Ghosts of Lyarra

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Ghosts of Lyarra Page 10

by Damian Shishkin

  As they prepared to leave, he placed a scanner on her head that recorded her memories up to this point in time with the exception of the here and now. It was then she saw the doppelganger he had brought with him and the rest fell into place quite easily.

  “The Empress is an ideal; more a deity of worship than a real being. I simply separated the fact from the fiction then killed off the fiction. As you can see, Iana is safe and more secure than she has been in years. There is no one stalking her anymore; no one looming over her waiting for her to turn her back so they can bury the dagger. Her death has freed her so that we can expose the hunter.” Aen commented as he piloted the assassin’s ship towards Earth.

  “Then who was that in the Lyarra’s Fire?” Caretaker was so lost and flustered it struggled to follow the chain of events.

  “Security protocol 011; put in place by Commander Bryx shortly after the inception of the Lyarran Empire and forgotten about ever since.” Iana interjected. “When I saw the clone, I was more amazed that Aen had found such a relic to enact his plan, than I was to stare myself in the eyes.”

  “She was the one who remembered your core matrix before we left that night; she was the one who wrote the programming forcing you to obey my orders as I kept my identity hidden.” Aen continued. “The switch was completed before the Council meeting and before Bryx took his leave to attend to other matters. Under lock and key, I switched out the crown jewel of the Empire and no one was the wiser.”

  There was silence in the cabin as the AI tried to process all that was lain before it. So much of the past few weeks had been false input; input which it struggled to overwrite with incomplete information. It weighed all the variables it could, but there were still missing pieces it needed to know. Aen was quiet and more concerned with navigating the vessel towards a planet that made little sense to head to. Terra Sol was a fortress. One that, after his last act of terror, was on a complete lock down and high alert. It highly doubted the strategy to sneak inside and suspected they would not make it past the Mars orbital cannon array.

  “What of master Bryx?” Caretaker inquired. “Not only did you get him to step aside, but my records tell me that the entire J’Karin race has withdrawn from the affairs of the Empire.”

  “That was the easy part. There happened to be a death in the ruling clan of the J’Karin home world and tradition holds that the children of J’Karra come home to heal as one.” Aen piped up as he concentrated on piloting the ship. “It doesn’t help that they were getting rather disgusted at the recent treatment of Iana in the public forum of the Council either; making the entire planet loyal to one person and one alone.”

  “If they know, then all could be lost!” Iana gasped.

  “I gave Bryx a message for his people, and it was to not believe all they see.” Aen assured them both. “When all this is to go down, we will need an army of such; I can think of none better than the Elite Imperial Guard. One J’Karin Elite is worth a thousand Ifierin!”

  “Agreed.” Caretaker chimed in; all this mess was finally forming a sensible pattern now and was able to be understood at long last. “But when you need them, how will they know with you way out here?”

  “Bryx will know.” Aen replied with an evil grin on his face and added nothing else as he turned his attention back on the flight path.

  They had forty five days, sixteen hours, fifty three minutes and nineteen seconds before they got to Terra Sol, yet Caretaker still could not understand why Aen would choose this planet, of all places, to hide the most important being in the galaxy. Those figures did not reflect any loss of time trying to circumvent the Empire’s tightest security zones. Between the Jupiter station and the Terra Sol Orbital Ring, the humans had erected a virtually impenetrable fortress to shield their planet from any further attacks like they suffered five years ago.

  Then it made sense; the AI suddenly was furious at itself for not seeing it earlier! Once they got in, there would be nothing that could follow them; no one that could stalk them behind the walls humanity put up. Besides the sheer power of the armaments in place, Terra Sol was by far the last place anyone would look for them, due to its extreme distance from the central hub of the Empire and the majority of the worlds belonging to it. That is, if anyone would be looking for them at all.

  Aen’s plan had been precise and carefully planned. The explosives used would burn away any traces of his involvement; though he had no true DNA to leave behind as clues. He had taken items from both sites that would not be reported missing as they would be listed destroyed in the blasts. The Harbinger had been exact; a fact that made Caretaker a little cautious of him now. When he first encountered Aen, he was proud and caring, not cold and calculated as he was now. Something was missing; something had changed drastically in his personality. And though for the Empress’ well-being, Caretaker was grateful for this alternate version of his one-time ward, it was hard to see him so incomplete.

  “Why Earth?” It was Iana that asked the question looming in the room before the AI could gather its million different thoughts to do so.

  Aen sighed, knowing full well that this was a question he would eventually have to answer by the slump in his shoulders after the question. His body language showed clues of unsureness; the first notion of such since Caretaker had been observing him. There was a long silence; maybe a half minute or so but in the world of an AI it was much too long to wait for an answer of any kind!

  “It is the first time I have heard you refer to it by the human word for it.” Aen replied, avoiding the question for now.

  “Death has a way of changing someone, but I am sure you know that.” Iana said tearfully; her emotions starting to show after being cool for so long.

  “It does indeed, and that’s why we are going back.” He agreed. “Behind those cannons lie safety, anonymity, and the chance to find something I lost that I desperately wish to find.”

  “What is it you seek on Terra Sol?” Caretaker finally asked.

