War Machine: Book One in the Destiny In the Shadows Series

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War Machine: Book One in the Destiny In the Shadows Series Page 38

by Maggie Lynn Heron-Heidel

  So I had a wannabe dictator and his loyal puppet planning to frame me for a second time. This certainly explained why Rogee had wanted me to accompany Cain to find the bomb in the first place. They had wanted me to take the fall for the attack. And worse, they had no qualms about committing further atrocities to try again. This was just swell. But before I could decide what to do, they dropped another bombshell.

  “You tried to kill me!” Vinkent snapped, jabbing an accusing finger at him. “You promised me that you would make sure I was far away from the bomb before it went off and you didn’t!”

  “The nuke was always a dud, Vinkent. I told you that weeks ago. You were never in danger.”

  This was apparently of no consolation to Xorratti. He waved his fist in Rogee’s face threateningly and then threw his hands in the air with a groan.

  “McRattin screwed everything up!” he exclaimed, throwing another tantrum. “He’s turning out to be just like Bill!”

  “If he continues to be a nuisance then we’ll simply knock him off, too,” Rogee said dismissively. “Now calm down and let’s get out of here. You know I hate mosquitoes. I don’t know why you insisted we meet out here in the first place.”

  Xorratti snapped something back, both of them heading for the house. I put my hand against one of the trees for support as this revelation slammed into me. Rogee and Xorratti had Cain’s father killed. Add to that, they were still planning to possibly do us in. I had to find Cain immediately and get him out of here.

  I straightened my dress, trying to calm down. But as I moved to go, I felt something slide from my pocket. I jumped with a start and picked up Cain’s locket, clutching it close to my heart. I shuddered and closed my eyes, trying to stifle the feeling of panic.

  “That’s an interesting locket,” a voice said in the shadows. I jumped, looking to my left and saw a pair of expensive, Italian leather shoes step from the gloom. “I haven’t seen one of those in many years. Where did you get that?”

  Greyson Rogee’s eyes gleamed unnaturally as I straightened up. I felt a squirm of unease run through me. Why did he come back? Did he know I had overheard their conversation? “It’s a friend’s. I fixed it.”

  “Lucky friend,” he said with an unsavory edge. “You certainly have a few men running after you. You’ve corrupted one of my top recruits to the point rumor has it he’s quitting. What can you give him that I can’t?”

  I did not like the direction this was going in. “I don't know what you mean.”

  He was arrogant enough to chuckle. “So, are you enjoying the garden?”

  “Not really,” I said truthfully. “I was heading back to my friends and lost my way.”

  He watched me as I shrugged and stuffed the locket into my pocket. “Of course. Nonetheless, I thought I’d seek you out to speak with you this evening about your future. You have a lot of potential. There are a number of government contracts that you would be well suited for-”

  “I’m not interested,” I said flatly.

  “Pardon?” he said in a dangerous voice. “I just spent a trillion dollars on that new hardware in you and I’m not going to let it just walk away unchecked. You owe us.”

  “I owe you what? If it weren’t for me, your city would have a large crater in it, now wouldn’t it?” I challenged him to disagree, standing so close I was nose to nose with him. “One would have to think it was you who owed me.”

  His cagey smile didn’t meet his eyes. “You are treading dangerous waters.”

  The way he said that sent chills down my spine. He was as cold as ice and judging by what I had heard come out of his mouth a few minutes ago, pure evil. The way he was regarding me made me suspect that he knew I had overheard him somehow. My intuition told me to flee from him as fast as possible and do it now. “Good thing I’m a strong swimmer. But I think we should discuss this at another time, Prime Minister. I have people waiting for me. Enjoy the party.”

  He watched me with the eyes of a vulture as I backed away and turned to go. “Keep a careful eye on that locket, Sierrenna. Who knows when it might disappear again.”

  And with that I knew that he knew exactly what it was, what it contained, and whom it belonged to. He now suspected I had read the disk that was in it. And that placed me in a very precarious position, a very dangerous one especially after what I had overheard. I jerked my head in a short nod and exited through the trees.

