Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1)

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Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1) Page 5

by Christina Escue

  “I always thought you were a player,” Lis confessed and looked at the blanket again. “I was always jealous of those women. I wanted to be those women. When I turned nineteen, just after Jonah was killed in that car accident, I snuck out one night and went to your house. You weren’t home so I waited in the bushes beside the front porch. When you finally showed up you weren’t alone. You had a tall, slender blonde with you. I watched you kiss her on the front porch and I heard you two after you went inside. I listened as you had sex with her against the wall by the door. In that moment I decided that I would never be what you wanted. I was totally opposite of that woman and I knew I could never compare. For the next two years I focused on school and tried to forget you.”

  “Lis, I dated women who looked like that because they were total opposites of you. Your petite, compact body and long, dark hair have always drawn me in. They never held a candle to you, in looks or personality.”

  “When Mike first asked me out I turned him down. Then you were assigned to my security and I knew I couldn’t see you every day, feeling the way I did, and not act on it so when he asked me out again I accepted. He’d been a strong shoulder of support after Jonah’s accident and I cared about him. When he proposed to me I accepted for two reasons. First, was because I knew my parents approved of him and second was because I know he was nothing like you. I’d hoped that being with him would stop the thoughts and feelings I had always had for you. It didn’t.”

  Dakota sat there and listened to her talk. When she stopped, he reached out a hand and gently laid it on her shoulder. “Come here,” he said softly and gathered her into his arms. When he laid back her head was on his chest and he started stroking her hair gently. “I am so sorry you had to go through all that. I need to tell you something that may change how you feel about everything. Including me.”

  “Nothing could change how I feel about you,” she whispered softly as she snuggled down into his arms.

  “This could,” he told her and took a deep breath. “I don’t think Jonah’s death was an accident. I have always had my suspicions that Jonah was killed by Morrison.”

  Lis stiffened in his arms as her world flipped upside down. His words confirmed what she had been thinking since that day she’d spoken to her mother in the garden. Her mother had hinted at it, but she didn’t give any indication that it was true. “What makes you think that?” She asked softly and his hand stroked down her hair once more.

  “Right after I joined the organization I overheard a conversation between your father and Morrison. They were working out a deal that would benefit both families. Your father promised you to Michael if Morrison agreed to let the Manning’s hold fifty-one percent of the territory.”

  “Mom mentioned something the last time she and I talked about dad always wanting me and Mike to be together. Now I see that she meant dad was using me as a pawn to control more territory. I wonder if he ever saw Rachel or I as anything more than a means to an end?”

  “Your father loved you and Rachel, but he was a cold-hearted son of a bitch who loved to be in control,” Dakota told her and Lis shook her head.

  “Did you know we had a brother?” She asked and Dakota shook his head. “Edmund was two years older than me and we were best friends. When we were really little your father would take us to the zoo and to the park. One day, just after my fifth birthday, we had a zoo trip planned, but something came up and John couldn’t take us. Edmund and I begged mom to take us and she finally gave in. She left Rachel with the nanny, and only took two security guards with us. When we got there Edmund and I immediately led her to the elephant enclosure because they were doing elephant rides that day. We begged her to let us ride and she finally gave in. We were both really small so the man leading the elephant put us on together. We were about half way into the ride when something happened and the elephant collapsed. Edmund pushed me backwards as the elephant fell, but he didn’t have time to jump off and was pinned under the massive animal.”

  Lis stopped talking and Dakota hugged her closer. He felt her tears on his bare chest, but he knew she had to get this out so he didn’t say anything. When she took a deep breath he knew she was going to finish telling him about that day. “The zoo staff managed to get the elephant back up, but the damage had been done. Edmund was taken to the hospital, but didn’t make it. Dad blamed mom for what happened. He said we should have never been on the elephant to begin with. A few years ago, when I told dad that I wasn’t going to be part of the organization, his true feelings about that day were revealed. He told me, ‘You will be the head of the family someday. It is your duty and it is your own fault that you don’t get a choice.’ When he told me that I knew that he was talking about Edmund getting killed. He never said it, but I knew in my heart that he wished it was me who died that day instead. Edmund saved my life and sacrificed his own and dad knew that.”

  “Elisabeth, you are not to blame for what happened to your brother. No one is. It was a tragic accident and it could not have been predicted. I have a question,” he paused and waited until she nodded her head before he continued. “Did my father ever take you to ride the elephants?”

  “Yes,” she responded quietly.

  “Then you thought it was completely safe because you had done it before. No one is to blame for your brother’s death, Lis. No one.”

  “In my heart I know that. In my head, I sometimes wonder what life would be like if Edmund had lived.”

  “If Edmund had lived then you and I would have never met,” he told her quietly. “If you change one event from the past, you butterfly effect the future and everything changes.”

  “I know you’re right,” she agreed and raised up off his chest. “I’m sorry I laid all of this on you. I’m sorry that what should have been a great morning turned into a crying fest.”

  “Hey, none of that. Let’s dry your tears and get dressed. I promised I’d show you my beach house today and I think now is the perfect time to do just that.”

