Knocked Up By The Other Brother: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance

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Knocked Up By The Other Brother: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance Page 144

by Ashlee Price

  “You know me so well!”

  Reese laughed. “It would seem I do. Tonight, however, I want you all to myself. Tomorrow, my beautiful angel, Abe and I will take you into realms you never knew existed, and you will be ours, as we will be yours. Tell me how this makes you feel?”

  “To be perfectly honest with you, nervous! I love Abe, Reese, but I adore you!”

  He hugged her close. “I know, sweetheart. Don’t you know I saw you struggle with your attraction to him? It’s okay. I love Abe too. The three of us are a family. Us against the world! Let’s go home. Abe is starting supper. Beef stew, I believe he said. He also told me you like this spot. Let’s get going. I want you in bed.”

  The ride home seemed to flit by in no time, and the rekindling of their love that night seemed to open new avenues of exploration.


  Stacey took a last look at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her legs were smoothly shaved, and her hair had a tousled look from the vigorous toweling it had just received. Both men, she knew, were outside waiting for her. “Come on girl,” she said to her reflection, “you can do this! You want this, remember? It’s Reese and Abe out there, waiting for you, wanting you. How lucky can a girl get?”

  Taking a deep breath, she fastened the towel she was wearing a notch tighter, and stepped out of the room. Both men were on the bed, lounging back against the covers, stark naked, their penises both rigid and waiting. She licked her lips and slowly closed the gap. She was trembling; whether in anticipation or out of fear at the time was inconsequential. Her darkest fantasy was about to come true.

  She licked her dry lips once more.

  Reese lifted a lazy hand and beckoned her closer. When her knees touched the foot of the bed, she unhitched her towel and let it drop to the floor, before slowly crawling up towards them. She was embraced by two sets of arms that turned her around on her back. Not a word was said, as both men’s heads dipped down towards her rigid nipples and latched onto them, suckling at her, while allowing their hands to roam over her body in orchestrated tandem. Her arms, around their necks, pulled them closer, and she sighed. Their hands on her body combined with their long, languid pulls on her breasts, was not only making her hot as hell, but her womanhood seemed to be contracting in unison. Stacey knew she needed relief, and soon!

  In unison, her legs were parted wider, each thrown over a hard body. Someone’s hand, she no longer had any idea who’s, was rubbing at her clit, causing her to squirm. A pair of fingers plunged into her wanting pussy, filling her up.

  “Oh god yes!”

  “You want more?” Reese breathed into her ear. Her low moan seemed the catalyst that spurned both men on, whispering in her ears what they wanted to do to her, what they wanted her to do to herself, and to them. Stacey was lost, her senses overloaded, her want spiraling out of control. She was unceremoniously flipped over onto Abe and pushed down onto his jutting cock, her hips held firmly in place by his huge hands. She looked up to see Reese watching, his eyes seemingly fixated on her pussy getting fucked. His one hand worked at his cock, stroking it up and down. The sight drove her over the edge, and she had her first orgasm of the night.

  She was still gasping and shaking in Abe’s arms, when she felt a warm finger at her ass, stroking the rim. Her ass puckered at the unexpectedness.

  “Relax, Stacey,”

  Reese’s whisper soothed her. She made a concentrated effort to do as he suggested. His finger worked its way into her, while Abe’s hard cock was still in her pussy; still yet ready. Reese’s finger made way for his cock’s head, the bulb nudging at her opening before slowly working its way in. Both cocks were large and thick, and she wondered whether she could take them both. Her ass had a slight burning sensation, but it was not uncomfortable enough to make anything of it. Finally, Reese stopped, and held still, letting her get accustomed to the feeling. His movement, at first, was slow, but he soon increased his pace. The sensation of being fucked in the ass while having a dick up her cunt was wonderful, filling and fulfilling. Abe, who so far had held still beneath her, started his own rhythm, and both men were fucking her with increased urgency. The hands on her hips from beneath and the two on her shoulders, both grasps firm, while her two holes were being thoroughly serviced, were soothing, erotic and comforting. She felt safe, used, and wanted. Suddenly, in unison, both men drew out of her. She was startled.


  Before she could ask anything else, she was pulled off the bed and lifted from behind by Reese, while Abe wrapped her legs around his waist and shoved her down once more onto his jutting cock. Reese once again plugged her from behind, holding her against him. Abe’s hands were on her breasts, pulling at the nipples, rolling them between his fingers, and pulling at them, while Reese watched over her shoulder. Stacey could stand it no longer. She came in gushing squirts, screaming as she did so.

  That was the second time she came that night, to be followed by a few more.


  Stacey woke the next morning to the sensation of being finger fucked while kissed. Her body rose to the occasion of its own volition, seeming to have a mind all of its own. Reese was kissing her, and when he realized she was awake, one hand played with her breast, kneading it. Abe, who was at her bottom end, dipped his head to kiss her clit good morning as well, letting his tongue play at the sensitive organ until she came.

  “What a way to start the day!”

  Abe unceremoniously rolled her over onto her stomach and gave her backside a resounding thwack.