  I didn’t run. That would have indicated fear, and I needed to give the appearance of calm. But I felt like I should sprint as fast as my legs would take me. I headed for the gazebo I had sat at before I had left with Michael, but couldn't find it. I hurried from one end of the maze to the other searching without success.

  I needed to get to Cain and give him the necklace before anyone could get to me and I had the worst feeling they would be any minute. I didn't know how I knew this, but I did. I had only the dagger on my leg, but that would hopefully be enough.

  I needed to escape the city and get to MoiRai. And if I could convince Cain to come, that was even better. My heart was clutched with terror now that I realized he was in equal danger. They knew that it belonged to his father. They just didn’t know whether or not he had seen it and the information it contained.

  I was so busy trying to plot our way out that I ran head first into just who I was looking for. Cain grabbed me before I toppled backwards and held my shoulders with steady hands. “There you are. Michael was frantic, proclaiming he had scared you off and… Hey, what’s going on? You’re shaking like a leaf.”

  I shoved the locket at him. “Take this and keep it hidden. We need to get out of here!”

  “Why?” he asked seriously, brow creasing. “Did you fix this?”

  “Rogee saw it - he knows what it is - I refused to do what he wanted-”

  “Okay, slow down. I need to hear what’s going on,” he said with infuriating calm, shifting into his business mode. “Look, why don't we sit down-”

  “No, we need to leave!”I cried, trying to drag him behind me.

  “Alright, just calm down,” he said, pulling me close. “We can go home and-”

  I shook my head vigorously. “No! The city isn't safe anymore.”

  “Isn’t this an overreaction? Alright. Then we go. Just breathe. We’ll get through this,” he said, placing hands over mine and kissed them. “Just breathe.”

  I dragged a rough breath through my teeth and wound the gold chain around his hands. “Make sure they don't find this. They’ll destroy it if they do. He was really displeased that I had this. He knows what it is-”

  “You’re talking like you won’t be with me. Knock that off. Why are you so convinced that they’re out to get you?” he asked, pulling me into the shadows, casting glances to the side and making sure we weren't being watched.

  I took a deep breath, trying to force myself to be composed. I needed to pass this information on to Cain before it was too late. “Cain, I overheard Xorratti and Rogee in the garden. They were talking about the bombing. They were behind it. They had the bomb the whole time. They were going to detonate it in the city.”

  Cain tensed next to me. “That doesn’t make sense-“

  “They’re looking to institute Martial Law by faking an emergency,” I said emphatically. “They were going to blame me for the bombing. They knew it was going to be a dud, but we ruined their plans. It doesn’t matter anyway. Rogee said they would try again using me, but that’s not the worst part. I heard him say-“

  I paused wondering just how to go about telling him. Cain wasn’t into waiting it seemed. He shook me gently by the shoulders, trying to get me to talk. “Yes?”

  I bowed my head. “They killed your father. Rogee said if you get in the way again, you would be next.”

  When I glanced up, he was frozen with shock. It wasn’t fair me springing this on him so abruptly, but I didn’t have time to soften the blow. I opened my mouth to say something further, but he had already snapped out of it and was pulling out his phone
and dialing. “Rig, get everyone together and get them to the car. We’re leaving immediately. I call a Defcon One. No time for getting your things. No, I don't care if he’s drunk. Just get him in the car!” He hung up and put his coat over my shoulders. “Does Rogee know you overheard them?”

  “He appeared behind me. He didn’t threaten me directly, but the way he was acting tells me suspects. He saw the necklace and I’m pretty damn sure he knows who it belonged to.” I stumbled as Cain started dragging me along, heading for the exit. “Don’t you think we should leave Argon and the others out of this?”

