Knocked Up By The Other Brother: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance

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Knocked Up By The Other Brother: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance Page 52

by Ashlee Price

  “I love it. I really do.”

  “I do too; you’ll look ravishing at the gala.”

  She spun around again, laughing. She saw in the mirror that he was watching her. He had that look on his face, the one from the restaurant. This time she was pretty sure it was lust. The look made her stomach flutter and clench at the same time. That could not possibly be for her.

  Jeremy got up from her seat and joined her in the mirror. He stood right behind her and placed his hand on her waist. Alexa jumped at the contact, she wasn’t expecting that. Her skin tingled where his hand was touching, and she was hyper aware of how close he really was to her. He came in even closer and pulled her hair away from her neck. Alexa didn’t know what to do, she was shocked. He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear.

  “You really are beautiful Alexa. Oh, the things I would do to you.” Then he placed his other hand on the other side of her waist and gently pulled her back so that her butt made contact with his groin. As soon as contact was made, he let out a quiet moan. The sound did something strange to Alexa’s body. She unconsciously spread her legs slightly and pushed in to him even more. He made the noise again. Alexa’s stomach was clenching like crazy, and she could feel a throbbing between her legs. Jeremy slowing started moving a hand, sliding it over her hip and across her stomach. Alexa leaned her head back and rested it on his shoulder.

  Abruptly, she pulled away. What was she doing? She was happily married and she wouldn’t cheat on John, especially not with her boss. She didn’t know what had come over her; she has never been so foolish before. There are work place rules, and having an affair with your boss is definitely breaking a couple hundred of them.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I’m married, and you're my boss.” She said in a rush.

  “I understand.” That was all he said back to her.

  She shakily walked back in to the dressing room and changed back in to her own clothes. She came out to where he was waiting and handed him the dress.

  “You really don’t have to buy this for me.” She said awkwardly to him. She didn’t know how to act with him now, would things be really uncomfortable?

  “I want to buy it for you Alexa.” He smiled warmly at her. He acted as if nothing had happened. Good, she could roll with that.

  They got up to the cash and he placed the dress on the counter. “Oh, just a minute one more thing.” He said as he walked away. He returned moments later with a beautiful necklace and earring set. They were simple and elegant and gorgeous and no doubt real diamonds. He held them up to her and then placed them on the counter with the dress. “We’ll take these too please.” Jeremy paid for the dress and jewelry and it was ridiculously expensive then they both got in the car and went back to work.


  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday went by in a blur. All of the finishing touches were done to the planning of the gala, and Alexa was very happy with the way they turned out, and she knew Jeremy would be too. Everything had been back to normal with them; there wasn’t even a mention of what happened in the store. Even though they didn’t talk about it, Alexa still thought about it, a lot. She would find herself zoned out in the middle of doing something thinking about how it felt when he touched her. She would have to shake herself out of it and focus harder on what she was doing.

  She felt weird at home too, even though John didn’t know anything. She felt like she had betrayed him, even though she stopped before anything had happened. She tried her best to just forget about what happened and go on with normal life. That was hard, however, when she worked with Jeremy so much. She could not help but remember when he was standing right in front of her. She had to get over it, she decided.

  Friday came and Alexa went to work early. She packed an overnight bag, because Jeremy had requested that she stay in a room at the hotel that night to be able to make sure everything was cleaned up and taken care of Saturday morning. She arrived at work and went to her office. She had been there maybe ten minutes when the door opened and Jeremy walked in.

  “Good morning Alexa, are you ready to go?” He asked her.

  “Good morning. Where is it that we’re going?” She questioned.

  “I want you to spend the day today working at the hotel. I know you will ensure that everything is set up properly and ready for our guests this evening. Can you do that for me?”

  “Of course I can! I would be delighted.” She said. She was very excited to be able to see the hotel for real. She had seen some pictures, and the blue prints but they just weren’t the same. She grabbed her overnight bag and followed Jeremy out of the room and towards the elevator.

  They didn’t take his car this time; he had a limo take them there. The drive was quick and she couldn’t wait to see it. They pulled in to a parking lot and she rolled down the window so she could see it better. The building was huge, had to be at least as many floors as the office was. There was a courtyard in the middle of the parking lot that had a beautiful fountain; she could just imagine running her fingers through the cool water.

  They pulled up to the front entrance and she stepped out of the car. She walked towards the door and it opened automatically for her. She gasped. The lobby was beautiful. There was a bright red carpet rolled out on top of beautiful marble floors. There was a huge glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling and all of the furniture was black and white and very modern. There was a desk over to the one side, where check in would be done and on the other side there was a door that lead to the restaurant.

  The red carpet was rolled out in the lobby so that it made a path to the ‘ballroom’. Alexa followed the carpet and slowly walked to where the gala would be held. She held her breath as she pushed the huge wood doors open, and then all of her air left her in a rush. It was perfect, just perfect. Everything she had wanted was there, a beautiful ice sculpture stood in one corner, and there were tables set up exactly where she wanted them. They still needed to be set up, but that’s what she would do. They had to be done perfect.