  “Time to get up, beautiful! There is work to be done! And we have agreed, you are mine tonight, Reese’s tomorrow, and ours the day after. Think you can handle that?”

  Stacey smiled at her two men, her love in her eyes.

  “But of course!”

  “Good! We’ll get breakfast going while you make yourself beautiful. Abe is making his famous pancakes while I get the coffee started. We’ll be waiting.”

  She watched the two lean men walk out of the room, admiring their bodies. Hers. Both of them. Stacey gave a long, languid stretch, the muscles in her body complaining at the strain. She gave a long sigh.

  Life was good, and she was living it!


  The Cowboy’s Cream

  Chapter 1

  “I just don’t think I want to keep dating if this is all you have to offer.”

  Cedric looked at Kendra and shook his head. They were sitting there watching a movie, hadn’t said a word in ten minutes and that is what she decides to say. It was the same fight they had been having for a while and it appeared that they were going to have it again.

  “What is it that you want that I am not giving?”

  “Marriage, children.”

  “We have only been together a year Kendra. That is not long at all when you really think about it.”

  Kendra though that a year was more than enough time. You either wanted to get married or you didn’t. It was clear to her that he didn’t want to, but like him, she’d stayed because it was comfortable and safe. Having watched her younger cousin get married the weekend before had set her mind to thinking of nothing else. Now it was ultimatum time, even though it went against everything she believed in. It was going to be now or she had to move on.

  “I am just asking if you see us ever being married and having children?”

  It was a simple question that had a lot of implications each way he answered. He didn’t see them together forever, but he didn’t want to lose her. Cedric knew he could lie to her and keep her a little longer, but it didn’t feel right to lead her on, knowing that he would never want the same things.

  “I don’t see myself ever getting married and having children. I am too young to think about these things, so are you. Why can’t we just have fun and see where life takes us?”

  “Because I just can’t anymore.”

  She had a sad look on her face. She was upset with the way things were going and she didn’t know how to make it any bette
r. The only thing to do was breakup and that had even more implications. That had been living together for the last six months when she moved to Seattle for his job. Her family was back on the east coast where she left them and there was the question of logistics.

  “I need a few days to find somewhere to go. Is that okay?”

  He was shocked at her finality. There was to be no emotional argument, Kendra’s mind was made up. “Yeah, whatever you want.”


  It took her less than a day to get out and she stayed in a hotel for a few days before she decided on a plan of action. She didn’t want to stay in Seattle and with the price of rents, it was impossible to even if she had wanted to. But Kendra didn’t want to go home either, so she got a transfer with the bar she worked at to go to farm country in Idaho. She wanted a fresh start and out of the four other locations they had in the west, Idaho seemed to be the best one and the drive wasn’t so bad. So three days after they had broken up, Kendra was on her way to a new start in a new place. She didn’t tell Cedric she was leaving, nor had she answered any of his calls. She didn’t believe in looking back, so she pointed herself forward.

  The drive was almost a full day and by the end of it, the scenery was so different. She had gone from a crammed seaside city, to nothing but open space and cows. Every other business had something to with ranching and livestock. It wasn’t hard to figure out what kind of men were going to be out there and to answer her mind’s question, there were several young cowboys hanging around her future place of employment.

  Kendra’s eyes went to the tall hats, the belt buckles and the boots. They were perfect, like out of some western movie. She didn’t think people really dressed like that, yet they were everywhere. A few of them looked pretty good and she was starting to feel a little better about the move. It wasn’t that she was necessarily looking right away, but she liked to keep an open mind.

  Finding the address that she was looking for, she was glad to see that she was only a couple of miles from the main drag in the town and from her new job. The apartment was better than she had expected and when Kendra went to bed that night, she was happy with the changes. The last piece of the puzzle was her new job and she hoped it went well because she had used up most of her savings in deposits and the move. Trying not to fret about it, she went to sleep with the sound of the wind against the window.


  The next morning she got up early and went to the small strip of stores that made up the town. Kendra wanted to see what there was up on offer. There wasn’t much and she found it funny that there were 3 hat stores out of the 10 clothing stores available. They were apparently serious about their hats in Ashton. She was completely out of her element and tried to remind herself that was the point. Kendra had come out to get start fresh and do something new.

  She didn’t have to go in till later in the afternoon and she wore the uniform she had worn for the last six months from her other store. It was apparently a lot different than the ones they wore there. Hers far more revealing and she wanted to die right then with embarrassment. Everyone in the bar was looking at her like she was an alien.

  Going to the bar, she asked the girl about her age where Shane was.

  “Are you Kendra?”

  “Yeah, I thought you guys had the same uniforms as the other stores.”

  “That is what they made you wear in Seattle?”

  She looked down at the low cut top that barely covered her cleavage,

  “This is it.”

  “Well, I don’t know how you do it. Just shows off everything to the world, doesn’t it?”

  Kendra nodded, but she didn’t think it was that bad. Poor taste, maybe, but in the city everyone else was dressed that way as well, so it didn’t seem to be that big of a deal.

  The blonde with the name tag Monica on her shirt, showed her to the back. “I will see if we have anything more appropriate to wear.”