  “You don't get it yet, do you, sweetheart? We’re all a team. Rig and Argon are my brothers and Ray’s my sister. You’re part of the family now because you’re with me. They threaten one; they threaten us all. Now talk to me about something unimportant to distract yourself. Michael would do. What did he say to upset you? Let me guess. He told you he loved you, didn’t he? He really is a little shit, trying to steal you the first opportunity he had. Then again, that’s what I would have done, too.”

  I really was confused now as he chuckled nastily. With the way Cain was acting, he didn’t seem shook up at all. If anything, he seemed to be a little relieved. “I don’t understand you, Cain. How you can act like this with what I just told you?“

  “Rain, you just gave me the information I’ve been searching for my whole life. The anger will hit me later. For now, I am going to focus on getting you out of here and then I’ll get around to revenge.” He squeezed my hand, looking around as we headed into the parking lot. “I can see you’re upset. I don’t understand why, though. You’ve spent your life evading these bastards. This is nothing new.”

  “I’m not particularly worried about me. I can't bear the idea of you being hurt and-”

  I lost all train of thought as Cain spun me around by the shoulders and dragged me into a blistering kiss that made me weak in the knees. His lips moved against mine, drudging up all sorts of emotions that I never thought I would have been capable of a few weeks previous. My hands were trapped between our bodies as his roamed freely down my bare back and up into my hair. It was over all too soon.

  I stayed locked in place with what I hoped was shock as he pulled back with an extremely pleased expression, taking my face between his hands. “We’ll get out of here safe; that I promise you. Everything is going to be okay.”

  All I could do was nod as his eyes burned into mine; silent with a whirlwind of feelings cascading through me. I couldn’t doubt that he meant it. He patted my cheek and then started dragging me along again, weaving through the cars. He kept glancing at me worriedly. “Geez, Rain. One would think you had never been kissed like that with the wide-eyed expression you have. Cheer up. It was just a kiss.”

  “I haven’t been,” I said in a small voice. “Not by someone I wanted to.”

  His step hitched mid-stride for a split second before he started walking again. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

  The car was in sight now. Rig was dashing around from side to side, trying to get everyone in. Ray peeked out the back window worriedly. I could hear Argon drunkenly mouthing off from the front seat. Cain walked forward and started barking orders and stuck his head in the car to explain what was happening.

  I leaned up against the side of the opposite car in relief. We were going to get out of here safely. I was relieved Cain was coming with me. The kiss before had me feeling downright hopeful. So hopeful that I didn’t notice the dark figure spring up from behind the car.

  “Call out for help and I’ll give the order to blow them to bits, not to mention activate your kill switch,” a hauntingly familiar voice sneered. The muzzle of a gun dug into the nape of my ribs and I tensed. How Emma Gene had gotten out of jail so fast I didn’t know, but she was here. “Get in the car. Now. Remember, their lives depend on your cooperation.”

  And then she was gone, leaving me with my fear. I glanced at them, all unaware of what had transpired. I had a choice. Save myself and risk them or save them and risk myself. I was wrong. There was no choice.

  I silently clicked the door open to the nondescript black sedan with dark tinted windows and slipped in the door. I closed it with equal stealth. The door locked with a click that only my ears would have detected. I wasn’t alone. Rogee sat with an interested expression. He held a finger to his lips as Cain brought his head back out of the car window and turned around.

  “All set, Rain. Hop in…”

  He glanced around, determined expression turning to one of fear. He called out my name and then bellowed it across the parking lot. Everyone except Argon jumped out of the car, ready for action. I looked away, tears free falling from my eyes once more. I may not have been looking, but I could hear them searching for me.

  Eventually their footsteps started to recede, but their calls got louder. There was no trail for them to follow, so they were hunting blindly. Cain in particular was not giving up. But his voice was rapidly going from murderous to desperate. He gave one last hollow-sounding call from the end of the parking lot and then there was silence.

  I brushed the liquid from under my eyes and glared at Rogee. He was waving a handkerchief in my direction. He was openly enjoying my pain and regarding me with a curious expression. “So it isn’t just mutual satisfaction. You actually care for him. How sweet.”

  I gritted my teeth. “What do you want from me?”

