Possessed by Passion [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Possessed by Passion [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Chloe Lang

  “But she won’t open the door for me.”

  “Paris may need a little more time, son. That’s all.”

  “We don’t have the luxury of time. She’s got a job offer that will take her out of Destiny forever.”

  Sam sighed. “That changes things. Go talk to your brother, and explain all this to him. Don’t hold anything back. The two of you go to Paris. Together, you can work this out with her.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Inside the big barn, Mick dismounted his horse, Whisper.

  Connor O’Shea, one of the Steele Ranch’s best hands, was brushing down his ride, Wonder. “Quitting early, boss?”

  “No, just need to make a couple of phone calls.”

  Lawton McDaniels led his horse, Nightshade, into his stall. “Don’t give Mick trouble, Connor. He always works circles around you and me.”

  They were good men, men he trusted, men he would keep on once the sale of the ranch was finalized. He couldn’t wait to tell Paris and Dustin about Jennifer’s offer. I’m going to own Steele Ranch. All his dreams were coming true.

  “Take lunch. When you finish, ride out to the new airport location and get back to building fences. I’ll join you shortly.” I’ve got to check in with Paris and see how her talk with Dustin went.

  “How long before that airport is finished, boss?”

  “Another year.” Destiny needed its own airport and Jennifer and the Stone brothers had deeded over hundreds of acres each of flat land that bordered their ranches to accommodate the facility.

  Lawton’s sister, Stevie, rode into the barn. “Mick, the new calves and their mothers are in the southwest pasture as you requested.”

  “Good work, Stevie.”

  She was twenty-two years old and was quite the beauty, and had already stolen the hearts of most of the hands on the ranch, but especially Tom and Colby Martin. She could handle the livestock as well as any man Mick had ever known. About a year ago, Jennifer had introduced him to Lawton and Stevie. They were children of friends of her late husband. He’d instantly liked the brother and sister and had hired them on a trial basis. It took no time for him to see they were born to ranching. They were permanent members of the Steele Ranch hands, which currently numbered fifteen.

  “Mick, if you’re in a hurry to make your call, I can take care of Whisper,” Lawton offered.

  “That’ll be great. Thanks. If you need me, just call.”

  He walked out of the barn. When he got to his truck out of earshot of the hands, he called Paris. No answer. She might be at the clinic with Dustin. I’ll try his phone.

  “Hey, Mick,” his brother’s voice came through his cell sounding more intense than normal. “We need to talk.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “I think it will be, but I have something to tell you first. Do you have time?”

  “I’m busy but I’ll make time. How much time do we need?”

  “I’m not sure, bro. There’s a lot I need to tell you.”

  “Okay, I’ll saddle a horse for you. We can talk on the ride to where my hands will be working the rest of the day, okay?”


  “Dustin, have you spoken to Paris?”

  “I have. She’s at her house. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  * * * *

  Paris drove across Silver Spoon Bridge, leaving Destiny. This wasn’t the first time she’d left her hometown, but unlike when she’d headed off to college, this felt more permanent, like the final Chapter of her previous life was coming to a close. She pulled over to the side of the road and turned around to get one last look. She’d packed her car with her clothes. She would make arrangements for the rest of her things to be sent to Wilde as soon as possible.

  Her cell rang. It was Belle.

  She thought about not answering, but Belle was a close friend. And I could use a friendly ear.

  “Hi, Belle.”

  “Hey, Paris. Just wanted to let you know that mother and baby are back at the ranch and are resting.”

  “Don’t you overdo it, taking care of Amber. You’re due in a couple of months yourself.”

  “Don’t worry. I can’t get past her three husbands. They are doting on her and their son like she’s a queen and he’s a prince. Thank you so much for all you did for them. You’re an amazing nurse. The best I’ve ever seen.”

