Blood for the Masses

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Blood for the Masses Page 14

by B. L. Morgan

  Johnny just shook his head. “I made some promises that I’m not going to break,” he said.

  “Hey man, let me clue you in on something,” I told him and took another drink of the spiced wine. It tasted better with every drink. “Sushi will never know if you fuck one or ten of these broads in here tonight. I sure as hell ain’t gonna tell her.”

  “That ain’t the thing,” Johnny said. “I’d know and that’s what matters. When I make a promise, I don’t break it.”

  "Good for you,” I told Johnny and we clacked our mugs together. “I tell you what though, I’m gonna be tearing me some pussy up tonight.”

  I glanced around the room looking to spot a woman to my liking when my eyes fell on a welcome sight. That woman who’d had the job of scrubbing and shaving me when we first got here was moving among the tables carrying two wooden mugs in her hands. I liked the way the weight of the mugs made her breasts stick out in front of her.

  She moved lightly on her feet like a ballet dancer as she dodged guys making grabs at her ass. She didn’t seem to want to just be grabbed and dragged away to be fucked. She placed the mugs on a table then turned away before the invitation to sit was even given.

  I walked up behind this nameless silent woman and like I was patting for a dance touched her on the shoulder. She spun around and if she could have made a sound I think she would have shrieked.

  When she saw me she recognized me instantly. She smiled and if she could have sold that smile for what it was worth she would have been the wealthiest woman in the Roman Empire.

  I motioned for her to follow me. She grabbed my hand and we went back and sat across the table from Johnny. If I haven’t said what this woman looked like before, I’ll tell you now. She was around five-five and had all the right curves in all the right places. She made that slave toga thing she was wearing look good. I could see the points of her nipples thrusting forward under the fabric. Small but obviously firm breasts, just the kind I like. It was making my tongue tingle just thinking about taking them in my mouth.

  She had chestnut brown hair and large brown eyes, a dainty small nose and lips just the right size for some serious kissing. It also gave me a dick twitch thinking about those lips wrapped around old Ben Johnson.

  As soon as we sat down she reached over and laid her head on my shoulder. She reached over and rubbed my stomach with her hand. I was glad this working out had my stomach back to being as hard as a rock. Other parts of me were getting as hard as a rock too.

  “Looks like you’ve found a recruit,” Johnny told me.

  “Un hunh,” I told him and reached around and felt of her waist then moved her head and kissed her on the neck.

  She moaned. Guess she could still do that even without a tongue.

  “Man, go get a room,” Johnny told me. “I know you need me to tell you how to fuck, but I don’t want you to be bumping uglies on this table. I’m gonna be eating here in a while.”

  “Just for that, you don’t get to watch,” I said. We stood up and walked toward one of the curtained doors.

  From behind me Johnny said, “Just remember what I warned you about back at my bar.” But Julia was the last thing on my mind.

  * * *

  Through the curtain there was a short hallway that ended at a brick wall. The hallway had four doors. The doors opened inward and all four doors were open. From all four, dim candle light shown.

  At least these doors were made of wood so we could close them for a little privacy.

  We went into one of the rooms and shut the door behind us. There was no latch to lock the door. That shouldn’t have surprised me. We were slaves, we didn’t even own ourselves, we were lucky they even gave us a door to shut. Make no mistake about it; I knew that this little get together was only to make the gladiators perform better. This was to make more money for our master, it wasn’t for us. It was only for Flaccus our owner. A gladiator with a stiff dick sticking out in front of him couldn’t be expected to fight very well. How well we performed determined how much Flaccus made off of us.

  I turned to this nameless silent woman and realized she had never known any gentleness in her life. Everything she did was forced on her, especially the sex. Suddenly, I wanted to make her feel very good. To show her what kind of pleasure a man can give rather than just take.

  The thought ran through my mind, that’s probably why she liked me so much. When I met her, I asked her for her name. I didn’t demand that she give it to me. I asked her. She probably wasn’t used to anyone asking her for anything. In her world, everything was always just taken.

