For the Love of Dragons [Dragon Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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For the Love of Dragons [Dragon Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Jane Jamison

  She twisted the bracelet around her wrist. “But I can take it off.” The words felt like a lie. “If I really want to.”

  “Then take it off.”

  He was daring her. As he studied her face, she tried to tug it off but couldn’t. It hurt both physically and emotionally to try. The more she tried to take it off, the more she wanted to keep it on—as though losing it would break her heart.

  “You can’t do it, can you?” Dalton arched his eyebrow, sending his own dare.

  “Come on. It can’t be real. It’s just a stupid prophecy someone long ago made up. Probably to make the bracelet more valuable.” She took her hand away, unwilling to try again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because we belong to different clans. Our people don’t get along very well.”

  “Your people? What are these clans? Like business groups or something? Or are you guys Scottish?”

  “No. We’re something else. Something you won’t believe.”

  “Try me.” She wasn’t going to stop now. Not when she was so close to finding out the truth.

  Roman paused then finally told her. “We’re dragons.”

  Chapter Nine

  Roman stayed quiet, letting the revelation sink in. Peyton didn’t move, didn’t speak. “Did you hear what I said, baby?”

  “I heard you. What do you mean you’re dragons? Is that some kind of club? Is that what you mean by being part of a clan? You’re part of group called the Dragon Club?”

  He prayed she’d understand. “We are members of different clans. Clans of dragons.”

  She still wasn’t getting it. “Dragons. What kind of dragons? Like you’re Shriners?”

  “We’re talking about real dragons, Peyton.” Dalton poured himself another drink and downed it.

  She laughed, but the sound was tense. “Oh, sure. Of course. Why didn’t I see it before? You’re dragons.”

  “Yeah, we are.” Roman waited, giving her more time. Pushing her to believe wouldn’t work.

  Frowning, she struggled to understand. “You’re telling me that you’re real fire-breathing, scales-and-tails dragons. Like in fairy tales.”

  “Yes. Except the stories about dragons and the knights who slayed them were real.”

  “Stop trying to make shit up. Dragons never existed.”

  “They did, baby, and they still do. We went underground, staying out of sight until, at last, the stories became only stories.”

  She jumped up and dashed toward the door. He was lucky to catch her before she pulled it opened. “Peyton, stop. Listen to us.”

  Falling against the wall, she glared at him so strongly he could feel the anger boiling inside her. “You are out of your fucking mind. Do you really think I’m going to believe you’re some kind of a monster? That you can breathe fire and fly?”

  He flattened his hand on the door, keeping it firmly closed. “I know it’s hard to wrap your mind around this, but it’s the truth.”

  Her gaze slid to Dalton. “And you’re saying the same thing? You really expect me to buy this load of crap?”

  Dalton’s expression was hard, the muscle in his jaw clenching. “Peyton, do you remember seeing anything strange while we were having sex in the bathtub?”

  What the fuck?

  Roman bit back his anger. After all, he’d had sex with her, too. It wasn’t the fact that Dalton had taken her, but more that he hadn’t mentioned he had. Of course, he didn’t have room to talk, but at least Dalton had found out on his own about Roman taking her to his bed.

  Peyton reached for the doorknob, but he blocked her way. “Think, baby. Did you?”

  When she met his gaze again, he saw the dawning of understanding. “Yes. Or at least I thought so. But it was only because I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “What did you see, baby?” He spoke gently, soothingly.

  Her chest rose and fell with excitement. At least, he hoped it was from excitement and not from fear. “I saw flames. I saw red in his eyes. And I saw red in that woman’s eyes, too.”

  “The red shows up when an inner dragon is ready to take over. If they wanted to shift, they’d have changed into dragons.”

  “Dragons like in the pictures of dragons? With horns and long tails?”

  She was breathing so fast he was worried she’d hyperventilate.

  “Yes. And large. Very large.”

  “Why hasn’t anyone seen you? Especially if you can change into real live dragons? None of this is making any sense.”

