Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1)

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Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1) Page 10

by Christina Escue

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Fuck, I just lost her signal again,” David said into the phone at his ear.

  “Are you sure she was at Morrison’s before you lost it the first time?” Dakota asked as he drove around the city following a signal that kept moving.

  “Yes, but right after I locked on to it, it moved. You were here, you saw it,” David told him and Dakota shook his head.

  “I saw a bleep for a second and then it was gone. You know I suck at tracking shit.”

  “Which is why you have me, dear brother,” David teased and grinned. “Got the signal again. She is heading to the Cape.”

  “Why the fuck is she heading to the Cape? Her and Lee live here in the city and her mom lives on the other side of the city.”

  “Could she be with someone else?” David asked and shook his head. “She’s stopped.”

  “Give me her location,” Dakota told him and David rattled off an address. “Fuck. That’s one of Morrison’s properties. They’re building something out there. Why would she go to a construction site?”

  “Maybe she isn’t going willingly,” David suggested and Dakota cringed.

  “I hope you’re wrong. For Lee’s sake, I hope we’re both wrong.”

  “Me, too, Dakota,” David agreed and sighed. “The signal is gone again, but it didn’t move from that location before it bleeped out.”

  “Okay, we’re on our way there now. You keep an eye on things there. I have a feeling things are about to get worse.”

  “I do, too, brother,” David agreed with Dakota again. “You and Lis watch each other’s backs.”

  “Will do. You, James, and Rachel watch each other’s backs, too.”

  “Count on it,” David told him then disconnected the call.

  “Sounds like Jenn is in deeper than we thought,” Dakota told Lis and she shuddered.

  “Could she be dead?”

  “It’s a possibility, but I don’t know what Morrison would gain from her death,” Dakota answered.

  “Mike doesn’t need a reason to kill,” Lis said and cringed. “He kills for sport.”

  “Which made him and Kiwa perfect for each other,” Dakota said and glanced in the back seat. “Are you really going to send that to him?”

  “I am, and I tucked a little surprise inside for him, too,” Lis told him and grinned. “My engagement ring is sticking out of her mouth. After we find Jenn, I’m going to express it to him. Overnight delivery.”

  “If I didn’t know you like I do, I’d be questioning your sanity right about now,” Dakota informed her and she laughed.

  “I’m questioning my sanity at the moment,” she told him. “But, I know that you won’t let me slip over the edge so I’m good.”

  “If you go I’ll be right there with you,” Dakota told her as he slowed the car. “That’s where Jenn’s GPS signal said she was just a few minutes ago.”

  Lis looked out at the building site and shook her head. “Jenn looked like a high maintenance princess to me. No way in hell she’d willingly come here.”

  “Agreed,” Dakota said and nodded. “Let’s go check it out.”

  Lis nodded and adjusted her jacket so it covered her holstered gun. “Let’s go.”

  They got out of the car and quickly crossed the street to the construction site. “Lis, stay close. I have no idea what we may encounter here.”

  “Baby, if I were any closer, I’d be shoved up your ass,” Lis told him and he grinned.

  “Sounds interesting, but my ass is exit only,” he told her then put his finger to his lips.

  She nodded and un-holstered her gun. She held it loosely at her side as they rounded the first construction trailer. No one was there so they sprinted across the dry ground and stopped beside another trailer.

  “There’s someone inside,” Lis whispered just before Dakota rounded the corner.

  He paused and listened for a second, but all he could hear here grunts and groans coming from inside the trailer. “Sounds like more than one person,” he mouthed almost silently and Lis nodded.

  Lis took a step back and glanced through the window. When she gasped loudly, Dakota stepped back to where she was and looked inside as well. “Holy fuck,” he said louder than he intended.

  “Dakota, isn’t that dad’s missing security in there?” Lis asked and Dakota nodded. “We have to help them.”

  “Yes we do, but we have to be smart about this. I say we call Ballard and alert him of the activity here then we get the hell out of here before the cops show up. We are trespassing and carrying illegal weapons.”

