by K E Osborn
She moves in unbuttoning my jeans. I move my hands to the satin nightwear cami she’s wearing. It’s only now I truly look at her. I notice it’s a light blue color with a little lace. It’s fucking hot as hell.
I pull it up over her head. It shocks me when I remove it to see she isn’t wearing a bra. Her pert tits sit perfectly on her alabaster skin. My cock instantly twitches, slightly hardening as I look at them, but again that’s not what this is about. I crack my neck as she pulls my jeans and my briefs down at the same time freeing my hard cock.
Bex looks down at my rock-hard length, and she gnaws on her bottom lip like she’s impressed by what she sees. She clears her throat, then grabs her matching blue shorts, pulling them down along with her panties, leaving us both naked. She’s fucking perfect. I want to run my hands all over her, but I know if I do, I won’t be able to help myself. I won’t be able to stop. I’m already having trouble reigning myself in.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” I mumble.
She shakes her head like she doesn’t believe my words as she brushes past me to turn on the faucet. The sound of the beating water echoes through the room as she turns back, then edges past me to the basin mirror. She opens it, grabbing a toothbrush and some paste.
“Here, it should make your mouth feel better.”
“Thanks,” I reply as I step into the shower testing the water. It’s just right as I set about brushing my teeth. Bex steps in behind me, so she’s out of the water a little more. She reaches up to grab a face towel, wetting it while I rinse and repeat.
I finally turn to her, flashing my fresh, pearly whites. “Thank you… for this.” I wrap my arms around Bex pulling her to me, the hot water running between us, but not on her head. I know why she’s doing it, I know she can’t get her sutures wet.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t fight to have you in my bed with me, Ty.”
I raise my brow. I wasn’t expecting her to say that. Not at all. “This isn’t your fault, Bex, you know that, right?”
She holds me tight. “I know, but I don’t want you to ever think I won’t be there for you during the night. Just because we had one setback doesn’t mean I won’t know how to deal with it next time.”
I tense up. “I don’t know, Bex.”
“Listen, next time I sleep in bed with you, and it starts, I can get up before anything happens, then I can be there for you when you do finally wake up. Comfort you, be there to support you. Nothing happens to me, then after, you have me there to help you through it.”
I run my hands up and down the soft, delicate skin on her back. “What if you don’t wake up? What if I start getting violent? Then it’s too late, and I hit you.”
“You haven’t seen what you’re like during your nightmares, Ty. Trust me, I’m going to wake up.”
“You shouldn’t have to.”
Bex wraps her arms around my neck, her fingers threading through my hair. My cock pressing on her stomach making it hard to concentrate, but I try anyway.
“But I want to. This is what it’s all about, Ty. Trust me. Trust me to help you?”
Heaviness washes over me, but I let her carry it away. “Okay, I trust you,” I barely get out as I lean in pressing my lips to hers. The moment our lips connect, it’s like the wind is knocked from me. The feeling of not being able to breathe hits me again. For a second, just a second, I panic. My eyes flick open, but I see Bex is here, with me, kissing me then everything is just fucking perfect. So, I open my mouth and kiss her. I kiss her strong, I kiss her hard, holding her to me, not caring my cock is hard and throbbing against her naked body. We both know this isn’t going any further than where we are right now, but kissing her in this moment means everything to me. It means the world, and right now, she is my world, she always has been.
Until tomorrow when I’m sure she’ll send me to a shrink, then she’ll deal with Luc. Both of us trying to sort out two little fucked-up boys’ heads.
But right now, I’m going to try get as much blood out of her hair as possible without wetting her wound, then I’m going to wash her body making her feel as worshiped as possible because she’s made me feel like the luckiest man on earth. I need to make her feel wanted and needed because she is, so damn much. I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky. It’s only taken nineteen years for me to figure it out. All I know is I’m not waiting another nineteen years to get this relationship started.
It begins here, tonight.
We’re doing this.
Best friends to lovers.