  “We take care about where and when we change. When we’re in the air, we keep ourselves hidden by using our cloaking skill.”

  “Remember in the helicopter, pretty one? Do you remember how you thought you saw something in the air?”

  She sucked in a hard breath. “Yes.”

  “That was me,” offered Roman. “I was in my dragon form and flying close by.”

  “Too damn close,” grumbled Dalton.

  She shook her head, her mind once again denying what her heart was beginning to accept. “This is insane. You’re both insane.”

  She reached for the doorknob, but he blocked her again. “We can prove it to you.”

  “How?” she whispered.

  “By showing you.” Roman took her hand and tugged her toward an exit door.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the mountains.” Dalton was by their side then striding ahead of them, his phone at his ear. “We’ll take the helicopter.”

  * * * *

  Peyton was sure she’d gone crazy without anyone noticing. One minute she was busy losing a great deal of money at the roulette table, and then, within the next hour, she was in a helicopter flying toward the mountains.

  “Are we going to your home, Dalton?”

  She was crushed in between the two large men, but she couldn’t help but like it. Their hard-packed bodies pressed against hers. Her body heat soared as she looked straight at the fast-approaching mountains.

  “Not the home you’re thinking of. We’re going to my clan’s cave.”

  “A cave? Dragons live in a cave?” She’d said the word dragons, acting as though she really believed their fantastic story. Was she trying to convince them or herself?

  “We stay in our human bodies most of the time, but we have to get out of town every so often and fly. It’s easier if we have a meeting place in the mountains away from everyone else.”

  Roman bumped against her arm. “Dalton’s clan is called the Emeralian Dragons. That’s their cave straight ahead. My clan is called the Talasium Dragons.” He pointed to a different part of the mountain range, more to the south. “Our meeting cave is over there.”

  “I thought you said no one knew you two were friends.” She caught the terse expression of Rick, the pilot, in the rearview mirror. He hadn’t been friendly to Roman when they’d shown up at the airstrip but had greeted her with a big grin. Remaining silent, he’d nodded at Dalton’s order to fly them to the mountains but hadn’t yet acknowledged Roman’s presence.

  “They don’t. But they soon will.”

  “What’s the big deal? He’s a dragon, and you’re a dragon.”

  Dalton rested his hand on her leg. For a blissful moment, she forgot about everything except the two sexy men beside her. If she could’ve kept her thoughts at bay, she might’ve thrown herself at them, begging them to take her.

  Both men at once? She’d had dreams of Dalton and Roman making love to her together. Could it happen?

  “It’s like some people are black and others are white. Yeah, no problems there,” answered Dalton.

  “So it’s a race thing?” Understanding could help her get a grasp on all they’d told her. “Are you different skin colors?”

  “We have different-colored scales, and there are differences in the way we look. My clan, the Talasium dragons, have blue scales, silver eyes, and long tails that end in an arrow shape. We have horns that surround our face like a fan.” Roman checked to see that Dalton was paying atten
tion. “Talasium dragons are better looking, both in our dragon bodies and in our human ones.”

  “That’s a load of shit.” Dalton snorted. “Emeralian dragons have beautiful green scales, gray bellies, and green eyes. Like the Talasiums, we have wings, but we don’t have all those ugly horns around our handsome faces.”

  Her head swam. She wasn’t really buying into the whole dragon thing, but still, she was too curious not to ask. If they were both out of their minds, then maybe it was better to go along with their insanity. If they were both delusional, did she want to be sane without them?

  “But it’s not about your color, is it?” They were getting closer to the mountains. The dark holes in the hillside were turning into caves with large, wide openings. Openings that would fit a monster of an animal.

  Like a dragon.

  “The rift between our clans and that of the other two dragon clans, the Verians and the Dradian dragons, began centuries ago when we had to fight over land to survive. There were many more of us back then.”

