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Deception Page 17

by Ola Wegner

  Her wedding night had been surprising in many ways. There had been no opportunity previously to talk about the exact arrangements of their future life; all had happened so quickly. The marriage had been arranged in barely three days with the help of the Gardiners. Consequently, she and William had very little privacy since the moment he’d delivered her to her uncle’s home till the day when their wedding had taken place.

  She had expected that her husband would wish to consummate their union on their wedding night. She had not been exactly sure how she felt about it. The idea of being intimate with any man did not seem to be especially appealing to her. It was enough for her to return her thoughts to what that man had tried to do to her in the carriage, and she felt sick all over again. She trusted William, of course. She enjoyed his touch and felt safe in his arms, but she was not sure how she would have reacted if he had wanted to be with her the way a husband and wife should be. So far, he had never initiated anything more than kissing, cuddling her to him, and stroking her back and arms.

  When last night he had brought her his shirt, asking to put it on, she had been more than confused. Then he sat in a comfortable chair in front of the fireplace and pulled her onto his lap. She had to admit that she had felt very much relieved when he had told her that he had no intention of consummating their union either this night or any time soon. She felt strongly for him and enjoyed his presence by her side, but it all had happened so quickly. She was grateful he had given her time to adjust.

  He did not intend to be intimate with her, but clearly, he expected for them to sleep in one bed. There was not much choice for her to sleep elsewhere. She had expected that in such a grand townhouse, there should be two master bedrooms, preferably connected with one another, but she was wrong. She had been informed that the once Mistress’s bedroom had been turned years ago into the private family room, as her husband’s parents had always shared the Master’s bedroom. Elizabeth had always thought that the partners in aristocratic marriages slept separately; her parents did, though her father was just a country gentleman.

  After they had talked, William had carried her to bed and tucked her in, joining her soon after. She first lay stiffly, being afraid to make even the slightest move, but William pulled her unceremoniously into his arms, kissed her thoroughly, and then simply fell asleep. It had taken her a bit longer to do the same.

  Elizabeth finished her business in his dressing room, taking her time to wash her face. For a moment, she looked out of the window at the small garden behind the house. She even brushed her hair with his comb. She hoped he would not mind it.

  On returning to the bedroom, she found herself not sleepy at all. She took a turn around the room. There was not much furniture there, only the most necessary pieces. In the place of honour, above the mantelpiece, hung the large painting of a young woman. There was little doubt after whom Mr. Darcy had inherited his pretty looks. He had his mother’s dark, soulful eyes, her colouring, and her smile.

  She quietly returned to the bed and slipped under the covers. She closed her eyes, and minutes later, she managed to doze off as well.


  Darcy woke up a few hours later. At first, his eyes rested with confusion on the small female body nestled beside him, but soon his face broke into an affectionate grin. His wife was sprawled on her back, almost drowned in his shirt. Her hair was in disarray, spread on the pillow and down her arms. Supporting himself on his elbow, he simply stared at her adoringly.

  She was lovely, and she was all his. He did not remember ever having felt so unconditionally happy. There were still many unresolved matters concerning their rushed marriage that they had to face together, but it did not spoil his deep contentment because of the union with Elizabeth. Tomorrow they would go to Longbourn to learn how much damage Brooke had already managed to have done there. All he really wanted was to conclude all their affairs here and take his family home to Pemberley, but that would probably not happen soon. Elizabeth would want to stay until Bingley’s wedding to her sister to help with the preparations.

  His wife murmured something and rolled to her side, trying to find a new comfortable position for herself, and in the process, kicking the covers off her lower body. Instantly his eyes glued to her gauzy nightgown, which had ridden up above her knees. She had smooth, slender legs and the prettiest little feet he had ever seen. He stared hungrily at her uncovered lower body before decidedly drawing the covers back over her.