  “Good point. We can also have him search for Jenn while he’s here,” Lis said and Dakota nodded.

  “Good idea. Let’s go.”

  They sprinted back to the car and were inside with the doors locked within two minutes. Dakota started the engine and placed the call to Detective Ballard.

  “Ballard,” he answered in a gruff voice.

  “This is Jackson. I know where Richard Manning’s missing employees are.”

  “How the fuck do you know that?” Ballard asked.

  “If you’ll give me the chance, I’ll tell you.”

  “This had better be worth my time, Jackson, or Morrison won’t have the chance to kill you.”

  Dakota chuckled at the empty threat then explained to Ballard what was going on and where he was at. Once he was finished he listened for a moment then disconnected the call.

  “Let’s get out of here. This place will be littered with police in about three minutes,” Dakota told Lis as he pulled away from the curb. Before they made it to the end of the next street, the sound of sirens filled the air and Dakota grinned.

  “Looks like we put another wrench in Morrison’s operation,” Lis said and grinned. “Now, let’s get his gift delivered and go home.”

  “That, my love, sounds like a great plan,” Dakota told her.


  An hour later, Dakota pulled through the gate at the mansion and smiled. It had been a hell of a long day, and it wasn’t over yet, but he knew that as long as Lis was beside him he could get through it all.

  “Dakota, you have that phone meeting with all the family heads in an hour and you haven’t eaten since this morning at your parent’s house.”

  “Neither have you and you’ve been shot, in a sword fight, and shipped a severed head since then.”

  “Wow, has that all happened in the past twelve hours?” Lis asked and chuckled. “It feels like years.”

  “It’s been thirteen hours, but yes,” Dakota answered and smiled. “Now let’s get inside and find something to eat before I have to deal with the rest of the families.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Lis said as they got out of the car and walked up the front steps. There was still a lot to do, but she knew it would all calm down soon.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Hello, everyone. For those who do not know me, I am Dakota Jackson. For the past ten years I have been part of Richard Manning’s security team and for the past three years I have been head of Elisabeth Manning’s personal security. As the longest standing member of the Manning family, I, with the consent of Elisabeth, am stepping to the head of the Manning family and will, from this day forward, be in charge of Manning Holdings, and all of the territories connected,” Dakota said to the heads of all the families in the area.

  “Wait, I was told Morrison was taking over Manning’s properties,” one of the men said.

  “I was, too, but I spoke with Jackson yesterday and he informed me differently,” Ram Chakravarthy told them. “Now let’s hear him out.”

  “Thank you, Chakravarthy,” Dakota said took an inaudible breath. “Elisabeth and Rachel Manning are both alive, well, and safe, but I am going to be running the business side of things because neither of them have ever wanted to. They will still be visible at functions, but I will be dealing with all sides of the business. Does anyone have any questions?”

  “I have a question,” one very rec
ognizable voice spoke up.

  “Morrison, I was wondering if you were here,” Dakota said and saw Lis visibly stiffen in her seat. “What can I answer for you?”

  “How do any of us know that Elisabeth and Rachel are there with you? How do we know that they are even alive?”

  “Morrison, the only one I know who has tried to harm either of them is you, and you should know that you have failed in that,” Dakota told them all and heard several indrawn breathes. “To satisfy everyone, I’ll let you all speak with Elisabeth.”

  Elisabeth stood from her chair and walked around the sofa. When she sat beside Dakota, he laced his fingers through hers and she leaned her head over on his shoulder. “Hello, everyone. This is Elisabeth Manning. I can assure you all that I, as well as Rachel, am alive and well. I also want to take the time to let you all know that I have asked Mr. Jackson to take charge of the business, but I will still be a visible part of the organization.”