  “So it started as a turf war? Is it the same now? Do you fight over land?” It seemed humans weren’t the only beings who struggled to keep the peace.

  “It’s not that way any longer, but it’s hard to break prejudices after so much time has ingrained it into our people.” Roman’s gaze shifted to the rearview mirror. “Dalton and I think it’s time for all the clans to put their differences aside. Now that you’re here, now that the Dragoness has arrived, maybe we can finally do it.”

  “And you really think I’m this Dragoness?” She couldn’t believe she was anything more than plain Peyton Henley from Ohio, the girl who’d come to Vegas for excitement. She’d gotten so much more than she’d ever have dreamed she would.

  “The bracelet proves it. The prophecy says the Bracelet of Atlantis will claim the Dragoness. When she arrives, the clans will be brought together.”

  “Although the prophecy didn’t say how long all of it would take.” Dalton gazed out the side window. “Something tells me that even with your arrival, it’s going to take a while before everyone comes together. The prophecy says they’ll be fighting among the clans. Not just differences and small power plays like have already happened, but an all-out war.”

  “I’m not sure I want such a big responsibility. The bracelet messed up. I’m not the Dragoness.” She fingered the bracelet.

  “You’re stronger than you think you, pretty one.”

  Roman twisted toward her. “Shit. I know the timing sucks, but I have to ask. Forget the prophecy and think about us. Do you feel anything for me? Maybe even for Dalton?”

  “Even for me?”

  She couldn’t meet Roman’s gaze. If she could have, he would’ve seen the answer in her eyes. “Why are you asking? Especially for the both of you?”

  Roman’s hand covered hers. “Because I want you.”

  “We want you,” added Dalton.

  “Yes. We want you, baby.”

  She looked up and found both of them studying her as though her answer would determine the rest of their lives. “I want both of you, too.” She laughed. “I’m positive now. I’ve gone insane. Right now, I’m probably sitting in a hospital somewhere under heavy medication. It’s the only way to believe any of this is real.”

  “Then we’re crazy, too,” added Dalton.

  “Yeah, well, I had the same idea. All of this…both of you…the bracelet…dragons? It’s all too much. I’m just supposed to believe—”

  “We’re landing,” interrupted Rick.

  Peyton jerked her gaze up and forward.

  At first, she was sure she was hallucinating. The monster standing on the ledge of the mountain spread its wings and let out a roar.

  Oh, holy shit. It’s a real dragon.

  * * * *

  Peyton barely remembered getting from the helicopter to the interior of the cave. Her attention was fixed on the huge green dragon spreading its wings as Dalton led her inside the dark area. Once she was inside, her eyes adjusted quickly, and she realized the dragon outside wasn’t the only one.

  “Whoa.” Staying close to Roman and Dalton, she turned around, stunned by what she saw. People and dragons circled around her. Most looked at her curiously, but a few of them glared, their eyes turning from green to red.

  “Everyone, listen up.” Dalton wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “This is Peyton Henley.” He lifted her arm, showing off the bracelet. “She is the Dragoness.”

  For a moment, no one said anything. Then, as though she’d opened a window into a raucous party, they started talking.

  “This is a lie. She’s a human, for shit’s sake.”

  “Take the bracelet off her.”

  “How’d she get it anyway? Is she the one who stole it?”

  “What if it’s true? What if she’s really the Dragoness?”

  At last, one large man, taller than even Dalton, came forward. “We’ll see if she’s the Dragoness. Come here, girl.”

  The last thing she wanted to do was to get closer to the man. He was already imposing enough, but having dragons standing near the cave’s walls made her even more nervous. Would one of them strike out and burn her alive?

  “It’s okay, baby. Elaton won’t hurt you.”

  “What’s that Talasium doing here?” demanded an older woman.

  “He’s my friend, and he’s under my protection. Try and harm him, and I won’t hesitate to fight you.” Dalton took a step closer to Roman.

  “I can take care of myself.” Roman’s voice boomed inside the cavern.