  A small straw covered bed on a raised stone platform was against the wall.

  She started to undress. I stopped her and looked into her eyes in the candle light. I kissed her on the forehead, then on the cheeks and worked my way around her face and kissed her long and slow on the mouth probing her mouth with my tongue.

  I untied the rope at her waist and pushed her garment off of her shoulders and let it slide down to the floor at her feet. She looked up into my eyes and I smiled at her.

  “You’re beautiful,” I told her and kissed her again.

  I laid her down upon the straw covered stone slab and gently ran my hands over the contours of her skin feeling her softness and warmth. I took my clothes off and kissed down the front of her body, nibbling at her skin.

  Her breath came in short gasps when I sucked on one of her nipples that sprang out into a hard little bud. When I switched to the other one and sucked on it and slid my hand between her smooth thighs she made mewing sounds from deep within her throat and her lips formed words that her tongue-less mouth could no longer speak.

  I kissed all the way down the front of her. Over her small smooth stomach and down to her pubic hair. When I went to part her thighs to lick her pussy she looked down and gasped in wide eyed surprise. Her legs were suddenly tight almost clamping shut on my head.

  “It’s all right,” I told her. “I won’t hurt you.”

  A look of doubt crossed her face. No one had ever wanted to do this to her before.

  “Trust me,” I whispered.

  After a moment she relaxed and I began by lightly kissing the insides of her thighs. First one, then the other all the way up to the moist warm center of her. I teased her with my tongue until I found the little nub of hot flesh that made her moan from deep down in her throat.

  I worked at her clitoris until she was twitching all over and her legs were shaking. She was panting and drooling like a Saint Bernard that just won the Kentucky Derby in one hundred and twenty degree heat. And when she came, damn did she cum.

  She grabbed me by the hair of the head and pulled my face into her pussy so hard I could barely breathe. Death by pussy suffocation, that’d be a new one.

  She was grinding her teeth and slinging her head back and forth and going “Uhh Uhh.” It looked for about a minute like she was having an epileptic fit. I could tell this woman had never had an orgasm before. She probably didn’t even know they existed.

  After she came, she laid back with an expression on her face that had written all over it, “Jesus, what the fuck was that?”

  We rested for a moment then I raised myself over her and slid into her moist warmth. She raised herself and came up and engulfed me as I came down. This nameless woman whimpered softly as I pounded myself into her.

  At the same time we both came to a shuddering orgasm.

  We laid back then and I held her in my arms. I spoke soft words to her in the dimness of the single candlelight. I did not make her promises of a better future for us. There was no future for us. Both of us knew it.


  The Party's End

  When we came back out into the main room Johnny was having a face-off with that idiot from our cell, Pugnax. The skinny teenaged girl who I’d been sent to fuck my second night here was hiding behind Johnny.

  “You will give her to me!” Pugnax stated through tight lips and tried to reach around Johnny for the g

  Johnny slapped the big guys hand away with a loud pop. “Don’t be so grabby,” Johnny said. “Remember what your momma got for grabbin'.”

  “I never knew my mother,” Pugnax said with a snarl. “I don’t know what she got.”

  “She got you, you stupid son-of-a-bitch,” Johnny told him.

  I started to step forward to go to where Johnny was and the nameless woman grabbed my arm to hold me back. Her eyes were pleading with me to not leave her side.

  “I gotta go help my friend,” I told her.

  Her grip was still tight on my arm.

  I looked deeply into her eyes. “There are some things I’ve just got to do.” I told her and she let go of me.

  I gave her a quick kiss and as I turned away to help my friend, her eyes still begged me to stay with her. I would never forget that look, because I would never see her again.

  At Johnny’s side I asked, “What’s up Bro?”

  Pugnax was rapidly turning redder with every second. He was breathing hard and clenching his teeth. This boy was in bad need of some anger management classes. I doubt he’d be getting that training here.