  He was deeply convinced that his decision to wait for the consummation of their marriage was the only right one. To tell the truth, this young girl, sleeping now so peacefully next to him, barely knew him. They had been denied the customary period of courting and wooing. Consequently, she had had no time or opportunity to mentally prepare herself for her new role as his wife. In more usual circumstances, he would have introduced her gradually into the physical side of the marriage during their engagement, first some kisses, then gentle touching of her breasts through her gown. And only then would he be reaching under her skirts to pleasure her more thoroughly. Had he had time for all of this, he would not have hesitated to consummate their union on their wedding night.

  But their situation was different. She needed her time, not only to get to know him better, but to also forget what Brooke had tried to do to her. He wanted Elizabeth to trust him implicitly in every aspect. At the same time, he was convinced that forcing her too soon into the intimacy that she might have not been ready for was definitely not the best way to achieve that goal. Moreover, he anticipated that she would need a thorough preparation before the actual intercourse could take place. She was petite and delicate, and he was sure that all parts of her were small. He dreaded the thought of hurting her more than it was absolutely necessary.

  “William?” her sleepy voice brought his attention.

  He smiled warmly at her. “Good morning, my love. Have you slept well?”

  She stretched and yawned. “Yes, thank you.” She smiled back. “And you?”

  He grinned. “Like a babe.”

  She kept smiling at him rather shyly. He reached his hand to smooth her tousled hair. “I am afraid I cannot stay with you today. I have business with my solicitor to attend. I want to be prepared when I talk with your father tomorrow.”

  “I understand. Actually, I have plans too.”

  “Can I guess?” he asked knowingly. “A shopping excursion with my sister?”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Yes,… she was very determined that we should visit some shops before our trip to Hertfordshire, so that when we return, at least a few of the new gowns could be ready.”

  “I support her on this. You will need many new gowns, especially some woollen ones. The winters in the north can be long and harsh. Georgiana is right. It is for the best to order several dresses today, so you will have them ready as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, William… but…” she hesitated, “I am aware that I will need new gowns as a married woman, but still, perhaps… It is customary that the bride’s family pays for such expenditures before the wedding, so perhaps my Papa could this time…”

  “No,” Darcy announced flatly.

  “Oh,” she said and bit her lower lip.

  Darcy sat up in the bed, supporting his back against the headboard. Next he drew her to him, tucking her into his arms, propping his chin on the top of her head. “All was so rushed, and there was not time to discuss the matter of your pin money. And to tell the truth, I wanted to talk with your father about this first. But you do not have to worry about it when you go shopping today. I can assure you that Georgiana will instruct you very well where to send the bills for your purchases.” His eyes twinkled in amusement. “Additionally, I will give you a sum today, so you could feel comfortable visiting the coffeehouse, or buying ribbons or other trinkets, whatever you like.”

  “No, it is not necessary,” Elizabeth assured him quickly. “I still have most of the ten pounds Papa gave me for my trip to Kent.”

  “Lizzy, it m
ay not be enough.” His voice was patient. “I do not want you to feel uncomfortable, not knowing whether you can afford something or not. London is not Meryton. You must know how much more expensive things are here.”

  “Yes, I know,” she acknowledged in a small voice.

  “It is natural for me to give you money and support you,” he said gently. “You are entitled to it.” he stressed.

  She sighed. “I do not feel entitled to it,” she murmured very quietly under her breath.

  “Please, do not say that.” He kissed her hair. “It hurts me to hear it.”

  She turned into his arms to face him and snuggled even more closely into him. “Just hold me, William,” she asked, and he complied.

  They stayed in each other arms for some time before Elizabeth pulled out of his embrace, looking up at him. “Aunt Madeline will come with us. We are to pick her at half past ten.”

  Darcy smiled. “Good.”

  Elizabeth shook her head in wonder. “I still cannot believe that you are actually related, that you are cousins.”

  “Yes, she would have been Miss Darcy, had my uncle taken his responsibility as any man in his situation should and married her mother.”

