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Deception Page 40

by Ola Wegner

  Chapter Thirteen

  Darcy walked in the direction of the creek pointed out by Ben, his eyes searching for Elizabeth.

  He saw her soon, basked in the sun amidst high grass and bushes growing along the water's edge. Her skirts were raised, showing her calves almost to her knees, and she was wading in the water. She must have heard him coming, because she stiffened, turning with her back to the bank, staring at the other end of the creek.

  “I told you to stay in the carriage.”


  “Elizabeth, we can go now. The road is cleared.”

  She did not answer this time either, but she raised her skirts a bit higher, so he could see the delicate skin at the back of her knees, and she stepped farther into the water.

  “Elizabeth, stay there, do not go father. There might be some holes and whirlpools in the bottom,” he warned.

  He was not acknowledged with an answer, but he noticed her shrug her arms dismissively. He was sure she rolled her eyes as well.

  Darcy felt himself losing his patience. She was behaving like a disobedient, stubborn child. Georgiana had never acted like this. She had always been sweet and compliant had always stayed in the carriage when told her to do so.

  “You are not going to speak with me, I see."

  Another shrug of arms, chin high in the air.

  “You are going to stay in this water the whole day?” Elizabeth turned sideways so he could see her profile. She stared at the sun with great interest, shading her eyes with her palm, a small pout on her lips.

  “I see. Unfortunately, dearest, we have not enough time for this,” Darcy walked into the shallow water and threw her over his right shoulder in one swift movement.

  “Put me down!” she shrieked.

  “So you are speaking to me after all,” he noted dryly.

  Elizabeth wriggled wildly on his shoulder, trying to dislodge herself somehow from his firm grip. She hit his back with her fists and cried furiously. “Fitzwilliam Darcy, I demand to be freed!”Another punch on his back. “Now!”

  “As you wish, dearest.” Darcy stepped decidedly further in the water, so it now reached almost the top edge of his high riding boots.

  Elizabeth eyes widened in panic. “What are you doing?’

  “You wanted to be put down,” he answered calmly, leaning forward as if he really had intended to drop her.

  “No! I cannot swim!”

  “It is not that deep, dearest.” Darcy shifted her down from his shoulder, so now she faced him. Elizabeth turned her head fretfully and saw the dark green water behind her. She could not see the bottom. Her hands gripped Darcy’s neck tightly.

  “And what if there are some holes in the bottom after all?” she squeaked.

  “Oh, I do not think so,” Darcy assured her, and let her slip a few inches more, so their faces were at the same level.

  Elizabeth glanced behind her shoulder once again and then stared at Darcy. He was holding her very close to the water's surface, and if she had straightened her legs, her feet would have reached it easily; but at the same time, he kept her firmly pinned to his body, one of his hands around her waist and the other under her bottom.

  She gave his a confidant smile. “You will not do that. You would never let me fall.” She raised her brow at him. “I am not afraid, Mr. Darcy.”

  Darcy kissed her smiling lips. She closed her eyes and responded to the sweet pressure of his lips. Without breaking the kiss, Darcy bent forward abruptly. Elizabeth opened her eyes in alarm and glanced back. The very dark, almost black water was just a few inches from her face.

  “No!” she cried, clinging to him desperately, her eyes shut tightly.

  Darcy straightened and laughed out loud deeply, holding her to him, rubbing her back and kissing her neck. Elizabeth wrapped herself around his form like a monkey, and only a few seconds later opened her eyes. Darcy grinned at her and kissed her nose.

  “You are mean,” she seethed.

  He kissed her cheek with a smile. “Let us go back to the carriage. It is high time for us to continue the journey.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed. “I will not go anywhere with you.”

  “Ahh,… A challenge. You want to play more, I see,” he stated, moving her back over his shoulder. “Good girl.” He patted her bottom, walking out of the water. “You know, wife, now I know why my father insisted I carry those sacks with corn when I was a lad, together with the field workers. He must have guessed I would need that kind of practice to manage my lively wife.” He smiled broadly when she began wriggling wildly again. “Very lively, indeed.”

