into his boxers. Taking him into my hand I start a steady motion. I know he likes it when I hear him mutter my name into my ear. Goosebumps hit my body as he slides his hand down into my panties. Sliding two fingers inside of me, he knows I’m completely ready for him. He takes my hand out of his pants and whips me around so that I’m basically on top of his face. “Oh, Jason.” I feel him murmur something on my skin and then my panties were gone. I fall forward and manage to get his boxers down while he started working his lips. It felt so good I didn’t know if I would be able to do what I wanted to.

  I take as much of him into my mouth as I can, and start to get into a good rhythm. I know what he likes at this point in our relationship, and it doesn’t take long before I am so close. He lets me shatter to pieces and then I was up and in the air again. He has my bra gone and rolls us so he’s on top of me. Before I can even finish my orgasm he’s inside of me. I yell out at the intrusion. It gets me every time. He completely fills me and continues his assault as he takes my mouth and kisses me. Hard.

  We roll and I get the top as he doesn’t break the kiss. I feel another orgasm coming over me as he flips me around. I yell out his name as he swipes over my clit. I swear that was like three in one. I feel my muscles clenching all over my body. With that, Jason flips me over one last time and finishes staring into my eyes. God he is beautiful. He gives me some of his weight, and then he rolls to the side.

  We lay there catching our breath and I fold myself into him. He snuggles in and I stay completely silent. I feel a squeeze at my side and I look up into his smiling eyes. “You thought I had left you, huh?” I sigh, “I was so disappointed.” I feel him laughing. “I wanted this to be a surprise for you. Are you happy?” I sigh into him, “I am. So happy.” He smiles and kisses me one more time before rolling off of the bed. He comes back and cleans me up as he crawls back into bed and pulls me into his body. He takes my arm and runs his finger down it, “It’s so good to see this arm bare.” I nod, “It feels so good to see it bare. I feel like I’m on cloud nine right now.” He chuckles as he kisses the top of my head. With his warmth at my back and the soothing feeling
of him running his finger down my arm, I promptly pass out.

  I wake to a fluttering in my stomach and I feel Jason kissing at my skin. “Mmmm.” I roll to my back and watch him slide into me. “Baby, you’re beautiful.” I smile at him “Actually, you’re beautiful.” He chuckles as he slides back into me. This was the best day ever. Sometime later, I found us lying in bed again catching our breath. When I go to get up Jason pulls me back. “J, I have to freshen up.” He laughs and I head into the bathroom. I splash some water on my face and I look in the mirror. I look so happy. Then something hits me. I needed to talk to Jason about something that had been bothering me for a week and a half. He knew I’d been off, but I’m sure it was written off as me hoping to get my cast off.

  I grab my robe and head back into the bedroom. “J.” He looks up to me with concern, “I need to talk to you about something.” I climb back in bed and he sits up setting the pillows so we were both sitting up. I take his free hand that isn’t around me and I start to trace the lines there. I wanted to remember this moment forever. Right before everything could be lost. I feel him squeeze my side and I look up into his eyes. “J, I need to know…if things had gone the way they are going for you now, would you be with me?” He gives me a weird look and says, “I don’t think I understand the question.” Crap. I needed to just rip off the Band-Aid. “Would you be with Meredith? I mean, they named their son after you. Friends as close as brothers, at war, making promises to take care of the others’ loved ones if something happens. She shut you out, but now…I mean she’s beautiful, and Jase is not hard to love.” He moves. One second he was holding me and the next second he was kneeling in front of me taking my hands. “Sophie, I’m going to say this once, so I need you to pay attention.” His voice was super intense, so I nod for him to continue, “I love you. Meredith, was my best friend’s wife. I would never see her like that. Jase is absolutely easy to love. You got me that though, don’t you get it? Because I have you, I now have them. Mostly, I need you to hear this again. I love you. You’re it for me, and because of that, I could never imagine my life with anyone else.” I move to my knees and he pulls me into his arms. I throw my arms around his neck and I kiss him as my response.

  I had been so nervous that this wasn’t the answer I was going to get. This is why, for the third time today we were going to show each other just how much love there was between us. Like I said…great day.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I sit up straight in bed because there’s a pounding at the door. “J?” He rolls out as I start to panic. It sounds like someone’s trying to get into my house. I hear it again as I see him grab a gun from my nightstand. When did he put that in there? Focus Sophie! Who cares? “Stay here. If I’m not back in three minutes or you hear gunfire, call the police and hide.” Shit! With that he was gone. In his freaking boxers! I grab my phone and take it into the closet listening carefully. I didn’t even hear him get to the bottom of the stairs. Apparently, Jason had stealth mode, and he was in it. I grab my nightgown throwing it on, curled in the corner under my extra blankets, and listened. Kitty crawled into my lap and I listened some more. Silence. That is until I hear a lot of male grunting. Thuds and broken glass. Then finally. Gunfire.

  Instantly, I was on the phone with 9-1-1. As soon as I hung up, I dialed Brantley. “Brant, there was some sort of house invasion. I’ve heard gunfire and stuff breaking. I called 9-1-1 and they’re on their way, but I need to know someone is coming here to back Jason up.” I hear noise on the other end and then, “I have guys just seconds away. Hang tight.” Click. Shit! Why is this happening? I hear mass chaos from what sounds like my living room. Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I feel like they were about halfway up when they stopped. Then I hear what must have stopped them. Pipes. Lots of pipes. The guys were here. I let out a breath, but still stay exactly where I am.