  “Come here, girl,” repeated Elaton.

  Peyton hoped her fear didn’t show. She’d be lucky if her legs would keep holding her up. Cautiously, she moved toward him.

  Elaton motioned for her to extend her arm. She did, trying to make sure her hand didn’t shake. He took her by the wrist, his enormous hand closing around the bracelet. The crowd grew quiet as the tension in the cave washed over her.

  She brought her gaze to his. He tugged, trying to remove the bracelet. His eyes narrowed, and he tried again. And again, twisting it one way and then the other. After several more attempts, his eyes widened, and he turned her loose.

  “I can’t get it off.”

  More outbursts came. The dragons lifted their heads and roared, scaring Peyton enough to send her scurrying back to Dalton and Roman. They kept her between them, giving her protection. Suddenly, the people around her went down on one knee. The dragons roared, the sound bounding off the cave’s walls, then bowed their heads.

  “What are they doing?” She took her men’s arms.

  “They’re accepting you as the Dragoness.”

  “Now it’s time for you to accept us.”

  “I don’t understand.” Keeping her voice low, she added, “Why aren’t they getting up?”

  “They’re waiting on you.” Dalton took her chin in his hand. “Roman and I should be on our knees bowing to you, too.”

  “I wouldn’t mind that one bit.” Somehow, looking into his eyes and having them both near her was soothing her nerves. Having them stand by her side felt right as though they were always meant to be there.

  “I bet you wouldn’t. Before I bow, I have to ask you a question.” Dalton hooked her arm in his.

  “Okay.” A different kind of nervousness overtook her.

  “Will you accept us as your mates? As both humans and dragons?”

  “Are you asking me to marry you, Dalton? And you, too, Roman?” Everything was moving so fast, and yet, she couldn’t help but think everything was going the way it should.

  “Yeah, me, too.” Roman went down on one knee and took her hand, earning a growl from Dalton. “Marry us, baby. Mate us.”

  Dalton grudgingly went to his knee. “Damn it, Roman. You know I have a trick knee.” He took her other hand. “So, pretty one, what do you say?”

  Had her life been leading up to this one moment? Had she gone blissfully insane, or was she only dreaming? Whatever had brought the two men
kneeling before her into her life no longer mattered. As long as she could stay with them, she’d be happy.

  “I’ll have to move to Vegas, won’t I?”

  “We hope so. Dragons like to be near their clans,” answered Dalton.

  “But we’ll go wherever you want, baby.”

  Roman earned another growl from Dalton. “Damn, man, you are such a suck-up.”

  She laughed and pulled them to their feet. “Yes. I’ll mate or marry you or whatever you want to call it.”

  “Then tell them to rise before they get stuck that way.” Roman slid his arm around her, pushing away Dalton’s arm.

  She faced the crowd and hoped her voice wouldn’t shake. “Please, everyone, get up.”

  The people and the dragons around her rose. Elaton lifted his hand, silencing their murmurs. “We’ll need to inform the other clans about the bracelet and the Dragoness. How did you get the bracelet?”

  She and Dalton remained silent, letting Roman answer the question. Roman grinned. “It’s a long story that we can tell the Council later. For right now, the Dragoness is all that matters.”

  A screech from the outside filled the cave. Dusk had fallen, and night was coming soon. Peyton pivoted toward the entrance of the cave along with the others but couldn’t see over the dragons blocking her way.

  “Stay inside,” ordered Dalton.

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  Roman pulled her out of the way, pushing her toward the wall of the cave as the people and dragons rushed toward the entrance. “I’m not sure, but until we can tell the other clans about you, stay out of sight.”

  “But why?” She strained to see past him but couldn’t.

  “Just do it. Promise me you’ll stay here until Dalton or I come back.”

  She didn’t want to give in, but she had no choice. “All right.”

  He kissed her, hard and fast, his urgency tensing her. When he whirled around to race after the others, she followed a few feet then stopped where she was, disbelief filling her yet again.


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