  “I did not tell you so, but I think that it was wonderful of your father that he felt responsible for his brother’s orphaned baby girl, especially an illegitimate one,” she said sincerely.

  Darcy shrugged. “It was the only decent thing to do then. I would do exactly the same in his place.”

  Elizabeth gazed at him in an open admiration. “I am sure you would.”

  Darcy stroked her hair absently. “I understand that my uncle was always, let us just say, troublesome to the family. You see, Madeline is not the only illegitimate child he fathered.”

  Elizabeth’s curiosity was piqued and her cat-like eyes stared at him in wonder.

  “You cannot guess?” Darcy asked. “You have met him in Herefordshire.”

  “Him?” Elizabeth frowned. Then her eyes shone in sudden understanding, “You mean Mr. Wickham?”

  Darcy nodded.

  “Does he know?”

  “No, it was all kept secret. I did not know myself till the time my father became sick.”

  “Were there no rumours?” Elizabeth wondered.

  “No. I do not know the details, as I was not even born when the arrangements were made for George’s mother to marry Mr. Wickham, but obviously my father managed to discreetly put the whole affair to rest. It helped that George is the spitting image of his late mother. I remember her to be very pretty. From what my father told me, it was an extremely unpleasant affair. While my infamous uncle nearly? seduced Madeline’s mother, when it came to Wickham’s mother, the situation was much more dire. George’s mother was a maid at Pemberley, and it all happened against her will, while she was still very young. I do not even want to think what would have happened if Wickham had ever learned the truth. As for Madeline, I suppose everyone in Lambton and Pemberley knew who her father was.”

  “Because of her resemblance to your family?” Elizabeth guessed.

  “Yes. At Pemberley I will show you the portrait of my paternal grandmother. Georgiana and Madeline took their looks after her.”

  “And you after your mother?” Elizabeth guessed, glancing at the painting of the dark haired beauty over the fireplace.

  “Yes, though I have my father’s disposition. But I think it is enough of family tales for one morning.” He pushed her gently away from him. “I am sure that your maid is already waiting for you.”

  Elizabeth smiled and scrambled out of the huge bed. Innocently, she removed his shirt in front of him and put it neatly over the nearby chair. Darcy had once again the opportunity to admire her shapely, light form in the nearly transparent gown, but not for long because she quickly donned her robe. Giving him one last smile, she disappeared behind the door leading to the sitting room.


  Late that afternoon, Darcy entered the townhouse. The day had been exhausting, but he had managed to finalize all that he had previously planned. Now he deserved some nice quiet time with his ladies.

  “Where are my wife and sister?” he asked the servant who opened the door for him. “Have they returned?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Darcy and Miss Darcy returned over an hour ago.” The servant took his hat and the papers that he had brought from the solicitor. “They are in the drawing room now, entertaining Lady Catherine de Bourgh.”

  Darcy’s heart squeezed in involuntarily panic. He nearly ran to the room indicated by the servant.

  Already, from the corridor, he heard his aunt’s raised voice, followed by Elizabeth’s, whose tone was more sharp than usual. “…I will ask you to leave, Lady Catherine.”

  “How dare you?!” his aunt shrieked. “This is my sister’s house, and you are nothing more than some common harlot, good enough only for one thing…”

  He did not wait any longer, but opened the door with a loud bang. Elizabeth stood straight as an arrow in front of his aunt, her chin high. Georgiana stood just behind her, pale, trembling and tear stricken.

  “Aunt!” he spat out, “You will apologize to my wife. Now.”

  “Darcy, here you are,” Lady Catherine walked dismissively past Elizabeth to him. “What sort of jest is this? I hear you married this little country nothing.” She glanced sideways with barely concealed disgust at Elizabeth.

  Darcy walked to Elizabeth, taking her cold hand in his warm one. “Aunt, before we speak, you must apologize to Mrs. Darcy.”