  “Miss Manning, how nice to hear your voice,” Chakravarthy said and everyone could hear the sarcasm lacing his words. “I was sorry to hear about the untimely death of you parents.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Chakravarthy. My sister and I are planning a memorial service and would like to have all the families attend. Rachel and I will both be present and everyone can see for themselves that we are well. The service will be the day after tomorrow and I will email the location as soon as we have it.”

  “Elisabeth, it is nice to know you are alive and well,” Morrison said and Lis could hear the shock in his voice.

  “Yes, Mr. Morrison, I am alive and well, no thanks to your son,” Lis told him and was greeted with silence. “I want everyone to know that Morrison and his son have tried, on several occasions, over the past week to kidnap or kill both myself and Rachel. I believe Morrison is the one who had my parents murdered and when I find proof I will be coming after them myself. Morrison, let Mike know that no matter what he does, or who he sends after me, I will be coming for him personally. Everyone else, I want you to know that Morrison is going down, one way or another, and I will personally take down any family who is standing with him.”

  “Big words from such a little girl,” Morrison said with a sneer. “How are you going to take anyone down if you’re hiding behind Jackson? You’re nothing but a scared little girl who can’t hang with the big dogs so she sends her guard dog to do it.”

  “Morrison, tell your son to be expecting a package from me. Once he receives it, you’ll see just who the scared little girl is,” Lis told them and was once again greeted with silence.

  “Well, I think that concludes our business for now,” Dakota told them as he ran a comforting hand up and down Lis’ arm. “We hope to see you all at the memorial service.”

  Dakota disconnected the call and laid his phone down on the table. Once his hands were free, he scooped Lis into his arms and pulled her onto his lap. “You were great, baby.”

  “I was terrified. I’m just glad it was Easton and not Mike on the phone. I don’t think I would have handled it as well if it had been Mike.”

  “You would have handled it just as beautifully,” Dakota reassured her as he pressed a soft kiss into her hair. “I think what we both need now is some rest. I say we head upstairs and deal with whatever life throws at us in the morning.”

  “Dakota, I don’t need sleep, I need you,” Lis said and turned in his arms. When she straddled him, she felt the bulge in his pants and knew he needed her just as bad.

  “Not here,” he said and gently pulled her off his lap. “Too many people could walk in and I don’t want anyone seeing you, but me.”

  Lis pouted a little, but followed Dakota up the stairs to the room she’d slept in before going away to college. It was exactly as she’d left it and she grinned when she saw the sky blue color on the walls and the sunshine yellow curtains covering the windows.

  Dakota didn’t give her time to react to anything before he closed and locked the door behind them and pushed her against it. “Tonight, nothing matters except you and me,” he said fiercely before he latched his lips on hers.

  She barely had time to respond to his kiss before he broke it and pulled her away from the door. “I need you with a ferocity that I have never needed anyone before,”

  “I need you, too,” Lis told him as she started unbuttoning her shirt.

  When she pulled her shirt off her shoulders, Dakota’s eyes latched on to her bandage-covered injuries and hatred entered his eyes. “Elisabeth, I promise you that no one will hurt you again. I promise you that those responsible for hurting you will suffer the consequences.”

  “Shh,” Lis whispered and placed her finger over his lips. “Let’s not think about that right now. For tonight, let’s focus on how we make each other feel and how we can satisfy those feelings.”

  Instead of responding with words, Dakota opened his lips and gently pulled her finger between them, nipping the tip. Lis’ eyes filled with an uncontrollable heat as she pulled her hand away and slid it behind Dakota’s head. As her fingers tangled in his hair, her lips started a slow exploration of his jaw, trailing from his ear to his chin and back again.

  “Mmm,” Dakota moaned softly when her lips left his jaw and trailed down his neck. “You’re driving me crazy, woman.”

  “That’s the idea,” she whispered against his heated skin. When her tongue gently licked up his neck to his ear, he shivered with need. As her teeth scraped across his earlobe, his hands snaked around her waist and he lifted her off her feet.