  Jeremy grabbed her arm and directed her towards the elevator. They got in and he hit the button for the twenty second floor. Yes, there were twenty three just like in the office. They stepped off the elevator and in to a beautiful hall way. He led her to a door and unlocked it.

  “This will be your room for the night.” He said as he pushed the door open.

  “Wow.” She said as she stepped in to the room. This too was beautiful. The room was huge, with a small kitchen off to the one side and a living area to the other. The bedroom had a giant king size bed and an en suite bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub. She was looking forward to using that later. Jeremy had her bags brought up and then he opened the closet and hung the dress he bought her in it.

  “I will see you when the gala starts.” He said, and left the room.

  Alexa looked around the room, and then headed down stairs to get to work. She set up all of the tables, putting table clothes and decorations on them. She over saw the food preparation and directed the entertainment where to go. The gala was set to start at eight, and by six o’clock she was all ready to go. All she had to do was get her ready.

  She headed up to the room she was given for the night. She walked right in to the bathroom and stripped off her work clothes. She started the tub and filled it with bubbles. When the water was high enough, she stepped in and sunk down. The water felt so nice on her skin, to be surrounded by warmth. She just laid there for quite a while and then decided she better get out.

  She toweled herself off and walked to the bedroom. She put on her panties and her bra and then slipped in to the elegant dress. She stilled loved the way it fit, it made her feel beautiful. She then did her hair and her makeup and put on the strappy heals she chose for the night. She may not have a dress suitable, but she definitely had a lot of shoes to choose from.

  The last thing she did before headed back downstairs to start greeting people was slip the beautiful necklace around her neck and put in the matching earrings. They re
ally were lovely and she loved the way she looked. She cleaned up nice. She laughed to herself as she left the room.

  She spent the next hour watching all of the guests arrive. There were all kinds of celebrities and she felt very important. They all got champagne and talked about how amazing the hotel was. There were camera crews, taping people as they got out of their limos and walked across the red carpet.

  She hadn’t seen Jeremy yet, and was watching for him. A black limo pulled up just then and Jeremy stepped out on to the carpet. Right behind him was another man. Alexa go a better look when he stood tall, it was Marcus, Jeremy’s brother. Again, the pictures didn’t do him justice. He was ridiculously handsome, tall like Jeremy and very muscular. They were the best looking pair of men she had ever seen.

  They reached the spot where she was waiting and then she followed them in to the ballroom. They started to talk to guests so she made sure everything was running smoothly. That’s how she spent most of the night. She would look over to Jeremy or Marcus every once in a while, and she would see that they were standing together either talking to guests or to each other. At one point she looked over and they were both watching her and having a quiet discussion with each other. Jeremy motioned for her to come over, so she did.

  “Is everything alright?” she asked, worried she forgot something.

  “Everything is perfect Alexa,” that was Marcus who spoke. His voice was similar to Jeremy’s, but not quite a smooth, his voice was a little rough. It was sexy. “It’s very nice to meet you, I hear this all has you to thank.” He gestured to the room.

  “Oh, I tried my best but it wasn’t all me. I had help.” She smiled.

  “I told Marcus that you are interested in the production side of the business.” That was Jeremy.

  “You did?” she asked.

  “He did.” Marcus said. “Would you like to come and work with me?”

  “Oh my God, I would love nothing better. I would do anything.”

  Jeremy and Marcus exchanged a glace and Alexa got butterflies in her stomach.

  Jeremy said, “We have a business proposition for you then Alexa. It looks to me like the guests are all satisfied for the moment; would you like to talk in private with us?”

  Alexa didn’t know how she felt about that, but she went with them anyway. She couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to get the job of her dreams. They led her to a conference room that was off of the lobby. She hadn’t noticed it before because the curtains come across and just look like they are part of the lobby walls. The room was dark when they first entered, and Marcus switched on one of the lights. It still wasn’t overly bright but there was enough light to see them.

  No body spoke for a couple of minutes and then Jeremy did.

  “We want you Alexa.”

  Alexa was very confused. “You have me.”

  Marcus spoke this time. “Not like that Alexa.” He came closer to her and ran his fingers down her arm. “We want to be inside of you, both of us.”

  Everything stopped moving. Alexa didn’t know what to do; she knew exactly what he meant. They wanted her to have sex with them. How could they do that to her? She wanted that job so much, but she couldn’t cheat on John. She was mortified, but also somewhere deep inside of her she was flattered.

  “I don’t know.” She said shakily.

  Jeremy said to her “Don’t you want the promotion Alexa? And admit it, you want me. What happened in the clothing store wasn’t a fluke. You want me just as much as we want you.”

  Jeremy came closer and stepped in behind her. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her in to him like he had in the store. Her body reacted the same way it had before, her legs spread and she pushed a little more in to him. He moaned. The throbbing started again in between her legs. His hand started to move down her stomach and she didn’t stop him this time. She couldn’t. It wasn’t just because she wanted the job, she wanted him too. She wanted him inside of her.