  By the time they reached the carriage and Darcy had placed the still fuming Elizabeth safely inside, ordering the driver to go, he started to feel guilty.

  He had had her truly scared. Her heart had been beating wildly in her chest when he had pretended that he would drop her into the pond. She was clearly afraid of deep water.

  He looked at his wife. She had not said a word to him since the carriage began to drive again. She was busy picking her things from the heap of their clothes in the corner.

  He moved to sit next to her. “Lizzy, I am sorry. I should not have scared you. You are right; I would never drop you.”

  She ignored him, taking one of her silk stockings, putting it on.

  Darcy swallowed, watching as she secured it at her thigh with a garter. He stared as she repeated the same with the other leg. Her thighs looked very shapely from what he was able to see of them, soft, smooth and fleshy.

  Unfortunately, all too soon she covered her legs with her skirts and petticoats. She reached for her shoes, putting them on her feet, tying the ribbons around her ankles meticulously.

  Darcy leaned over her to kiss the tiny curls at the back of her neck. He pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Forgive me,” he murmured into her ear.

  Elizabeth sighed and leaned into him. “I am not angry, even though you did scare me. I simply hate it when you turn all haughty and high handed. You remind me then of the Mr. Darcy I met last fall at the Meryton Assembly.“ She turned in his arms and cupped his cheek. “It is not really you; it is not my William.”

  “It is convenient for me to turn into the Mr. Darcy as you put it. It helps in many situations and is very effective in business, for example, or when I have to deal with strangers. I was simply very disappointed when you told me that you had cut your hair. I loved your long hair so much, from the first moment I saw it unbound, that morning in your room at Hunsford.”

  “I had no idea it was of such importance to you. If I had known, I would not have cut it. It did not cross my mind you could care about such a thing. Georgiana’s hair is the same length as mine now so…”

  “Georgiana is my sister; it is different with her,” Darcy interrupted her.

  “Different how?”

  “Your hair has a special effect on me.”

  Elizabeth looked up at him, dumbfounded. In response Darcy murmured something into her ear.

  Her eyes widened and she blushed from the tops of her breasts to her new fringe. “No wonder you did not tell me this when I was still a maiden,” she whispered.

  Seven hours later, Darcy Townhouse, Master bedchamber

  Darcy looked at her unfortunate locks, now reaching just past her shoulders. One of his longstanding fantasies was gone. It had appeared in his dreams regularly from the first time he saw her curls unbound at Hunsford. He dreamed of her making love to him, arching over him, her hair like a dark curtain around them. Now it would take at least two years for the dream to come true.

  “It will grow back,” Elizabeth said, and only then did he notice that he was absently playing with the end of one single lock.

  Elizabeth’s hands went to her dressing gown. She untied the ribbon under her breasts and removed the garment, putting it on the nearest chair. Next she lifted the heavy coverlet and slipped into the bed, covering herself up to her very chin.

  Darcy still
stood next to the bed when Elizabeth spoke lightly, smiling at him. “William, we will not accomplish much this evening with you standing there and me in the bed alone.”

  Darcy looked at her incomprehensibly. He still could not replace the image of her, just how she had looked after removing her dressing gown. The nightgown she wore was completely transparent. He could see clearly…well, everything. And when she walked to the chair and later climbed into the bed, the view of that round bottom of hers simply undid him. And now she dared to tease him.

  Darcy walked stiffly a few steps to the same chair and removed his dressing gown, placing it over Elizabeth’s. Then he walked to the bed and raised the covers. Elizabeth scooted away to make room for him. Once in bed, Darcy sat up, removing his nightshirt.

  “I would like you to remove your nightgown as well,” he said.

  Elizabeth dove under the covers, did a little wiggle under them, and soon the gauzy garment was thrown carelessly next to bed. She laid back on her side, keeping the sheets tightly around herself, and stared at him with wide eyes.

  Darcy cupped her cheek. “We do not have to.”