  Chapter 2


  She turned around to the voice behind her. Shane was not what she had expected at all. He was so different than the slick-haired man that had ran the franchise in Washington. Shane was dressed more like the cowboy patrons out front. His skin was tanned, bright eyes blue, filled with a look that Kendra was used to. It made her respond with a slight skip in her heartbeat and a slow smile. It seemed that things were getting better.

  “Yes, are you Shane?”

  “Yes. Come in.”

  He moved back into the small office and sat back down. Motioning her to the chair, she took a seat.

  “I see you have brought your other uniform.”

  “Yeah sorry, I thought that were the same at every Discos.”

  “No, but they should be. My girls around here would never go for that sort of thing.”

  “Monica said she was looking for one in my size.”

  “I doubt we have one. You are fine to wear that.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded his head, eyes trained on her generous bosom for a moment too long for propriety sake. “Okay.”

  Shane handed her a schedule and asked her a few questions, but that was that. She left the room feeling strange and slightly horny. It didn’t seem that work was going to be a problem, though maybe keeping her boss at bay might be.

  Kendra got back to what she did best, talking and making drinks. She liked to think of it as a facilitator of fun. Everyone was happy and drinking before she was thirty minutes into her shift. The men seemed to like the new uniform and she was getting better tips than she had ever gotten in Seattle. Kendra was being flirty and she didn’t notice Shane coming up behind her.

  “So how do you like it?”

  She looked behind her to see him standing there, but it was the dark look in his eyes that threw her off more than his words. “Sorry?”

  “How do you like it here so far? It seems that the customers really seem to like you.”

  She looked where he was nodding and the two men at the end of the bar that couldn’t keep their eyes off of her. One in particular had been tipping too much, as well as giving plenty of compliments.

  “Everyone has been really nice.”

  “I bet. So I had a few questions about paperwork I wanted to ask you about.”

  “Okay, I will be back to the office in a minute.”

  “No, not there. Meet me out back.”

  When she gave him a look that was clear how untrusting she was, he tried to smile it off. “All my paperwork is in the trunk to be sent to corporate for their records. There were a couple things missing in your file when I went back over it.”

  It sounded semi-legitimate and since he was her boss, she tried to wave off the feeling telling her no in the pit of her stomach. There was just something about him that made her pause. Moving back to the bar to refill a drink for one of her admirers, the tall, blonde-haired one grabbed her arm. “Be careful with him Kendra. He is not a good man.”

  His words surprised her and she wanted to ask more, but she had to go out back to straighten out the paperwork. It was dark in the back lot and there were only a few people out around the parked vehicles. Kendra had a shiver run over her. Something was wrong, but she could not figure out what it was that made her feel so ill at ease.


  “Over here.”

  He was parked in the darkest part of the parking lot and as she made her way over to him, the unease got stronger. Kendra remembered the words of the man from a moment before. What did he mean by be careful?

  Against her better judgment, she walked over to the car window that he was sitting in. The items were supposed to have been in the trunk, but he called her over to the interior. “Get in and we can get this all straightened out.”

  Kendra went to the other side of the small sedan and got in the passenger seat. It smelled of fast food and beer or he did. She wasn’t sure which one. Looking at the paperwork in his hand, it was the transfer request that she had sent in to the company.

nbsp; “So why did you leave Seattle?”

  “Just needed to get away I guess.”

  “Dane told me that it was because of a break-up.”

  “Well I hardly see how that is anyone’s business, but yes I just broke up with my boyfriend. I didn’t know anyone there, so it seemed like the thing to do.”

  “Do you know anyone here?”

  She nodded her head that she didn’t.

  “You must be brave to be out here all by yourself.”

  She looked at him puzzled, not sure if he meant in Idaho or in his car. She was starting to question the latter decision, the creeping feeling back in her gut. He leaned towards her and she moved back towards the window. Kendra had found him handsome when she had first met him, but with the look in his eyes and the slow grin on his mouth, it was hard to see him the same way as before.

  “I really like your uniform Kendra. It makes me want to touch what you have out on display. I wonder if anyone has tried yet?”

  “No, I don’t think anyone is that drunk yet.”

  “Pity. I don’t think you would put up much of a fight” He moved closer until she could feel the heat of his breath on her neck. He was halfway on her side and Kendra started to be more than a little alarmed. He was a lot bigger than her and his large arms flexed as he grabbed the seat behind her head. “It looks to me like you need some male attention since you are all alone.”

  He moved in for a kiss and with nowhere else to go, he succeeded in kissing the side of her mouth, she moved her mouth away, but it just made him move down her neck, making her cry out, “Get off of me! What are you doing?”

  “Just giving you what you need, I saw the way you were looking earlier.” His hands moved to the bottom of her skirt and her effort to get away strengthened. She felt a rough finger on her panties. Trying to shut her legs on his hand, he growled and yanked them back apart, his hot mouth on her neck. “Please stop!”

  Kendra could hear the desperation in her voice and she hated the sound of it. She was already feeling like she had used up all of her energy and barely made him budge. He was not listening to her and she was starting to feel helpless. With one more surge of strength, she yelled at him to stop and pushed away as hard as she could.


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