No matter what titles you want to throw at us, I’ll wear them with pride because whatever Bex and I are, I’m not going to let a label ruin what we have, what we share.
Because together, regardless of the label, we’re fucking perfect.
A Month Later
This past month has been kind of a rollercoaster. Things with Chains have been slowly building, but with my crazy work schedule and dealing with Luc intently, I haven’t spent as much time with Chains as I would like. Sure, we’re as close as possible, but we haven’t gotten that close yet. I think even though we’ve been working on sleeping in the same bed, which seems to be working with the new method which is when he has a night terror I get out of bed, wait for it to end, then I help him recover. But even with that, we still haven’t ‘slept’ together. It’s a big step, but even though we’re grown adults who have done that a hell of a lot of times before with various other people, having sex with each other takes this relationship into a whole other ballpark—one we can’t come back from. So even though everything in me wants to rip his clothes off all the time, we’re both hesitant to take a leap because if it screws things up with us, how do we come back?
Mom and Dad have no idea what’s going on. Neither of us can find the courage to tell them. My visits to see them have been lacking of late, though I know they know something’s going on with me. I don’t tend to avoid them, ever, so they have to be wondering what the hell is going on. I just know Mom has an uncanny way of making me tell her things, and if she asked, I would probably tell her, so avoidance is key.
Right now, I have other things to worry about which are slightly more important than my parents. Chains has been seeing a psychologist, one who comes highly recommended in the field of child abuse. He’s basically a legend in the industry, but more importantly, Chains seems to really like working with him. He’s been seeing him weekly, so he’s already had four visits and appears to be making small progress.
Luc too seems to be adapting to his new life here at the club. It took a week and a half of me talking to him just on my own before he started to really see life here is different than at the Sovereigns. By week three, his cocky attitude was still there, but more by making witty jokes rather than smart-ass ones. I’ve started to let my guard down around him. Now, week four, I feel like he’s actually seeing himself here.
Also, Chains has been making an effort with Luc by talking with him when he goes for a shower every other day. Chains feels like he’s making progress with Luc as well, and their bond is growing more every day. It’s nice to see that happening, and Chains is happier because of it.
It’s amazing how someone can change in such a short amount of time. I’m not kidding myself, I know he’s dangerous, but the small changes I see in him, the way he’s acting differently around Chains and the other brothers, I believe he can make a difference here at the club.
I guess he just needs to prove himself.
It’s late as I walk into the clubhouse after a long shift at the hospital. I had a patient pass away tonight. It’s never easy. You’d think after this long, you’d be numb from it all, but every loss still hits me. There’s only a few stragglers still up this late at night. I’m tired. I want to go to bed, but I know my job isn’t done. I have work here to do before I can go to sleep. I step up to the bar to see Cindi and Ruby chatting quietly behind the long wooden feature.
“Hi, ladies,” I murmur.
They both loo
k at me their eyes widening. “Shit, Kline! What the hell happened to you?” Cindi asks bluntly.
“Bad night at work.”
Ruby gives a weak smile. “Is this a bad night as in tequila? Or a coffee kinda night?”
“Just coffee. Strong, tons of sugar, please.”
“Sure thing, doc, be right back.”
Cindi leans on the bar with a sigh. “So, you’ve been sleeping here a lot recently, doc.”
I tilt my head. “Is there a question in there, Cindi?”
She stands up. “Nope, merely an observation.”
I go to say something when arms wrap around me from behind. His beard tickles the side of my face as he leans in pressing his lips to my cheek with a tender kiss. He smells all fresh and clean like he’s just showered, so I lean back into him without hesitation.
“Hey,” he murmurs.
I turn my head to greet him. “Hey.”
Chains kisses my cheek again as he lets me go, then plonks onto the stool beside me. Ruby brings out my coffee. I glance up to thank Ruby to see Cindi look like she’s enjoying this little show a bit too much, like it’s being put on just for her. I roll my eyes as I pick up the steaming hot mug of joe. “Thanks, Ruby.”