  For the first time since the conversation began, Aen looked back at both of them. His eyes, which usually were devoid of much emotion, held a hint of sorrow in their trance-like and never ending swirling of blue fire around a black center. Caretaker was usually able to brush aside emotional input of any kind around him, but the level of sadness on display resonated down to its core. When Aen spoke, it was raw and painful; a true look at the losses he was silently dealing with. He spoke only two words, but they were two words that would cause the AI to rethink how much trauma one being could absorb before breaking.

  “My soul.” he answered.


  Sol System; Lyarran Vessel Dark Light,

  Neptune Orbit Range

  It was hard to think of what came next; the events that had transpired were so off the grid it was impossible to think of any kind of recourse to proceed from here. The Empress was dead! It wasn’t a dream or even a nightmare; this was real and happening right now. All her training; all her command experience was useless to her. Fleet Com had a scenario for everything that could and would happen; well, everything but this.

  Lyxia stood quiet and steadily at her command station on the Dark Light; a true testament to her strength of character as it had a calming effect on her crew. Their leader wasn’t panicking so there was no need for them to do so either! But inside, Lyxia was grasping at the very threads that bound her soul to stay that way. Inside she was broken up and torn, though now was not the time to show it. So she simply did what her training taught in any moment of crisis; ask Fleet Com for orders.

  She stared silently at her screen as her message to the nerve center of the Imperial military flashed awaiting a reply. ‘Awaiting Orders’ was all she could muster in the chaos that ensued after the traumatic blast which was felt all the way out to the Sol system. A being had torn the very heart out of the Empire; an attack of this magnitude was unprecedented.

  Time ticked by in deathly silence before her message was answered; yet it was not as she wanted. In the
chaos that must have been in the central command of the Fleet, all they could muster back were two words of their own.

  ‘Stand By.’

  “What do we do?” Onai asked sheepishly, her soft voice breaking the deafening silence in the Operations Control room.

  The door opened to reveal the captain of the Ifierin forces – Axyn - who had a look of uncertainty in his eyes that Lyxia had never once seen before. He was the rock on this ship; her sounding board for all the bullshit that came with command and the source of sage advice when needed. But looking at him, she was certain there was no advice as he was lost like all the others on board. It was her turn to be the rock; her turn to be the voice of reason in the eye of the storm.

  “We wait and calm ourselves.” Lyxia said, staring her captain straight in the eyes.

  She saw how desperate he was to rush into a battle somewhere to enact vengeance the only way he knew how. But this wasn’t the time, and this enemy was different than any other the Empire had ever encountered. He was cunning and careful, as well as, after someone that obviously wished to stay out of sight.

  “We study the attacks and pick them apart to look for clues.” She continued. “Analyse the explosions for any hint of the device used. Review the vids transmitted and see if we can find anything that can lead us to this creature’s identity. If we can find that, then let’s find who he’s after. If we can know that, then we will know where to find this bastard when he strikes!”

  There was a moment of silence which was broken by Axyn snapping to attention and saluting his commander with his arms crossed against his chest and a slight bow. She had given him a task; one that could occupy him and his men so that they wouldn’t dwell on vengeance and start being foolish. As he spun on his heels and left, she turned and saw her crew hard at work also. They all went to work to find any clues as they waited for orders, if there would be any forthcoming from Fleet Com.

  Lyxia sunk back in her chair and breathed deeply. She had found strength to get them back on track, but she wondered for how long. Now that she had them busy, Lyxia wondered what she could do to keep her mind busy. Although she looked strong and in control, inside her soul was shattered. First Aen, now Iana had been ripped from her heart. It would be only so much longer before she would break, and she hoped it would be in private so not to undo all the good she had started here.


  Sol System; Between Saturn and Jupiter

  It had been a few days since the show - so to speak - and Aen was restless as he watched the small spot of light in the distance that was Sol grow larger every few hours. It had been difficult for him to let go and let the AI take control of the vessel, but he was confident it was now on their side and no longer a threat at turning them in. Even harder was, speeding farther away from the one being he wished to be with as Lyxia was the only part of his former life he remembered. It tore him apart inside to be so close yet not be able to reach out to her, but the task at hand made it impossible for him to appease his heart; everything would be undone if she knew he was alive!

  The journey to Earth would take a little over a few weeks at these speeds and although the ship was indiscernible from the blackness of space and the engine exhaust baffled and cooled to avoid detection, there was still a chance that it could be seen under the right scanner settings and under the glare of the powerful sun. As they neared the Jupiter orbital defense ring, Aen grew ever more concerned that despite his best planning, the impressive shield the humans had built may be the one thing that did them in!

  It was the part of the plan that was completely out of his control, and in the hands of the ever unpredictable and high strung Caretaker. Although he noted his past dealings with the AI were strong and trustworthy, Aen was not the same person he was five years ago. It was this little part of the plan that kept him awake now; his body could resist sleep for long periods of time but slumber clawed at him desperately now as it had been weeks since his last rest.

  “You need to rest, child.” Iana whispered as she eased herself in the seat beside him.