  Elizabeth moved closer to him, so her thigh touched his. She placed her hand tentatively on his waist and kissed the dip in his throat.

  “It is your turn to do something,” she said, but when he still did not take any visible action, she tickled him a little on the ribs, and whispered laughingly. “Your move.”

  Darcy threw his head back and laughed out loud. Elizabeth laughed as well, seeing his reaction, but soon the breath was knocked out of her as she was pushed squarely on her back, and her six foot, two inch tall, 180 pound heavy, clearly very aroused husband, settled himself comfortably between her widespread legs.

  “How do you like my next move, Mrs. Darcy?” he growled, rubbing himself suggestively against her softness.

  His weight was supported on one of his arms, while his other hand was placed gently on her throat.

  Elizabeth simply started at him, mouth agape.

  “Well, well, … I have silenced my little impertinent at last, I see.” Darcy murmured against her lips, before kissing them lightly. He looked into her eyes and, stroking her cheek with the back of his forefinger, whispered. “Close your eyes.” He kissed her eyelids.“Do not think; just feel.”

  Minutes passed, and every inch of Elizabeth’s body from her neck to her waist was properly worshipped and attended.

  When Elizabeth grew impatient with her passive role, she brought her husband decidedly to her face level, with no fear bringing him into the cradle of her body.

  Darcy moaned, feeling the warm soft thighs clasped tightly at his sides, her hands raking through his hair, grazing his arms, back, and all the places she could reach.

  She was moving under him, shifting her pelvis. Darcy shut his eyes tightly, fearing that in a few seconds, he would lose control. He lifted up from her on his outstretched arms, looking down.

  Those fine eyes burned, looking at him. She lifted herself a little and started spreading hot kisses from his neck and down his chest, her hands stroking his sides.

  He could not believe that a sheltered virgin could so easily bring him into such a state. He moaned harshly when he felt her teeth scraping on his nipple, her little, soft hands around his belly button. The little vixen was a fast learner. She seemed to imitate everything he had done to her earlier. He knew that they had to slow down a bit; otherwise he could become too rough for her. Very reluctantly, he rolled on his back, raking his hand through his hair, breathing harshly.

  He looked to the side, meeting her smiling eyes. Good God, she was having fun with him. She lay on her side, supported on one arm. She leaned with a smile and started kissing his neck again, rubbing her breasts against his side.

  “Oh, God, Elizabeth, sweetheart… We must slow down a bit.”

  “Why? Is it not pleasant for you?” she whispered, stroking the thin path of hair which ran from his chest to his groin.

  “Very pleasant, dearest,… even too pleasant…” Darcy rasped, but at this moment, Elizabeth made an abrupt movement with an obvious intent to crawl over him. Unfortunately, she supported all her weight on her right thigh, and the knee, which somehow slipped between his legs, hitting with the full force, the most vital part of his body.

  Darcy cursed loudly.

  Terrified, Elizabeth watched her husband bent in a half, biting his lower lip, keeping his hands to his sheet covered middle.

  “William! Are you all right? What have I done? Should I bring your valet? A doctor? You are in pain!”

  Still wincing in obvious pain, Darcy recovered enough to reach for her, arranging her securely with her back to his chest, spooning behind her.

  “Elizabeth do not talk for a minute, and do not move, I beg you.”

  “I am sorry,” she whispered, on the verge of tears, kissing his arm placed over her chest.

  “I need some time to recover before we proceed. You must remember that a man is very sensitive where he is a man, and you must be very careful not to hit certain spots in the future.”

  They lay quietly for quite a long time before he said. “I think I am all right, sweetheart.” He turned her on her back. “Now, where were we, Mrs. Darcy?”

  Minutes passed as they become one flesh. Darcy waited till he felt her relaxing under him, her delicate tissues stretching around him. Then he started to move slowly inside her.

  “Elizabeth, help me. I will not be able to hold much longer,” Darcy rasped, supporting himself on one arm while putting his other hand under her bottom, lifting it. “Move with me. Yes, like that, sweetheart,” he praised when she complied.