“You’re welcome, hon. C’mon, Cindi, let’s go prep for tomorrow’s breakfast.”
“But I wanna stay and watch—”
“Now, Cindi!”
“Dammit,” Cindi mumbles under her breath as Ruby drags her into the kitchen.
I crack my neck to the side as Chains places his hand on my knee. “You okay? You look tense?”
“Are we just a sideshow to everyone? Look at these two trying to be a couple, isn’t it something funny to watch!”
His head jerks back, his eyebrows pull together like he’s shocked at my words. He scowls at me. “Is that what you think of us?”
I let out a long exhale. “Shit, no. I’m sorry… I lost a patient today. My head’s all over the place. I shouldn’t take it out on you… I’m an asshole.”
He shuffles closer, his legs moving either side as his face lines up with mine. “You’re anything but an asshole, Bex. You’re amazing, and if you lost a patient today, it’s only because it was their time to go. Nothing you could have done would have saved them. Don’t beat yourself up.”
I let out a sigh. “I know. Still hard, though.” I take a long sip of the best tasting coffee in the world, the sweetness hitting me is just what I need. Ruby did good. It’s delicious.
Placing the mug on the bar, Chains sighs. He leans in gently pressing his lips to mine making all my cares fade away. I lightly kiss him back as I hear someone let out a ‘whoop’ from the other side of the room making me giggle against his lips. So, I pull back to see Vibe and Lift staring at us with brightness on their faces.
Chains flips them the bird as I pick up my mug taking another sip. Chains looks at me, his hands on my thighs gently stroking up and down, the simple gesture calming me even further. “I think you should come to bed. You’re exhausted. Talk to Luc in the morning.”
I shake my head. “No, I can’t. He’s expecting me. I don’t want to let him down. It will break his trust in me. I can’t let that happen. He’ll lose faith in what’s going on here. He’s doing so well, I don’t want to risk it.”
“Bex, you’ve had a really rough day. I think he’ll understand.”
“I’ll just pop in for a minute.”
Chains’ face drops as he grabs my hands in his, looking me in the eyes. “Bex, I’m gonna pull rank here. It’s late, really fucking late. You’ve had a fucked-up day. You don’t need him saying the wrong shit making you feel worse. Leave it till the morning. He’ll survive one night without you.”
My head tilts to the side. “Ty, that’s not how this works.”
“Woman, listen to me, you’re not going in there tonight. You’re coming to my room and sleeping. You’re going to have a shit enough night as it is with this fucking idiot in front of you waking you up.”
“How can you be a moron and sweet in the same sentence?” I ask with a slight smirk.
“It’s in my nature, doc.”
“Fine.” I take another sip of my coffee. “Let’s go to bed then.” I glance toward the supply closet thinking this is a very bad idea, but if Chains is going to demand I go with him, I know I won’t have a choice. Man is as headstrong as they come—I know I won’t get him to budge on this.
So, off to bed it is.
I’ve felt uneasy all morning. The pit of my stomach is slightly unsettled, and not from the night terrors Chains had last night. No, this was from the betrayal of not keeping my word to Luc. I don’t know how he’s going to react. Will he feel like I’ve rejected him, if he feels like I’ve denied him? I just don’t want this to set him back in any way. Because even though I know he can be ruthless, he can also be calculating, and he most definitely can be a killer. I don’t want Luc to die at the hands of the club. It would destroy Chains. Even though I know he’s trying to distract himself with his therapy, with me, with anything else he possibly can, other than the thought of his childhood friend being in the room. Sure, he visits him, but I think he doesn’t want to get too attached. To me, that’s wise, especially if Luc ends up not being able to stay here with us. If worse comes to worst, and Luc has to ‘go,’ Luc’s departure will be easier to handle if Chains isn’t attached.
It’s sad. But true.