  Aen noticed how even away from the public eye, every movement she had was delicate and sultry. There was a fluidity to her being that amazed him and stirred feelings of lust deep within his core. But he knew this was her weapon; her way of disarming all those around her and rendered predators into prey even though she did it subconsciously. Iana was truly unique; despite it getting in the way of him chasing his heart, Aen was glad he had chosen to save this creature. Beings like her were rare and priceless; seeing her thrown to the wolves that had encircled her, would have been such a waste.

  “Once we are safely on the other side of those cannons I will.” He replied softly; matching the tone of her whisper. “This is where it all could go wrong and if I am not ready, then I can’t defend you when it all goes south.”

  “It will all be fine!” she rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. “Caretaker is already patched into the human defense grid and will create quite the distraction so we can slip by unnoticed. The ship you acquired is quite impressive and will take care of the rest with its stealth technology. The Forgotten commissioned these craft to slip in and out of warzones and such without being seen or heard; it is fitting that those who wished harm on me are the ones that supply the best tool to keep me safe.”

  “A tool, I must say, that is nothing without the one that wields it.” Caretaker interjected. “And although my feelings are a bit hurt by your lack of faith in me Aen, I too am committed to the Empress’ safety. I have taken your plan and added a bit more depth to the distraction. The humans will be quite busy as we steal past them behind their backs.”

  “And how much longer until we reach maximum sensor range of Jupiter Station?” Aen asked.

  “Thirty six hours, fifty two minutes and seventeen seconds until we reach the normal sensor range of the Jupiter array. But given the specifications of this ship and its capabilities we should be able to get much closer to them then that before I must trigger the distraction.” Caretaker chimed proudly.

  “So you have time to rest without worry of my safety.” Iana cooed softly. “The sleeping quarters are quite adequate considering this is a vessel of death.” She quickly stood and grabbed his hands in an attempt to lead him. “Come, I will show you the way.”

  At first, Aen was amazed at how quickly she had transitioned from a relaxed seated position beside him to standing before him and tugging at his arms for him to rise. It was inconceivable that a being of flesh and blood could move that fast, yet he began to realize there was much to Iana he had to learn. Begrudgingly, Aen rose and let her pull him away from his vigil of the stars and towards the belly of the ship to where he may rest. Her manner was loving and appreciative; her touch soothing and sincere. The mighty living weapon had been disarmed in a matter of seconds by the recently deceased Queen of Heaven.

  He followed in a trance; still not sure what kind of hold she had on him as they moved silently to the sleeping quarters. Aen didn’t even feel time pass; his surroundings were unimportant as he remained fixated on his guide. It was only as she helped him lay down on the bed that he became aware that he was in a dark room and not the brightly lit control room. As much as he tried to resist her, he was helpless like a newborn baby in her hands.

  “Nothing will change while you sleep.” Iana cooed as his eyes began to shut by themselves. “I realize the last time you slept was within the ice, but I promise you I will be here when you wake. You came for me in my darkest hour, and I will be forever in your debt for that.”

  Aen wanted to speak, but felt the energy leaving his body as sleep began to drag him down in its sweet embrace. He felt the fabric of the blanket touch his skin as she covered him where he lay. Then he felt her lips on his eyelids; as if to seal him in his trance with a kiss until she called for him once more. As he slid the rest of the way down into his sleep, he heard her voice call out to him as if she were standing on a cliff far above him.

  “Rest my angel of light; for
when you awake, we will have to work hard to undo all the destruction we have wrought.”

  Quickly he fell asleep and immediately his heart took his subconscious to the one place his will had denied him; into the arms of the blue eyed Lyxia. His dreams were much the same as they were when he was lost in the ice and snow in the outlying barrens of the galaxy; he was warm and at peace in bed with her. A smile appeared on his face as he slumbered; not a huge grin, but a smile of contentment. Here at last, he was at peace.

  Iana looked down on him as he rested and watched the smile break the solemn frown he had worn over the last few months. She knew the only thing he remembered was Lyxia, and though the circumstances would deny his heart what it so longed for, she could at least let him be with her like this. After all, even the best weapon needed to be reset once in a while.


  Sol System; Lyarran Vessel Dark Light,

  Neptune Orbit Range

  It had taken a few days, but the Empire finally began to stir in the aftermath of the death of their matriarch. First thing was that Fleet Command declared martial law and took charge of the Empire as a whole. Immediately after, Fleet Com suspended the Council indefinitely as, until they caught the killer politics were the last thing that was needed. It was a move that took the governing body of the Empire by surprise, for the first time in its ten thousand year existence it now existed as a military state not a republic.

  The move didn’t surprise Lyxia; she had asked her ship’s VI to look through the emergency files to see what the contingency plans were for such an event. Though this was an extreme event, the Empire had plans for any such occurrences; except for how to deal with this new threat of a masked madman. Soon after the news broke of martial law, the Dark Light had received their orders. They were to stand guard at the borders of the newest addition to the Empire and protect the already shaken inhabitants of Terra Sol from what would surely be attempts to steal some of the bountiful resources the humans had. The Sol system was in need of protection, as the humans only had their shield of cannons to hide behind but no fleet to engage an enemy head on.


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