  “You’re quite the nurse yourself, Belle.” Paris got choked up, realizing it would be some time before she would see her friend again if everything worked out with the new job. “Maybe you should reconsider Dustin’s offer to come work at the clinic for him, especially since I won’t—” She snapped her mouth shut, not wanting to blurt out what she was doing.

  “Won’t what, Paris?”

  She needed someone to talk to, and who better than her closest friend, Belle. They’d become tight over the past year. Their bond had formed naturally, having nursing in common. It had grown and grown, until now it was one of the most precious relationships in her life. Belle was like a sister. I have to tell her.

  “I’ve been offered a job in Nevada, Belle.” She told her about the offer in Wilde and also what had transpired over the past few days.

  “Mick proposed?”

  “Yes, but I can’t accept.”

  “Why in the world not? Dustin will come around. You’ll see.”

  “I don’t think so. I told him something that I haven’t told anyone and his reaction let me know it can never be with us. Never.”

  “What in the world did you tell him, Paris? It can’t be that bad.”

  “I’m a surgeon, Belle.”

  “You’re a what?”

  “A surgeon.”

  “How in the hell did you keep such a thing a secret? Wait. Why in the hell did you keep it secret?”

  “It’s a very long story, but it has to do with my dad and how he reacted to my mom’s death. I won’t go into it.”

  “And you think Dustin will never accept you now because of the secret?”

  “He might say he will, but I hurt him deeply. He might forgive me some day but he will always be disappointed in me.” Hell, I’m disappointed in me. “It just can never be, Belle.”

  “Listen to me, Paris. I know what it feels like to think you’re not worthy of happiness. Because I didn’t believe I could have children, I almost walked away from Shane and Corey. Don’t make that mistake. Look how happy I am. You can be, too, with Dustin and Mick. I’m sure of it. You three belong together.”

  Looking through her car’s back window at the tops of TBK’s and O’Leary Global’s headquarters, Paris felt her heart seize in her chest. She wasn’t just leaving Destiny. She was leaving Dustin and Mick, and this time forever.

  Was her friend right? Was she making the biggest mistake of her life?

  “I’m confused about all of this, Belle. The drive to Wilde will take me about ten hours. It will give me time to think and clear my head.”

  “Don’t take the job, Paris. Please reconsider.”

  “I’m just going to check it out, but I will call you before I decide on anything.”

  “As long as you promise me you will call. I don’t need the stress of worrying about you at seven months pregnant.”

  Paris laughed. “So you’re throwing in the old manipulation card, are you?”

  “Is it going to work?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  They said good-bye to one another and Paris focused on the drive, her mind swirling. Would the ten-hour drive be enough time to sort it all out? She just didn’t know.

  * * * *

  Barkley loved how the Mercedes handled. He still couldn’t believe Trollinger had signed the title over to him. The newest car he’d ever owned before prison had been a ten-year-old clunker. I love that bitch. So much like me, but she is loaded. He intended to get his hands on more of it. The best way to do that was to keep her happy.

  He was following the fucking quack north on Highway F. The doctor turned his fancy wheels off t
he road and onto a private drive.

  Barkley drove past, realizing it wouldn’t be smart to follow him. The posted sign read “The Steele Ranch.” About a mile up the road, he pulled over. The Glock was in the seat next to him.

  The cell Trollinger had given him buzzed.

  “Hello, Cindy,” he said in the tone that always impressed the ladies.

  “Barkley, my team just intercepted an e-mail that I think you will find interesting.”

  “To the doctor?”

  “No, to his woman. She’s headed to Wilde, Nevada.”

  “Then so am I.” He pulled his car around, heading south. He wanted to stop by the hotel before the trip a have a shower. There was no rush. He’d waited this long for revenge. A little longer would make it all the sweeter.

  As he passed the drive that the fucker had turned onto to, he rolled down his window and waved the bird. “You’re about to pay, asshole. A life for a life.”

  * * * *

  Dustin pulled his car next to Mick’s truck. He got out and saw his brother coming out of the barn with two horses.