  He didn't answer. Instead he tapped the divider and the driver started the engine. The car slid from its space quietly and turned onto the lane.

  I peeked out the tinted window, almost willing Cain and the others to see this. To know I had been taken by car. But they had gone to an unknown location. All that was left was Argon, sitting drowsily in the front seat. But he didn't look drowsy now. His eyes were following the car with a suspicious expression. And then they widened with comprehension.

  He jumped out of the car, stumbled to his knees, and pulled out his gun. He started firing at the back windshield as he rose and ran into the street. He called back to try and alert the others, but it was too late. We were rounding the corner. All that was left to do was keep firing uselessly at the car.

  I winced as a sharp sting hit my neck. I didn’t react as I felt some substance hit my bloodstream. Rogee’s needle retracted as my vision blurred. Sedation, perhaps poison. My new blood spread it through my body and then to my brain where it most counted.

  I didn’t fight it. I slid hopelessly into the netherworld of dreams as the dark sedan’s bulletproof glass pinged with sound of bullets.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Every inch of skin between my ears and my neck was burning with heat, swelling, and intense pain. And on top of that, I could feel an ice pack on my throat intensifying the effect. It was the burning I was feeling as it numbed my skin that was worse than the swelling. I coughed and screeched out in pain. No sound came out but I felt a gurgle. No sound was reaching my ears.

  I sat up with a jolt, now fully awake, tearing at the offending ice pack. Hands grabbed mine and held them with a gentle force. That alerted me to the fact my wrist was burning with the same feeling on a lesser level. I tried to blink to dislodge whatever was blocking my eyes, but one of the hands holding mine disappeared and pulled off what seemed to be a strange blindfold.

  Michael was crying. His lips were moving, but I heard no sound. I shook my head and pointed to his mouth and then at my ear. He bowed his head and pulled out his phone. He held up the screen when he had finished so I could read. Please don't be mad at me. I couldn't let them kill you. I tried to stop them.

  My lips parted in surprise as Cain’s similar statement had come to mind. Where was he? And worse, where was I? What had they done to me? I slid my hand out of Michael’s grip and felt the skin around my jaw. I tried to speak again, but pain bit down hard in my mind and I cringed.

  Don't try to talk. It’ll split the stitches.

  So I had been operated on. Judging by the pain, it had only been recently and I didn
't think they had numbed the area at all. But why? What had they done to me?

  Why? I mouthed at Michael, pointing at the injured site. His lip trembled a bit as I read and tears fell on the illuminated screen.

  Because they didn’t want you to ever talk about what you heard. And to be careful, I guess they made sure you would never hear anyone else's questions either. They took your vocal cords and now I see your ear implants. You can’t hear me?

  I shook my head, my body following suit with tremors. I still didn’t understand. Why go to all this trouble? I could still go and tell anyone by written word. I could go to the press. Cain would have a fit when he knew. How did they intend to bind me to silence?

  I don't understand, I mouthed.

  He bowed his head and wiped the salty tears on his sleeve. He tilted his head and pointed to a small healing scar behind his ear. It was just like mine. He looked up at me then with sadness as he typed into the screen. And when he did, I had to read it twice. You cannot leave here. We are both trapped, but you more so than I. Look down at your hand.

  When I finally gathered up the courage to do so, I wanted to scream. If I had thought I had been scared before in my life, it paled in comparison to now. I held up my hand and blinked, hoping my eyes were wrong. Nope. It was still there. The small black ‘P’ with a crest around it caused my insides to constrict. It was setting off my panic worse than any of the scars I ever had.

  I couldn’t breathe. I think I forgot how. Michael was trying to get my attention and was saying something with alarm, but it was too late. My world spun again and I lost my grip on reality. All that I could see was the permanent ‘P’ now branded into my skin, haunting my attempts at life. I had sworn I would never wind up like this, but fate was maniacally laughing at me.

  I had been branded. I had been silenced. I was owned.

  I now bore the mark of a pleasure slave.


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