  “I will do no such thing,” her ladyship cried haughtily. “In my eyes, there is no Mrs. Darcy here.”

  “In that case, I am forced to ask you to leave my house,” Darcy announced calmly.

  Her ladyship gasped. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Darcy rang for the servant. “Lady Catherine is leaving,” he said when the servant appeared a short moment later. “See her to the door.”

  Lady Catherine stood unmoving for a moment, her furious eyes shifting interchangeably from Darcy to Elizabeth. “It is not the end,” she muttered through clenched teeth. “I will know how to act now.” And with the rustle of heavy silk skirts, she walked out of the room.


  “Again, I am so sorry you had to go through that,” Darcy said softly, cradling Elizabeth to him, when they were snuggled together in bed that evening.

  “It is not your fault.” she whispered, cuddling closer to him.

  “I should have informed my aunt myself,” Darcy said guiltily. “I knew perfectly well what her likely reaction would be.”

  “Do not beat yourself about this.” Her eyes met his, her expression earnest, “The only matter which worries me is that she might have been right, that I am a disgrace to you and to your family.”

  “Elizabeth, never say so, or I will be very angry.” He shook her gently, to emphasize his words. “Lady Catherine is nothing to me. If anyone behaves disgracefully and brings shame to us, it is only she. You and Georgiana are my world, my family. I do not care for the others. My aunt is furious because she always wanted me to marry Anne.”

  “You never considered that?”

  “You mean marrying Anne?” Darcy stared at her incredibly. “It was never my desire. I suppose that I do care for her in a way, but only as for a relative. But at the same time, I must admit that I tend to forget about her existence completely, unless she stands right in front of me. Moreover, until I met you, the idea of marriage had not appealed to me at all.”

  “But you must have met many pleasant and interesting young ladies before coming to Hertfordshire,” she reasoned.

  Darcy shrugged. “Perhaps, but I had not noticed them. They did not affect me the way you always have.” He chuckled. “Do you remember when you came on foot to Netherfield to nurse your sister?”


  “I was so terrified of you then.”

  “Terrified of me?” Elizabeth gazed at him suspiciously. “Do you jest with me?”

y started laughing quietly. “No, not at all.”

  She frowned. “But I barely spoke to you then.”

  “It did not matter. Your sheer presence was quite enough to put me into a state of utter disorientation. I did not know what was happening to me. I felt myself losing my usual self control whenever you were close. I did not know how to handle you and the feelings I started rapidly developing for you. I well knew how to deal with the Caroline Bingleys of the world, but not how to act with a little outspoken lady, who snarled at me at every opportunity, and teased me mercilessly, making a total fool out of me in front of other people.”

  Elizabeth’s frown deepened. “I did nothing of the kind.”

  “You are right,” he agreed happily. “I had been the fool before, and you simply uncovered that side of me.”

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “You do exaggerate.”

  “As for today, you were wonderful.” Darcy squeezed her to him. “I am so proud of you. You handled yourself admirably. You had the courage to do something I should have done years ago. You stood up to my aunt, while I preferred to let her continue to delude herself for the sake of my own convenience and peace of mind.”

  “I was abominably rude to her,” Elizabeth pointed out reasonably.

  “I would say you were much too polite, but let us not talk about this…,” he whispered, shifting her onto her back, his lips coming onto hers.

  Elizabeth returned the kiss trustingly, her arms wrapping around his shoulders. Still kissing her, he let his hand glide down her body. She must have liked it, because she pressed herself more closely to him. He made sure to keep the touching innocent, more comforting than arousing. Moving onto his back, he pulled her over him.

  “Am I not too heavy for you?” she asked with concern.

  He chuckled. “You weigh less than nothing.”

  “Mama always despaired over my being so slight,” she whispered with a sigh into his neck. “She made me eat twice as much as my sisters, and still I never could put on much weight. She kept saying that no gentleman would want me with such a boyish figure.”


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