  He rubbed her sweet spot on the outside of her dress and her knees went weak. Marcus walked over to her and put his hands on her cheeks. He took her mouth in his and started to kiss her. He swept his tongue along the bottom of her lip and she let him in. He moved is hands from her face to her breasts. He played with her nipples through the fabric just as Jeremy pulled her dress up enough for him to touch skin.

  She moaned when his hand landed on her bare thigh. He slowly moved his fingers up and slipped them under her panties. The pleasure was like a bolt of lightning when he touched her. He only massaged her for a minute and then he took his hand away. He pulled her dress up over her hips and pulled her underwear down. Then he pushed her up against his groin again. She could feel the hardness of his erection on her ass through his pants. He unzipped and pulled them down to his knees. He wasn’t wearing underwear. Jeremy then bent her over the corner of the conference table and slammed in to her.

  She moaned loudly. All of a sudden Marcus was in front of her. She reached up and unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. His erection sprang forward right in to her face. She grabbed it and covered it with her mouth. A moan escaped his lips. She sucked on Marcus, while Jeremy pounded in to her. He reached around her and started to massage again. The friction built up and soon she was right on edge. She couldn’t hold it any longer; she exploded in to orgasm just as Jeremy did too. The waves of pleasure washed over her body and when they finally stopped, she lay still on the table.

  She didn’t stay there for long. Now it was Marcus’ turn. He came around the other side of the table and easily flipped her over so she was lying on her back. He grabbed her by the ankles and brought them to his shoulders. Then he slowly pushed himself in to her. She gasped as he filled her to the brim. She reached out her hand and found Jeremy; she grasped his still hard erection and started to pump with her hand.

  Marcus started out slow, and every so slowly he built up his speed until he was pounding in to her. Every time he filled her up again she would moan loudly. She didn’t even care at this point if anyone heard them. She could feel another orgasm building up, it got higher and higher and finally she burst in to another body shaking orgasm. In the middle of hers, Marcus experienced his own as well. He moaned loudly and pumped in to her until she was full. When her own orgasm finally ended, she just lay on the table breathing heavy.

  She could hear the mean breathing loudly too. The room was hot now, and she was sure she was going to look like a mess. She slowly raised herself off of the table and looks at the brothers. They were both watching her. She smiled sexily at the both of them and started to laugh. Jeremy showed her to a bathroom and she got cleaned up. The three of them put themselves back together enough to go back to the party.

  Alexa left the hotel the next day feeling satisfied. She had finally landed the job of her dreams.



  Chapter 1

  Jake put down the phone and sighed. He had been working as the Shady Glenn’s park manager for a couple of months now and the fixes late at night seemed to be never ending. The call had come from the woman at lot #17 that he had seen out a few times walking her small poodle dog. She always had a wave and a smile to the younger man. He judged her to be in her late forties, but he had to admit that she had done well to stave off aging.

  The large man bent down and picked up the boxers from next to his bed. The clock on the side of his bed showed it to be almost one o clock in the morning and he cursed under his breath. He wanted to tell the woman to piss off till morning, but he knew that he couldn’t. The manager job was a breeze which was half the reason that he took it. He could drink beer for breakfast and squeak by without doing any real work most of the time.

  Jake opened the door to go out into the quiet night, shutting the aluminum door behind him. Even though the rent was free with the job, he had one of the smaller trailers in the park. It was a short walk to Gloria’s house, but he took his time. His thoughts went to Stella and decided that he would
call her over when he got back. He was already up and they had been interrupted earlier in the copy room. Shaking his thoughts, he knocked on the woman’s door and waited on the porch of her double-wide trailer. He noticed a sweet smelling scent coming from the tiny white flowers that wound around the bannister.

  “Hey Jake. Thank you so much for coming over at such a late hour. I didn’t wake you up, did I?”

  Jake nodded his head no, while his eyes took in the taller woman’s attire. She was only wearing a silk robe that left little to the imagination. He could tell that she was naked underneath and he swallowed hard as he pushed passed her into the dark living room. Her black hair shined down her back as she turned to shut the door, giving the man a glimpse of her round ass.

  “So you said you were having some problems with your Jacuzzi?”

  “Yea, follow me Jake. I will show you what the trouble is.”

  Jake followed the woman through the house and stopped as he saw her Jacuzzi bubbling away, seemingly in perfect order. The scene had the making of an interesting night and he turned towards the woman.

  “I’m confused Gloria. I thought you said you were having trouble with it?”

  “Don’t be. The problem is I have no one to enjoy it with. I was hoping that you could help me out.”

  Jake’s eyes watched her hands pull the tie on the front of her robe, giving him a teasing look with her blue eyes. Her tan skin glistened in the soft light of the bathroom, but it was her large breasts that caught his attention. They were obviously fake from the way they bounced and jiggled unnaturally high, but Jake was transfixed. His mouth itched to take one of the hard tips between his teeth. He did not know why, but it seemed like the trailer park was full of cougars that wanted nothing more than a hard fuck that he was more than happy to oblige.

  The woman turned her back to him and got into the steaming water slowly, sitting back with her eyes on him. Her large chest floated in the froth, giving him glimpses of her pink nipples as she urged him forward.


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