  Lis smiled softly at his change of subject and nodded her head. “I think you’re right. That is the perfect thing to do today.”

  “Good. Now why don’t you go wash those tears off that beautiful face and meet me downstairs? We’ll grab something to eat as we head out the door.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll meet you downstairs in just a few minutes,” she said and got off the bed. As she walked to the bathroom she turned and looked at him again. “Thank you for staying with me last night. I didn’t know that I wanted you there beside me until you were.”

  Before he could respond she disappeared into the bathroom. He stared at the open doorway for a moment before he got dressed and headed downstairs. It was just the beginning of a new day and he hoped today would be better than the past couple had been.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Wow, Dakota, it’s beautiful,” Lis said as she looked at the one story house nestled in a small cove.

  “Thank you,” he responded with a smile. “Let’s get inside. It looks like it may rain.”

  As she followed him through the front door she was surprised by the openness of the place. “Wow, it’s even more beautiful on the inside.”

  Dakota grinned as he led her through the open living room and into the connected kitchen. “I wanted everything to be where I could see it. Too many rooms give too many places for people to hide.”

  “How long have you had this place?”

  “About three years. I built it as a refuge from reality, but it turned into home.”

  “What happened to your house in the city?”

  “I sold it. I was never there so I didn’t see the point of keeping it. Most nights I was at the mansion anyway.”

  “Wait, what? You stayed at the mansion most nights? Why?”

  “To watch you,” he answered honestly. “I was always keeping my eyes on you. And not just because it was my job.”

  Lis looked at him for a moment before she dropped her gaze to the floor and sighed. “I real
ly have been blind when it comes to you.”

  “Lis, I haven’t been with a woman in three years. You are the first person, other than my family, that I have brought here. You are the only woman I ever want here,” he told her then ran his hand down her hair. “I have something I want to ask you.”

  “Oh? What’s that?” She asked and smiled at him.

  When he dropped to one knee in front of her she inhaled deeply. “Elisabeth Manning, I am asking you for your hand in marriage. Not because it’s my duty, or because it’s what’s best for the family. I am asking because I am in love with you. I am asking because you make me happy by just being near me. I am asking because with you, my life will be complete. I love you, Lis, and I always will. Please say you’ll marry me.”

  Lis’ eyes filled with tears as she looked into the eyes of the man she’d loved for a decade. Unable to find her voice, Lis nodded and watched Dakota’s face light up in sheer happiness. When he grabbed her left hand and slid a ring on her finger she gasped loudly.

  “This was my grandmother’s ring. I wanted you to have it because she was one of the strongest women I knew and you remind me of her.”

  Lis looked at her hand and gasped again. The platinum band held a diamond solitaire surrounded by tiny sapphires. The stones were the exact same shade of blue as Dakota’s eyes. “It’s absolutely beautiful.”

  “You’re absolutely beautiful,” he told her and rose to his feet. “I promise I will make you happy and keep you safe.”

  “I know you will and I promise I will make you happy and keep you safe as well.”

  When he pulled her into his arms, she melted against him. “Lis, I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone or anything in my entire life.”

  Lis smiled at his words and pulled out of his arms. When her eyes met his there was a fire in them that he had never seen before and he knew that she felt the same way. Instead of saying anything, Lis grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head and his breath caught in his throat. As she reached for the button on her jeans he grabbed her hands and shook his head.

  “I want to take my time with you. I want to show you what you make me feel. I want to savor every inch of that delectable body and make you scream my name.”

  Lis slowly licked her lips as his words made her body respond in a way no one else ever had. As his arms snaked around her, she stood on her tiptoes and planted a small kiss on his neck. His shudder from her feather light kiss caused her to smile and kiss him again.

  Looping his hand into her hair, he tilted her head back and locked his mouth on hers, savoring her taste as his other hand stroked down her back to her hip. Without breaking the kiss, he released her hair and grabbed her other hip, lifting her off the floor. Her legs instantly wrapped around him and her core pressed against the bulge in the front of his jeans.

  With her wrapped securely around him, he made his way to his bedroom. He opened the door without breaking contact with her and kicked it shut behind him. As he sat on the bed, she started slowly moving her hips, the friction of denim against denim caused them both to moan loudly.

  “Lis,” he said breathlessly as he broke the kiss. “If you don’t stop I’m going to embarrass myself.”

  She instantly stilled on him and pulled away slightly. “I’m sorry,” she apologized and he shook his head.

  “Baby, I have been waiting for you for so long that the feel of you wrapped around me is driving me mad. Never apologize for that.”

  He gently picked her up again and laid her on the bed. After he joined her he started trailing gentle kisses across her stomach and up to her lips. His hands started to explore her body as his mouth latched onto hers again and she shivered under him.

  Unhooking the front clasp of her bra, Dakota broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. As his hand latched onto one breast he dipped his head and took the dusky rose nipple of the other one into his mouth. Her body arched off the bed as he clamped his teeth gently around it and pulled slightly while he pinched the other one between his thumb and forefinger and gently twisted it.

  Heat pooled between her legs as he continued to play with her breasts. Never, in all her sexual experiences, had she been as turned on as she was by him. “Please,” she said breathlessly and he lifted his head.