  “You remember Legend.” Mick handed him the reins of the brown quarter horse. “He’s your ride to the new airport site.”

  Dustin petted Legend. “It’s been a long time since I rode, bro.”

  “You and I grew up in Destiny, Dustin. It’s like riding a bike.”

  “A bike with four legs.”

  “Exactly how long has it been since you’ve been in the saddle, bro?” Mick was riding his horse next to him.

  “Right before college, I think.” Dustin put his boot in the stirrup and got on top of the beautiful animal.

  “Very impressive. You look like you were born to ride, Dustin.”

  He patted Legend’s neck. “It’s because of this boy. He’s makes me look good, but I’m sure my body will talk to me tomorrow.”

  Mick laughed. “Good aches, though. Reminds a man he’s alive.”

  “In my book, it reminds me I need to help men with those sore muscles.”

  “Doc, remind me to make an appointment.”

  He laughed.

  “Let’s ride, Dustin. We can talk on the way.”

  He told Mick about his talk with Sam and about the bombshell Paris had dropped on him. “She’s a licensed physician. A surgeon. All the time she spent in Nevada was getting her education. She’s kept it secret from everyone, including her father.”

  Mick frowned. “Why would she do such a thing?”

  Guilt washed over him. “Maybe because I pushed her so hard for so long. I’ve been a real ass, and I finally see it.”

  “It’s about time, bro.” Mick grinned. “We can fix this with her. I know we can, especially as a united front.”

  “I agree. The Ryder brothers have never failed when they put their heads together on a problem.”

  “Damn right.”

  Mick led them down the trail that hugged the fence bordering Jennifer Steele’s ranch and the Stone’s. “I still can’t see why she never told even her dad.”

  Dustin had spent the morning wondering the same thing. “Me either. I can tell there’s more to the story than she’s sharing.”

  “You always were intuitive about such things. I bet it comes in handy with your practice. What if she really doesn’t want to be a doctor? What if she is totally happy being a nurse?”

  “If that is true, I will support her decision, bro. But she’s holding something back. I can sense it.”

  Mick nodded. “There’s got to be a reason she’s kept this secret for so long.”

  “I believe you and I need to get her to trust us again, enough to tell us what it is.”

  “That sounds more like you want to take her to the club for some play than for a discussion.” Mick turned his horse toward a trail.

  He grinned. “A talk on the sofa at her house or one on a bench in a private room at Phase Four. Whatever works.”

  “It’s been a long time, but I’m game. Paris always did enjoy our times together there.”

  “It’s been far too long, Mick. When I think of all the years wasted with me pushing you and her so hard it kills me.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, bro. You’ve finally come to your senses.”

  It was time for him to say what he’d come out here to say. “I have come to my senses. I’m sorry for trying to drive you back to the courtroom.”

  “I know your intentions were pure.”

  “Maybe so, but I should’ve seen how much you loved it out here. Remember when you and I worked that summer at the Double L Ranch?” They’d been inseparable back then.

  “Sure do. Weren’t you about thirteen?”

  “Yes. We both had fun, but you always seemed to be enjoying it so much more than me.”

  Mick grinned. “I was in my element.”

  “You still are. This is where you belong. In a saddle and on a ranch.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that, Dustin, because I have news for you. Jennifer Steele is selling the ranch to me.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Very serious. Phoebe is drawing up the papers now. The deal is set to close early next week.”

  “That’s great news, Mick. Congratulations.”

  “Boy, Sam is good.”

  Dustin smiled. “He really helped me open my eyes.”

  Mick laughed. “Yeah. Those pretty big gray eyes of yours that Paris loves so much.”

  “Almost as much as she loves your green ones.”

  They continued talking the rest of the ride. It felt great to be so relaxed with Mick. Just like old times.

  As they came up on the site where the new Swanson County Airport was being built, he could see Mick’s ranch hands were busy building fences around it.