  Soon Darcy heard Elizabeth’s soft moans and felt her nails digging into his back painfully, her thighs trembling, her muscles clenching around him rhythmically.

  The joy burst through him that he could bring pleasure to his beloved. He gave himself to his own fulfilment, at last collapsing heavily on the soft damp form of his young wife.


  Elizabeth woke up from the light sleep alone in the big four poster bed. Lifting onto her elbow, she saw her husband crouched in front of the mantelpiece, tending to the fire. Her naked husband.

  “William?” she enquired in a soft sleepy voice.

  He turned around instantly. ”You are awake.” He put the last touches to the fire and raised himself. “I noticed the fire dying down. I did not want you to get cold,” he said, walking to the bed.

  Elizabeth’s eyes rested on his middle, and she stared at it with her head curiously titled to the side.

  “Elizabeth, you are staring,” he noted with a smile.

  “You object to my looking at you?” she asked distractedly, not removing her eyes from the area below his waist, and added “You have stared at me many times. I have never seen a naked man before.”

  Darcy climbed into bed next to her and gathered her closely, dipping his head into her neck and nibbling at the soft skin. Elizabeth crawled over him to the other side of the bed.

  “I want to see the fire,” she explained, lying on her back and turning her head to the mantelpiece.

  Darcy played with her curls resting against her front.

  “You are staring again,” she said, turning her head to look at him. “And now you are grinning. Even your dimples appeared.” She stroked his stubble covered cheek with her thumb. “Why?”

  His smile grew even bigger. “You do not know why?” he asked sheepishly.

  Elizabeth creased her eyebrows. “No.”

  He leaned into her, placing a small kiss on her sheet covered breasts. Then he put his head on her chest and hugged her to him tightly.

  She rolled her eyes. “Just because of what we did earlier?” she asked unbelievably.

  He nodded eagerly.

  She ruffled his curls playfully. “I have never thought you to be so shallow, Mr. Darcy.”

  He loomed over her on his outstretched arms. “I am not shallow. I have waited for this the last ten months at lea

  “You want to tell me you thought about this since last autumn? Shocking! I thought you respected me.”

  He leaned to kiss her neck. “I did.”

  “I do not understand.”

  “I was in love with you,” he murmured to her collar bone.

  “So, I am to think that every time when a man is in love, he thinks only about one thing,” she concluded.

  Darcy moved the sheet down, uncovering her breasts. “No, not only about this, but a physical attraction is a very important matter for a man. A normal, healthy man, I mean, not someone like your cousin, Collins, for example.”

  Elizabeth watched as he cradled her breast in his palm, rubbing the nipple. “My mother suggested that you were marrying me just because you wanted me in your bed; and that you were a gentleman, too honourable to make me your mistress, so you proposed to me.”

  Darcy cupped her face, speaking earnestly. “Elizabeth, that is not true. I cannot explain how I feel about you. I need you like nothing else in the world. When you are by my side, all in my life is well. Without you, I am miserable. It is not only your body, but all of you, your voice, your smell, your touch, your laugh, your eyes, your personality. At first it was a mere physical attraction, or at least I allowed myself to acknowledge that I was attracted to you physically, because how you look matches my general taste in women. I never considered offering you the position of mistress, but at the same time, for a long time I was convinced you could not be my wife;, for reasons you already know. I was so happy when I finally decided that I could allow myself to love you, to marry you. When you turned me down flatly, well,… it was the greatest shock of my life, to say the least.”

  Elizabeth stroked his cheek. “I feel guilty because of all I told you that afternoon in the grove.”

  “I deserved it.”

  “I can see now that I was not sincere when I said that I could not feel that we were perfect for each other. When I saw you first time at the Assembly, I did not notice Mr. Bingley or Mr. Hurst at all. It was only you whom I saw, and my heart started to beat faster. But then you refused to dance with me. I overheard what you said to Mr. Bingley about me, and I decided that I should hate you.”


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