  As he took in her flushed face he smiled a little, but didn’t say anything as he dropped his head back down to her breasts. Gently biting and sucking, he trailed his free hand down her stomach to the clasp of her jeans. After popping the button open, he slid his fingers into the waistband and started slowly stroking his way down until he was touching the soft, damp hair that covered her.

  “So ready for me,” he whispered. “Not yet though.”

  She groaned a little when he removed his hand, but her groans turned to sighs as he unzipped her jeans and slid them off her hips. Left only in her blue lace panties, she looked like a goddess stretched before him. His hardness pressed uncomfortably into his jeans, but he knew if he took them off he’d take her fast and hard.

  “Dakota,” she whispered breathlessly as his hands stroked up her inner thighs and over the crotch of her barely-there panties.

  “Yes?” He asked, never taking his eyes off her. Her body was so responsive to his touch and it was driving him wild with need. “Tell me what you want, Lis.”

  Her body arched off the bed and she gasped loudly as he slipped a finger inside her panties and gently stroked her throbbing nub. “Do you like that, baby?”

  She moaned and bit down on her lip as he continued his gentle strokes. When he pulled his hand away and slowly pulled her panties down her hips she opened her eyes and watched him. “I want you, Dakota. I want you like I have never wanted anyone in my entire life.”

  “Mmm. I’m glad,” he said as he dipped his head and gently kissed her inner thigh. “Be patient, love, and we will both get what we want.”

  Before she could respond, he locked his lips around her and gently scraped his teeth across her most sensitive spot. Her hips bucked off the bed and he slid his hands under her, lifting her to his mouth as he feasted. When her legs started to shake he sucked harder, causing her to erupt in his mouth as she shouted his name.

  “Beautiful,” he said as he looked at her flushed, sweat covered skin. “Now, I am going to show you what you do to me.” He stripped in a matter of seconds and covered himself with a condom before climbing onto the bed. As he nestled between her legs, her hips rose.

  “Please, Dakota. Please,” she said breathlessly as he nudged her open with his pulsating head.

  Giving in to her pleas, and his own uncontrollable need, he lifted his hips and entered her in a swift, deep thrust. She instantly closed around him as he stilled inside of her. “Oh, God, baby you’re so tight,” he moaned as he started moving inside her.

  As he increased the pace, she met him thrust for thrust. Her legs locked around him and she dug her nails into his back as her pleasure grew. When she clenched tightly around him, he felt himself start to lose control. Grasping her hips, he lifted her off the bed and pounded into her hard and fast.

  Lis felt Dakota stiffen above her and she knew that he was coming so she let go and came with him. Their cries of pleasure bounced off the vaulted ceiling and echoed around the room just as Dakota’s phone let out a shrill ring.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Jackson,” Dakota answered after the fourth ring.

  “Well, well, well, Mr. Jackson. It seems you have been on quite the adventure the past couple of days,” a male voice said.

  “Who is this?” Dakota asked and pressed his finger to his lips, letting Lis know to remain quiet.

  “You know who I am. You have seen me on several occasions over the past three years,” the voice responded.

  “Michael Morrison,” Dakota said, knowing exactly who it was now.

  “Five points, Mr. Jackson. Now that we have established we know each other, let’s get down to business.”

  “How did you get this number?” />
  “Your good friend, Collin, gave it to me,” Michael answered. “Not that he intended to, mind you, but he did nonetheless.”

  “What do you want, Morrison?” Dakota asked, even though he already knew.

  “I want Elisabeth,” Michael answered. “I want her to come to me and I want our families to merge.”

  “Not gonna happen,” Dakota told him through gritted teeth.

  “Well then, we have a problem,” Michael said and Dakota stiffened. “You see, my father and hers had a deal. She and I would marry and we would control both territories.”

  “I know about your little deal, Morrison. What I don’t know is why you thought Elisabeth would be a pawn in your little game.”

  “Oh, but she was, until you had your little conversation with her. Yes, I know about that conversation. It was my restaurant, after all,” Michael said and chuckled. “I also know about the little crush you’ve had on her. Lusting after a fifteen-year-old child? Disgusting. You would never be able to keep a woman like her happy, you know that, right? Elisabeth requires a guiding hand and a large bank account.”

  “Do you even know the woman you’re talking about?” Dakota asked in disgust.

  “Oh, I know her. I know she’s a lame lay and easily manipulated. I know that she is happiest when she’s shopping and spending daddy’s money. I know that she will never fall for the likes of you.”

  “Then I was right, you don’t know her at all. Morrison, I want you to listen to this very carefully because I am only going to say it once. I am taking over the Manning family operations. I am going to be in charge of all transactions from here on out. I am going to be the one marrying Elisabeth Manning and taking charge of the territory. Any business deals you had with the Manning family died when you had Richard and Bianca murdered.”

  “Well, I am sorry to hear that. You can’t protect her forever, Jackson. She will be mine, even if I have to kill you to make it happen.”

  “Bring it on, Morrison,” Dakota said and hung up the phone.


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