  It takes a couple minutes, but I hear footsteps on the stairs. Then I start to wonder if the pipes were ours. What if it was another club? Why didn’t I think of that? I close my eyes until I hear, “Soph?” I snap them open and see Trance standing there. I jump up from the closet and go running for him. “Trance, where’s Jason?” He pulls me in for a hug and instantly I feel it in my gut. “No, where is he? He can’t be hurt!” Yes, I was freaking out. In all fairness, I had never been in this particular situation before. “No, babe, he’s fine. He’s hurt, but he’s fine. The paramedics are checkin him out, that’s why I’m here. Come on down, but try not to freak out about your house. We’ll have everything figured out soon.” I sigh. “How hurt is he?” I look up into his eyes, and just like always I completely understand why they call him Trance. He half smiles, “He’s not too hurt. A couple grazes, but he got stabbed in the arm. That’s what they’re looking at.” Oh my God. He was stabbed? Normally, I think I would freak out. I think I must be in a weird mood because I started to flip out. “You want me to come downstairs after you just told me my boyfriend was grazed and stabbed? On top of that you don’t want me to freak out that my house has been shot up? Are you insane? Wait, don’t answer that. I know you’re insane.” He pulls me back into his arms shocking me enough to shut me up as he says, “Babe, yeah. That’s what I’m asking you to do. Let’s go check on J.” Well. I guess when put like that, what else was there to do? I don’t respond I just turn and head toward the door. Trance pulls me back by my hand and says, “J, would probably like you to put a robe or something on?” I look down. He’s probably right, but at this point, I don’t care. I ignore his advice and head downstairs.

  I completely ignore the state of my house. The first thing I saw broken was my grandma’s vase, and I wanted to cry. Instead, I walked over all of it and decided to take comfort in the fact that Jason is alive. We head outside where I see an ambulance parked and lots of cop cars. This is crazy. I go straight to the ambulance and Jason is sitting on the end of it getting stitches. Jason does a once over on my and tells the guy next to him to stop what he’s doing. “Jason let him finish.” He shakes his head and pulls his shirt over his head. Once he has it off he indicates for me to come closer. I do as I’m told and he throws his t-shirt over my head. Seriously? “You’re in a nightgown.” I point out the obvious saying, “I was sleeping. You’re lucky I even put this on.” He must realize I’m right because when he left me all I had on was a pair of panties. Unfortunately, Trance decided to speak now and say, “I told her to put a robe on.” I whip my head around and point a glare at him. I mean, seriously? “Okay, enough. Your shirt covers more than my robe. Are you okay?” He nods, “I’m good. There were at least ten of them.” I gasp. I cannot believe this. “Who was it?” He looks me dead in the eye and says, “Crowley.” I figured. I nod, “How did you take on ten of them?” To this he smirks, “Babe, I was bred for this kinda stuff.” Oh yeah. I forgot. “Can I hug you now?” He smiles at that, “I’ve been waitin, babe.” I fight to not roll my eyes, mostly because this could’ve ended so much worse, and I should try not to be sassy. He must see it because he chuckles and I fall into his arms for a hug. “I need to finish stitching you up Mr. Lindy.” He moves his arm, and holds me while the guy finishes the stitches. Why was my man such a badass? I feel his arm go tight and I realize he must be in pain. I pull back, but his good arm tightens and holds me in place. He must need me there to get through the pain. That kinda made me feel like a badass, so I stayed right where I was.

  I feel him move and kiss the top of my head, and I took in every second of this. “J, this could’ve been really bad. What if I had been home alone?” He takes his finger and puts it under my chin forcing me to look at him, “You’re never going to be alone again.” I sigh. That’s just not logical. “I mean it. I’m here. Forever.” I wanted to cry, but I focused on his face and decided that I was going to be braver than crying. I needed to keep myself together, because I was here and in one piece. There may be pieces of Jason missing, but he was here and alive. He fought off ten men to be that way, so I guess I could try and be brave for him. I
let him hold me while they do the last stitch and he pushes me away and hops down from the back of the ambulance.

  We turn around and I see a police officer approaching us. I look to Jason, because I had no idea what I was allowed to say. He gives me a reassuring nod, and it tells me that I should just follow his lead. The officer comes up just as I see Brantley walking up to us. I didn’t even know he was here. “Soph, you all good?” I look to him and nod as he gives Jason a once over to be sure he’s all right. He must be satisfied because he doesn’t say anything as the cop says, “Miss Nunelly?” I nod, “Mind if I ask you a few questions?” I nod again, “Sure, but I won’t be much help.” He gives me an odd look, “Okay? Care to elaborate on that?” Why was he being so weird, “I heard loud pounding like someone was trying to get into the house. Jason woke up at the same time, and had me wait in my closet with the phone. He said if I heard anything I didn’t feel comfortable with to call you guys. I heard lots of stuff that I wasn’t comfortable with, so I called. I didn’t come down until Trance came up to get me, and Jason was already getting stitched up.” He gives me a funny look and then says, “So you really can’t help me then?” I shake my head. “I can answer any questions you have, but it’s honestly everything I know.” He nods as he looks to Brantley, Jason, and Trance. “This is a little bigger than the MC. If I have to step in I will.” He gets some hard faces and nods.

  Brantley jumps in with, “It’ll be handled. You won’t need to.” He nods and walks away. I look around, because I have no idea what just happened. Trance looks to Jason, “Wherever you’re headed, we’re gatherin up guys. No one will be left unprotected.” He nods, “We’re goin to my place. I gotta get Soph packed and we’ll head there right after.” I look to him because he had all of this figured out and I was still in a trance of my own. “So if this is Crowley, do we know why?” They all look to me, but Trance speaks first with, “You don’t need to know.” My mouth drops as I look to him. “Oh really? I don’t need to kno…” Jason tugs at my waist and gets close to my ear whispering, “Leave it. We’ll talk later. Let’s get you packed.” I don’t fight him. I know there are rules in the MC that prevent me from know what is going on, but Jason is usually pretty open with me.


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