  “I just need to check in with them, Dustin. Fifteen minutes and we can ride back.”

  “Perfect. I need to get down and stretch my legs before we do.” He couldn’t wait to get back to Paris, to the woman of his and his brother’s dreams.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When a sad love song came on her car radio, Paris clicked it off. The last thing she needed was a sad love song. She was sad enough as it was.

  Over and over, she kept replaying how she’d told Dustin about being a doctor. Could there have been a better way? No. She was ashamed of herself for the lie she’d lived with for so long. But hadn’t he reacted like she’d expected?

  She’d only been on the road about two hours. Eight more to figure out what I want to do. Take the job or not take the job. End it forever with Dustin and Mick. Or return to Destiny and try again. How many times have I tried?

  “Incoming call from Dad,” the digital voice from her car’s communication panel announced.

  She answered the call. “Hello, Dad.”

  “Paris, I got your message. Have you left yet?”

  “Yes. I’m on the road, almost to Rawlins, Wyoming.”

  “I thought you were going to wait until I got home.”

  “I just couldn’t, Dad. Too much on my mind. I thought the drive would help me sort things out.”

  “I understand, sweetheart. Just promise me you will not take that job until we can have a heart-to-heart.”

  “I love our heart-to-hearts, Dad, but this is one decision I have to make on my own.”

  “Honey, I don’t trust your decision maker right now.”

  “Always with the jokes, Daddy. My decision maker is going to be just fine.” Will it? “Love you, Dad. I’ll call you tonight after my tour of the hospital.”

  “Do Dustin and Mick know you’re headed to Wilde?”

  “No, but I’m from Destiny and I’m sure it won’t be long before they find out. No one keeps a secret for long there.”

  “Do you mind if I tell them myself? I’m sure they will be worried sick when they learn you’re gone.”

  “I don’t mind, but please tell them not to call me. I’m not ready to talk to them right now. I just need time to sort things out for myself.”
br />   “I’ll tell them, but you know them better than I do. They will call you anyway.”

  “Maybe so, but I will have to let it go to voice mail, Dad. Can you understand why?”

  “I understand my little girl is at a crossroads and is struggling with what to do. I’ll let them know, baby. Be safe. Please call me as soon as you can, okay.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  * * * *

  Dustin knocked on Paris’s front door for the second time of the day. “Honey, please open up. I have Mick with me.”

  “Paris, we just want to talk.” His brother shook his head. “I’m not sure she’s here.”

  “Maybe she went back to the clinic. She’s not on duty today, but I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  As they headed back to Mick’s truck, which they’d ridden in together from the ranch to Paris’s house, Dustin’s cell rang.

  Seeing the name on the screen, he turned to Mick. “It’s her dad. Hello, Dr. Cottrell.”

  “Dustin, I just talked to Paris, and she’s on her way to Nevada.”

  “Is she driving?”

  “Yes. She should be in Rawlins by now.”

  His heart pounded like a jackhammer in his chest. He could feel the love of his life slipping through his fingers. “I’m going to call her.”

  “She won’t answer, son. You’ve just got to catch up with her. She’s very upset and I don’t want her making any rash decisions.”

  “Neither do Mick or I. He’s with me. When are you going to be back in Destiny?”

  “I’m at the airport now. I should be back in town in a few hours.”

  “I have no patients to see today. Will you be on call while I’m gone?”

  “Absolutely. Go, but be safe. Catch up to my daughter and bring her home.”

  “We’re on our way now, sir.”

  * * * *

  Less than an hour from Wilde, Paris felt her car go thump thump thump, letting her know she had a flat tire. “Damn it.”

  She slowed down and pulled over to the side of the highway. Turning off the engine, she pulled out her holster and gun from her purse. She strapped it on. Being from Destiny, she’d been taught how to take care of herself. Being a woman, she knew being stranded on a highway required the utmost precaution.


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