  “Enough torture, woman,” he told her as he carried her to the oak, four-poster bed. “The games are over and we both win.”

  “I’m always a winner with you,” she whispered breathlessly as he covered her body with his. “Now let’s share in our prize together.”

  No more words were spoken as they undressed and lost themselves in each other.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Lis, baby, it’s time to wake up,” Dakota murmured softly in her ear.

  “Five more minutes?” She asked sleepily.

  “I would love to snuggle for five more minutes, but it’s already after nine and we have a lot to do today, my love.” Lis rolled over, cracked her eyes open, and stuck her tongue out at Dakota, causing him to laugh.

  “Did you say it was after nine already?” Lis asked and Dakota nodded. “I can’t remember the last time I slept this late.”

  “I can. You were seventeen and had the flu. You stayed in bed until after ten one day before your mom got the doctor here to see what was the matter with you.”

  “Wow, good memory,” Lis said and sat up in the bed. “What else do you remember about me?”

  “Well, I know that you don’t like coffee, but you do like a cup of very strong tea with lemon and honey in the mornings,” he told her and pointed to a tray sitting on the table beside the bed. “Tea with lemon and honey and a cheese croissant just for you.”

  “Are you trying to spoil me?” Lis asked with a grin.

  “Nope, just trying to lure you out of bed,” Dakota informed her a winked. “I was hoping the smell of tea and a croissant would do the trick.”

  “It’s a very good start,” Lis grinned and got out of bed. He watched her as she walked to the connected bathroom and groaned when she reached up to grab a robe off the hook on the door. Her ass firmed when she stretched and he wanted nothing more than to sink his teeth into her creamy flesh.

  “You are extremely sexy,” he told her as she wrapped the robe around herself and walked back to him.

  “You are, too,” she told him and winked. “But, as you said a minute ago, we have a lot to do today.”

  “Ah, using my words against me,” he dropped his head in mock frustration. “Since you put it that way, eat up so we can get everything done.”

  Lis grinned as she grabbed her croissant off the tray and bit in. The smoky cheddar flavor filled her mouth and she moaned softly at the intense flavor.

  “I’m the only one allowed to mak
e you make those noises,” Dakota teased as he started rubbing gentle circles on the inside of her thigh.

  “Don’t start what you can’t finish,” Lis murmured before she took a sip of her tea. She’d just sat her cup down when he bent his head and gently nipped the tender flesh he’d just been stroking.

  “I think I have time for this,” he murmured as he dropped to his knees in front of her and opened her robe. “Hold on though, because it’s going to be a rough ride.”

  He latched his mouth on her before she could respond and gently nipped her nub. She cried out her pleasure as he slipped two of his long fingers inside of her and started moving them fast. Her release was almost instant, but he continued sucking her until she came again into his mouth and hand.

  When he rose to his feet, he slipped his pants down and covered himself with a condom before he grabbed her hips and raised her from the bed. Without hesitation, he slid into her and her legs locked around his hips.

  He started moving and she met him thrust for thrust. He wasn’t being gentle with her like he’d been last night and she was meeting him head on in his lust. As they climaxed together, he lost control and his nails bit into the tender flesh of her hips, causing her the slightest bit of pain with her pleasure.

  “Oh, God. Lis, I’m sorry,” Dakota apologized when he saw the small bruises already starting to form on her hips.

  “I’m not,” Lis told him as she laid across the bed, unable to move yet.

  “I didn’t mean to lose control and hurt you like that.”

  “Dakota, I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me. I promise,” Lis reassured him as she sat up and grabbed her now cold tea. “But we do have to get dressed now and get things done.”

  “Lis, I promised to never hurt you and I broke that promise,” Dakota told her as he gently stroked his hands down the marks on her hips.

  “Dakota, look at me,” Lis stroked a finger down his cheek and smiled. “I am fine. You didn’t hurt me at all. I loved every minute of that.”

  Dakota kissed her forehead then wrapped his arms around her. “I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love another person.”


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