We sit at one of the tables slowly eating our breakfast. Brothers laugh, joking like it’s any other day. Chains eats his cornflakes like a bratty child making a mess. It manages to make me feel more at home at how this brute of a man can somehow be so adolescent in some things. But I can’t wait anymore. I need to make sure Luc is okay. So, I stand and start walking.
“Bex?” Chains calls out.
I don’t stop to turn around or look back as I rush toward the supply closet. They gave me a key a few weeks ago, so I can come and go. I open the door, walking in and locking it behind me. I turn to see Luc sitting just staring at me. My stomach sinks as he raises his brow like he’s waiting for me to say something.
“I’m so sorry, Luc. I should have come in last night like I promised you I was going to, but I lost a patient at work. It hit me harder than I thought it would, I just—”
“You lost a patient?” he asks interrupting me.
I glance up looking at him, letting out a sigh. “Yeah. Nothing I could do, it was her time.”
He appears genuinely sorry. “Then there was nothing you could do, Bex. Don’t beat yourself up over it or for not coming in here. I understand, I was more worried than anything. You never miss our sessions, so when no one came in, I was… worried.”
I raise my brow. “You were worried… about me?”
He lets out a small laugh. “Ahh… yeah. In case you haven’t noticed here, Bex, you’re kinda my only friend here at the moment.”
I slump, shaking my head. “That’s not true. Ty’s your friend.”
He snorts. “Ty’s avoiding me. Other than taking me for a shower, I don’t see him at any other time.”
I step closer to him. “He’s not avoiding you, he’s just cautious. He has his own dramas going on.”
Luc’s jaw ticks. “Nightmares?”
I let out a heavy breath. “How bad are yours?”
Luc scrunches up his face as the door suddenly swings open. I turn to see Chains standing in the doorway. He steps in closing the door behind him.
“Hey, what’s been happening?” Luc asks.
Chains turns to leer at him, taking a deep breath, then turns to look at me. “Why did you leave so suddenly?”
Clearing my throat, I glance sideways at Luc, then back to Chains. “I wanted to make sure Luc wasn’t worried about me not coming in here last night.”
A look crosses Chains’ face. I know that look—it’s jealousy. He’s jealous of me wanting to spend time with Luc, but it’s not like that, not at all. But this isn’t a conversation I can have in front of Luc.
/> Chains tenses as I reach out grabbing his hand to comfort him. I don’t care if we’re trying to hide our relationship from Luc or not. Right now, I need Chains to understand I want him, only him. “You good?” I ask.
Chains shrugs, looking over to Luc pulling his hand from mine. “You doing okay?” he asks Luc.
Luc raises his brow. “Are you?”
Chains grunts. “I thought you said he was being less of a smartass?”
“I wasn’t being a smartass, Ty, I was genuinely asking. Are you okay? You seem really tense. I know from being in here all that tension only strives to make you unhappy.”
Chains looks from Luc to me, then back at Luc. “I don’t know what to make of you—”
A loud bang echoes in from outside of the room. We all turn to look at the door. Yelling, and what sounds like gunfire, reverberates through the clubhouse as I tense up grabbing hold of Chains’ arm.
“Fuck,” Chains murmurs as he looks at me.
“Ty, don’t go,” I almost whisper to him, my heart racing in my chest.
The unmistakable sound of bullets ring through the clubhouse as Chains looks completely torn.
“What the fuck’s going on?” Luc’s voice is rushed and panicked.
Chains looks at me, pulling a gun out which is hidden down the back of his pants. “Take this. Do not come out of this room. Understand?”
“No! What about you. You can’t go out there with nothing to protect yourself,” I beg.
Chains bends down to his ankle, pulls out another gun. It’s smaller, but will still pack a punch.
I reach for that one instead. “Give me the small one. You take the big one, if you have to go out there, and Ty…” He looks into my eyes, a moment passes between us, a look of emotion letting me know the amount of feelings he holds for me. I know because it’s the same way I’m looking at him. “Don’t get hurt like normal.”