  Johnny said. “I was talking to the girl cause she seems to be scared to death of everybody else here when this gargoyle-lookin'-mother fucker up and grabs her by the arm and tries to jerk her off the bench from beside me. So, I did a little trip and shove on him, and put him on his ass, and he still thinks he’s getting the girl.”

  “I will take her!” Pugnax roared at Johnny.

  Johnny waved his hand in front of his face. “Oooooo,” he said. “Man do you gargle with shit? Your breath is fucked up.” Then he got serious. “You ain’t taking a motha-fucking thing,” he told Pugnax. “Except for my dick up your ass if I ever feel like fucking something as ugly as you are.”

  I thought that that would be it and Pugnax would charge Johnny and we’d both have to do a stomp job on his head. The veins in his forehead almost popped out. You could see them pulsing with the pounding of his heart.

  To the surprise of the both of us he got hold of himself and actually smiled. His voice was so tight and constricted from his denied rage that he sounded like an angry alligator when he spoke. “Miletus ordered me to take her and show her what will be expected of her from now on.”

  Johnny glanced at me and I glanced at him. We nodded simultaneously. I was thinking, well I just got one of my best fucking’s of the last few years it might be a good day to die.

  Miletus didn’t appear to be around anywhere. Otherwise he’d probably be in our faces ordering us to give the girl over. He’s probably enjoying one of the slave girls. It wouldn’t have made a difference anyway. That wasn’t going to happen. Neither one of us would hand over a kid to be raped.

  Slave or no slave, no kid deserves that.

  “Why didn’t you say that right off?” Johnny asked Pugnax. “Shit man, what Miletus says goes.” He stepped to the side. “Ain’t that right Bro?” He said.

  “You got that right brother,” I said and stepped to the other side of Pugnax leaving a clear path between us to the girl.

  Pugnax, not the smartest boy in the world, stepped forward between us.

  I hit him with a hard overhand right just behind his left ear, a split second later Johnny smashed him with one hell of a left hook to the right side of his jaw. He went so limp it looked like all the bones vanished from his body at once. He went down and out in a heap.

  One of Miletus’ guards yelled, “Stop now!”

  He stepped forward, hand on his sword, about to draw it but he hadn’t drawn it yet. He expected us to just freeze at his order. We weren’t freezing for shit.

  I stepped to him and grabbed his wrist and locked his arm to his side jerking him to me with my other hand and smashed my forehead down onto his nose. Blood flew and he staggered backward blinded. Then I snapped a kick up under that Roman soldier skirt thing they all wear. The way my toes sank into his gonads I knew he wasn’t wearing anything at all under that skirt. The guard changed color and hit the floor.

  Other guards were coming now. Johnny grabbed the girl’s hand and we hauled ass across the room. The other gladiators just got out of our way as we ran to the door we’d entered through. None of them showed any interest in wanting to help us and we didn’t have the time to take a poll to see who was unhappy enough with his life to want to help us get the hell out of there.

  We reached the door with about eight guards just a few steps behind us. The door was barred from the other side. It was made from thick planks of wood. We weren’t just going to ram this door down.

  We turned to face the guards.

  They had their swords drawn.

  We saw now that the swords they held were ferrum, the blunt training swords. The ferrum were more like billy-clubs than anything else. Believe me an entire crowd of guys swinging billy-clubs at you can raise some serious knots on your head. It’s better than having your arms hacked off, but not by much.

  The girl cringed behind us against the door.

  There wasn’t anything else to do.

  I charged that entire crowd of mother fucking guards. It was a better idea than I’d even planned on. I was on them so quick they didn’t have time or room to swing the ferrum. As a stabbing instrument, ferrum are useless.

  Diving right into the middle of four of them I took one of the guards down with a ridge hand to the throat, kneed one in the crotch, elbowed another to the stomach, tried to jab my fingers in another’s eyes then I was slammed up-side the head with one of the ferrum.

  The entire world spun and spots danced in front of my eyes. My knees sagged and I realized I was on my knees and two of the guards were on both sides of me using my head for batting practice.

  I grabbed one of them between the legs by the ball sack and dug my nails in and jerked like I didn’t have a pair of my own and wanted to keep his. He screeched like a cat thrown into a fireplace.

  Another guard bludgeoned me on top of the head. The thought ran through my mind that I’m not putting my fucking hat on for a long fucking time. I blacked out.

  Nails were tearing into the flesh at my wrists. I was hanging by the nails, legs dangling, pain, unbelievable pain, in my arms, looking down at the ground, a long way down.

  Nailed to a cross, throat dry, sick to my stomach. A big crow sits on my shoulder pecking at my eyes. He tears my eyelid loose. Bright white light burns into my brain.

  “Get the fuck off of me!” I yelled at him.

  I came awake again kicking out with my feet from my back. I connected with a guard's knee. He grunted. I kicked him again. He fell sideways.

  I saw Johnny. Four guards had him pinned to the wall, two on each arm. He yelled, “Fight me one on one, I’ll fuck you all up!”

  They were not going to take him up on his offer.

  I scissor kicked a guard off of his feet and spun away from another’s grasping hands and made it to my feet.

  Ferrum were being swung at me from all sides. I tried to block them with my forearms. The blows made my arms go numb. Charging the guards in front of me again, this time I was met by a ferrum swung over hand. Stars danced in front of my eyes.

  Someone climbed on my back, locked an arm around my throat. My arms were wrenched out to the sides then behind me. I was tripped and met the floor with the side of my face.

  The crowd was on my back. They tied my arms behind me and bound my legs together. Someone pulled a bag down over my head. It was tied at my neck.

  I heard Miletus yell, “Take them to the cages! I’ll decide what to do with them by the morning.”

  Several arms picked me up and carried me. I was thrown onto a hard cold floor. A rusty hinge screeched as the door was slammed shut.


  The Alter of Slaughter

  I slid around on the floor of what I was in to try to get my bearings as to what the size of this new cell was. With a bag over your head you can’t see too much of anything. A breeze was blowing on my arms and I
was able to figure out that the cage I was in was about the same size of what Johnny and me were transported to the gladiator school in.

  There was muffled talking. The words I couldn’t quite make out and the floor beneath me shook and there was a banging noise. The banging noise and the shifting of the floor beneath me came two more times.

  I heard animal sounds and the shuffling of bodies not far away and just generally had the feeling that I was outside.

  What I was figuring was happening was that they’d loaded me up onto another wagon and was going to take me to somewhere else.

  There were more scraping noises and I moved toward it until my head made contact with an iron bar. I winced back from the bar. The top of my head was sore as hell from being clubbed with that ferrum.

  “Hey,” I said through the bag. “Why don’t you give me a hand and take this sack off my head.” I leaned as close as I could to let whoever was on the other side of those bars reach over and untie the drawstring at my neck.

  No one answered. No one reached over a hand to help me.

  “Come on, goddamn-it! We’re all in the same boat here. Shit! Help me out.”

  But there was no help coming to me.

  I could hear them breathing on the other side of the bars.

  I asked a few more times than lay down on my side. I tried to get comfortable on the cold bottom of the cage but getting comfortable with your arms tied behind you and your legs bound together isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do.

  After a while, there were some more talking voices. The floor rocked again, a crack of the whip and we were rolling down the road.

  With my head covered, blind as a bat, not knowing where I was being taken and totally at the mercy of these sadistic bastards, this was not feeling like a pleasure cruise.

  * * *

  It’s a lonely feeling when a bag’s over your head and nobody will say anything to you. Every now and then I’d hear somebody talking, but no one was answering anything I’d say at all.

  I think the other slaves were afraid to talk to me. I was obviously in the shit. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being poked in the back with something sharp and someone was shouting at me to wake up. Light was filtering in through the bag so I knew it was morning.


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